IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

oh i'm completely going to feel like you b/c I've struggled so much and had 1 mc already. And being older, etc. It's just not the prime situation biologically to try to bring a baby into this world. That does NOT mean that it can't be done, obviously. But I'm definitely going to be the biggest worry wart!
Adr- big hugs to you. What you experienced must have been so tough. I hope you can find peace and that this will finally be the cycle that leads to your little one being born healthy.

Hope - I'm sure I will be a bag of nerves. My first IVF was just one worry after the other. I've been to counselling and am listening to positive hypnotherapy and affirmations. I'm using it to push the negative thoughts away. I know sometimes it is impossible but I do think this experience has to make us all stronger and more able to cope with our emotions. Pregnancy should be a time for bonding with your baby. I think that when you try so hard to conceive you almost put a barrier up to that bonding because you are still trying to protect yourself. I guess if you can try and push negative thoughts away more often than not then that is progress. Don't be too hard on yourself. And I'm sure it will all work out for you this time xx
how's everyone doing today? scan today, right Disney?

klik - baseline this week? or was it last Friday? i'm losing track of things now... :)
Hope - You're not crazy at all. I remember feeling the same things the last time, and if I am lucky enough for lightening to strike twice, I'll feel those same feeling again with another pregnancy. I'm hoping things work out for us. We have 2 normal embryos left in the freezer, and I'm sort of hanging all my hopes on them. In any case, enjoy your pregnancy. You have so much to look forward to, and it'll be amazing when you can start feeling movements! :thumbup:

Wish - My scan is in a little over 3 hours. I'm praying that I get good news later and can schedule our transfer for next week! How are you doing?

klik - I hope your scan went well last Friday!

I hope everyone else is doing well!
I'm well! no crazy symptoms but I'm hoping things pick up this week. I just checked my symptoms from last May and I'm not too far off from them. They are just to a lesser degree.

my boobs are slightly sore - that's more than all of my BFN months! I don't feel a thing in those months.
I've had this little niggle cramp or sensation in my lower right side of my uterus for a few days now. Comes and goes, so again - nothing to write home about.
I was SO flaky yesterday when DH, his Dad and I were playing a board game. I couldn't keep which playing piece was mine straight! DH kept looking at me wondering what was going on.

I guess that's it! So nothing crazy or outlandish that I can point to that's saying 'I'm SO pregnant!!' :haha:
Wish, I'm going to go right ahead and be excited on your behalf! :dust::dust::dust:

Disneyfan: how did it go?!

Hope, I've had a MC, once... my only pregnancy that I know of... so I'll be incredibly anxious if I get another pregnancy. It's completely natural. Must be a relief every time you get confirmation that things are going well!

Asterimou: looks like the counselling is helping... I'm glad to hear it!

Ladies, I shall have to be brief! Scan and bloods went really well on Friday (I have a little cyst but it's not producing estrogen). Of course the BCP inhibits FSH production, so my relatively-low FSH number is fake, but I don't care. I just want to do this thing! Follow-up scan tomorrow. I hope it works. And I hope the mosquitoes that did bite me did not manage to give me anything that will affect the potential little embryo. Truth is, I won't really stop worrying til baby is born. Everything I've read thus far is encouraging, but certainty is hard to get. Anyway... hoping I get as far as a live baby someday!

:hugs: to all!
I'll reply properly to the recent posts later when I have more time, but we're getting pushed back another week. :dohh: My lining is 8.1 today. My doctor said that for many clinics that's enough, but she's picky and wants it at least 9. Next lining check is next Tuesday, and if all looks good (finally!), we can transfer the following week.
Wish - Sounds promising! :thumbup: When is your official test day? :dust: I'm rooting for you!!

klik - Good luck at your follow-up scan! I'm sure you'll do great! :hugs: I wonder if there's a blood test that you can get to test for the Zika virus in your blood. I'm sure everything will be ok, but I can definitely understand the worry. I've been reading about the Zika virus a little bit (we're planning a trip to SoCal in May, and while the virus isn't in the US yet, I'm concerned about the possibility of it coming here by the time we travel there), and the things I've come across leads me to believe you'll be ok, too. :hugs:

My doctor emailed me this evening. My estradiol level came back at 318, so no need to change my medication dosage. She thinks that since I went from 5.6 to 8.1 in 2 weeks, I should be at 9+ by next week. If I am, she'll let me schedule my transfer for the following week. Fingers crossed! I've never had lining issues with any of my previous embryo transfers, so I'm a bit perplexed by the sudden issues. :shrug:
Aw, Disneyfan, I'm sorry to hear the lining is going slowly... your doctor sounds pretty comfortable with it, though--she seems to be saying, no worries, it's just a matter of time. Of course it feels nicer when things "just work..." and I'm sure you're anxious to get things going... but it does seem you're on the right path, just slowly... Hang in there... :hugs:

I seem to be going slowly, too. Just came from my CD7 scan, and there seems to be no follicle growth... one para-ovarian cyst that I think I've had for ages... a small endometrioma, nothing to worry about... but as far as follicles go, there's just one tiny one, maybe. Last time around I had a super-fast growing follie, and now I seem to only have slowpokes. Then again, I took the BCP this time around, and that does make the ovaries a bit sleepy. Oh, well. Hopefully just a matter of time. At least lining is thin, so follicle size and lining are in sync. Also, the more time passes, the less likely it is I'll have any Zika issues! My doctor was in the scan room, so I mentioned having gone to Brazil, and instead of cancelling the cycle on the spot, which was my fear, he mused that one possible outcome is that maybe now I'm immune, and that is a plus. Loving the optimism! :thumbup: OTOH, he did suggest I ask my general practitioner what sort of testing is in fact available, just in case... So I'll do that.
oh man - sleepy linings and follies? I'm glad both of you are ok with things, though - it'll get here. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
Disney - you're sooooo close!
And klik - I'm glad everything is in sync with you and that your doc isn't worried about the Zika virus!
When are your next scans?

hope - happy 8 weeks! when is your next scan?
I go Monday, February 8th.

Two days ago I had HORRIBLE cramping. It lasted about 2 hours. I took Tylenol and the cramps subsided. I never bled that night which was a relief. Afterwards my nausea was the worst it has ever been. Then yesterday I finally made a bowel movement (after a long 5 days). Now I feel a million times better. No nausea or heartburn or anything. I'm hoping the cramps were just horrible gas from being backed up. But honestly they were low abdominal cramps/menstrual type that pained me every time I stood up or walked. I just hope everything is okay. When you have nausea 24/7 and then all of a sudden it's gone, you can't help but worry something is wrong.
oh and meant to say my test date is this Fri, 2/5

oh dear, that sounds so uncomfortable, Hope. Just think, though - all of those toxins building up could cause nausea too. It's all interconnected! I'm sure everything is fine, but I understand your concern.
klik - Thanks! :hugs: I must say that it was easier to accept the news this time around since I seem to be making progress and am getting close. I'm sure your follies will catch up. It sounds like you're on the right track. And that's great about your doctor's take about the Zika virus. It would be great if you could get blood work done before your next transfer just to ease your mind.

Hope - The things our bodies do to drive us crazy! I'm nearly positive that the cramping was gas related. I've felt that before. Do you have another scan soon? :hugs:

wish - Thanks!! Your test day is coming up soon! I'm so excited for you! :thumbup:
Thanks, Wish! I WAS ok until I got the unfortunate bloodwork call... It seems likely I'll have an early LH surge, while my follicles are still tiny, so this cycle will most likely be cancelled. :dohh::dohh::dohh: I was meant to skip today's scan/bloods but they asked me back in because my LH levels had increased quite a bit by Tuesday. This process is SO FRUSTRATING sometimes! And I'm too late to take the pill, too, so who knows, maybe next cycle I'll have a cyst again. Bah! Then again, who knows, maybe this is our chance to do this thing naturally :winkwink: I'm super-excited for your test date, though. It's coming so fast! Two more days! :dust::dust::dust:

Hope: I'm sorry about the cramping and the panic it must have caused... I'm glad you did not bleed--that must have been a comfort... Best of luck on Monday. I really, really hope this one sticks for you!! :dust::dust::dust:

Disneyfan: thanks! I hope you're building up your lining nicely, to make it all cozy for your little embryo! :dust::dust::dust:
Hi ladies.

Klik - sorry to hear about the delay. Patience is a virtue so they say. I'm actually out the country for the whole of Feb so don't even have my nurse appointment until March, so looking mid March start now. Me and hubby decided to take a holiday in the sun so I fly straight from working abroad to a nice beach :) Are you going to for it again in March ?

Wish - I have everything crossed for you, hope you're okay in your tww xx

Disney - hope that lining gets thicker.
thank you girls. Yes, waiting is one of the most frustrating parts of all of this. Always seems we're waiting for something. klik - I hope something natural does happen for you this month!!

aster - very jealous of your vacation on a beach! I haven't had a beach vacation since my wedding in 2011!!

I am quite nervous about my test, actually. Some days I think it might be positive, but then something else happens (or doesn't) and I think I'm out. Like this morning, cleaning out the crinone, my cervix was low and hard. Yesterday it was high and hard. I know that the CP isn't anything to hang your hat on but it's just those little things you can't help but keep in your head. I should just test early - I don't have a trigger shot in my body this time that would give me a false positive and as of today, I'm 9dp5dt, so that's really plenty of time. But I'm just so nervous and DH also hates when I don't want to follow doctor's orders.
...as you can see, I've completely lost it!

on a positive note, I am feeling a few things that I definitely do not feel on months it's been a BFN. And I have been watching with a very close eye since my m/c to see the difference between pregnant vs not but still on progesterone, etc. So I can tell what is attributed to progesterone (absolutely nothing for me - not even a sore boob!) and what could be pregnancy related. But it's so slight. Sighhh
klik - I'm so sorry about the prospect of your cycle being cancelled! Keep your head up and hang in there. Believe me when I say that I know what it's like to learn that things aren't going your way. Hang in there -- we'll get there!! :hugs::hugs:

Asterimou - Your travel plans sound lovely! I'd soooo like to be beach bound right about now. Work is driving me crazy! Best of the luck with the rest of your work trip. The beach is definitely something nice to look forward to! :flower:

Wish - I'm soooooo keeping everything crossed for you! The fact that you're noticing subtle differences sounds positive. My doctor normally schedules beta 8 days past 5 day transfers. You're almost to Friday - hang in there!!

As for me, I'm supposed to be building up my lining, and I strongly suspect that I forgot to take my morning estrace today. I just took my evening dose about half an hour ago, but :dohh::dohh::dohh: Stupid, stupid me. :dohh:
Asterimou: looks like we'll be keeping each other company! I'm really glad you and your hubby are going somewhere relaxing, warm, and beautiful. It will give both mind and body a chance to rest, and hopefully give you great strength for your next attempt. :thumbup:

Wish: Best of luck. I know how hard the wait is... I'm encouraged by your unusual (for you) symptoms, but of course, you don't know until you wait a while, and then have your test... It's not long now. All you have to do is survive a couple more days... :hugs:

Disneyfan: thanks. I agree, we will get there! I'm sorry you forgot your estrace... that is so frustrating... but your lining has been building up so well, I'm sure you'll be ready by your next scan. :hugs:

So yes, my cycle has been cancelled. I am having an early LH surge. I've been instructed to take norethisterone for the last half of my cycle, which should prevent new cysts from forming and, as I understand it, kick the LH back into gear. It also means I'm not allowed to try naturally. But I have a strong feeling that I shouldn't have had two cycles cancelled in a row, and even any natural chances eliminated altogether. I've arranged a phone consultation with a doctor in the US, a specialist in DOR. Let's see if he can help my clinic to find a better protocol for me... in the meantime, I will stick to my clinic's instructions...

I really apologise for the negativity--I feel frustrated at the moment. But I have not lost hope, and I feel like after two cancelled cycles SURELY I should get a break next time around! :winkwink:
ugh, klik - that is SO frustrating. Go with your gut, for sure. I'm glad you contacted that specialist. I hope he can help where you need him to help. Where is he located?
Does anyone have any idea why you're having early LH surges? or is that what is on time but the follie growth isn't keeping up? sorry for all of the questions...:hugs:

disney - your lining is going to be gorgeous and plump come this next scan! You'll definitely be ready for your transfer!!

ready for the flip-flopping Wish2bmom?? :haha:
So today, really last night while in bed, my brain was basically just thinking 'yep, we're pregnant so just hold on tight little one'. Like, the test doesn't even matter tomorrow. I was having some cramps that were radiating into my thigh/hip joint, my boobs were more sore. I was extremely exhausted yesterday around 3, made it to 5, was in a daze when making dinner and then just really subdued the rest of the night. I made it awake until 9:45 and went to sleep but then at midnight, my eyes popped open and I couldn't get back to sleep!! That's when I was feeling all the cramping and such. This is exactly what happened to me last time, it feels so familiar. So, I'm hoping I'm right. I'll actually be quite confused tomorrow if it's negative.

so that's me. Crazy Wish. Someone please slap me back into reality!!

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