IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Scooby: thanks! :hugs: When I had a 7- and an 8-cell transferred, I idly wondered which one stuck as well... Especially if you have pictures, it would be nice to point out to your child, eventually, its very first picture! Still, it doesn't really matter, ultimately... There's a big disconnect between when the ob/gyn takes over in the US and when they take over in the UK. In the UK they don't even think of seeing you before 10 weeks, so the fertility clinic keeps you on for longer... I think in the US you're discharged at 8 weeks? Something like that. I freaked out when it happened to me last time, but my London fertility clinic happily stepped in. Scooby, personally I wouldn't be able to wait four weeks for another scan. But everything looks like it's going beautifully in your pregnancy, so perhaps you will be able to relax into it for a while! :hugs:

Disneyfan: thanks! :hugs: I'm really happy both you and DD have recovered! What a relief that your discomfort was short-lived... When does your maternity leave start? Do you know how long you will take? It's so exciting you're in the final stages before delivery! :hugs:

Hm, so I thought the more cells the better, but apparently that's actually only the mantra because most poor-quality embryos are slow growers... In fact, apparently 8 is ideal for day 3. So now I have a slow one and a fast one. Hopefully one will stick, but I'm not feeling it at the moment... We're at the airport now, waiting to head back. On Monday I'll set up an appt with my London RE to see how we can use the cycle during which Cornell is closed. Assuming this doesn't work, of course...
I'll do a proper update tomorrow but klik I just wanted to tell you I recently read a study that 10 cell embryos achieve comparable pregnancy rates to 8 cells. Just so you're not too worried!
Thanks, Scooby! :hugs:

It's nice and hot here in London. I'm loving it but the poor doggie is struggling a bit... It's great to see him again, though, after almost 3 weeks!
klik - congrats on being PUPOOOOO!!! 8 months?! holy moly, I hadn't realized. You are such a good egg for always being so positive and upbeat. I kinda chuckled at your reaction to your # of cells - we certainly analyze every.single.step. I don't know if I expressed it on here but my 2 embies were 3BBs and not very good looking at ALL, esp compared to my prior 4AB. I had very little hope. But clearly they both were rock stars! So try not to pre-judge - think happy thoughts!! I'm so glad you got to finally see your pup too! :) Happiness is home.

Disney - :wave: hi!! so happy to hear that things have calmed down for you. I'm sure you're so excited for your last day. Do you have a birth plan or anything or do you learn from the first one that there's no such thing? ;) I'm assuming the latter.

scoob - How are you feeling?? I just called my new OB this morning and got my first appt set for next week. Guess they usually want to see you at 8 weeks but i guess I called too late? Heck, I just graduated from the RE on Thurs! :)

I don't know if I'll have a scan at my appt, which is next Tues. It's a long one and I know I'll have an exam, blood work, review insurance, etc. I hope they can pull out the u/s machine too!! Else, we have another appt set for 7/12, week 11 (but they go for 10, so I guess I'll just be behind...) and we'll use the dopplar then and hear the heartbeats. FX everything stays put until then!

here's a pic of my little buggers :cloud9:


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Disney- So glad you're feeling better! When is your last day of work?

klik- Aww, pet reunions are the best! If it makes you feel any better it's SUPER hot and muggy and uncomfortable here too. I hope you're enjoying being PUPO! That study I read said there was little to no difference between 8, 9 & 10-cell embryos as far as success rate. I've also heard success stories for 6-cells. So hopeful for you!!!

wish- What a beautiful scan pic! <3 <3 Congrats on graduating from your clinic and making an appointment with an OBGYN. I had to laugh because I made an appointment this morning too. We are twinsies lately lol. How are you feeling? Are you and DH settling into the idea of twins now?

Amanda- Hope you're doing well hun! Check in when you get a free minute, we'd love to hear from you!

boopin- You should be getting started again pretty soon, right? I hope you've got a good plan (I'm sure you do!)

AFM, like I mentioned I made my first OBGYN appointment. It's on 7/7 which is a lucky day for me and DH. (We went to our first concert together on 7/7/07- so weird that 10 years later we're going to an ultrasound to see our baby!) I had a tough time choosing a doctor, but ultimately went for one who had privileges at my top 2 favorite hospitals and has 26 years experience. :thumbup:

PIO weaning is on! :happydance: No shots Thursday, Saturday or tonight. It's like a miracle...
I know, we are in lock step! I'm glad you made your appt - I had no idea what to do in my decision about 'who' to pick. I went to a pretty popular OB clinic around here (I've heard many-a-woman rave about them) who is also associated to a close-enough hospital that my RE said had a great nursery for the high risk pregnancies. Being that we'll be giving birth around snowstorm time, I wanted close and prepared! So I guess that checked all of my boxes. I'd love to give birth at the same hospital I was born in but it's too far for winter time.

I'm feeling pretty great, actually, given that I could be feeling like total crap. I get nauseous only when I need to eat, sleepy only when we're relaxing. But my back and boobs still hurt and I'm very bloaty. I feel very, very lucky. My RE said that if things hadn't hit full force by now, I was probably in the clear b/c they peak around week 7-8. I'll take it!!

I think we are definitely settling into the idea of twins now. Getting our finances in line, and when thinking or talking about 'them', it's not AS mind-blowing. I drop to take a nap and DH makes fun of me and I just say 'shhh - I'm growing people...zzzzz' :haha:

That's SO COOL that your scan falls on your date anniversary!! What concert was it?
Hey girls! So sorry I've been so quiet, it has been a little nuts here! Little munchkin is doing alright, although has reflux and colic, so quite fussy due to being uncomfortable which is heartbreaking, but we started meds for reflux on Friday, so now we are at least having some good days where she can sleep some. She's already nearing 11lbs, and can't believe she's almost a month old! I'm trying to add a pic, but can't seem to figure it out in my phone, will do so once I get my computer out. Still get emotional when I think about the fact that she's actually here.
Scooby and Wish, congrats!! And Wish, twins???? Happy you're feeling good!
Klik, sending all the baby dust your way! :) you deserve this, I hope this is your time!
Disney and Boopin, hope you are well as well! If I missed anything, I'm sorry, will go back and do a thorough catch up!
wish- I'm glad you found an OB who's close & has a good reputation. The way I look at it, if my doctor isn't a good fit I'll just go elsewhere. I was a little disappointed when I heard she may not scan me when I go, because of course I'm itching to see Moobley again. But she will listen for a heartbeat and hopefully end up doing the scan. I think if she doesn't it's because she's planning on waiting another week or so until they can do the nuchal translucency screening, since I may be a little too early for that when I go. I don't know, whatever. I was thinking the same thing about winter! Both hospitals I like are within a half hour drive so not too bad. As far as symptoms, I feel very lucky too. And mine also seem fine once I address them. I'm still tired a lot and don't have great energy levels, but I'm hoping that gets better next trimester. :thumbup: The concert was moe. (which is a jam band no one else knows but me and DH both love, and basically what brought us together). So glad you're getting used to the idea of twins!

Amanda- It's wonderful to hear from you! I'd love to see a picture when you have time. I'm so sorry about the reflux and colic, poor little girl must be miserable and that can't be easy on you and your DH! Hopefully symptoms will ease really soon so you'll be able to enjoy some rest and a happier baby. :)

klik- How are you feeling? When will you be testing?

AFM, I'm dragging today... Had to get up early for bloodwork. Soooooo hoping progesterone looks okay so I can keep weaning off. (And most importantly that everything is safe and healthy for the baby.) I've been getting some mild cramps but no bleeding, so I bought a hot water bottle because my doctor said that was safe. It's so nice and soothing :)
Wish: I know, it's impossible not to try to analyze every little thing! :haha: I love the scan! You are indeed growing people (I love that answer!) Great that you're having a relatively easy time, physically, and that you've already picked an OB that covers all the important bases! :thumbup:

Scooby: thanks! That's good to know... I'm still not expecting much, as far as I can tell, but otoh I'll be quite disappointed if we get the extremely likely BFN. It's awesome that your next scan falls on such a significant date! :hugs: Your OB sounds great--glad the next phase is all set up! Also excellent that you're being weaned from PIO.

Amanda: it's so nice to hear from you! I'm so sorry your baby girl is suffering... I'm glad you've been able to give her some relief--I hope she comes out of this phase soon... :hugs: Thanks for the baby dust!

AFM: mostly forgetting I'm PUPO, except when I feel like I should book some exercise or whatever. Really glad that, no matter what, we won't have to cross the ocean for over a month--that feels like such a luxury right now...
Scooby: I'm glad the hot water bottle is helping! I love that it's music that brought you and your DH together... I hope you get your scan sooner rather than later! :hugs:

OTD is in a week... :coffee:
Hi ladies - I tried to reply earlier from my iPad, but that stupid Disney Baby ad wouldn't let me do anything. I'm replying from my iPhone again, so I may have to keep this shorter than I initially wanted.

Wish - Congrats on finding a doctor! Lovely scan pic! I'm so glad that you are still feeling pretty good!

Klik - Hang in there! The tww is always difficult, but I think you've still got some hope. I've read that 10 cell embryos are fantastic and have read lots of stories where ladies have been very successful with transferring 6-10 cell embryos on day 3. I've got everything crossed for you! I'm also glad that you get a break from travel for a while. Rest up and take care!

Scooby - Congrats on picking a doctor! My doctors office scans on the first visit with them. They don't do the NT scans in their office, so regardless, we had to drive elsewhere (Sacramento, which is about an hour from where we live) to get there. The scan is fun because it's a little longer than the earlier scans and you get a much better look at LO.

Amanda - It so great to hear from you! I'm sorry that your LO has been having a rough time. I hope that the phase passes quickly and that everyone is able to get some rest. I can't wait to see a photo!

Boopin - I'm thinking of you. Stay cool! :hugs:

AFM - I'm officially working from home for the remainder of my time working and will continue training my backup over phone and screen sharing. I have so much work to do and not nearly enough time to do it. I really can't wait until my leave begins. My last work day is set for July 14 unless little Sarah does something to make me stop sooner. My c-section is officially scheduled for July 31, so that's the latest that she will be born if we make it that far. I'm not expecting to go into labor early as I went 8 days over with DD1, but you never know. Pelvic and back pain continues to come and go throughout the day - particularly at night and whenever I stand up after sitting for a long time.

I'm planning on being off from work until Sarah is 6 months old, which puts me back at work at the beginning of February. Maternity leave stinks here in the US, but I'll make things work between vacation and sick time that I've saved up, things that our state mandates, and unpaid time off from work.

We're in the middle of a rather unusual heat wave. Temps have been triple digit lately, and we're expected to climb up there again this week. I'll most definitely be staying inside all day again.

I had my thyroid and iron levels checked again. Thyroid is still looking good on my current low dose of synthroid, but I'm somehow STILL low on my iron levels even after taking my supplements twice a day for 2 months now. I'm still hovering around the counts that I was at in March before I started taking anything. I'm waiting on an email reply from my doctor to find out what's next. It's not exactly easy for me to consider a 3rd pill per day as I'm already struggling with the timing of my other pills and dietary needs due to all of the various restrictions on taking iron and synthroid on an empty stomach and not within 4 hours of each other or any calcium.
Here's the little munchkin the day she was born.


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Congratulations amanda!! Your baby girl's adorable. <3 Love her chubby cheeks. And lovely name ahhh Brielle... she's too cute!!

Hi Disney :wave: It's so hottt here. I'm in the Sacramento area. 108° and higher in some parts today. Stay cool & hydrated. Most definitely stay indoors if you can. I'm happy to hear that you and dd are feeling better. Take care my dear. xx

klik - Thinking of you. How's the 2ww?? Are you going to POAS before your OTD or just wait it out?? FX tightly for you!! Stick little beans stick!! :dust:

Hello Wish and scooby our newly pregnant mamas!! How's early pregnancy going for the both of you?? :hugs: :hugs:
Amanda - She's gorgeous!! I'm soooo happy for you! I hope you are getting some rest in between snuggles and feedings. :hugs:

Boopin - Thanks!! Yes - It's ridiculously hot right now. We are roughly halfway between Sac and SF. Not quite as hot as where you are, but almost (just a degree or two cooler, I think). It's supposed to be even hotter today. Since I'm now working exclusively from home, I have no intention on leaving my house at all. I will eventually have to leave to pick up a note from my doctor excusing me from jury duty on July 11, but I'll go later in the week when it will hopefully be under 100. Stay cool and hydrated!!
amanda!!! so happy you were able to get on! Brielle is GORGEOUS and perfect and you must be in love. I'm so sorry she's having some gastro issues, though. I hope it'll resolve itself soon with growth and development. I hope you're getting some sleep and taking good care of yourself too!

yeah, klik - are you going to test early? less than one week! anything fun planned for the weekend to make that fly? Glad you got the sitch squared away with OH's mom. Yikes. It took my mom a bit to get all of the right jargon and understanding the step-by-step process. The lady got preg with me at 18, she had no idea all of these steps needed to happen!! I think she might have congratulated me on transfer day one time too. :)

scoob - how's our little moobley today? :) I'm glad you're finding comfort from the hot water bottle.

yikes, boopin! don't melt!! that's so hot. It's humid here but tolerable. Both of our AC units crapped out this year too and the AC place is booked out until the end of July!! 4 weeks of dying! :) #firstworldproblemsIknow

disney - you're SO CLOSE now!!! I can't believe little Sarah is almost here!! like, she'll be here before my AC is fixed!:rofl: 6 months sounds so perfect. I've allowed myself to think that far ahead and was wondering how long I could take off. Nothing I have to figure out right now but 6 months would be a dream. it'll probably be more like 3.

boopin - early pregnancy is fine! The docs told me I should keep quiet about that b/c so many women have such tough first tris. But I'm 8+2 today and really, besides the odd cramp here and there, everything is pretty mild and manageable. Boobs are sore but if I wear a sports bra, I'm good. Nausea only happens when I get immediate hunger, and not all the time. So I keep food in arms reach. My back hurts but I just move around and stretch a little, but I can deal with that. Else, I'm fine!

in other news, we had to put our kitty down yesterday. There's such a hole in the house now, but we are also relieved she's at peace and no longer uncomfortable or in any pain. I really can't believe she's gone, we had her for 15 yrs. We will miss her terribly. :cry:
Disneyfan: thanks! :hugs: I'm so glad you don't have to commute to work anymore... Bummer you've got so much work to do before you're on leave... I'm aware of how difficult the maternity leave situation is in the US. I honestly find it bizarre. Where do all the politicians who set policy think they came from, exactly? Still, I'm glad you're able to find a way to spend 6 months with Sarah! It's good that your work will allow you to take unpaid time off--way less than ideal, but at least you get to keep your job... As for the iron, is there such a thing as an iron injection?! I know for one of the vitamins (D, maybe?) some people have a hard time absorbing oral supplements... I mean, I wouldn't wish an injection on you, but I can see you've hit your limit juggling all your supplements and medication... Hm, I hope you find a workable solution soon! :hugs:

Amanda: Wow, that's Brielle the day she was born? She stayed in you for so long she doesn't even look so much like a newborn anymore! Sooooo cute!!! <3<3<3 I hope she gets over her gastro problems soon...

Boopin: thanks! :hugs:

Wish: I'm so sorry about your cat... :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: It's so sad to lose a beloved pet... She's not suffering anymore, it's true, but... I'm so sorry... Re. your pregnancy, I'm glad your symptoms are relatively mild. You've suffered more than enough!

AFM: not planning to POAS but who knows? I might invent some excuse to do it. Hopefully not, though. Yesterday for a few minutes I felt cramps that were very like menstrual cramps, and I thought, "wow, even with the PIO my body just wants to get on with it and have AF already..." And then I was really disheartened because if OTD was still a week away, that would be way too early for AF, which would mean my body is all wacky. Then it occurred to me it might be an implantation cramp--the timing would be about right. And then I teared up, because I don't want to have any reason to have false hope. I'll be disappointed enough by a BFN without finding reasons to raise my expectations... So I'm trying to remind myself that little aches and pains happen all the time, but in the 2ww we just pay more attention to them... :wacko:
eat some pineapple core, klik!!! oh goodness, I hope I hope I hope...
klik- Oh man, I'm SO hopeful for you! And I just think cramps are the best sign... I know cramps doesn't always equal BFP but OTOH almost everyone I can think of who got their BFPs had cramps. :thumbup: I'm so glad you get a break from traveling. Less than a week until your test, eek!

Disney- Hooray for working from home! I'm so glad you don't have to go outside in that brutal heat. Even the NY news is talking about it! A 6 month leave sounds wonderful. As for the iron pills, have you thought about taking a raw form that may be more easily absorbed by your body? I'm a big fan of Garden of Life brand. I hope it's resolved soon!

Amanda- OMG, Brielle is so precious <3 I just want to kiss those little cheeks!!! Have things improved at all with her reflux since she went on the meds?

boopin- I don't know why but I didn't realize we had two Cali girls on here! :) I hope you're staying cool! Really can't complain so far with this pregnancy... it's actually gone very smoothly!

wish- Oh honey, I'm so sorry about your cat. :hugs: It's devastating to lose a pet, no matter what the circumstances. I can't even think about losing my girls without sobbing. I know I will NOT be okay when that time comes. My best friend just told me last night that she has to put her cat down who she's had for 18 years. It's just the worst thing. In happier news, how are the little beans? Have you given them nicknames yet? I'm so glad you're having a easy pregnancy!

AFM, my sister's rehearsal dinner is tonight so we get to bounce out of work early today. Woot! I'm a little nervous about the wedding tomorrow, as I have to walk down the aisle and I HATE being the center of attention. Just glad I don't have to make a speech or anything. I think this will be the first wedding I've ever attended dead sober. :haha: I might fall asleep before the cake comes out, teehee! Clinic has officially told me to stop PIO. I'm very nervous... I'm 8w5d and my last test came back at 19.1. They checked again this morning and if it's lower I think I'm going to take a shot.
thank you about the wishes for my kitty <3 She was the best but it was getting harder and harder to watch her get worse. It finally got to the point where I felt it would be merciful to have her go. I hadn't felt that completely until the other day, I just knew it was time.

amanda - how's little Brielle? do you plan on calling her Brie?

disney - have you had anymore BH?

boopin - i can't WAIT for your next appt to get things going. Are you going through the same donor list again or going through a different process at all?

klik - anymore cramping?? :) I don't recall having cramping, maybe a little, but I felt like I was going to faint the night of my transfer.

My nuggets seem to be doing well, I guess?? :shrug: I get so nervous having an easy pregnancy. A little more confirmation would be nice! :) But I'll take the little twinges and aches when I can and have to realize more of the big picture than the little individual signs.
No nicknames really other than nuggets. :) My mom asks how the {insert fruit of the week here} are, so this week it was 'how are the kidney beans?' haha
Hey, gals! I'm having a really hard time posting sometimes, and it's not just the ads--the page hangs... is it just me?!

Wish: no more pineapple for me! I did it for five days, then I had that cramp on Tuesday but I decided to eat a sixth slice that day, as I'd only done a 3-day transfer... Now pineapple would presumably be unhelpful, so no more for me, for now... As for your cat, I know you kept her while it was still possible for her to have a good quality of life, and not just be suffering all the time... I'm so sorry... On the plus side, I like nuggets! And kidney beans! So yay! Enjoy your charmed pregnancy--I hope everything continues to unfold as beautifully as it has so far!

Scooby: in my last BFP I had no symptoms at all--no cramps like this one... at least not that I can remember... But yeah, who knows, this time might be different. Don't get too excited on my behalf, though--cramp or no, my chances are still only around 10% for this attempt... I understand your nervousness about PIO, and I do know people who insisted on taking it til week 10, no matter what their clinic said. Enjoy the rehearsal dinner! And, uhm, maybe try to distract yourself when walking down the aisle? Imagine the officiator naked, maybe? :winkwink:

AFM: yesterday I was nearly clawing my eyes out with hayfever (sorry for the terrible image). I still feel it today, but yesterday it really was a nightmare. If I were one of these embryos, I'd totally abandon ship--who needs this stress, right? And this overactive immune system? :wacko:

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