IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Scooby: yeah, I think it's usually measured as DPIUI. But you're right, it's still a looooooong wait... I'm certainly optimistic for you--you seem to be on a really good path! :hugs:

Wish: I hope your little bit of nausea is a good sign... I really hope that little bean is able to stick around... Nice that you got to have some distraction! Sending you good thoughts... :hugs:

Retrieval tomorrow. Here's hoping for at least 2...
Got 2 eggs! My doc said he does not want to use up any of the frosties. His attitude definitely changed since we last spoke about it, and I think it's because my lining this month is sub-par. He said even if we got no embryos this month, he'd still rather leave these frosties for when I have a completely natural cycle. He said natural cycles are better at building lining than stim ones, and it's one reason why FETs have better success rates. Funny that Cornell prefers natural FETs--other clinics swear by medicated ones... Anyway, I prefer natural too, so feel happy I'm crossing the ocean for this. Now FX'ed for the fertilization report tomorrow...
AWESOME klik!! So glad you got your 2 eggs!!!
I like the game plan for saving the frosties. If both of these eggs fertilize, will you transfer both or freeze one?
Wish - I'm sorry to hear that the beta results are inconclusive at this point. I'm praying for a good jump with your numbers tomorrow and hope that it's just a cast of a late implanted. :hugs: :dust:

Klik - Congrats on getting to eggs! :happydance: Well done!! I'm glad that your doctor is being cautious and looking for the best path for you. :dust: for a fantastic fertilization report! Take it easy! :hugs:

Scooby - I hope you're finding fun ways to keep busy. The tww is not always easy, but I'm definitely wishing for the best for you. :hugs:

AFM - Our scan went very well. I'm currently 19w6d, and baby is measuring 20w1day. I've suspected all along that I may have ovulated a day or two before the typical day 14 that they use to calculate due date, but either way she's measuring right in track. She wasn't in a good position to get the spine (and boy did we try for a long time to get her to roll over! :haha:), so we'll go back for another scan in a couple of weeks. Normally, this would be the last scan, so we will see her at least one more time if all looks good and they have no other concerns later on. I don't have the pictures with me at the moment, but I'll definitely post the profile shot later. :thumbup: Oh, and she's definitely a girl! :kiss:

My in-laws are here today, so they will be watching DD while DH and I go out for dinner. A quiet night off sounds like a lovely way to start the weekend. :D
Wish: Thanks! If we get two, we'll transfer both. I'm ancient, so each of my fresh eggs has only a teeny tiny chance of being any good... I am really hoping for good news for you tomorrow. You are firmly on my mind--good luck... :hugs:

Disneyfan: Thanks! Yeah, I feel pretty well looked after, which is nice... The little girl in your belly sounds like she's doing great, and definitely has a mind of her own! <3 It's really excellent that you'll get to see her again before long! Also, super nice that you get to have a dinner date with your DH!
Wish- The bracelets charms are so sweet. Thinking of you today & hoping you get excellent news!!!

Klik- Congrats on 2 eggs! FX they both fertilize. Are you planning a 2DT again?

Disney- She is just perfect! I hope you had a lovely time at dinner with your DH. So nice you get to see your baby again in a couple more weeks.

AFM, I'm in the annoying part of the 2ww where you know it's too early to feel any symptoms but you imagine you are anyway. I also know the Ovidrel & Crinone are responsible for anything I'm feeling. Trying to keep busy & stay positive.
Well not good news today, unfortunately. Hcg dropped to 81 so I'm going to lose it. I'm so mad/sad/frustrated/helpless. I just don't know what more we can do.

Anyway - Disney, your little angel is perfect!!
Scooby - you got this!! I hate the last week of the TWW!!
Klik - cannot wait to hear the fert report!!
Oh, Wish, I'm so, so sorry... :hugs: You've done everything in your power. So it's... just extremely unfair... I'm so sorry. I'm really pissed off on your behalf, actually. You deserve so much better... :hugs: I think it's not really the time for you to receive practical ideas, but I can't help myself--the only thing I can think of is immune issues... I've heard wonderful things about Dr Kwak-Kim (I don't know her, though) in Chicago, if you ever want to pursue that avenue... Here's a link: https://www.rfuhs.com/Health-Providers/KwakKim-Joanne.aspx -- truth is, though, you just deserve better. I'm so sorry... :hugs:

Scooby: I so hope for good news from you... hang in there--the 2ww is tough!

My news are not so great either... Only one of the eggs was mature (I was afraid that might be the case), and that one did not fertilize with ICSI. The smaller one did mature overnight, though, in the lab, so they've tried to fertilize it and will give me the report tomorrow. Now, eggs matured with in-vitro maturation apparently fertilize as often as naturally matured eggs, but don't result in as many pregnancies. So... it's a very, very, very, very long shot. I just hope next cycle will be better--that my body hasn't just deteriorated for good. Hard to know... So yeah, I'll probably be back in April...
Wish, I'm so so sorry. :( i know how gutted you must be, and I wish you didn't have to go through this. It's completely unfair. Pour yourself a nice big glass of wine, and take care of yourself. Huge hugs my dear.
Wish - I'm sorry to hear your sad news my dear friend. I was rooting for you from afar. Please take time to love yourself. It's easy to be hard on ourselves when ivf is unsuccessful. It's so unfair, I know. We get so far and then it's all ripped away from us in an instant.

I'm sending you virtual hugs ((I wish I could give you hugs in person)). :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Klik, imalso so sorry to hear about the immature egg, and fertilization fail. Ugh! I can only imagine how you're feeling. I know you don't have much faith in this cycle, so I will have twice the hope for you. As long a shot as it may be, there's still a chance, and I will keep everything crossed for you. Hang in there! Hugs!!
Klik - I so very much wanted to hear different news from you. I'm praying for that second egg and am hoping for your little miracle to fertilize and hang on. Sending the biggest hugs to you and Wish right now. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Amanda: thanks for the kind words and encouragement--they help, as I might be stuck going through the motions (you know, transfer, PIO...) while not believing in the results. :hugs:

Boopin: I just wanted to send you loads of hugs, too... I hope you're healing ok, though I know the wounds are still there... :hugs:

Disneyfan: thanks so much! It really helps... :hugs:

Wish: just going to echo everyone here--try to be as kind to yourself as possible... It is just so gutting... :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wish- I'm so, so sorry. :hugs: I feel very angry on your behalf. Take care of yourself honey.

Klik- Ugh, how frustrating! I hope the egg fertilizes so you have a shot this month. :hugs:

I know we're all pretty positive people on here but sometimes this whole TTC thing just sucks. :(
Scooby: yes, often it does... I'm really hoping to hear good news from you, to lift our collective spirits...

My little longshot did not hit the mark--no fertilization. My body's been on strike this cycle. I just really hope it emerges from its dormancy next month. We're utterly depressed, and we just watched Logan, which was good, but didn't exactly lift our spirits... I'm going to hang out in NYC until I can talk to my doc to see if he wants to call this a fluke and keep this protocol. If he chooses to go with Lupron instead, I have to take the medication with me from here, as I can't find it in Europe at all... Not sure how long one can keep fighting. We want to give it, like, 5 more shots, but boy does this take it out of us...
Oh Klik - I'm so sad and frustrated about all of the turmoil you've been through. You have been doing everything in your power to make this work, and it pains me that you (and the others! :hugs:) are still struggling to find the right recipe for success. I hope that your doctor has some helpful insights for you when you meet. Try to do something nice for yourself and keep your mind busy with other things. Don't give up hope. I know it's hard, but I'm sure that you will all find your miracles soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm so sorry klik :hugs: This just isn't fair. I've been very down these last few days too. Feeling like this didn't work and strongly considering giving up after this. I know part of this is hormones but I'm also tired of being sad & perpetually disappointed. That's not really my natural state. I broke down to DH last night & he was wonderful. He still thinks this will work. I wish I could be hopeful but I've been let down so many times now, I just feel jaded. I also feel sad & angry for Wish & Klik & Boopin and all of the other wonderful women on this site who are struggling. Sorry this is such a bummer post.

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