IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

I'm beyond excited for your beta, scoob!!! :happydance: :ninja: go, moobley, go!!

I got mine back too and it was a huge shock - 2282!!! Holy moly. Progesterone is 25 and my office looks for over 20 so that's good. Next beta is next Thurs, and they'll check estrogen and thyroid as well and adjust those as needed.

The nurse said 'I know what you're thinking and it definitely doesn't mean multiples but if it is, you get what you get and you don't get upset!' My whole home office (the satellite one in my town where my RE actually is and I go for all tests during the week) is giggling at me bc they all think twins too. I told them to keep up the laughing - they are all helping to babysit!
Me - I'm freaking out a little. I think I'm in shock that a) this acccctually seems to be working this time. I'm so used to waiting for the other shoe to drop, and eventually I'm right. I think I was starting to accept we weren't having kids. So I'm not yet as connected as I'd like to feel. And b) this could be multiple and we need to get some things lined up for that, like probably selling our duplex and paying off as many things as possible like the loan we took out for DE in the first place! I think we'll be ok but DH always has our finances on the mind so that's his concern.
Yowzers Wish!!! That's an insane beta! :wacko: I'm so excited for you & hope everything keeps progressing beautifully. :dance:

I completely understand your fears about possible twins. When we really started talking about it, DH and I realized we would have to move closer to his parents or mine because we'd need the help, and also that I'd have to give up ownership of the company. So it's a big life change, but ultimately we would have embraced it and adjusted to a completely new chapter in our lives. It's definitely an adventure! Your focus will shift and the baby or babies will be the #1 priority in your life.

Maybe talk to some twin moms or mom-to-be's (like Lemon) if you have any questions about how they're handling things. The good news is you've got a long time to figure out all of the logistics and for now you just take things one day at a time. Most importantly, take care of yourself- physically & mentally. You've been through so much, I know you can handle this too! :hugs:
Thank you - yeah, that's a good idea. I should just chill out until the ultrasound. There are so many articles saying that the HCG levels really aren't a good indicator of multiples. So for now, I'll just sit back, relax and try to drink as much water as possible!!

Klik - when do you come back to the States? I can't remember if you have one more cycle before Cornell's break or if that's now.

Disney - are you on the mend? How many weeks are you now?

Amanda - thinking of you and Brielle!

Boopin - :hugs: I can't wait for your RE appt. and I can't believe June is next week already!!
Wish: Wow, what strong betas you're getting! This really feels like it's for real this time--no more dropping shoes allowed! :happydance: lol, I love that you're recruiting your satellite clinic staff to babysit! As for your DH, of course thinking about the finances is important, but I imagine he's displacing some of his anxiety about the whole situation... But hey, you're an amazing woman--very intelligent and very efficient. If you do have to deal with multiples, I'm not saying it will be a breeze, but I have no fears whatsoever for those little ones--they will be in excellent hands! :hugs:

Scooby: how are you feeling? :hugs:

Disney: I hope you're feeling better... :hugs:

Amanda: I hope you're able to get at least a little bit of sleep here and there! :hugs: Sending Brielle little kisses...

Boopin: it's you and me now! Let's do this! :friends:

AFM: I was expecting AF yesterday, so freaked out when it didn't arrive and thought my body had given up on the whole project. Sure enough, it arrived today... That means I'll be stateside late next week, possibly on Thursday for Friday monitoring. Part of me feels inexplicably optimistic--I guess the weather helps... but part of me just wants to get through this new cycle so I can have a break in the next one, without having to travel anywhere or inject myself with anything. Sounds like bliss! :wacko:
<tsk> thank you, klik!!

My fingers and toes are soooo crossed for you!!!
Congratulation ladies on all the amazing & incredible news on our thread!! I'm so happy for everyone's successes. Hopefully, klik and I will be joining you soon!! :thumbup: :happydance: :hugs:

Let's do this klik!! I'm all in!! :friends:
Boop & Klik - sounds like the newest dance craze!! You guys are GOING to get your BFPs!!!
Thanks, Wish! Heh, I can't dance to save my life! :haha: Poor DP is feeling really discouraged and was thinking of not going to the US at all this time. I put my foot down and said he had to be there for retrieval, assuming we get that far this time... It was rather upsetting that he seems to have taken this nihilistic attitude, because after all we know that every attempt has a low probability of success, but we still owe it to ourselves to give each attempt our best shot. But it's a good compromise--DP has come to dread New York so much that I actually enjoy it better without him, for the early part of the cycle... but then when ovulation gets close the emotions run high and it starts feeling quite important to have him around... especially if we actually get to retrieval!

Boopin: I'm really hoping your RE can help you... :hugs:

Scooby: yayyyy!!!! :happydance:
that makes total sense, klik - it's so interesting how we all deal with this so differently, even within our relationships. It's hard to keep forging ahead but I agree with you - you have to give each shot your best. Hell, I was already thinking of the workouts and nutrition cleanses and such I was going to be doing after these last 2 tries didn't work out :)dohh:) but that's what I had to do to stay sane. You have to try to find the joy somewhere.
klik- I agree, it's time for you & boopin to hop on this baby train!!! I have a great feeling for both of you and I'm confident we're all going to get to do this together. :hugs: I'm sorry DP is getting worn out, but I do understand that feeling of "why are we putting ourselves through this again?" Wish and I were 100% there at the end. But I hope he's able to snap out of it & be there for you physically and emotionally during this next retrieval.

Amanda- hope you're enjoying baby cuddles and settling into a routine with Brielle!

Disney- I hope you're feeling better now!

wish- Have you had any more blood tests since the last one? How are you feeling? When will your first scan be?

AFM, Sunday's beta went up to 2,080 :) My progesterone also went up from 18 to 25, so I'm very happy about that. Our first scan is tomorrow at 5w4d, and we're just hoping to see a yolk sac (and maybe a fetal pole? I'm not sure.) I'm feeling pretty good, although my appetite has gone way down and my exhaustion level has gone way up. I basically just want to nap all of the time. :sleep:
good morning girls!

klik, are you back stateside and getting some monitoring this morning? Please let us know how it's going? Finally the weather is nice for you! (I assume, I'm only few hours away...)

disney - are you all healthy and better now? How are you feeling otherwise, with little Sarah?

boopin - do you have your meeting set up with the RE yet? I hope you come up with a quick and easy plan to tackle this new hurdle.

amanda - baby pics!! I hope all went very well for you!!

scoob - are you surviving your fatigue? :)

afm - got my last beta back yesterday - 23,675! That seems to be right on track for doubling since last week so things are looking good. My E2 was at 253, so I can go off of my midday dose of that. And thyroid was a bit elevated so I'm going on double that dose on M, W, F, single dose T, Th, S, Sun. FUN to TRACK! oy!
Otherwise, still feeling pretty good. I don't have dragging fatigue but when I get sleepy, I need to sleep ASAP, but usually only a cat nap. Hunger is real and boobs are sore but that's really it. I feel really good so far, otherwise, but I realize it's still super early.

Anyone have any good plans for the weekend? We have a food truck fest that we're going to go to - everything from Caribbean food to cupcakes!! I can't WAIT!
Wish: that is a huuuuge beta! Yeah!!! :happydance: Any news on a scan?! Please tell me you're having one soon! Heh, I can totally relate to planning workouts and cleanses in case it didn't work out... All these meds, plus the prohibition against exercising half the time... It's so unsettling... Fortunately it looks like you'll have to wait another several months before you can get to those plans! :winkwink: I'm really glad you're keeping your eye on your thyroid function--pregnancy usually means you need more thyroxine, yeah... Everything is looking great! :hugs:

Scooby: I took a peek at your journal: hurray on the scan! What lovely news!!! <3 I hope you're able to get lots of rest! :hugs:

Disneyfan: I really hope you're feeling better! :hugs:

Boopin: When is your RE meeting again? :hugs:

Amanda: I hope you and Brielle are both doing well... :hugs:

AFM: I freaked out on CD6 because my LH was 11, which is the beginning of a surge... But then I read up on Letrozole, which I was on, and by decreasing the oestrogen (to almost nothing!), it makes the pituitary dump all the LH and FSH it has got--so I guess a spike is normal. Today is CD8 and my scan showed all follicles are still <10. Looks like there might be 4 or so--not sure how many will decide to grow... Lining is thin but it is early--hopefully it will behave better this time... I'm not as optimistic as I was at the beginning of the cycle, but I'm less panicky than I was 2 days ago when I saw the LH level. This may be our last attempt with fresh eggs in NY. I think DP is completely strung out. So maybe after this we try a couple times with natural cycle IVFs in London, and then we move on to our 3 frosties here in NY and then my frozen eggs in London. And if that fails, DE awaits... So we may still have a long, hard road ahead of us... but at least with less travel involved.
Wow klik - one the one hand, I'm glad you have a clear path in front of you, AND that it requires less travel. But in the other, it does sound long and arduous. As always, I hope this cycle just kicks ass and you don't have to take those next steps. :hugs:
Thanks, Wish! As for this cycle, it's looking like so far so good maybe I guess? Maybe I have four follicles, all at 10-11, which is kind of ideal... but I suspect one or two of those may be cysts, because sometimes it's hard to tell and I have persistent cysts that size... I'll know more on Tuesday. But my lining is looking ok, at 4.5. And I've been spotting because letrozole makes oestrogen so, so low, but the doctor who scanned me said that doesn't affect endometrial receptivity (I was quite surprised by that). LH is now at 14 but somehow that's not a problem. It's like this weird upside-down world where scary things are totally ok, apparently. Oh, well, let's just see how it goes...

Wish, how are you feeling? I mean, you're like an hcg factory right now! Also, when is your scan? I'm dying to hear about it!

Boopin: 10 days to go... I've got my fingers really crossed for you finally getting that lasting pregnancy!
wish- That last beta is INSANE! Your numbers are like 3x higher than mine. It's so crazy how much that varies! How have you been feeling? When is your first scan? I'm glad you're keeping a close eye on your thyroid and making adjustments. How was the food truck festival? We're going to a food and wine festival next weekend, I'm so excited! (A little sad I can't partake in the wine part though lol.)

klik- So glad that surge was a false alarm and everything is still on track. It would be nice if you really did have 4 follies but 2-3 is great too! So is the Letrozole a new med for you? It does sound like it's potentially a long road ahead, but I'm so hopeful that you'll have success sooner rather than later. It's good to know that you have tons of options going forward, and that you can chill out on the travel after this. I think that's going to be a much-needed stress reliever! GL with Tuesday's scan. :hugs:

boopin- That's the same day as our scan! FX we both get good news...

Amanda- Hope you & Brielle are settling in to a nice routine :hugs:

Disney- Hope you're feeling better and enjoying your third tri!

AFM, symptoms are coming and going sometimes by the minute. This morning (like literally an hour ago) I was telling DH I was worried that I wasn't feeling more. Then boom, queasiness and extreme fatigue washed over me. I'm so glad I bought some of those preggie pop drops. That helped a lot! Fatigue has been my #1 symptom from the beginning and it's not letting up. I'm glad work has been relatively quiet because I'm spaced out and can't stop yawning. :sleep: I'm a little anxious about our scan next Wednesday. I want to see that little heartbeat so badly! <3
klik - oh man, so you have to suspend all reality and really just go with it this time!! bizarro world, for sure. Sounds like things are going well, though - let's keep it going little klik follies!!!

boopin - oooooh, can't wait for your meeting. You need answers stat.

scoob - haha I hear you - I do the same. 'aw no...they're gone YAWWWWWWN just kidding I need a nap now...'

I'm doing fine, really. Boobs hurt a bit more. I find wearing a cami with the built-in bra helps just fine. I don't feel fully 'fatigued' yet, but lay me down in front of a movie midday and i'm OUT like a light for at least a half hour. I feel so bad for DH - I can't get through anything these days! He feels me twitch and has to stop what we're watching! :haha:
I got my first icky belly this weekend - not really queasy but bubbly and gross. I think it was b/c I hadn't eaten in a bit and almost like the hunger pains turned into that, making me not really want to eat at all b/c it didn't even feel like there was room. Yesterday, I felt it coming on and ate cheese & crackers (while dinner was cooking...) and that seemed to work. But right now, i'm feeling a little queasy and I just had lunch! This is a fun little rollercoaster, eh?

scan is next Thursday, a day after Boopin's meeting and Scoob's scan. I can't wait! I really just can't wait to see if there is more than 1 in there.
Today I'm 6 weeks! :) still so early and I'm still not yet 'excited' per se, but happy things have lasted this long.
Hi ladies - I'm so sorry for my absence. I've been scrambling to get my job responsibilities documented for the new contractor that is coming in to backfill for me while I'm on maternity leave. She starts tomorrow and knows absolutely nothing - wish me luck!!

We've been working on getting DD1's room switch underway. Last weekend, we emptied the guest room (our former dumping ground for all of the boxes and miscellaneous things we didn't want to deal with when we moved). This past weekend was the community garage sale on Saturday, which we took advantage of to get rid of some things. Our loft area upstairs is still full of boxes and misc stuff from the guest room and office, but it was nice to make a little money on stuff we would have otherwise just donated or thrown away. We got the rest of the office cleared out (well, cleared out enough to bring furniture in) on Sunday and moved the bed and nightstand from the guest room in there. DH and I were both off today, so we finished setting up the room and officially moved DD1 into her new room tonight. Furniture is layed out almost the same way as it was in the other room (in reverse). We did not move the glider chair, and we didn't get a chance to put up the (new, duplicate) hanging shelf that we have from her old room, which we use to store a few stuffed toys and the baby monitor camera. She was excited but a little unsure when we brought her in and got her ready for bed. Wish us luck that she sleep well tonight!!

I've been reading on my phone over the past few days but haven't been able to comment back. I'm still replying from my phone right now, so I'll have to keep it relatively short.

I'm sooooo excited for the developing news from Wish and Scooby!! I'm anxiously awaiting updates from the upcoming scans!!

Klik - I know that you are currently underway with a new cycle. I'm soooo hoping that this is the one for you and that you get a good number of follies! I'd love to see you get a break from traveling to NY due to a need to not have to come back at all. :dust:

Boopin - I know you are anxiously awaiting your next appointment. I've got everything crossed for you, too! :hugs:

Amanda - I hope you're doing well and that everything is perfect on your end! Enjoy that sweet bundle of joy, and try to get some rest!

AFM - I've thankfully kicked the cold. My allergies have been kicking my butt lately (I've been avoiding any "unnecessary" medications, so I haven't been taking my normal stuff that helps me survive this time of year. The baby seems to be doing well and loves to stretch and roll around these days. I'm all belly at this point, and though I'm so tired by the end of the day, and my back is often killing me, I can't complain. I sooo wanted to be here for so long that I'll take it all. Next check up is next Monday when I'm (yikes!) 32 weeks.

Ok - that was longer than I thought it would be. Haha
wish- Haha I've been the same watching TV/movies. DH has to keep looking at me to see if I've fallen asleep! Mornings have been iffy for me the past few days. I definitely need to eat first thing or I feel funky. I've been keeping saltines in my purse which has come in handy! I'm SO excited for your scan! I really think you've got 2 in there but more than anything I just want you to see your healthy baby's heartbeat(s) <3 Happy 6 weeks! It's sweet pea week. :cloud9:

Disney- Good luck settling things at your job! When will you start maternity leave? I hope your DD adjusts to her new living situation smoothly and without complaint :thumbup: We've got the same exact thing going on with our guest room (the future nursery). When we moved in we just dumped all the extra stuff in there and now it's going to be quite a task organizing it all. Congrats on getting it done, and making a little money on the side to boot! Happy 32 weeks!! So glad you're feeling better and I can relate on those allergies. Ah-choo!

klik- Good luck today!! Hope you've got time to check in and let us know what's going on. I've got a good feeling about this cycle for you!

So apparently NY state is rolling out paid family leave starting in January 2018. (Um, perfect timing!!!) You'll get up to 8 weeks in 2018, 10 weeks in 2019-2020, and 12 weeks in 2021. (My understanding is that there's an additional 2 weeks for a C-section, so really it's 6 weeks in 2018 for a vaginal birth but 8 for a C-section.) You're guaranteed 50% of your pay and that will eventually go up to 67%. I know it's nowhere near where it should be but after 2021 it's going to be one of the most generous plans any state offers. For once it's actually paying to live in NY lol.
sweet pea week! <3

wow, that's an incredible change by NY! My husband's company just did a huge maternity/paternity change. i worked there for 12 yrs, I kinda want to go back now. I forget how long the maternity is - might be 4 months? 6 months? and paternity changed from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, so I'll get him around for longer!

disney - oooh, how'd the overnight go? does she love her new room? so exciting, I can't believe you're at 32 weeks already! what is that, like, banana week?? :haha: I see you're at pineapple this week. Those things crack me up.

klik - how are the scans going? looking good?

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