IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Wish - I'm using my clinic's in-house donor list, but a different donor. I'm going to choose a donor that's completed her genetic testing and who has a high AFC. Also, I'm going to PGS our embryos before transferring them. That's my plan. I really don't know what else I can do at this point. I've been tested for everything you can think of, including a MRI to rule out fibroids, etc...

thank you about the wishes for my kitty <3 She was the best but it was getting harder and harder to watch her get worse. It finally got to the point where I felt it would be merciful to have her go. I hadn't felt that completely until the other day, I just knew it was time.

Sorry to hear that you had to put your kitty down. You said it beautifully Wish, you had to do it as a merciful act. That's how much you loved her. As much as you didn't want to let her go, you did the right thing and you did it with dignity. It must have been painful for you to see her suffering every day. She's at peace now. Your kitty will live on forever in the memories that you have of her. Sending you hugs!! :hugs:
klik - do NOT go encouraging those embies to leave!! STAY STAY!! I'm so sorry about the hayfever!! Sheesh, I sneeze a few times in a row and I'm all outta whack. I am so glad I don't have the itchy, runny eyes and all that goes along with bad allergies.
When is OTD again? Tuesday? That's the day of my first OB visit, so we'll both have good days, I hope!!

boopin - all of that sounds like a great plan for your upcoming journey. You do fresh, right?

scooby - almost 9 weeks!! how are you doing this week?

any fun weekend plans, ladies? we have my cousin's graduation party tomorrow but that's it. DH and I are fighting right now, so it should be a greeeeat weekend.
Wish: fx'ed for continuing good news for you and improbably good news for me on Tuesday! Yeah, I used not to have hayfever at all--I developed it some 3 years ago. It's the 3rd time I have it in 12 months--in New Zealand in December it was terrible! This year it's not so bad, though, apart from Wednesday.

So yeah, I feel like my body is wanting to psych me out. First there was that cramp... then when I told a friend about my horrible hayfever attack, she said an allergic reaction could be a sign of implantation (but I have hayfever, so :shrug:). This morning I woke up with two canker sores, which are potentially indication of an overactive immune system, which again is consistent with implantation (or with the poor embryos being attacked--lay off them, immune system!) And then today I did a thyroid function test, where my TSH level was over 0.7 for the first time since I last upped my dosage... Last time it spiked was exactly at this stage last time I had a transfer and eventually got a BFP. But I'm still only at 1.1 (< 2 is best) because now my dosage is higher. But, who knows, maybe it's the PIO?

Anyway, it's official, my expectations are way higher than they should be for this moment in time. I'm not consciously trying to symptom-spot, but I feel like they're jumping at me. I'll be utterly floored on Tuesday if I get a BFN. Even though it's by far the most likely thing, and it's happened to me many times before...

Not sure what our weekend plans are. We're so shellshocked from all the travel, it's kinda hard to plan anything. DP's bday was yesterday so maybe we'll try to throw a spontaneous bbq...
klik - you know, it's those odd signs that I think are maybe more reliable. I was looking for the nausea, the fatigue, the excess cm (which I'm only JUST now getting, fyi), etc and none of those happened to me. I'm sure you don't remember (I wouldn't expect you to!) but my biggest sign didn't come until the night before I took my home test - we went out to dinner and I was STARVING, but then I ate a little bit of bread and apps and was so full, I barely ate my meal. And then going out shopping after (for the NOLA trip) I was so bloated, I didn't want to really try anything on. All weird things that happened in the span of a couple of hours but they were so different. It made me very suspicious.

anyway, my fingers and toes are so crossed for you!!! I hope you get to have an impromtu BBQ and a whole lotta fun!
Wish: thanks! :hugs: I'm feeling a little more realistic now, I think, though I know I'll still get floored if it's a BFN. I figured out why Wednesday was such a bad hayfever day: I skipped my Adderall (which I'm taking because this specialist in DOR believes it helps with the mitochondria in the egg, which is a big part of why older women's eggs are worse), and amphetamines turn out to be pretty effective against hayfever. Imagine my horror when I realized Adderall is not considered safe for pregnancy--that RE told me there are "no downsides at all" to taking it but he neglected to tell me to stop after an ET! :dohh: Of course if I was under his treatment he'd tell me, and hopefully a week's worth of Adderall won't have damaged any embryo that might have stuck, but I'm so used to being on the straight and narrow that I'm horrified to have erred! Still, I do believe it will be ok...

I hope you and DH have made up and all was good at your cousin's graduation!

No bbq for us--today has been loads of cooking (DP doesn't do thing by halves, and he's just learned how to make fresh pasta) and hanging out with DP's dad.
wish- Excited for your scan tomorrow! I'm sorry you & DH are fighting and I hope that's resolved now. As for lack of symptoms, I'm finally coming to terms with my own. I'm 9w2d and if I don't have crazy MS yet I doubt I'll get it at this point. It's a little hard on the days when I feel next to nothing, but then usually the very next day I'll have a little cramping or be starving or my boobs will hurt and I'll feel pregnant again. Two consistent things for me have been fatigue and constantly having to pee. If those went away I think I'd be very concerned!

klik- I'm so hopeful for you! I agree with wish, sometimes it's the non-typical symptoms that are more telling. My weird ones were a 3-day migraine and dizziness. I understand about wanting to keep expectations realistic but it's so tough not to hope for the best! Mmmm, fresh pasta sounds delicious... Wishing you all the luck in the world tomorrow!!! :hugs:

boopin- That sounds like a perfect plan! <3

Disney- Hope you're hanging in there during these last weeks & staying cool!

AFM, the wedding was great but I'm glad it's over now. My wallet needs a chance to recoop lol. I specifically didn't plan much for July because I really want to relax and be mellow now. I also want to start organizing the future nursery, and that's going to take a lonnnngggg time.

Progesterone dropped to 15.4 :nope: I had a major meltdown at like 3am that night after Googling and coming across a stat that said 91% of pregnancies will miscarry if progesterone is lower than 15. But I'm feeling a little better now. Back on PIO every other day and getting tested Thursday. No spotting, although I do still have cramping. But my RE keeps telling me that's normal so... breathe, Scooby.
scooby - haha yes, breathe - they got you!! So glad you had a great weekend and a mellow July sounds awesome. We did the opposite - every weekend is booked with something! August will be slightly more chill for us. Yeah, usually after I post about not feeling much, I will feel something an hour later. But it comes and goes. The boobs stay, that's my constant.

klik - sooooooooooooo much luck to you for tomorrow!!!!! What a scary realization about the Adderall!! I'm sure it'll all be fine, though - kinda like when women get hammered either the night before they find out they are preggo or weeks after - the babies still turn out to be fine (my graduating cousin was one of those babies, actually, and she's brilliant!)

not sure if i'll get a scan tomorrow but I hope so. :)
Scooby: I'm glad they're looking after you and making sure you have enough progesterone! Nice that you get to chill in July... It will be interesting to meet your OB, too! :thumbup:

Wish: thanks! :hugs: Yeah, hopefully the Adderall will be one of those somewhat risky things that don't amount to anything in the end... I hope you get a scan tomorrow, too! It would be great for you to see your little beans again! :hugs:

AFM: I'm feeling pretty pessimistic at the moment. I mean, DP wanted to BD and I didn't let him, just in case (I'm a total stickler) but I think it's game over for this attempt... I've been getting little menstrual-like cramps all day, and a sort of PMS ickiness. I think my body just wants to get on with AF and PIO is the only thing stopping it. But hey, tomorrow afternoon we will know...
klik - my fingers are purple, they are crossed so tightly!! when is your appt? it's afternoon there now, I hope it's soon!!
wish- Good luck today! I hope you get a scan too :thumbup: Just remember not to overdo it with all of your upcoming plans. We're not spring chickens anymore. :haha:

klik- I'm sorry you're feeling pessimistic. I'm going to keep being hopeful for you!!! Very best of luck today! :dust:
hahaha thank you for the reminder! I feel so fine with energy until BAM! nope, I need bed ASAP. That happened to me this weekend at my cousin's party. I felt great all day, not a care in the world. Then around 7:30, I about fell asleep mid-sentence and was like 'I gotta GO!'.

our plans are pretty fun coming up - 2 parties this Sat, then one on Monday, then BIL/SIL/niece coming down on Tues. The following weekend is a girls weekend at Mohegan - that might fry me and I still have to keep mum b/c I'll only be starting week 11. I don't know how I'm gonna do it.
The weekend after we are camping with a group of friends.
The 2 weekends after that are concerts, so more lowkey.

man, I'm actually tired writing that...HA!
lol, Wish, that is a mad whirlwind! Enjoy, but also, yeah, rest up when you need to! Good luck today!

Scooby: thanks!

but... it didn't work. It's a BFN, officially. This really sucks. Cornell's lab is closed right now, so we will stay in London regardless. I meet with my RE on Thursday--I'll ask him to let me do a HSG so we can try to figure out what if anything is wrong with my uterus. I wonder if he'll let me do a natural cycle IVF in the same cycle? We'll see...

DP and I are so exhausted... He's ok with me going back to NY in August and using his frozen sperm but I need someone to take me to the Airbnb after ER and it's kind of an intimate thing to ask people, plus it's in the middle of the day and, you know, people have jobs. So, I don't know. Maybe after all I've learned about oestrogen priming the best thing to do would be to do NCIVF anyway, just with EP beforehand... My ovaries haven't really liked the high dosage of stims recently...
dammit, I'm so sorry, klik. I said something much worse when I read that. :cry:
I want this SO much for you. You are bending over completely backwards to make things work, the universe needs to throw you and DP a bone.
I hope your RE has a bright idea to go on, on Thursday. You just feel like shaking your head sometimes :nope:.
I wish you many glasses of wine (or your poison) this evening.
klik, sorry to hear your sad news today. It's so unfair. I second everything that Wish said. :cry:
I'm sending you lots of hugs!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Popping in really quickly and I see the update from Klik. I'm so sorry to read the news. You've been doing absolutely everything possible to make this work, and my heart breaks knowing the heartache and stress that these outcomes have been having on you and your DP. I sincerely hope that you are able to find the answers that lead to that BFP that you so very much deserve. In the meantime, rest up, take care of yourself, and do whatever you can to get your mind off of things during your current break. We're all here for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
klik - how are you doing this morning? :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

disney - not long now! 3 weeks? crazy!!! how are you feeling? anymore BH?

boopin - when is your appt again? 7/5?

scooby - how are you doing? did you get your progesterone checked again?

amanda - I hope you and Brielle are doing well!

afm - I had my intake OB appt yesterday. They weren't going to scan me but I asked for one. Given my history, they fully understood why and got me in. It didn't have to be transvaginal, thank goodness. And the sonographer was SO NICE and sweet! So I got to see the nuggets and it was magical. One of them was wiggling!! I cried! Their heartbeats were even stronger than last time and they are both measuring right on track or even ahead a little. Still too early to hear the HBs, that'll be at the 7/12 appt. But for now, my anxiety lifted a little more. :)
klik- No. :nope: I'm so sorry, my friend. It's completely understandable that you and DP are exhausted. I think taking July to decompress and regroup is exactly what you both need. And if you decide you want to come back in August, I'd be more than happy to pick you up after ER and drive you home. :hugs: Hopefully your RE has a plan. Natural cycle could make the most sense. Whatever you decide, we're here for you <3

wish- I'm tired just reading all of that! I'm also totally dunzo by the end of the day and crash hard. I'm so glad they did a scan for you yesterday, and that's wonderful that everything is on track with the nuggets. Did you like your OB?

Disney, Amanda, boopin- Hope you're all well!

Anyone have big plans for July 4th (except klik, who will be busy NOT celebrating American independence from Britain :haha:).

AFM, bloodwork tomorrow to check progesterone levels. I feel like they'll be higher but I guess we'll see... If they come back low, I'm going to ask RE for a scan. Because lower than 15 would be scary.
scooby - I'm thanking your post not only for me, but for your kindhearted offer to klik. You're such a beautiful and selfless woman!! <3 :hugs: KMFX that you have a great progesterone level. Sending you positive vibes!! GL tomorrow!! :dust:

Wish - What a lovely update about your 2 little nuggets. I'm so happy to hear they're thriving. Well done mama!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

:wave: Hello to everyone else!! xx
Oh Klik, so sorry. My heart sunk as I read your update, it's completely unfair. As others have said, you are literally putting everything into this, you really deserve to catch a break. So sorry you are going through this, we are all here for you Hun.

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