IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Disney; I think NKC takes longer in the UK because it is sent to America! Is that right Kilk? That means yours would be much quicker.

I've been in two minds whether to test for it because there is inconclusive evidence around the treatment and even some bad press over side effects. Though I remember Amanda said she had intrelipids and it was fine:wacko: I think I may have googled thus too much. So, even if my NKC is high i still may not treat it, so why am I testing for it!? I guess the hope is it says they are low and that can be one less complication ;)

I'm definitely in a better place. Time is such an important healer. Sometimes things feel so bad but give anything time and it does get better.

I asked my doctor about the timing for getting results, and she said 2 days. So... I'm still on track to get tested on 6/20 when I got for my pre-Lupron ultrasound. I stopped googling the controversy around treating NK issues as I realized that there are multiple methods of addressing things, and I was starting to confuse which ones were the bad ones. My doctor treats NK issues with intralipid infusions. I'm putting my faith in my doctor at this point ashes been amazing so far and is one of the top doctors in the field in our area.

I got my other tests results back. Thyroid is still an issue that we are controlling with medication. My AMH surprisingly went up from .64 (or .67? :shrug:) in 2013 to 1.08. FSH was 9.9 (up from 7.5 in 2013), estradiol was 36.4, and my prolactin was 5. One of my antiphospholipid antibodies came back high, so I had to get more blood drawn this morning to confirm that result. I think that one was related to a possible clotting issue...I think.

Oh, I forgot to say: Disneyfan, the fact that anyone would ask you to leave from anywhere is truly bizarre to me! You are one of the sweetest, most supportive people in the universe! I don't understand how your presence can be anything but fully welcome! :hugs:

Awwww...you're so sweet! Thanks!! :hugs:

Hey guys! So transfer went smoothly yesterday. I was exhausted though, after having been out late the night before at Jerry Seinfeld. Exhaustion and hormones made for a very cranky me last night though! Question, does anyone else's RE suggest BD'ing the night of a FET? Mine does, but I didn't feel super comfortable with it last night (plus the crankiness and tiredness) so we didn't. I'm hoping that doesn't hurt my chances! I googled it's done most clinics say not to though. So I don't know what to think.

Did any of you do anything special after the FET's that worked? My RE suggests 2L of water a day, no sports and no long walks. I'm trying to stay calm and positive, but I'm absolutely terrified.

Amanda - Congrats on being PUPO! My doctor restricts BD'ing after FET and actually puts her patients on bedrest for 2 days following transfer. My acupuncturist believes in lots and lots of protein (like chicken) post transfer. She also pushes for eating pineapple core over the 2 days following transfer as it's believed to help with implantation. I've been advised to avoid consuming anything colder than room temperature, too. Good luck!!! :dust:
Congrats on being PUPO Amanda :dust: I know it can be terrifying, I found having a few positive affirmations to say when I started getting overwhelmed helped. Here's some good ones:

I put my faith and trust into the power of creation within my body. May I be a vessel to bring my baby into being.

I am doing everything I can to ensure that I am in the healthiest place physically and mentally for this IVF. I inhale peace and exhale stress.

Disney: I think having faith in your RE is a good way to go. I can't help myself but question them, I probably drive them crazy! I'm actually moving clinics because I didn't feel they did everything quite right, and because the clinic I'm moving to has an average success rate of 52% as opposed to 34% at my current one! So, maybe I'll feel more confident with my new RE and be able to put my faith in them.
Amanda: congratulations on a smooth transfer!!! Good luck!!! :dust: My clinic asked us not to have unprotected intercourse before FET, because it's unpredictable what the hormones would do to any follicles that did manage to be ovulated, but you were on a different protocol... I read one study that seemed to indicate that the presence of sperm in the womb is mildly helpful for an FET to work. But the relationship was really really tenuous, so I wouldn't worry about it! You're young, you have a lovely blastocyst inside you, you've had an endometrial scratch--now all you need is luck!!! :hugs: As for post-FET advice, that sounds like the advice my clinic gave me (except they also said no BD for two weeks to avoid risk of infection, but that just seems mean!) But of course I've never had an FET that worked, so I can't really help you there... I just wish you the best of luck!

Disneyfan: I think at one point you just have to trust your doctor, yeah. I think intralipids have pretty minimal side effects, and if my RE had offered just them I might have taken him up on it. It's the steroids that freaked me out! Anyway, I hope you don't need them at all... It's really great that your AMH is now above one! Your FSH is still under 10 (I know, just barely, but still...), which means any clinic would still take you if you wanted to use your still-existing eggs... My max FSH was 24.6, just for comparison's sake. Anyway, why am I saying this? Hopefully you won't need to think about this at all because your little frozen bean will stick and grow! :dust:

Asterimou: I hope ARGC really gets you that success! I have heard they're kinda boot-campy, incidentally... Early-morning scan/bloods, sometimes scan/bloods twice a day... But yeah, they do seem to get the results. Sometimes I wonder whether I should have gone there... But at this point, with my FSH, they wouldn't want me anyway. :dohh: Best of luck to you!!! :dust: Have you got a consultation booked yet?
Hi Klik, I filled out the online registration today and they said it would be around 4 weeks so I will wait to get my date. I'm doing the NKC tomorrow, I figure it's best to go in with all the info even if I decide against treatment! I'm currently in the process of getting all my medical records from the doctor, the clinic and the hospital;)
Hi Klik, I filled out the online registration today and they said it would be around 4 weeks so I will wait to get my date. I'm doing the NKC tomorrow, I figure it's best to go in with all the info even if I decide against treatment! I'm currently in the process of getting all my medical records from the doctor, the clinic and the hospital;)

Good luck! :hugs:
Asterimou: excellent! It's all kicking off!!! Best of luck!!! :dust:

Where is my AF? I'm losing patience here! :hissy:
hi girls!

amanda - congrats on being PUPO!! I've never heard to BD around FET but I've only had one. But they didn't say they wanted me to. In fact, during all of this IVF stuff, I barely touch DH per doc's orders. It sucks.

aster - glad you're doing well lately!! :flower:

boopin - how are you feeling?? when is the next u/s?

klik - how's FIL? and come on AF! dang it.

:wave: to everyone else! Sorry so brief.

my folks just left and I'm back to work so it's been busy. i have all of my tests done, results to the RE and now we're just waiting for financial/insurance approval to move forward with the Letrozole cycle. If I don't get it by today or tomorrow, we have to skip this cycle. And if we skip this cycle, may have to skip the next one too b/c we'll be away around when the IUI would have to take place, I believe. Fun.

I'm feeling a little low today about all of this. Just so many uphills to all of this. I want to carry my baby so badly and the acceptance that I may not comes and goes. Today, it's a 'goes' so I'm sad. I'll get over it but just needed to let you know you're not alone, klik! Or any of you, when you might be feeling low.
Hi ladies.

Wish; thanks for sharing as I get that a lot. Some days I can see the light and some days I just can't. It's been a good week so far. I had 8 vials taken yesterday for NKC and my ARGC appointment is on the 28th July. I'm going to start acupuncture again at the beginning of July. I've started the gym again and am feeling really healthy. I'm approaching this as my last fresh cycle.

I'm actually going to Disney in a few weeks for a work thing. I'm going to take some time out to explore and am really looking forward to it. It won't be as good on my own but I'm sure it will be an experience. Any tips Disney?
Hi ladies!

Wish, I'm so sorry you are feeling sad. I completely understand, and it 100% sucks. I really hope you don't have to skip this cycle, I know how heart breaking it is to skip a cycle and feel like you aren't moving forward. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen!

Klik, the witch needs to get her shit together and just show up already. Hope you don't have to wait much longer.

Aster, it sounds like you are doing great, which is really nice to hear. Disney should be fun! I have started some guided visualizations (zita west) for IVF that have really helped. The positive affirmations you mentioned are also very helpful!

Disney, Exciting that things are getting started!

Boopin, Hope.....hope you are doing well :)
thanks girls - today is better. :)
I called the insurance company yesterday and they said they did approve my cycle yesterday so we should be good to go. I called the RE and told them but it was already after hours so they should be taking care of it today. I'll start the Letrozole today. I don't know if I need a trigger or whatnot - guess I'll find out. BUT - of course - we have overnight plans in VT next Friday and plans all day on Saturday. If I do 5 days of Letrozole tonight through Sunday (today is day 5), that takes me to day 9. I typically O on cd16, 17 or 18. But I don't know if this med is going to make me O earlier? Next Saturday is cd15. We won't be around for an IUI appt...ugh. Trying to have a normal life AND TTC isn't possible!
Hello, dear ladies! Apologies for the disappearance, but FIL has finally been discharged from hospital and it's been headless-chicken time in our household. He's recovering really well, though--DP keeps making him walk WAY more than he wants to, which is hopefully a good thing. Also, DP has decided to take some time off work to help with the recovery, which is really nice for me as it ends up meaning I'm not stuck with the bulk of the care (or not having to do it alone!) DP's brother and sister-in-law are in town, staying longer than planned, ostensibly to help, but... well, I can't say they're doing absolutely nothing, but it's pretty close. No, scratch that, they're eating the food I prepare. (Am I bitter? No, not even a tiny bit! Sorry, feeling bitchy today!)

Better news on the fertility front: AF arrived Tuesday night, had a scan today. I confess I've been a little terrified that the gnrh agonist would have shut me down for good (as my ovaries are old and knackered) BUT it turns out I HAVE follicles (even if my count has sadly gone down from 4 to 3...) AND no cyst! So, I'm hopeful this cycle is a go... Just waiting for bloods now!

Wish: I'm sorry some days you're feeling low... We all know this is part of what we go through, but it still really sucks when you're in it. :hugs: Probably part of it is withdrawal from your folks having left, and part of it is the uncertainty about timing (and never mind about the uncertainty of the results even if the timing works! GRRRR!!!) Glad your insurance came through in the end. Would they cover your meds if you had to skip the IUI and did medicated timed intercourse instead, at the last minute? Anyway, I wouldn't think Letrozole would make your cycle any shorter, but then again what do I know? I've never used it, myself! Whichever way things turn out in the next couple weeks, I hope it WORKS! :dust:

Asterimou: are you going to Disneyworld? Disneyland? Eurodisney? I'm super glad you get to relax a little bit too, even though it's a work thing! Also, good luck with the NK cells and the ARGC appointment next month! I do hear the appointments tend to be quite short (the man is busy), but hopefully he'll find the magic formula for you! :dust:

Amanda: thanks!! How are you feeling?! I'm so excited you are PUPO! When is test day? I so hope this works for you!!! :dust:

Oh, I just got the "bloods" call--this cycle is a go, even though my FSH is 17.6... my RE doesn't really like starting natural cycle IVFs with such high FSH levels, but I believe it doesn't matter... except of course if he believes it DOES matter, then that kinda affects my confidence too. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get lucky anyway... (Though, really, what are the chances?)
WOO!! Glad this cycle is a G-O, klik!!
ugh, your household sounds like a giant headache right now! I feel for you. I couldn't take it. Hopefully your BIL/SIL will leave soon and you all can get into a decent rhythm with your FIL.

yes, Amanda - how are you feeling? did you end up doing the pineapple core and anything else to help out implantation?

:dust: to all!
Klik, I'm really glad your FIL is doing better! I also completely understand the bitterness, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now. Even if your in-laws mean well, having extra people in your house to care for puts a lot of extra strain on you, and complete mucks up your routine. Glad things are going well on the fertility front though!

I caved and POAS today. 6dp5dt. Negative with a FRER. I'm trying not to lose all hope, as it's still only 11dpo, and we only put back one, but starting to feel like maybe all my optimism isn't going to pay off. Driving myself crazy googling stories of people who got BFN on 11dpo to go on and get BFP after that. Gah! I don't think I'll test again until beta next Tuesday. I figured if I tested today, and it was negative, I could chalk it up to it hopefully being to early. If I test again in a couple days and it's negative, then I'll really feel like I'm out, but have to still take meds until beta anyways. This process is so nerve wracking. Trying not to feel defeated, but it's not so easy.
Amanda: that is very early and although some get BFP by then you are by no means out. My friend got BFN 8dp5dt (not a FRER though), then got BFP the next day. So just don't let the negativity set in. It could still be positive!

Klik: great you have no cysts and there are some lovely follies there. One of them could be holding your golden egg! It is the Disney in Orlando, which I think is Disney World? It was actually really sad as a little boy got killed by an allegator a few days ago :(

Wish: glad you're back on track. Trying to have a life alongside ttc is certainly hard but I guess it's good prep for when baby FINALLY gets here ;)
wasn't that a sad story? yeah, Orlando is Disney World and supposed to be the happiest place on earth, but they are not having a good month so far. It sucks.

Amanda - it's totally early! You could actually just not be kicking out enough hormone to register on an FRER just yet, but still be positive. Hang in there - it's totally tough but you can do it!!
Thanks, Wish! Yeah, I'm a lot less pessimistic than I thought I'd be. Sorta can't wait for my Monday scan! Do you feel any side effects from the Letrozole?! I've never taken it before! Hope your follies are nice and plump! :dust:

Amanda: thanks! :hugs: I totally get the testing conundrum. I'm really sorry you got a BFN... I really hope it's just too early! Hoping for a positive beta for you on Tuesday. :dust: Just a few more days! I hope you have a nice weekend, at least...

Asterimou: thanks! Yeah, like Wish said, it's a really terrible story, that little boy at Disney World. I file it under "even after this much effort, even if I do get pregnant and then manage to actually have a live, healthy baby, I can never ever stop worrying..." Tough life. I guess the only comforting thought is that this really is very, very rare... Do try to enjoy it anyway when you go...

Sorry I've been so bitchy lately--it's just a difficult situation, and the stress ends up going somewhere. BIL and SIL probably don't even deserve that much bile. It's heart attacks and old age that are the real villains!
Hi Ladies,

We have 1 little bean with a heartbeat of 126 bpm!! I'm in utter shock and disbelief. :cloud9:

amanda - I got everything crossed for you!! I really hope you get your bfp on Tuesday. :dust:
Wish - I'm sorry that you've been sad lately. I'm glad that you go the ok from your doc and insurance to proceed. I really hope that timing cooperates for you. :hugs:

Aster - Your work thing sounds like a nice opportunity to have some fun. I really like walking around the world showcase at Epcot. It's great to walk through the little countries and see Disney's representation of them. The employees in each country pavilion are people native to those countries who are working under a work visa program. Be prepared for hot and humid weather, and be sure to pack mosquito repellant. There are no reports of Zika being transmitted locally by mosquitos so far (*knock on wood!*) , but the type of mosquito that does transmit the virus is in that area. Florida is also know for storms passing through almost daily in the summer. They are generally super short (maybe 30 minutes or so) and disappear as quickly as they show up.

Klik - I'm glad that your FIL appears to be on the mend. I'm sorry for the in-laws hanging around and not helping. :( Woohoo - AF finally came! And no cysts!! :happydance: I hate that AF comes when we don't want it but takes its sweet old time when we do! :dust: that your RE is wrong and that you are lucky this cycle! :hugs:

Amanda - Hang in there. You're so not out yet! :hugs:

Boopin - Major congrats, girlie!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

AFM - Not much new going on here. It's been super busy at work (hence my absence), so I'm really glad for the weekend. I have my pre-lupron ultrasound and NKC blood work being done this coming Monday, and assuming there are no cysts, I start Lupron on Wednesday.

I took the news about the little boy at Disney World pretty hard and couldn't stop thinking about him while the search was underway. Audrey is just weeks away from turning two, and knowing that the victim is basically the same age as her was heartbreaking. I feel so bad for his poor family and really hope that they find the strength that will allow them to heal and move past this.
Good for you Boopin :happydance: enjoy every moment ;)

Amanda: thinking of you at your beta xx

Klik: I'd say the drugs in your system add to the bitchiness as well. Plus we all have different ways to vent. You get it out in your way xx

Disney: that's a great tip, I will head to the world tour. And, yes, I really hope that family can see past what must be a living hell. Some of the things people go through just seems so cruel, it's hard understanding it all sometimes. But you either get bitter or better!

Hope your feeling Okay Wish xx
Aster - If the people who are coordinating your meeting or conference haven't mentioned it already, I do believe there are after 4:00 pm convention tickets available for less money. There are some terms to determine eligibility.


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