IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

ohhhhhh - what DPO are you?? implantation dip???? gosh, I almost forgot about all of that since I've been doing assisted conception for so long!!
klik, have fun in the Big Apple next week! The weather is supposed to go back up into the 60's next week here, so not too bad. Today is blustery and cool, brrrr.:cold:

wish, best of luck with your transfer tomorrow!!! :happydance:

Well ladies, tomorrow is the big day. E2 check in the morning and if all looks well, stims tomorrow night. I feel ready to go now. :thumbup: Got my comfy clothes, my coconut water, books to read, video games to play and good TV to watch. DH and I are going to watch the injection videos tonight. Fun! :haha:
hahaha scooby - you sound like you're hunkering down for a blizzard! too cute. Good luck with stims and today's appt! you got this!!!
Exciting day for you both tomorrow, Wish and Scooby!

Wish: I soooo wish it was an implantation dip but sadly today the temperature was low again. Also I didn't get an implantation dip in October when it turned out I was pregnant... The timing would have been about right for an implantation dip, though, which made me sad--if my luteal phase is so short, how can I ever get naturally pregnant? Well, maybe I can't, but there are other ways. Speaking of which, best of luck tomorrow!!!! I've got everything totally crossed for you! I'll even cross my eyes if it helps. Good luck!!! :dust:

Scooby: thanks! Good luck at the suppression check, and I hope you tolerate the injections well! You certainly sound ready! :haha:

So yeah, temperature is low for the second day in a row but still no AF. I think even if it arrives tomorrow that's enough time on the patch, so I think we won't be cancelled--not for this reason, anyway. It's been a weird cycle, BBT-wise--I'll chalk it up to the hysteroscopy and hope it settles down next cycle. Yeah, I've enjoyed the enforced break but now I'm ready to go again! :plane:
Wish & Scooby:

wish - It's literally freezing out right now. It was 70 a week ago and it was in the teens last night. WTF. Good luck today hun!!! Let us know how everything goes. :)

klik- I love that, thank you! Had my bloodwork this morning & they'll call me later to let me know if I can start tonight. DH and I watched the how-to injection videos last night. Doesn't seem too bad at all. As for your temps, mine were screwy after my HSG cycle so the hysteroscopy may be affecting things with you. It sounds like AF will be here very soon. I hope you can get started soon!!!

Amanda, Disney, boopin & aster- Thinking of all you ladies and hoping everyone is doing well!

Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? DH and I are going to see Logan tomorrow morning (I'm a huge, huge, huge X-Men fan) so I'm super stoked about that. I think afterward we may head to this flea market north of us to try & find a dresser... Or if it's really cold we might just go home, get in our jammies and play video games. :haha:
Scooby: I hope you got good news from the bloodwork... Thanks for the info on temps! How was Logan? And did you find a dresser?

Wish: I really hope everything went well on Friday, and am wishing you loads of luck...

AFM: AF arrived on Friday, yesterday was baseline scan and bloods, and I got the go-ahead, so first injections were last night. Got the flights yesterday--now about to look at AirBnB (I sooooo don't feel like it... feh!)
klik- Hooray for starting! I'm so confused now, you're doing another fresh cycle right? If so I'm only one day ahead of you :) Logan was awesome. Very dark, but great. We didn't make it over to the flea market because we had a bunch of errands to run. Maybe next weekend!

wish- Hope everything went well on Friday! Check in when you get a sec.

AFM, I did get the ok to start stims on Friday so did Follistim & Menopur over the weekend. My 1st ultrasound today showed 7 measurable follies. I'm a bit worried as I'm still having a withdrawal bleed that's gotten pretty steady as of yesterday. The doctor said it was ok but it seems like not such a great sign to me. :shrug: I have a feeling they'll be increasing my doses today.
hello ladies! :wave:

klik - that crab made me laugh out loud! i loved it! Yay for getting started and booking your stuff for your next trip here. Good news = you can get in! ;) Good luck, to you, I hope you get some great follies this time.

scooby - you're knocking it out of the park early, that's awesome! Are you blending the follistim and menopur into one? Sounds like a great weekend. Yeah, we get similar weather here too - thankfully it's going to warm up again this week! YEEEE! I love spring weather.

hello to disney, amanda, aster, hope and boopin, if you're all still out there! would love updates!!

Everything went perfectly fine on Friday - everything was different, though, than any other transfer. My clinic recently merged with another one and they are doing their frozen transfers at a different location for the time being. So new place, new doc/nurses (all so nice), transfer was done in an operating room b/c that's where their ultrasound was, no picture of the embie this time. I actually forgot that I was PUPO not long afterwards. DH and I both took the day off and just went to lunch, went to one of his fave breweries that was close to the clinic (and too long of a drive for us on a normal day), got his license renewed at the DMV and went out to dinner with friends. Besides avoiding alcohol, I kinda forgot for a bit. Probably a good thing. I kinda coasted through the weekend too, focusing more on chilling b/c I worked my tail off all Feb.
OTD is next Monday, 3/13. Lucky 13. HA! I'm not going to be fooled by progesterone this time either! Any symptoms I get I'm going to assume is attributed to that. Though it really annoys me how I can go through 9 injections before actually feeling anything...seems that the side effects should show sooner than that and allow me to understand BEFORE TRANSFER that things are attributed to the meds! Annoying...
Hey guys! So sorry I've been so quiet, but I've been following!

Scooby and Klik, how fun that you guys are cycling so close together! Scooby, feeling any side effects from the meds yet? I guess you just got started, eh? Here's hoping one cycle is all it takes!
Klik, when do you head over to NYC? I've got everything crossed for you that everything goes smoothly, and that this is finally it!

Wish, congrats on being PUPO! I know what you mean about progesterone messing with you. Will you test early? Or wait for Otd? Keeping distracted and forgetting you are PUpO is probably a good thing :) here's hoping for a November baby (right?) for ya!

AFM, things have been going pretty well. 30 weeks yesterday, which seems insane to me! Had an appointment today, and measuring big, so being sent for an ultrasound in 2 weeks to check everything. Dr doesn't seem too worried, so I'm trying not to be as well. (Although I worry for everything as you may have already learned about me hehe) But other than feeling massive, all is good over here!
that's awesome, Amanda!! at least he's measuring big and not smaller - less to worry about, I hope!

I don't know if I'll test early yet. In the mindset of being zen, probably not. But I know my sanity can change drastically between now and Sunday! I'm already trying to stop myself from googling 'average implantation time after FET'. :doh:

but I'm really just hoping for the best but really expecting the usual.

(and I think it would be Nov? 9 or 10 months from the start of the last AF?)
oh, and I meant to say that we watched X Men-Apocalypse this weekend and it was awesome!! I can't wait to see Logan but then i wonder how many different movies they can make about Wolverine. But if you're saying it's good, i believe you!! :)
I love all the Marvel movies - they do such a great job. Better than the DC Comics movies, unfortunately. They haven't found that special sauce yet.
Hi Ladies! I'm so sorry for disappearing. DD has been fighting off various illnesses since the end of January, and she's been fighting off fevers all weekend (starting at lunch on Friday). Between taking care of her and doing a lot at work, and trying to find time to rest, I've been offline a lot more than usual lately.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think Wish is now post FET and Klik and Scooby are at the beginning of their new cycles? I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed for all of you wonderful ladies! :dust::dust::dust:

Amanda - Congrats on reaching 30 weeks! :happydance: Your bump size can totally be related to the baby's position in there. I'm sure everything will be totally fine. :hugs:

AFM - I'm now 18 weeks as of this past Saturday. We have our anatomy scan scheduled for a week from Friday (just before 20 weeks), so that's definitely something we are looking forward to. I'm dying to see her again. I'm just now starting to feel her wiggling around in there - it's unreal. My placenta is in the front and cushions a lot of the movements, so this is more delayed than when I first felt DD. Nausea is mostly gone, though I do still have random episodes from time to time. I puked big time in the parking lot of the medical facility that I went to for lab work and Dd's doctor appointment last Friday. :dohh:
oh noooo disney!! public puking!! So happy to hear that all things are going well, though, and there's some wriggling going on! :) I cannot believe you are 18 weeks already. Time has FLOWN.

klik - did you get your travel plans in place yet?

scoob - how are shots going?

I don't know if I've explain'o'bragged yet, but I've become so pro at the PIO shots. Out of the 10 injections, I think I've only bled 2x. I'm not bruised, my back doesn't hurt, no lumps! it's bliss!! well, except for the initial break through the skin :haha:

9dpo/4dp5dt today - i had some dull but elongated cramping early on this morning in bed but it's gone now. I told myself I wasn't going to read into anything so I'm going to say it was gas. :haha:

I played my last indoor softball game last night, that was good to get my mind off of being PUPO. Hair appt tonight. Nothing for the rest of the week, so it's going to be a challenge to keep my mind off of things. I'll go into the office tomorrow, though, so I'll be busy and have people all around me all the time so I can't google stuff! I've gone from 180mph to about 45mph at work so I have time on my hands now. It's not good for not googling!
wish- My RE wouldn't let me mix injections so I'm getting 2-3 pokes a night. I'm so glad your transfer went well. I can't believe your test is coming up on Monday already! I love that you're being zen about this cycle. I can totally relate to work going from crazy to slow. Things are so slow right now and it's giving me wayyyyyy too much free time. My Google search history is ridiculous. :haha: I still can't believe you do your PIO shots yourself. Rock on with your bad self! ;) I'm basically living in fear of starting those lol. I'm a weenie. You're so right about DC movies. Wish they could get their acts together!

Amanda- Hey there! Happy 30 weeks!!! I agree with wish, I think it's better to measure big than small. Kind of a nice bonus that you get to see the little bean again in a couple of weeks! Stims are treating me ok after 4 nights, but the bloat has definitely set in today. Leggings are my best friend right now lol.

Disney- Hey girl! I'm so sorry your DD has been ill. I feel like this winter has been particularly bad with things floating around. So cool you're feeling the little babe wiggle, and best of luck with the anatomy scan! I know that one is supposed to be awesome. So sorry you're still getting sick sometimes. I hope that passes very soon!

AFM, I'm still having this withdrawal bleed but trying not to worry TOO much about it. E2 went from 38 on Friday to 118 on Monday morning, after about 2-1/2 days on stims. I think that seems ok. They kept my meds the same so that's encouraging. Does anyone have any tips for building up lining? I know about pomegranate juice but is there anything else that's worked for you ladies in the past?

Shots are going ok. I've got a bunch of bruises now but I'm a super pale redhead so I was expecting that ;) They don't really hurt, except for some reason last night's Menopur felt like I was getting stabbed for about a half hour. Ouch!
Scooby I LIVED in leggings last year. Got some cute flowy tops and that became my wardrobe. The bloat is normal, and close to egg retrieval I got a really heavy feeling in my abdomen from the extra follicles. Some jabs hurt more than others for some reason, you get to learn the more sensitive spots!

Disney, sorry to hear your little one was sick! At least you're starting to feel better! (Minus the public puking). Yay for 18 weeks!
Wish - Sounds promising. I'm keeping everything crossed for you! :dust:

Scooby - If I remember correctly, it hurts more the closer you inject to the belly button. Try to stay at least a couple of inches away from that area. Icing your belly beforehand and alternating sides every day may help as well. Slow and steady may help with the burning -- some injections took me longer to do, but I always felt that going slow made the ones that sting hurt less. Bummer that your RE won't let you combine your meds.

As for lining, try eating lots of red meat right now up through the transfer. Are you doing a fresh or frozen transfer?

Amanda - I loved leggings! And at home, sweat pants and yoga pants, too. :thumbup:
agreed on going slower and the bummer about not being able to mix the meds. Blah. I also switched sides and actually made quadrants out of my belly - high/low on right/left. I didn't really use ice or heat.
I've also heard that lots of leafy greens help the lining.

ugh, don't laugh but i cannot find a proper legging/shirt combo!!! I have 3 pairs of leggings and the only thing I feel comfortable in, besides this one flowy shirt that only matches one of the pairs of leggings, is an oversized sweatshirt. UGH! I'm so not a girl! I really want to have a LulaRoe addiction but I can't make it work!
Amanda- DH said the same thing, that certain spots just hurt more. (He takes a weekly SQ injection in his belly for diabetes.) I definitely need more cute flowy shirts! Any brand recommendations?

Disney- We've been alternating spots, staying about 1.5" away from belly button. I'll stray a little farther tonight :) I swear I look like I have hickies all over lol. Red meat- check! We're doing a fresh transfer, hopefully.

wish- We're doing high/low as well. So far lower seems to be better for me. Dude, I'm the worst girl ever so I can relate. But try Amazon! They have super comfy long tunic tops and flowy cardigans for cheap. I have to say, they're really soft and pretty stylish. I usually stick to solid colors so I got black, grey & maroon so far. Big fan of these!

I was freaking myself out about this withdrawal bleed earlier because it didn't seem to be stopping. So I Googled for like 2 hours (my work is seriously suffering right now lol) and the only stories I came across were 2 women who went on to have twins that cycle and 1 who went on to have triplets. :shock:
scoob - thanks for the Amazon tip! I would never think to buy clothes off of there. As for the withdrawal bleed - I remember mine was like a heavy AF, it went on for a few days. I think the first time, I even called to ask if this was expected and they said yep, nothing to worry about. And it was darker and sludgier than regular AF. I'm sure all is completely fine and expected.

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