IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

oh man - I hope they up your dosage to get that lining nice and thick!! They skipped over the dosage that was on my original calendar last week - instead of increasing from 2 pills 2x/day to 2 pills 3x/day, they jumped straight to 3 pills 3x/day. I imagine that helped things along.
I am staying on that dosage from here on out, still taking the baby aspirin and I start my Crinone tonight, then twice a day for the rest of the time.
keep us posted on the bloods!

Thanks! My doctor emailed me about an hour and a half ago (I swear she never stops working! She's amazing!). My estradiol level came back at 251, so she said there's no need to up my medication dosage. She recommended a couple of supplements (vitamin E and l-arginine) if I want to try them to help my lining. Other than that, I continue my current meds and we wait and reasses my lining the first week of February. If all looks well, then we can transfer during the week of February 8. I'll probably hear back about my thyroid tomorrow. :wacko:

Good luck with the Crinone. It painless, which is good. Don't forget to uh... clean out the old stuff in the shower. :blush: I was on it during my IVF cycles and was switched to PIO when I was pregnant with my daughter because my progesterone levels were low. I think it gave me a yeast infection, too. :dohh: I'll be back on PIO again whenever my lining issue is resolved.

Disney so sorry to hear thaT!! Hopefully it catches up!

IUI went well today, start PIO tonight. Tried the crinone last cycle but had awful s/e from it, so oddly enough I prefer the PIO. A little more painful, but less messy and irritating for sure.

Thanks, Amanda! Sending you lots of luck and positive vibes! :dust:
Oh, Disneyfan, I'm so sorry your lining is still thin... Hopefully just a matter of time, then. It's so frustrating when there's something you've never had a problem with, and suddenly it becomes an obstacle. Hang in there... I hope the thyroid numbers look good, and that the bloods and lining all look excellent next week. :hugs:

Wish: when is transfer planned for again? Good luck!! :dust:

Amanda: good that you found a way to get progesterone that works for you! Best of luck--I know you're not feeling super-hopeful, but I hope you get a nice suprise! :dust:

AFM: only a few BCPs left; taking a short trip home from tomorrow to see my family (whom I didn't get to see over Christmas), and then baseline scan booked for Friday, Jan 29th (which according to my calculations SHOULD be day 1, 2, or 3 of my cycle. Fingers crossed I'm right about that...)
that's great you don't have to increase your dosage then! keep eating that iron-filled food too. You'll get there in no time.

yeah, I've been on Crinone each cycle - I am all too familiar with the grossities!! :haha: This cycle she gave me the option of the PIO shot and I stuck with the Crinone. If there is a difference in progesterone amts like you said, that's prob why they do 2/day instead of just one. Whatever works!

klik - not long now at all!!!

hazel and bright - did you have your scans yet? how did they go? and if not - good luck!
Thanks, ladies! Thyroid came back at 1.25, which she says is "perfect". I scheduled my next lining check for February 1. Fingers crossed things look better then!

klik - That's great that you get to see your family. That's great that your scan is coming up. My doctor didn't seem to concerned about the exact day I went in for my scan after stopping BCP with my last FET since the bleeding was more of a withdrawal bleed than a true period. I'm sure it'll be great but I'm sending you good vibes anyway. :hugs::dust:

Wish - I don't blame you for picking the no shots option. My insurance doesn't cover Crinone anymore, so if I didn't go on PIO, it would be endometrin, which I hear is even grosser and messier than Crinone. My doctor was already leaning towards having me go straight to PIO since I didn't seem to absorb enough of the progesterone when I was on the Crinone last time. Too bad the oral progesterone isn't effective! :haha: I should at least be grateful that my doctor says I can get by with the 1 inch injection needles instead of the 1.5 inch ones. I need to start incorporating a heating pad or something into the injection ritual this next time because I ended up with so many hard knots and lumps in my behind last time. :dohh:
Oh don't do endometrin, can definitely vouch for it being messier and grosser than crinone! And tell me about the knots.....I still had some from the last time I used it in November! I walk afterwards for about 10 minutes as I heard that helps distribute it better. Only did that for the first few days last time, because I got lazy. Trying to do it every day this time around. Only been 2 days now though, and already feel super bloated. Joy!
yikes!! that doesn't sound fun at all. Yeah, I was good with doing no shots this time around - if I'm not doing shots on the front end, I didn't want to incorporate them on the back end (pun intended! :haha:)

disney - that's awesome about your thyroid!!

ugh, amanda - I hear you on the bloat. Though it's weird, I don't feel TERRIBLY bloated but I've gained a few lbs from the estrace. Boo. whatever, just riding it out. I have my 2nd to last gym class for the next while today. I'm going to hang up my gear for a couple of weeks during the TWW and then hopefully get to go back to punching and kicking stuff, but with a baby on board! :)
Kilk &Disney - while we were on the subject of recipes lol I heard lentil soup was rich in folate so very good for early development of a baby!! I tired to make it and failed I like burned it lol it was bad.

Disney- I was taking L-argine before and during my cycle I read it helps enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries! My linning was excellent don't know if was that but it doesn't hurt to try! Excited for ya!

Wish- I'm taking Crinone as well. I take it at night the Nurse said after taking go straight to bed cause it's messy and it is! But I guess I'll choose this over PIO. Anything to support my little bean!

Just an update! Sorry I wasn't able to post sooner I've actually been really fatigued and the morning (all day sickness) is in full effect whoa! I'm having food aversions and onions and various others get me going. But as for my scan it went Great! Baby is measuring right on track. We got to see and hear the beat!!! I was in Awe I asked the Nurse to play it twice there is nothing more beautiful and serene then the sound of a heartbeat for a first time Mom:). The heartbeat was 143BPM very strong at 7Wks. I showed my family the Ultrasound and they have nicknamed my baby peanut cause he/she so small right now lol. Bitter sweet we are graduating from our RE's office and our f/u appt will be at 10.5 wks and baby will start looking like a baby:).
Oh don't do endometrin, can definitely vouch for it being messier and grosser than crinone! And tell me about the knots.....I still had some from the last time I used it in November! I walk afterwards for about 10 minutes as I heard that helps distribute it better. Only did that for the first few days last time, because I got lazy. Trying to do it every day this time around. Only been 2 days now though, and already feel super bloated. Joy!

Thanks! Hang in there! It's totally worth the discomfort. Is your DH helping you with your shots? With all that we put our bodies through, that's my DH's contribution to the whole process. :thumbup:

yikes!! that doesn't sound fun at all. Yeah, I was good with doing no shots this time around - if I'm not doing shots on the front end, I didn't want to incorporate them on the back end (pun intended! :haha:)

disney - that's awesome about your thyroid!!

ugh, amanda - I hear you on the bloat. Though it's weird, I don't feel TERRIBLY bloated but I've gained a few lbs from the estrace. Boo. whatever, just riding it out. I have my 2nd to last gym class for the next while today. I'm going to hang up my gear for a couple of weeks during the TWW and then hopefully get to go back to punching and kicking stuff, but with a baby on board! :)

Thanks! You know, I swear I've been gaining wait since starting the estrace, too. Not a ton so that it's noticeable to others, but my belly seems a bit pudgier than normal, and the scale has gone up slightly by at least 2-3 lbs. :dohh: Your transfer is right around the corner! :thumbup:

Kilk &Disney - while we were on the subject of recipes lol I heard lentil soup was rich in folate so very good for early development of a baby!! I tired to make it and failed I like burned it lol it was bad.

Disney- I was taking L-argine before and during my cycle I read it helps enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries! My linning was excellent don't know if was that but it doesn't hurt to try! Excited for ya!

Wish- I'm taking Crinone as well. I take it at night the Nurse said after taking go straight to bed cause it's messy and it is! But I guess I'll choose this over PIO. Anything to support my little bean!

Just an update! Sorry I wasn't able to post sooner I've actually been really fatigued and the morning (all day sickness) is in full effect whoa! I'm having food aversions and onions and various others get me going. But as for my scan it went Great! Baby is measuring right on track. We got to see and hear the beat!!! I was in Awe I asked the Nurse to play it twice there is nothing more beautiful and serene then the sound of a heartbeat for a first time Mom:). The heartbeat was 143BPM very strong at 7Wks. I showed my family the Ultrasound and they have nicknamed my baby peanut cause he/she so small right now lol. Bitter sweet we are graduating from our RE's office and our f/u appt will be at 10.5 wks and baby will start looking like a baby:).

Thanks for the tips on the soup and supplements! :thumbup: Sorry to hear that you're suffering from nausea. I hope that gets better for you soon! :hugs: That's so awesome that your ultrasound went well and that you were able to hear the heartbeat. It's amazing, isn't it?!
Disneyfan: thank you so much for the info on your doc's attitude towards which day is the baseline scan! I've been fretting over some breakthrough bleeding I've been having, and wondering whether that would ruin everything for this cycle, while I'm too far away to do anything about it! :wacko: I did manage to calm myself down, though... Well done on getting the TSH down. Here's hoping the extra time and supplements will get you ready for the Feb 1st scan! :dust:

Wish, Disneyfan: I've been wondering whether my extra 2 pounds or so have been due to the BCP or to anxious eating...

Wish, for my December cycle I did not exercise throughout the whole cycle, in case exercise was somehow affecting my follicles. That doesn't work for me, though--I'm back to exercising, and will only stop after my next egg retrieval, whenever that is... Enjoy it while you can! And after that... good luck! :dust:

Amanda: so you're in the 2ww now, and having to deal with PIO... difficult time. Hang in there! Best of luck! :dust:

Hazel, I had no idea lentil soup was good! I just had some oxtail and lentils sitting around... I am soooo glad to see that your ultrasound went well, and that you got to hear that heartbeat! I can only imagine how exciting and moving that must be... :hugs:
hazel - I'm so happy your scan went well!! I am sooooo anxious to see a HB someday!

klik - oh I remember being a few lbs heavier on bcp as well! yeah, not working out doesn't work for me - so hard to get back into it after a month off or whatnot. So I just worked out up until my TWW this time.

transfer is tomorrow, hopefully! let's hope the bugger survives the thaw tomorrow. That's the next worry on the list. :)
hazel - I'm so happy your scan went well!! I am sooooo anxious to see a HB someday!

klik - oh I remember being a few lbs heavier on bcp as well! yeah, not working out doesn't work for me - so hard to get back into it after a month off or whatnot. So I just worked out up until my TWW this time.

transfer is tomorrow, hopefully! let's hope the bugger survives the thaw tomorrow. That's the next worry on the list. :)

:dust: :dust: :dust:
just found out it's at 12:30 tomorrow, have to be there by 11:30 and start loading up on water. I usually drink til I'm about to burst and they send me to the restroom to let a bit out! :haha:

kind of annoyed b/c I took the whole morning off hoping it was at least going to be before noon. Now being midday, just have to rejigger the schedule. Whatever....zen right??
My last one was at 12:30. I scheduled acupuncture before and after, so I had to start loading up on water extra early. They always tell me to let some out every time. And my husband's response is always "what do you mean count to 8 and stop peeing? :shrug:" :haha:

Best of luck!!
Wish - I forgot to mention -- my acupuncturist recommends keeping your feet warm, eat and drink nothing that is colder than room temperature (warm and hot temperatures are better), and lots of protein (like chicken) post transfer. She also recommends pineapple core to aid with implementation. :thumbup:
just found out it's at 12:30 tomorrow, have to be there by 11:30 and start loading up on water. I usually drink til I'm about to burst and they send me to the restroom to let a bit out! :haha:

kind of annoyed b/c I took the whole morning off hoping it was at least going to be before noon. Now being midday, just have to rejigger the schedule. Whatever....zen right??

Good luck today wish :) I was also bursting at my transfer. One second you panic because you don't feel it's full enough and then, bam, you can hardly focus on anything but your bladder! All part of the journey. Hope this is a sticky embie xx
GOod luck today Wish!! I'll be thinking about you. Wishing you all the best today xo! :hugs:
Thank you everyone!! Just got the call that my little embie survived the thaw - one worry down. :) It's coming home to mama! haha

Thanks for the tips, disney - I'm going to be living off of tea and decaf coffee, and I can't ever get enough proteins so that won't be a problem. Good thing it's winter - warm drinks and wool socks!! :)
Wish: hurray for the thaw survival! Best, best, best of luck for the transfer!! :dust:

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