IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Klik - I'm so sorry! I was sooo pulling for this to be it for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs: It's unfortunate and unfair that we've all been in your shoes. Don't lose hope, and remember that we're all here for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Klik, I'm so sorry. You seem to be unstoppable though and already dusting yourself off. :hugs: Thanks for offering words of support even in your time of disappointment. Short changed is how I feel right now but we will get our bonus one day!
Wish, thanks! The only other thing that doesn't suck, besides the end result, is the support--that absolutely rocks! Thank you very much! :hugs: I love the warrior! And hey, I'm totally hoping for a surprise natural BFP for you!

Disneyfan: thank you so much! :hugs: Yeah, it's quite dispiriting how little control one has, in the end, over all of this. Still... I'm way too stubborn to lose hope :winkwink: I hope the down-regging is going well and that your next cycle is indeed the golden one!

Asterimou: yeah, in point of fact I know that I ought to spend more time mourning this. It's so full-on now, though, with FIL about to come live with us temporarily and us suddenly having to become carers, that it's almost like I either mourn OR I move forward... there's not much time and space for both. Then again, I have a feeling that when AF arrives I'll be quite sad, because I know the embryo will be there along with all the lining... Also, chances are I'll cry at my consultation tomorrow... Anyway, I'm with you--I'm also feeling very short-changed. But like you I do truly believe that we will get our bonus one way or another, sooner or later! :hugs:
Oh, Amanda, we crossed posts. Thank you so much! :hugs: I'm sending you good vibes for Friday! :dust:
klik - I guess that's how I usually feel. It does hit me at some point but usually immediately after the news, I try to figure out a way to move forward first. Then as soon as that plan is in place, i can go back and revisit the disappointment and be sad. But I feel better knowing that there was already a plan put in place before I allowed myself to do that. if that makes ANY sense at all.
I didn't realize that your FIL was coming to live with you for a bit, I must have missed that. That's a lot to take on. I'm sure you'll do great and he'll be up and independent again in no time. How old is he? My FIL lives with us, permanently, but we don't have to care for him just yet. He's independent, only 68 yrs old. We lost my MIL 3 yrs ago and he just sold their house in Iowa and moved back out here and we kind of all just decided that his living alone wouldn't be the best decision.

amanda - good luck on friday! 2 more days!

boopin - how are you feeling?

disney - how are the meds going so far?

9dpo here, typical LP of 10-11 days, so expecting AF by the weekend. No real preg signs - I've had some slight cramping every now and then, and a big wave of dizziness out of the blue yesterday, but that's it. So nothing to hang one's hat on, so to speak. Boobs are not sore whatsoever, and that's been my #1 sign.
UPDATE: My 3rd beta @ 16dp5dt = 4,387. I'll retest in two days. I'm very happy with these results!! xoxo

Wish - I'm feeling as good as can be. I'm just anxious to see what my viability scan reveals. I'm praying everyday that my embies make it to term. I love these little beans with all my heart. GL on your natural bfp this month!! Fx'd for ya!!

amanda - Showering you with bucket loads of baby dust for Friday's FET!! :dust:

Disney, klik, Aster & Hope - Thinking of you lovely ladies & wishing you ALL well. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies! It's great to see some good luck finally gracing this board! I'm so happy for you Boopin! And I'm praying everything goes well for you Amanda with your FET!! Klik I'm sorry for the bad news but don't give up hope! Easier said than done, I know, but the end result is so worth it!

And hello to Wish, Disney, & Aster! Hope you ladies are doing well!

I am always here, reading along and silently cheering you ladies on. A part of me feels guilty being pregnant while all of you are still going through your fertility treatments. I never want my presence on the board to make anyone feel sad but I can't help but want to stick around and continue to cheer your ladies on. Just know I love you all, and feel like you were all my original B&B buddies from the start!
awesome beta, boopin!! things are looking so good! we'll keep our fingers tightly crossed for the next 7 weeks and get you to the 2nd tri! :)

hope - I hope you do know that your presence doesn't make me sad/angry/jealous/whatever. I seem to only feel that way 'in real life'. Everyone on here, especially these Assisted Conception threads, I know has fought a long and hard battle to get to where they are so I'm very happy to know they accomplished what they set out to. :friends:
That said, I won't go NEAR the 'Trying To Conceive' forum anymore! I can't take the younger ones fretting over not getting preggo in 2 months! or the 18 yr olds trying for their 2nd. It doesn't resonate with me. (not to sound all judgy!!) :gun:
Boopin that's so great!

Hope, I feel the same as wish, your presence doesn't make me feel sad, I'm very happy you are sticking around. Everyone else better do the same!
Wish, I hear you though, I also won't go anywhere near the other boards, and for the same reasons as you.

As for me, the hormones have definitely gotten the best of me, and I'm an emotional wreck. I have an optimism that scares the crap out of me, and I'm nervous for transfer tomorrow. Not because of the actual procedure, but because I'm terrified of the outcome. I'm trying to stay as calm and positive as possible, but it's very difficult. Especially with the meds coursing through my system! On a positive note, I'm done with the Medrol :dance: hopefully I'll sleep more than 2 hours at a time tonight!
On a side note, my friend who announced her pregnancy, after her first month of trying, and 2 days before I found out my second cycle failed, just had her baby yesterday. I am very happy for her, don't get me wrong, but it just sucks.

Disney, Klik, Asterimou, hope you guys are doing well!!
HOPE your presence is exactly as your names meaning. You give us all hope by continuing to be here while pregnant. You also inspire us to keep trying. Please don't ever feel guilty for being here. And we want you to stick around after your son's born, too. We love you and baby Tanelli. We're all here for eachother through the successes and the failures of our ttc journeys. xx
no miracle BFP this month - starting to get tinted CM like every month. Oh well. Letrozole, here we come!
Wish: yeah, same here, I put a plan in place FIRST and then I can sort of collapse. Past couple of days I've been pretty low... FIL is still in hospital--he's blacked out a couple of times so they're worried about him. So I'm not in carer mode, still. Wish, I admire the fact that your FIL lives with you! I don't think I have that kind of patience. I mean, I'm thousands of miles away from my own family! :haha: As for your tinted CM... I'm sorry... :nope: There's a number of DOR women I know about who just got pregnant while they weren't cycling, so I always have hope for those off-months... :hugs: Letrozole it is!

Boopin: yaaaaay! That is a LOVELY beta, and way higher than I ever got! Looking good!! Good luck tomorrow! :hugs:

Hope: I really appreciate you being here with us, and encouraging us. I really mean that! Wish is right, a lot of it is about the fact that you've also struggled, like the rest of us, so the fact that you got there is actually very hopeful. Thanks for your encouragement! I shall try my best not to lose hope. Sometimes I struggle... but I think I can still keep going for a while. And please stay with us! I think of you very warmly and hope to tread your path someday...

Amanda: yeah, being left behind by people for whom it just happens is, I think, really hard... :hugs: But you'll catch up someday! And as for the emotional rollercoaster--unfortunately, it really is par for the course. We are all bipolar in this journey! It's inevitable! Hang in there... I hope everything goes beautifully in the transfer tomorrow! :hugs:

AFM: I had my consultation today. I got the go-ahead for another attempt at a natural cycle IVF. I got nudged in the direction of steroids and intravenous intralipids again, but I again declined. My RE mused that my cyst last time may have helped my egg to eventually be able to yield a blast, by adding estrogen to my system... so he was considering estrogen patches... but in the end it got too confusing, as I didn't even ovulate this month (ovulation was suppressed by meds), so hard to know when to start the patch. Now waiting impatiently for AF. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty low, discouraged, and pessimistic at the moment, but, hey, I'm people too!
Wish - I'm just on BCP for the time being. I have my pre-lupron ultrasound a week from Monday (6/20), and assuming there are no cysts, I start Lupron injections on 6/22. Estrogen patches and femara starts a week later. :wacko: Sorry about the tinted cm. hopefully the next letrozole cycle works out for you! :hugs:

Boopin - Fantastic numbers! :happydance:

Hope - I love that you're still hanging around and checking in with us. Success stories like yours is what helps encourage us to keep going. :hugs: I remember when I was pregnant with my DD, a lot of the ladies who were cycling together (myself included) were asked to leave the (monthly) assisted conception thread that we continued to post on by someone who only recently joined the thread because she didn't want to read about anyone's progress. I may have encountered several disappointments and setbacks, but I'm personally thrilled when I see the ladies here find succes. :hugs::hugs:

Amanda - I'm send you a giant dose of baby dust, good luck, best wishes your way!! :dust: :hugs:

Klik - I hope your FIL improves soon. You've been amazing through all of the struggles. :hugs: I'm glad you got to ok to do another cycle. There are so many factors and variables to consider, but you know what's best for yourself and should hold firm to what you want and believe. I really wish this next one works out for you!! :hugs:

Aster - How are you doing today? I'm glad that you have a supportive DH to lean on. Hang in there. :hugs:
Klik: sorry you're in a slump but it's not surprising and I know you know you'll get out the other side, but......it sucks! Thinking of you xx

Disney: all the best for no cysts. When do you get your NKC results? Mine take 6 weeks from Tuesday! I had my clotting profile come back 'normal' whatever that means!

Hope: I echo the others, you give us hope it can happen. As does Boopin now as well ;)

Wish: onwards and upwards, drugs it is. We'll all be hear cheering you on xx

Amanda: hope transfer was smooth xx

I've had a nice time travelling with work this week and I've seen loads of pregnant woman and actually been okay with it. Sometimes the sight of a bump sends me off! Not your bump though Hope ;)
Aster - My blood work for the NKC will get drawn next time I'm in the doctors office (6/20). I assume the results will take less than 6 weeks since I assume we'd need the info before we transfer. :winkwink: We're still waiting for the rest of my blood work results to trickle in. I think the ones related to potential clotting disorders is what's holding us up.

It sounds like you've been in a good place this week - both physically and mentally. :hugs:
Disney; I think NKC takes longer in the UK because it is sent to America! Is that right Kilk? That means yours would be much quicker.

I've been in two minds whether to test for it because there is inconclusive evidence around the treatment and even some bad press over side effects. Though I remember Amanda said she had intrelipids and it was fine:wacko: I think I may have googled thus too much. So, even if my NKC is high i still may not treat it, so why am I testing for it!? I guess the hope is it says they are low and that can be one less complication ;)

I'm definitely in a better place. Time is such an important healer. Sometimes things feel so bad but give anything time and it does get better.
Disneyfan: hopefully the BCP will help you avoid cysts! Thank you so much for the encouragement! :hugs: Asterimou is right, most of our NK cell tests here in the UK are actually done in Chicago! Some get sent to Greece, but Chicago is THE reference place, apparently... I hope your clotting and NK cell results all look good! :dust:

Asterimou: Thanks! :hugs: I did exactly what you described, of having my NK cells tested and then choosing not to do the treatment. :wacko: Anyway, I hope your NK cells are at gorgeous levels. So glad to see you're in a better place! :hugs: Hope you're enjoying our bipolar weekend!
Oh, I forgot to say: Disneyfan, the fact that anyone would ask you to leave from anywhere is truly bizarre to me! You are one of the sweetest, most supportive people in the universe! I don't understand how your presence can be anything but fully welcome! :hugs:
Hey guys! So transfer went smoothly yesterday. I was exhausted though, after having been out late the night before at Jerry Seinfeld. Exhaustion and hormones made for a very cranky me last night though! Question, does anyone else's RE suggest BD'ing the night of a FET? Mine does, but I didn't feel super comfortable with it last night (plus the crankiness and tiredness) so we didn't. I'm hoping that doesn't hurt my chances! I googled it's done most clinics say not to though. So I don't know what to think.

Did any of you do anything special after the FET's that worked? My RE suggests 2L of water a day, no sports and no long walks. I'm trying to stay calm and positive, but I'm absolutely terrified.

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