IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hi ladies - Sorry I’ve been MIA. We went out of town, and the the holidays crept upon us and things got quite busy. That, and things are extremely chaotic at work at the moment.

Klik - So scary about the bleeding. I hope that everything is all good now!

Wish - My niece had a reaction to antibiotics the first time she was in it. Her doctor said that it wasn’t an allergic reaction but just something that a lot of kids exhibit the first time they aren’t prescribed the medication. I don’t think her reaction happened until after she had been in it for several days, and luckily, she hasn’t reacted to the same medication since (she’s taken it several times for ear infections when she was an infant). That must have been scary to go through - I hope all is well.

Christmas was fun over here. The kids had a great time looking at decorations, watching movies, singing songs, and baking. We went to my parents’ house on Christmas Day and were joined by my siblings and my extended family on my mom’s side. I still can’t believe it’s over already. We will be sad when all of the decorations come down.
Thanks, Disney - yeah, we actually already went through this with Malcolm so it wasn't unchartered territory. Just Timothy seems a bit more sensitive to it (he's the sensitive one of the two anyway, it seems) so it was a little scary.

Your Christmas sounds lovely! Yeah, I'm sad it's already over too. I hate this time of year b/c for me in New England, now we just wait through the rest of winter to make it to spring, hopefully relatively unscathed by blizzards. But now we at least have the boys' birthday to look forward to in mid-January!
Wow - one already! So amazing and absolutely wonderful! :dance: Are you planning anything special for their birthday?

I’m currently battling a cold - thanks to whoever brought it to Christmas dinner. :xmas21:
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Happy New Year!!!! Sorry for the silence--long story short, everything is looking ok! Christmas was nuts and I was already terrified, so I really needed some time to recover...

Wish: is Timothy finally totally ok? I can really picture the scene, poor thing... It also seems like between the FaceTimey sort of medical care and the ER prioritizing the little ones, you're well looked after! Also hilarious about the hospital family reunion--I hope everyone is ok now! Hang in there for the blizzards... From grey London, it's easy to romanticize the fluffy white snow, but you've had some rough years recently... Here's hoping this year is relatively mild! Is there a birthday party coming up for the boys??

Disney: I'm sorry work is so tough... I really hope that gets resolved somehow... It sounds like the kids had a wonderful Christmas! I'm not a big Christmas person myself (my family never did trees nor gave each other presents) but DP is Christmas-mad! Still, if/when there is a little one around to enjoy it, I think I'll get more into the spirit!

I had another scan on Christmas eve, just for reassurance... I wanted to wait a bit longer but DP wanted us to put our fears aside for Christmas day. That scan went well--the little guy was moving around and there was no blood anywhere to be seen. Since then I've been spotting every day, but nothing really worrying... Sadly the doc said no exercise and no BD til I stop spotting, which may very well not happen for the next 6 months... Anyway, I'll try to get a scan for this Friday, just for more reassurance--it's when I'm finally due to stop progesterone altogether so it will be good to just see him again before that. I honestly can't wait to feel him moving--I'd really welcome some feedback from him, as besides swollen boobs, a bit of a belly, no periods, some smell sensitivity, and some moments of extreme hunger, I don't really get any feedback from my body saying that I'm pregnant... Anyway, here's hoping for a wonderful 2019 for all of us, our other halves, our little ones, and our families at large! :dance::xmas8::hugs:
klik - I'm so happy each time I come on here and get your positive posts! I'm so relieved! Yeah, I didn't really feel too much for awhile either. And when it starts, you kinda don't believe it b/c you write it off as gas or something. But it's there!! it'll happen soon!! How far are you now? I think around 14 weeks a little buzzing started. :)
I bet you're going to have a fabulous Christmas this year!

Oh no, Disney! I hope you're on the mend by now!

Yes - planning the boy's bday party now. It was going to try to be small but we've had so many people include us in their childrens' first birthdays and just been so happy for us having the boys that I wanted to include them in at least THIS celebration. Probably not the later ones, we'll keep those smaller. So we're doing it at our house and i have no idea how we'll fit everyone but oh well. Monster themed since I call them our little monsters. My aunt and cousin offered to make the cupcakes and did a trial run yesterday - they came out so cute!! All different colors with assortments of eyes and teeth and silly faces. I LOVE them and that's going to save us a BUNDLE!! I already got them a couple 'this monster is turning 1' onesies to wear and a couple decorations for the wall and their highchairs. Other than that, we'll have it catered and call it a day. My folks are flying in next Thurs and the party will be that Saturday. Hopefully easy peasy.
oh and yes, Timothy is much better now. Just hoping we can keep both of them out of the Dr office until their one year checkup on the 16th. Please please please!
Hey, Wish! 14 weeks is tomorrow but I think it will take me a bit longer to feel a buzzing because I've got only one little bee inside! I know what you mean about accumulating well-wishers over time while TTC long-term... I'm now struggling with when to tell whom, especially as I still feel pretty anxious... The birthday party you're planning sounds lovely, and I love the theme and that you'll have all these awesome silly homemade cupcakes! Happy planning!

I'm looking forward to the scan tomorrow--hopefully it will help unpetrify me a bit!
oohhhh report back from scan please!!! I'm sure all is well. 2nd tri!!!! YOU MADE IT!!! How are you feeling?
Yeah, maybe it'll take a little longer but I'm not sure if it'll take too much longer!!
well, the little guy is still alive and his body parts are all measuring within range, which is great... He wasn't moving which is a bit of a shame but I guess nothing to worry about. I do have a new subchorionic haematoma, which is why I just keep spotting all the time, but apart from no exercise and no BD for the foreseeable future, hopefully everything will be ok... It's a little worrying but really, so far so good! We just need luck to stay on our side for this one...
That's fantastic!! Oh he was just napping. :sleep: I guess a trick if you want to see the little guy move is to have a little soda or something sweet before your next scan. :)
Yeah - the worry. It will continue to be there probably the whole time b/c of what you've gone through already. Try to imagine yourself in the mindset of someone who has never gone through those things too and is able to enjoy the pregnancy, if you know what I mean. I had to really play mind games with myself to not be on the side of worrying the whole time. But I do remember, after I started feeling them kick for real - I would figure out their patterns and after breakfast they'd go crazy. One morning, Timothy (then just Baby A) didn't. I got SO nervous!!! I came here and someone said to drink a little soda so I did and he wriggled around a bit. Guess he was just in a food coma! :) Or in a position where I just may not have been feeling him.

He's doing great!!! I'm so happy!!
Aaaah, thanks for the sugar advice! I'll bear that in mind for next time... I think what will help me worry less will be starting to feel him, though I think like you if something doesn't fit an established pattern I'll have a bit of a panic! I think I'm starting to feel a little bit of fluttering now, if I sit still and focus, but it may well just be wishful thinking... I'm glad Timothy is back to full health! I had another scare on Tuesday, were red blood started gushing out again, but it stopped much faster than the first time... I had a scan just to make sure, and the little guy was all right, thank goodness--and he was doing the squats this time! :haha:
I never had any bleeding so I cannot relate to the scares you're having, but I can envision them!!! Hang in there!! He sounds like he's just doing great so your body is just doing other stuff in the meantime. Lovely! Knock it off, body!

I cannot believe I can say I have 1 yr old twin sons now!! Their bday was yesterday, we had a party this past weekend. About 50 people came I think - insane. But we fit everyone, fed everyone (and had leftovers for days), the boys had a great time, all kids seemed to have fun. Phewwwwwww!
Malcolm got tubes in his ears yesterday too so I had the day off (well I was off since Friday - that was so nice. Longest time off since my maternity leave!) He did so great!! Wouldn't even know he had anything done, even an hour afterwards. He's such a good kid. The surgery was literally 10 mins long, I'd say. They took him from me at about 9:01, she came back about 5 mins later and said he was asleep and did really well doing that (didn't fight or cry). Then at 9:18, the doc came in and said he was done and he did great, and that he was in Recovery until he woke up. A few mins later, they had him back to me. Albeit, he was screaming but they said that's 100% normal b/c of the anesthesia. I had a bottle ready for him and he calmed right down. So glad that's done and hopefully he can get some relief from these ear infections!

I can't wait for your next scan! When is that? You're probably another week in now, so 15 weeks? Your anatomy scan is in 5 short weeks!!!
Oooh, poor Malcolm, he had an ear infection... It sounds like he was really brave! :hugs:

Funny you say that screaming is normal because of the anaesthesia... Babies are really in tune with their bodies, so something probably feels terribly wrong after anaesthesia... Certainly my dog is like that (he's truly been our practice baby)--if he ever needs anaesthesia for anything, he'll be whining for hours after he wakes up, poor thing... But good thinking, having a bottle ready for Malcolm, giving him something nourishing and comforting and familiar to hold onto!

Happy belated birthday to your boys! Wow, 50 people!!! Really well done!!!

I had a scan today, at 16 weeks--an "early anomaly scan." Fortunately, no anomalies were found, and we had a really good view of the heart, which is now looking very heart-like!

I also booked an 18-day trip to southern Spain, at the end of the second trimester/beginning of the third. Spain is meant to have really good health care, so if there's to be an early delivery we should hopefully be ok. But I think we desperately need a babymoon, after all we've been through...

Hi ladies! I’m so sorry for the absence lately. Work has been extremely chaotic and has been consuming a lot of my time.

Klik - The bleeding sounds extremely scary, but I’m so glad that your scans have been great! I think I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks the first time and closer to 18-19 weeks the second time around. I think the position of the placenta as well as the baby into how early you can feel anything. I’m afraid that the worry won’t really go away, but it’ll be a lot more reassuring as soon as you can start feeling regular movements. I hope the bleeding has ended for good.

Wish - I can’t believe your little ones are a year already! Amazing! I still can’t believe Sarah is 18 months (as of yesterday). It sounds like they are doing great, and they are both hopefully in good health again. I’m glad the surgery went well!
18 days in the South of Spain?! holy moly that sounds incredible. You definitely deserve it! Have you been before? Will this be an adventurous trip or relaxing on a beach?
EXCELLENT no anomalies were found! I'm sure it'll stay that way!! Little Bean Boy is doing very well in there, growing properly!

Disney - 18 months!! CRAZY!! Why is work so hectic? is this typical?
The company has instituted a hiring freeze, so the departments that are short staffed are having to load up the workers with extra work.

We’re working on kindergarten applications for our oldest right now. :sad2::wacko: We are applying to 2 private schools in addition to the local public school which may or may not have space due to overcrowding.
I had no idea this thread was active again, SO happy to see updates from everyone!

And OMG klik!!! I was literally thinking about you yesterday and I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED to hear your awesome news!!! :dance::dance::dance:Wonderful that everything is on track and he's looking great. And awww, another boy! <3 Mine is such a mama's boy which I totally didn't expect but secretly love lol.

I completely understand all of the preggo anxiety. I took forever to tell anyone but my closest friends and family and obsessed over my progesterone numbers and lack of movement and heart rate and basically everything. But when I hit my second trimester and started feeling movement (I had an anterior placenta so that took a bit) it was like something clicked that everything was going to be ok and I relaxed for the rest of my pregnancy. I hope you find that peace too! <3 When is your due date? How are you feeling?

wish- I'm sorry M had to get tubes but that's great he did so well! My niece got them after lots of ear infections and she never had them again. Happy 1st birthday little boys!!! I can't believe you hosted that many people. You're a rock star!

Disney- Hey girl! So glad to hear the girls are doing well. Sorry work is so stressful! (I can totally relate!) That's crazy the public schools are that overcrowded. Do they have plans to build another one to relieve some of the strain?

AFM, my little man Finnegan James (aka Finn) is turning 1 on Sunday. It really flew by! 2018 was such a crazy & memorable year for us. Aside from finally becoming a mom, I also fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming a homeowner! We moved in about 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it. (Especially the fireplace!)
Scooby - Ahhhh one already! Amazing how quickly time flies! :dance: Are you planning anything special to celebrate? Congrats on the new home, too! That’s so exciting! Are you close to work?

The school district here has no plans to build any new schools, yet the city keeps cramming more and more housing in (against the residents’ wishes). Hundreds or thousands more families with no plans to improve or expand road infrastructure, build new schools, or add local police or additional fire services. A lot of the land that they are taking over was previously zoned for commercial use. And they are collecting special taxes from the residents for the local school, but many people are still getting turned away due to overcrowding. There are other policies in the school district that I’m not fond of. If we can get her a spot in the private school, we prefer to send our kids there (even if it means we have to pay). There’s a priority list, and we’re not high on that list, so we shall see what happens.
Disney: thanks! Well, to put it in perspective, my life was never remotely in danger like yours was with your bleeds, but I was very afraid for the little guy... I'm sorry work is still so painful... How long can this last, really?? Would you consider moving jobs? Workers often have some modicum of power in the current labor market... As for schools, this is crazy! Is this even legal, not to have enough public school places?? I hope you get a place in the private school of your preference... And wow, 18 months! Amazing!!!

Wish: we've been to Granada, but not the Costa del Sol which is where we're going this time... (I highly recommend Granada, btw). In principle it will be a beach holiday but we'll have a car so we're probably going hiking as well...

Scooby: Happy birthday to Finn! One year, WOW! Hurray to you finding your way back to this thread! Yeah, I was planning on starting to tell people at 12 weeks, after good NIPT results and nuchal scan, but I started bleeding profusely on my way home from the nuchal scan... So that totally threw me... But it's been over two weeks since the last bleed and I'm thinking I should get off my butt and start calling family already!

I also have an anterior placenta so I'm wondering if the "flutterings" I feel are anything but my imagination. And I'm just resigned to the fact that the real kick feelings, if they come, will take a while still... But I'm less anxious than I might be at this point--having had those bleeds sort of puts things in perspective, so little aches or whatever become unimportant. I'm in "no news is good news" mode, which is nice! Well, I do have one symptom besides the bump: my nipples are weirdly sore. Annoying but only rarely actually painful, I'm happy to say!

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