IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

wish- Happy 7 weeks! I hope your work travels are going well so far. OMG, so much good food at the festival. Prosciutto, fig and pecorino crostini, duck and pork belly tacos, grilled shrimp, mini cheesecakes, strip steak, mmmm. I barely missed the wine!

klik- I'm so glad your party went well! I love playing host. Congrats on triggering and I hope your retrieval goes smoothly tomorrow. I think it will! What time will it be? Are you planning on a 3 day transfer?

Disney- I'm so sorry about your DD. Is her fever finally down? I hope she's feeling better soon and that your checkup goes really well today! Happy 32 weeks! (P.S. I HATE training people. I feel your pain.)

boopin- Hope you get some answers this week!

AFM, crazy busy weekend. Dinner with one of my best friend's went very late on Friday, got up early Saturday to have my bridesmaid dress altered, headed out to food & wine festival, put together part of the gazebo. Sunday went grocery shopping, did laundry, cleaned a bit, put together the rest of the gazebo & strung up all the lights, then did a bit of gardening and made fajitas for dinner. Whew! No wonder I passed out on the couch lol.
Wish: 3 would be nice, yes, but honestly at this point I'd settle for one that fertilizes. It's been heartbreaking to have three cycles in a row where we've not had that (in the first one nothing fertilized and in the other two we converted to IUI because only one follicle seemed to still be in the running)... How are you? :hugs:

Scooby: I have to be in at 8:30 but usually the actual retrieval is 1.5 hours later or so... If we have any embryos, the plan is to transfer them on day 3, yes. I'm not ecstatic about the thickness of my lining but at least it is trilaminar. Let's see what happens... Your weekend sounds like it was super productive! That's brilliant! I hope you also got some well-deserved rest... :hugs:
klik- Best of luck with your retrieval today!!! I'm sending so many positive vibes your way! Try not to worry too much about your lining. You still have a few days for it to thicken up and triple striped is AWESOME. If you have 2 or more fertilize will you transfer all? I'll check back in a little bit for an update!
good luck today, klik!!! yeah, I second that about the lining. My office said they'd transfer at 6 but prefer 8. You're SO CLOSE to 8, so I wouldn't worry one little bit! Positive thoughts for retrieving enough and then positive fertilization!!!!

scoob - that festival sounds AMAZEBALLS. :) Happy 7 weeks!

oy, today I'm not feeling too great. I feel like I had too much coffee and I barely had any (and all decaf). I am at the client right now so I'm in my work clothes and I feel like I am going to POP. I need my sweats!! HA! oh and I'd love to go back to the hotel and get back into bed for the day. Please. Please??

omg scooby - your scan is tomorrow!! :wohoo:
They got 3 eggs but I suspect one of those is probably immature. Not sure why they didn't get 4, but I'll ask my doc when I have a chance. Now waiting for fertilization report tomorrow...

Scooby: thanks! BTW, as a technical matter, the lining on trigger day is the one that counts--after trigger, progesterone rises and puts the lining in a different state: for some women, it compacts, for some it keeps expanding, but information on lining thickness is only really useful before the progesterone rise. In fact, one of the things I idly fear is that my progesterone was high all along because my LH was high at the beginning, and that this affected my lining somehow. But I'm really good at finding reasons to be anxious :winkwink:

As for how many to transfer, yes, up to 3 I'd be happy to transfer... My doctor had said he'd be happy to transfer up to 5 fresh ones at my age, but frankly I don't think he'd recommend transferring 5x10-cell zero-fragmentation embryos, so of course embryo quality plays some role there... Last time I transferred 2.

Good luck tomorrow!!! I hope you get to see a beautiful heartbeat! :hugs:

Wish: thanks! Ugh, sorry you're having to be at the client site with uncomfortable clothes... Also, I hate that feeling of too much coffee--it's really icky... I hope you get to rest really well tonight... :hugs:
Klik - Just a quick pop in to say congrats on your retrieval! I'm keeping everything crossed for a great status report! :hugs: :dust: :hugs:

I've been feeling off today. Not sure if I'm reacting to the TDAP (tetanus/whooping cough) vaccine I got yesterday. I sure hope it's not a sign that I'm coming down with DD's bug. I am happy to report that she's back to normal with normal temperatures all day today.

I'll try to catch up more soon!
wish- Your scan is tomorrow! I'm so excited!! :happydance:

klik- 3 is awesome! FX that you have a great fertilization report today! That's interesting about the lining on trigger day. I didn't know that! Wow, transferring 5 at any stage seems risky, but I guess it's all relative. I think 3 is totally reasonable. If we'd had 3 I probably would have transferred all of them too.

Disney- I bet it's that shot making you feel off. Hopefully that'll wear off really soon and you'll be back to normal in no time. How is your DD feeling?

AFM, fantastic scan today! Baby is measuring on track and has a heartbeat of 152bpm. <3 It was amazing to see it flickering on the screen. I feel so relieved. Next step: find an OBGYN. Also, if my progesterone looks okay I get to start weaning off. Woohoo! :happydance:
3!!!! that's awesome, klik!!! i can't wait for the fert report today!!

and scooby - I'm sooooo happy that moobley is doing great!!! yeah, finding an OBGYN - hopefully I have to do that soon too.

disney - I'm sorry you're feeling off, I hope it's just the shot. I am glad to hear that DD is doing better now, though, and you guys seemed to dodge that.

I am excited about tomorrow but I know I'll be a wreck tomorrow morning. Please please PLEASE let everything look ok!!!!
Disneyfan, thanks! I'm really glad your DD is all better, and I have high hopes your icky feeling is from the shot... FX'ed you haven't caught her bug...

Scooby, congratulations on a great scan! Right on the mark--what a relief! :happydance:

Wish: thinking of you today... I hope everything looks great with however many embryos you have in there, and that you see lovely heartbeats... :hugs:

Afm: apologies for radio silence: we drove to northern Virginia and have been a bit dazed... Driving back today. As expected, one of the eggs was still immature (too immature for overnight maturation). The other two fertilized, so hopefully they'll survive until tomorrow and get transferred back... I'm looking forward to being PUPO again, if that happens--I haven't gotten that far since last October! :wacko:
Klik- I'm so happy you've got 2 fertilized eggs. Grow embies, grow! Hoping you're PUPO again tomorrow!

Wish- Anxiously awaiting your scan results!
klik - 2 is great!! I hope you put both back tomorrow, back in with Mama

so ladies...we have TWINS!!! they are beautiful and perfect and I'm so happy. Almost too happy - feels like I could tell the world so I had to keep reminding myself that we're still only at 7+4 today, soooo...slow my roll.
One was measuring at 7+4, the other at 7+5 and the HBs were wonderful at 157 and 164.
Simply overjoyed and worried and overwhelmed and....wow.
Ahhhhh I knew it!!! I'm so excited for you, that's amazing! Twins!! :happydance: :happydance: <3 <3
Congratulations Wish!! Incredible news... I'm like WOW, too!! :happydance: You're going to go from zero kids to 2 all at once. I hope that you have a great support system and lots of hands to help you with your little ones. Once again Congrats!! You did it!! I'm beyond thrilled for you!! :hugs:

How are you holding up klik?? KMFX for your transfer. Sending you baby dust!! :dust:
Wish: wow, two perfect heartbeats and two perfectly-sized embryos! That's wonderful!!! <3<3

Scooby and Boopin: thanks! :hugs: So far so good, I think--they didn't tell me to stop the meds, anyway... Let's see how tomorrow goes...

Boopin, really curious how your RE appointment went! Heading over to your journal now... :hugs:
Good luck today klik!!

Boopin - I wish I actually had more hands around. My FIL lives with us but he won't be very dependable with a baby. And my parents and sister all moved to NC a few yrs ago. I have aunts and cousins around, maybe they'll want to help but I wouldn't hold my breath. This will be tough but we'll get through it. :)
Klik- wishing you all the luck in the world today hun!

Wish- we felt the same when we considered that it could be twins. Only my sister lives close and she works full time & is a single mom so I wouldn't have even asked her for help. I think you guys will be fine! And if relocating is a possibility maybe that makes more sense?

The stupid Disney ad is back. Grrrr...
Relocating is out of the question - DH hates NC. Ha but he might hate the struggle of two newborns more! I think we'll be fine too. Good friends of ours have twins and his folks don't live close but hers do and they aren't a ton of help. Though his folks are driving distance and come for visits much more often than mine could.

Klik!! Updates!!
Wish: I'm sorry you don't have more support nearby... Of course you'll manage, and you'll do it beautifully, but it would be great if things could be easier on you... can your folks come over for a while after your DH's paternity leave runs out? My fantasy of having a baby includes my mom being around for a couple of months after DP has to go back to work... Still, a couple of months is not a permanent fix...

Scooby, Wish: when is your next scan?!

So, finally, after 8 months (!!!), I am PUPO again. Both survived: a 6-cell and a 10-cell. 10-cells, in my mind, are mythical--no one I know, afaik, has ever had one... I asked the doctor if there was fragmentation and he said there was very little, but in the picture the 6-cell looks pretty messy to me, and the 10-cell looks really well-defined. So, I have little hope for the 6-cell, but I'm fretting that I'm throwing away the 10-cell on a sub-par lining :wacko: I asked if I again should use oestrogen for luteal support, and doc said ok, so I start that on Sunday. OTD is on the 27th... Patience, patience...
Wish- that's so funny, my parents are in NC too & DH refuses to move there as well! :lol:

Klik- No ETA on my next scan because I need to pick an OBGYN first. But my RE said I'll need my next one around 11 weeks or so. Seems so far away! I'm VERY excited for your 2 little embies & congrats on being PUPO!! I often wonder if it was our 8 or 9 cell that made it. Anyway you've got a great shot my friend! Hoping so hard for you!!
Wow - lots of fantastic news lately!

Wish - CONGRATS on your gorgeous TWINS! May you have a blessed and healthy 9 months! I'm so happy for you.

Klik - Congrats on being PUPO!! I'm so glad that you were able to transfer 2. I'm sure that your lining is just fine. I'm keeping everything crossed for you and am wishing you the success that you so deserve! :hugs:

Scooby - I'm glad that your scan went well! It's so exciting! :) And it's great that you can wean yourself from the progesterone soon. Good luck with your OB search.

Boopin - You're next, dear! :hugs: Stay cool this weekend. It's going to be a scorcher!

AFM - My off feeling was very short lived and only lasted that one night. I'm pretty sure it was related to the vaccine. And DD was back to normal by Tuesday, so hopefully she stays healthy.

Training at work is going ok. I'm so looking forward to my last day lol.

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