IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

I have multiple shirts that I got at the Banana Republic Outlet before my cycles. They had elastic at the bottom around the waist, which gave them a baggier look in the tummy area that came in handy as the style of the shirt totally hides bloat really well. :)
wish- Thank you for sharing that, it actually made me feel loads better. It FINALLY stopped last night, woohoo! So how are you holding up? You decided not to POAS right?

klik- Hope all is well with you hun!

Disney- Those shirts are so cute. I'm going to look for some! I had no idea retail therapy was going to be a side effect of IVF. :haha:

Ok so my RE increased my Follistim, which I kind of saw coming. E2 is rising but not as quickly as they want. I've got 6 follies in the running right now between 5mm-12mm. I really hope there are some hiding or the other little guys wake up soon! Tonight will be the 7th day of stims. We're adding in Cetrotide tonight and going back for an U/S tomorrow. I know tomorrow is an important one, so I really, really, really hope things improve!
Good luck, scooby! I remember doing about 5 days of the antagonist meds (which for me was ganirelix). A lot can happen in your ovaries during those last few days leading up to retrieval. Hang in there - your almost there. :hugs:
ohhhh I love Banana! We have an outlet store 10 mins away, it's dangerous!

fingers crossed that your follies start to increase and bloat up themselves!!

I'm holding up - trying to remain zen and I think doing a fairly good job of it. Just watching what I eat really. Boobs are sore but that's the progesterone. Other than that, I actually feel fantastic. So who knows if anything is actually going on.
Vivid dreams for sure, sweating at night but I normally do that before AF/when progesterone is in town. Really, I learned from last time, that anything can just be attributed to the PIO.
Disney- Thank you! :hugs: Do you know how many days you stimmed for total? I think I'll be somewhere between 10-12 but we'll see. I sure hope things start happening soon! I felt a lot going on last night but not as much today.

Wish- Thanks! Well I'M certainly bloated, so I hope the little buggers start swelling soon ;) I'm so glad you're taking it easy and feeling good. That's so hard to do. When is OTD? I hope the time passes quickly and you just float towards good news on a little zen cloud :cloud9:
Hang in there Wish. You have way more self control than I ever had.

BTW, I did get hot flashes when I got my BFPs but not during my other cycles. So that's promising. :)
I looked through my stuff to figure out my dates. This was back in 2013, but:

Cycle 1:
Starting stimming - June 24
Trigger - July 3
Egg Retrieval - July 4
Fresh transfer

Cycle 2:
Starting stimming - August 18
Trigger - August 27
Egg Retrieval - August 28
Frozen transfer
Thanks for sharing your stats Disney. Looks like you stimmed for 9 days both times. That's great!

We got some bad news this morning. I am down to 3 follicles ranging from 10-14mm. Since this is our only shot, we've decided to convert this cycle to an IUI and cut our losses. My doctor and I both think we can do better than this.

Obviously not the news that we wanted to hear. I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps. But I knew this cycle was off from the very beginning. I think it was the birth control pills, but maybe I'm just way more DOR than my numbers indicate.

So what next? If the antagonist protocol didn't work for me, do I try Lupron? Estrogen priming? I don't even know where to begin.

I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. :cry:
oh no, scoob - I'm so sorry! :grr: I had that happen too. Things can still happen with an IUI so hang in there. But yeah, the 'next step' is what's baffling at the moment, I know. I still continued on - there are a few other protocols you can try. I don't think i did anymore antagonists after that and yes, i think the next one I did was a micro-Lupron flash cycle, or something. Huge hugs to you, hon. :hugs:

OTD is on Monday morning. I think i can hold out. I'm not feeling the huge need to test as I have in the past. Probably b/c I have zero symptoms nagging at me. I have some twinges going on below the bellybutton but nothing crazy. I JUST WANNA BE NAUSEOUS! :)
Thanks hun. :hugs: I'm not hopeful that the IUI will be successful because I think we're having fertilization issues, but you never know. I'm interested in the estrogen priming protocol that klik is doing. I like the sound of that. I think suppression for me = bad.

You will have plenty of time to feel nauseous! :) If you can't wait to test I totally understand. I don't think I'd be able to control myself lol. Wishing you all of the luck in the world my friend! <3
Scooby - I'm so sorry to hear the news. :hugs: You've definitely still got a chance with the IUI, and I agree that it's better to hold out for a different cycle to complete the IVF. I know it's disappointing, but don't lose hope! I'm really rooting and pulling for you! :dust:

Wish - Any plans this weekend to keep your mind away from testing? Without trying to be a bad influence, I can't wait to hear the results! Fingers and toes crossed! :dust:
Thanks hun! I'm trying to shake it off and just move on to the next try. I'd really been hoping for a December baby but what can you do. I just spoke to my sister and she said her 1st IVF attempt was also a disaster but they did microdose Lupron the 2nd time and she responded much better. That one resulted in my niece, so maybe we'll go that route. We'll see! :shrug:

Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? I think I'll just lay low and lick my wounds. It's sowing here today so it'll be fun to watch my dogs romping around later. :dog:
no huge plans, kinda taking it easy again. I want to go to Macy's b/c they are having a good sale on peacoats and such and mine is all ripped up inside the arms. Weird, I know, but my fingers kept catching.
I might be able to pick up some work shirts too. and SHOES! :)

Just found out last night that my BIL/SIL's move back to NH has been moved up and they are getting on a flight next Saturday to come here! They don't have a place lined up to live yet, though they have offers of places to use, so they will stay with us for a few days. With my 3 mo niece and 2 cats! And with my DH off to India for the week! GAH! So I'd like to pick up a few things for them as well, since they are coming from Vegas. Like winter coats! We're supposed to get a blizzard on Tuesday!
Hey, dear ladies!

I'm sorry I've been so absent! I was getting ready to come to NY, then I came, then off to Boston to see friends for a couple days, then problems with our AirBnb back in NYC--finally settled! Phew!

I've missed so much here!

Wish: I'm glad the transfer went well! I can totally relate to your I have symptoms/I don't have symptoms conundrum. I hope you enjoyed the shopping last night! When is your DH back?! You're not going to have your official test with him gone, but guests in the house, are you?! If so, :hugs:. Actually, :hugs: anyway--I hope you get excellent news on Monday!!!

Scooby: wow, I can't believe we're off by a day! The withdrawal bleed during the time you had it is totally normal, I think. Ugh, I'm really sorry you've only got 3 follicles in the running--it does sound like you could do better... :hugs: I hope you get a surprise success from the IUI! But yeah, whether you do Lupron microdose or another short antagonist protocol, maybe avoid the BCPs in the previous cycle and ask for estrogen instead? The problem is, you never know what really works for you until you try, but... I do believe, unless you have either really low or astronomically high FSH (which you don't), BCPs can be too suppressive... Anyway, no matter--three follicles gives you a pretty good shot with IUI--good luck!!!

re. DC vs Marvel: I agree, Marvel has been so much better and converting to movies (with exceptions on both sides). But it's weird, because I liked the DC comics better! Hmmm... Maybe Stan Lee just has a more cinema-friendly mind than the usual comics writer.

Amanda: 30 weeks!!! Wooooooow! I'm also glad he's measuring big. I mean, I'm sorry--it must be uncomfortable--but once he's out, it will probably serve him well! :thumbup: Good luck at the scan!

Disneyfan: 18 weeks is fab! I hope the scan goes great! Ohhh, it's so exciting she's wriggling around!!! I'm really sorry your DD has been ill... I wonder if part of it is her sensing she'll have competition soon... Always such a difficult time for a child! I'm glad you're her mommy--she's in excellent hands to be reassured that she's still loved and wanted! :hugs: Also really sorry you've been still occasionally so extremely nauseous--I really hope for no more public displays, anyway!

AFM: My follicles seem to be doing ok, for me: on CD8 (which was Friday) I had 12.7, 12, 10.7, 10.3, 2x<10. I'm afraid one of those 10.somethings is a cyst, though--let's see how it evolves by Monday when I go back in for my next scan. The problem, unfortunately, is with my lining--it was a measly 1.5mm on CD8 (normally it's 4-ish at least by then). Oestrogen seems to be at about the right level (for me), so I don't know what my lining is doing! I asked my doc if I could take exogenous oestrogen to help but he said no--as I normally have no lining problems, we should let my body respond to the oestrogen I am producing naturally. If my body is not responding to oestrogen as usual, then we need to think about whether my hysteroscopy has caused the thin lining (if I scarred, for instance, and got Asherman's). Man, I hope not. I really really really really don't want to waste another couple months/huge sums of money on another sonohysterogram and/or another hysteroscopy to try to address scars. I feel like my m/c has been a pretty good sign for my uterus, and now by trying to address the m/c we've potentially ruined it?! UGH!!! Sorry to be such a downer in my first post back in a while, but yeah, I'm crazy worried now!!! :dohh:
Better news today: lining at 6.5mm (grew 5mm in 3 days!) OTOH, I have a runaway follicle at 18--the others are just at 12 11 10 or somesuch so we might end up with just one mature--still, if we even get one embryo out of this, I'll be happy, and if we get to transfer, I'll be even happier!
hello everyone!

klik - welcome back to the States! Your follies sound like they are being a cooperative bunch, that's good. But super sucky on the lining!! So many what-ifs just happened there! I hope that thing shifted into gear for today's scan. I want your doc to be able to give you estrogen patches or something to help it out. This is nonsense - you need to be cut a break. Is there ANY chance your doc will cave? Gosh I hope so.

Oh, so DH isn't in India yet - he leaves this Thurs. He's around for all the fun. Which leads me to...
I didn't want to post until today b/c I kinda just wanted to have it for ourselves and today is beta day. I took one every day since and the one today was the strongest for sure. I'll get my call later today and post the #s.
Klik - Great news about your lining getting better. I hope it continues to get nice and cushy for you. Hopefully your doctor will let you try to do something to help it along. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that you will get to do your transfer this cycle!!! Hopefully the runaway one won't take off too quickly. It would be great if at least one more was able to catch up for you! :dust:

Wish - OMG OMG such wonderful news!! Your symptoms last week were all sounding great, and I have really been hoping that this is it for you! Praying for fantastic numbers! :hugs: I know you're still being cautiously excited, but congrats! :D
Oh, Wish, I am soooooo happy for you!!! :ninja::hugs::happydance: This is amazing! I'm glad you got to enjoy it for yourselves over the weekend! I hope your results today are excellent, and that things continue to go well!! Yaaaaaaay!!!!

Disneyfan: thank you so much! :hugs: Yeah, I think 2 is the best we can hope for now... I hope things are going well for you--that the nausea is keeping at bay and that your DD is feeling better! :hugs:
thank you, ladies! <3 I couldn't wait to tell you but in the vein of continuing to be zen, I wanted to make it through the weekend.

I could NOT be happier that your lining grew that much, klik!!!! that's amazing!! it'll be all set for transfer, no more worrying about that. On to the next worry - I almost wish they could retrieve that rogue one (or would it even have an egg?), then let the others cook a little while longer. If only it wasn't so invasive!! I'm praying for 3 good follies to fall in line.

I just got off the phone with my friend who got her BFP a week before me and we were just giggling at how happy we were to be preg at the same time. I feel weird even saying that out loud. We are both invited to the same girls weekend at Mohegan Sun (a casino resort in CT) in July and we'll hopefully be the preggo girls that eat everything, do a little gambling and then go to bed before everyone else. I can't wait!! not to count chickens before they hatch, of course...zennn zennnnnnn

disney - how is DD feeling?

klik - are you going to be here for our massive snowstorm tomorrow? you stay until retrieval, right? when do you leave to go home?
klik- Wow, crazy schedule! I hope the blizzard we're expecting tomorrow doesn't impact any travel plans and/or monitoring. My RE's office was INSANE today as they tried to work around all of our cycles. I'm so glad your lining grew well but that's a bummer about your runaway follicle. OTOH, I kind of think the dominant follies are the strongest and best, so maybe that one is destined to be your baby. :hugs: Good luck!!!

wish- OMG OMG OMG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::dance::dance::dance::headspin::headspin::headspin: The zen thing totally worked!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you. I know you're remaining cautiously optimistic but this sounds very promising! Lovely that you and your friend can be bump buddies. :thumbup: Can't wait to hear your beta.

AFM, I had my IUI today! I've got 2 great looking follicles at 19mm & 20mm and a triple striped 8.5mm lining (as of yesterday morning). We triggered last night and had to do the IUI only 12 hours later because of the storm. DH and I will BD tomorrow morning to try and help catch the egg. He had his best SA yet today. 56 million!!! 45 million after they were washed. :spermy: I've got one follie on the right and one on the left, so whichever path they take we should be covered ;) I'm feeling really good about this.

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