Hi Disney - welcome! Congrats on your little girl, its great to hear positive ivf stories, its wonderful to know you got there in the end. How many frosties do you have? Good luck getting your thyroid issue fixed, I hope they can do it quickly so that you can move on with your fet.
Whats everyone up to this weekend? My dh is away at the rugby so its just me and my dd at home!
mrsw11 oh I really hope so I am so keen to get started!! Not much this weekend, been out for the day with DD so relaxing now!
disneyfan88 good luck with your upcoming FET I am doing an FET too
so great how you can find out the gender of your embryos! Amazing how you can find out what gender baby is before even having them put back
Disney: Welcome to the group☺️ I hope you get to start in December as planned. I have a tentative transfer date of 11th December, which I have just worked out means I will be testing around Xmas day!
Mrs W: I've been visiting my mother in law this wknd with dh. We're off for a nice roast dinner today
Can anyone tell me how I get the pink writing summary below all my posts?
ttcbaby I'm using my two frosties IF they survive the thaw I'm so scared they won't :/
Sounds like you have a good plan with all the vits I'm sure they will help if my af doesn't take forever we could potentionally cycle together!!!
What grades are your embryos?
Hi Disney - welcome! Congrats on your little girl, its great to hear positive ivf stories, its wonderful to know you got there in the end. How many frosties do you have? Good luck getting your thyroid issue fixed, I hope they can do it quickly so that you can move on with your fet.
Whats everyone up to this weekend? My dh is away at the rugby so its just me and my dd at home!
Thanks! We have 3 healthy frozen embryos remaining from our two IVF attempts. The second time around, we did genetic screening of our 4 fresh and 2 previously frozen embryos. 4 of them came back normal (3 girls and one boy). We transferred the highest grade embryo for our first FET, which is now our healthy 15 month old daughter. The next highest grade embryo (from IVF #1) is the boy. The remainder of the healthy ones (all girls) are from IVF #2.
Headed to a baby shower brunch. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Disney - will you transfer the next highest quality embryo this time, the boy?