IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Disney - It's great hearing from you. :hugs: I'm happy that you have a plan A and B in place. Which supplements/vitamins did your RE recommend?? I'm taking a new vitamin regimen, too. Wouldn't that be AWESOME if you got pregnant naturally during one of your fabulous trips?!

A YouTuber that I follow just fell pregnant naturally after being told that she has a 0% - 3% chance monthly of getting pregnant on her own. She has a host of fertility issues and has been through multiple failed rounds of OE IVF. Only after she conceded to the fact that she may never have biological children and stopped trying, she became pregnant. I think that the added stress and pressure of TTC impacts/interferes with our body's ability to conceive. Once she released all of that tension, it happened for her within a few months of NTNP.

I wish you all the best Disney. You're an amazing woman and mother. I pray that you'll be able to give your DD a sibling. Never give up HOPE. Never give up on your FAITH. Much LOVE and baby dust to you my friend!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Boopin - You and everyone else here are soooo sweet. :hugs:

Here's what my doctor recommended for me:

  • Melatonin 1 mg at night is what I want you to buy (take 3 mg per night and if you feel groggy the next day go down to a dose you feel good on)
  • Ovasitol from theralogix website - provider code: 105401
  • Resvoxitrol / resveratrol (follow dosing on the bottle)
  • NeoQ10 from theralogix website - 2 caps - discount code: 105401
  • turmeric tabs (you can get them from costco and follow the bottle instructions or from vitacost)
  • Acai berry: please get any product you would tolerate best (and follow instructions) from vitacost . There's no "dose" that you need to follow. We just know it can improve fertility.
  • DHEA 25 mg (take 3 tabs daily)

This is a cut & paste. I had to remove the links to the 2 items from theralogix because they won't show up here. They are not cheap even with the discount, but I bought it anyway. The other stuff wasn't too bad from vitacost's website, which she recommended to me for everything else.
Hey girls!! Sorry I've been so quiet! Just got back from our trip on Friday, and then got our bags only today. So now it's laundry time :)

Thankfully AF cooperated and started yesterday, so tomorrow will be CD3. I'm going for my last beta tomorrow (hoping its 0 since AF started) and also hoping to get my baseline scan done for this next cycle. I have an appointment with my RE just to see if there's anything else we can do. This will be the third transfer ffr this last fresh cycle so I'm hoping 3rd time's a charm!

Disney, so sorry you are going through this, completely and totally unfair! Sounds like your dr is really trying everything though, so that's good.

Wish, Klik, Boopin, Aster.......I will be more active now and try to catch up!! Hope you ladies are all doing well :)
Boopin: thanks! I'm worried because I've had these unusual cycles and I don't know whether I'll get back to enough normality to harvest some eggs and try again... I mean, I think I will, but until I do I'll be rather concerned... How is the prep going? When is your saline sonogram? Good luck! :hugs:

Wish: Ha, you and Boopin are cycling! How did your bloods turn out? You know, the odd BD might still just work. But more and more I believe that it tends to happen only after you don't believe it anymore like in the example Boopin gave, and I really am not capable of ever getting to that point. Since when is optimism a bad thing?! So confusing! :wacko: Anyway, I'm glad you're getting going... The saline sonogram is in preparation for a DE cycle already? Have you picked a donor? I'm so rooting for you... :hugs:

Disneyfan: glad you got your meds! Also glad you're taking the time to decide how best to use them... Thank you so much for sharing the supplements info! I've been taking açaí berry powder because I heard CCRM have had positive results with it for old ladies like me, but I've always wondered what the dosage was. It's kind of a relief that there is no "right" dose. In Brazil you eat it frozen, like a sorbet... I'll just have to live with the powder, though! I also find it interesting that your doc recommended turmeric. I've self-medicated with turmeric after my NK cell results were less than perfect... turmeric is an anti-inflammatory... But now that I'm not ovulating I stopped taking it, because some anti-inflammatories interfere with ovulation... I'll look into the others, though. Thanks again! And I'm SUPER glad you've got some lovely breaks coming up! :thumbup:

Amanda: how cool is that--you had your trip AND your AF waited!! Good luck on your beta/baseline scan today! Yes, yes, I really, really hope the third time will be a charm! Good luck! :hugs:

AFM: I've heard from one fellow TTC'er that Cornell has become unresponsive, with only 2 nurses for 200 patients... Her cycle was apparently cancelled because her day 5 FSH was high... but the whole point of that clinic's existence, in my universe, is that it's friendly to DOR women, so what is the deal? I'm getting really worried, as I've pinned a whole lot of hope onto Cornell... I hope I have a different experience! :wacko:
amanda - welcome back! tell us about your trip!! So glad you're ready to start this cycle off!

klik - hoo boy, I hope you have a better experience too. So many people are putting their lives on hold for this stuff, they better figure it out! And yeah, that's a great idea for an Ancestry.com 2.0! :)

disney - that's awesome that you have new plans. I'm so happy for you and selfishly, glad you have even more of a reason to stick around with us! :hugs:

boopin - so excited for you to start your cycle! you know, I would just love to be one of those women.
Don't worry, klik - the optimism is fading a bit. Not in a bad way, just feeling a little worn from always having the 'what if'. Going back to reading PMS as PMS and not 'maybe??? so many articles say it feels the SAME!' :) I honestly have a post-TTC plan too that I really would not mind to see happen - downsize our house (we bought a colonial with 4 bedrooms 5 years ago in the hopes to grow our family), get more land and get lots of animals. And travel.
We'll see what this DE adventure brings but I'll be ok if it doesn't happen.

afm - my bloods are tomorrow but I know it's just a baseline whatever. AF was large and in charge this month, but done already, thank goodness. Down to about 2 days of full flow now, spotting day 1 and 4. Not bad! And my sono is scheduled for next Monday. This is just a start to the DE stuff, to get it over and done with. I still need to set up those appts to talk to people. Last week at work was a sh*tshow so I didn't get a chance to make those calls. I'll do it this week.
Hey girls! My trip was amazing! My grandfather was Hungarian, so all his family is still over there, as he came to Canada alone in 57' during the communist regime. He passed away 2 years ago, and he always asked me when I was going to take DH to Budapest. In a way this trip was for him, and at the risk of sounding cheesy, I really felt him there with us. We spent a lot of time with my family over there, and touring the beautiful city. Leaving was incredibly difficult, as the realization that All I wanted to do was go home and tell my grandad about our trip and I couldn't. Our time in Manchester was much more relaxing, as we mostly spent time with my parents with only a few touristy outings. I will miss the steak and ale pies though!!!! Haven't been able to find those here in Canada!

So spent the entire day at the clinic yesterday. But things are moving forward. First, I had my last beta, which thankfully was at 0. Then I went for my scan where they found a 46mm cyst! The nurse didn't understand how it wasn't causing me pain. So had to have that drained. While draining, the dr said there was a little bit of blood which is normal, but that he couldn't finish draining the last 1/4 because the risk of infection was too high. He gave me antibiotics anyways (damn doxycycline) and said it won't be a problem. Then I sat with the dr where he changed my protocol a tiny bit. He added lovnox and calcium instead of the baby aspirin. Did the first one last night, it wasn't too bad, so hopefully they all go the same. Then he suggested that we transfer 2 blasts next time. Now, where I live it's usually not allowed for patients under 35, but since I've had 2 miscarriages, he said the government might allow it. Here's hoping!!! Today I feel like crap, my whole body is achey... but it's probably a combination of things...1) I came back from Europe with a cold, so could be that, 2) the onset of all the meds I started (lovenox maybe?) and 3) it was our first anniversary yesterday, so we went for supper and ate and drank too much lol. Hopefully this doesn't last too long!!

Wish, I hope your bloods go well today!

Klik, I also hope that your experience with Cornell is very good, and different from what you've heard! One of the girls at my clinic was actually talking about Cornell yesterday, saying that all she's heard is amazing things.

Disney, and Boopin, I love your idea of taking it easy a bit before getting started again.

Aster, and hope.... Hope things are going well!

Sorry if I've missed anything or got anything wrong, still trying to catch up!!
Wish - I always planned to stick around regardless of our outcome. You ladies are like family. :hugs: Good luck at your appointment!

Amanda - Your trip sounds like it was AMAZING! I'm sorry that you came back with a cold, but it sounds like you had a really good time. Hopefully that cyst resolves itself very soon. I didn't love the lovenox injections, but they were that bad. I found that it hurt less if I injected (very, very slowly!!) more towards the hip ("love handle") areas. I only bruised from one of the injections, and the bruise is thankfully finally starting to fade away. Since you're on blood thinners, it's important that others know in case you ever get injured or anything like that. You may bleed more as your blood loses its ability to clot.

And happy anniversary! DH and I celebrated 7 years yesterday, too. :thumbup:
Thanks Disney, I'll keep those tips in mind! And a happy anniversary to you as well!
For the lovenox shots, I picked an area below the belly button but off to the side. The needle seemed thick and hurt more if I was closer to the belly button. I pinched the skin and SLOWLY pushed the needle in. I then SLOWLY injected the whole thing (including the air bubble), and then I SLOWLY pulled the needle out in the same direction that I inserted it. Then I released the skin I was punching. Don't rub or blot the area or you will bruise.

Before injecting, flick the syringe until the bubble goes to the top (on the plunger side of the syringe). If you see any drops of the medication on the needle, wipe it off with an alcohol wipe. I then waited for the alcohol on my skin and the needle to dry before inserting the needle into my skin. I read that it's better if the opening of the needle was faced up, so I did that, too. I only bruised one time (from my second injection).

Rotate sides each time, and you should be ok.
Amanda: I'm sorry about the cyst and the bleeding and the antibiotics and the cold and the discomfort... Your holiday sounds amazing. I know you miss your grandfather, but I hope this trip has put you in a really good spot to start your next attempt. I'm rooting for you like crazy! :dust: Also, happy belated anniversary!

Disneyfan: happy belated anniversary! And thank you SO much for sticking around! You are a wonderful presence... :hugs:

Wish: Good luck with "just a baseline"--I hope it's a great start! And I hope work lets up enough that you can set up those appointments. I think it's great that you have alternative plans to just enjoy your life as DINKs! Still, I'm really hoping one or two more of those four bedrooms get permanently occupied by little ones! :hugs:

AFM: just waiting for AF or a miracle pregnancy (Wish, I haven't learned yet! :haha:). Then I'll try Cornell again. If I hit a wall, I think I'll try Life, in California. Plan B ready, as always!
Oh, and this weekend I get to go on a mini-break for my bday! I'm so excited it's ridiculous. I've gone from being a total jet-setter to being excited about a weekend 2.5 hours' drive away! But it will be our first break of any sort since our failed FET and these subsequent crazy cycles, since FIL's heart attack, since BIL and SIL were here driving me bonkers... Probably since my uncle's death in Brazil and us flying last-minute for the funeral, and then that paranoia about Zika, too... Gosh, do we deserve a break! FIL is still staying in our house, but he can fend for himself now. English countryside, here we come!
:cake: Happy birthday Klik, sorry I just missed it but sounds like your celebrating this weekend so have a great birthday! Mine is this Friday so we're Leo ladies :thumbup:

Apologies for the radio silence, I've been a bit preoccupied with work. Sounds like things are moving on and a few of us will be in cycles soon. My appointment with the Lister is next week so I'm really hoping we get a better feel for this one. I can imagine it's hard for you Klik trying to work out how they will be from a far but you have done your research and have a plan b so that's all you can do.

Amanda: I'm so glad you had a nice break, you absolutely deserved it. Budapest is a lovely city.

Wish: good luck on your baseline. Excited for you now you've chosen DE. Come on!

Disney: it's great you get all those meds on insurance, it's worth another try hey xx

Boopin: I guess your just crusing until October FET. Happy prep.

I think I won't cycle until October either. With all this finding the right clinic it had pushed it all back. I can't do September now as I have a load of work travel so October it is. And that's if we like this consultant :wacko:

I had a little wobble on Sunday as my best friend said she wasn't drinking as she's on antibiotics. I asked her straight about pregnancy but she said it wasn't. I think she is trying though. I just feel so gutted as I want to go through this with her. I guess if this cycle works I will, so I've got to hold onto that hope.
I forgot to add. They just had the first two cases of Zika in Florida. I was only out there a few weeks ago but by the time I cycle it would be well gone. I got bitten loads , it must be so terrifying for pregnant women out there.
hi girls! hooooooey - work is making me CRAZY! And other life stuff - kitty isn't feeling well again and we have to take her in for an ultrasound today. And my FIL's dog is getting to the end of his fight with lymphoma. This weekend might be the weekend we put him down. He's my handsome boy, I just love him. But he's not the same pup as he was even 6 months ago. He's done a great job fighting, though. :cry:

this plus layoffs, plus a coworker of mine had 3(!) heart attacks and open heart surgery on the same day as the layoffs, etc - TTC has been on the WAY back burner!! I had my blood work done on Tues and all came back good and negative. My saline sono is on Monday. Then DH and I have a concert we're going to Tues night so we took Tues/Wed off. I may call today to get those other appointments on the books. I'd like to be searching for a donor by Sept so we can get this show on the road!!

amanda - your trips sounds A-MAZ-ING. I'd love to check out that part of the world. I know you're sad b/c you couldn't 'tell' your grandfather about your trip but just think - if he was there with you, he knows allllll the fun you had. ;)

aster - you'll be there with your friend soon!! or you'll at least be with Boopin and I!! :)

klik - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :cake: you absolutely DO deserve a weekend off!! Good for you! Cornell can wait a few days ;) I love your plan B too - life in CA sounds wonderful!

Disney and Amanda - happy anniversaries!! :)

boopin - :wave: hi!
Asterimou: We are Leo ladies indeed! You didn't miss my bday--it's on Sunday! I'll be somewhere in the Cotswolds, maybe covered in mud, who knows? :winkwink: I'm sorry about your wobble... I hope Lister gives you what you need! :hugs: And have a FABULOUS birthday tomorrow!!!

Wish, so sorry to hear about the dog... So sad! Gosh, and the layoffs and heart attack... That's really difficult stuff. I'm glad you're taking Tues/Wed off. Sounds needed! Good luck with the calls... I hope your donor turns out to be extremely compatible with you!

AFM: I was doing the OPKs out of sheer stubbornness... Which was kind of annoying because it means I don't drink anything or pee for 4 hours in the middle of the day... (they don't usually work for me, so I jump through hoops to coax them.) But then, on CD24 (bearing in mind my average cycle length is 26), I got a positive result! I was flabbergasted. To my delight, Cornell did call me back, and told me to get estradiol and progesterone tested. They were in the periovulatory range, so today I got the go-ahead for the estrogen patches! Then it's a day 2 scan and bloods, to see if there are any cysts (or follicles, for that matter!) and then hopefully I'm off to NY! Unless I get naturally pregnant... DP and I did BD at an ideal time, but... really, what are the chances? Anyway, I'm ecstatic! Who knew I could still ovulate?
That's great Klik! And happy birthday to you and aster!!!!!

So this cycle hasn't been great. Tuesday I felt really crappy all day, weak and tired, then Tuesday evening got a massive migraine. Wednesday morning I woke up with severe pain in my abdomen, a slight fever, still had a migraine and was nauseous. My clinic is closed Wednesdays so we went to the ER. Did an abdominal u/s and everything seemed ok. I was in so much pain they hooked me up to an IV and gave me something for the migraine and nausea and morphine for the pain. The headache only dulled slightly, but since nothing seemed wrong and my fever dropped they sent me home. Slept all day and night thanks to morphine and Gravol, and woke up Thursday STILL with a headache. Called my clinic, and nurse said it was probably just an inflammation attack, and she wasn't too concerned since the fever and pain were gone. Since it was a big cyst, it explains the pain. My headache finally dissipated over the course of the day yesterday, and STARTING to feel somewhat normal today. Geez!! The things we have to go through 😕
HAPPY BIRTHDAY klik & Aster xx
May all your wishes come true!! :icecream::juggle:

Wow - lots going on. Work has been kicking my butt lately, so I've been really busy.

Amanda - You poor thing!! I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. The ER is definitely not a fun place to be. I really hope you are feeling better now! :hugs:

Sending out big (belated) birthday wishes to Aster and Klik!

Klik - I hope that your birthday trip was nothing short of fabulous. We go through so much with all of this TTC stuff that it's sometimes just nice to escape for a little bit and forget about all of our worries. :hugs: Congrats on ovulating! A surprise birthday BFP would be fantastic, but it's great that you are getting things lined up just in case. Best of luck to you! :hugs:

Aster - I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I hope you are able to find a clinic that you feel good about. I'm sure that you'll pick a great one. :hugs: What kinds of places will you be traveling to for work?

Wish - I'm so sorry about the fur babies. And the rough stuff going on at work. :hugs::hugs: Good luck with you sonogram tomorrow, and have a great time at the concert on Tuesday! I'm not sure what is really involved with selecting a donor, but I'm sending you lots of positive vibes and best wishes for a smooth process. :hugs:

Boopin - How are things going on your end? I hope you are doing well!

Hope - If you are lurking, I hope you are doing well, too. I'd love to see a new bump photo if you don't mind sharing. :thumbup:
Hi Disney :wave:

I'm doing great. I've been spending a lot of quality time with OH. This Wednesday we visited Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Vallejo and had a blast!! I rode roller coasters, ate yummy food, shopped and enjoyed the animal exhibits. Thursday we went to the movies and watched Suicide Squad. Then Friday we watched Sausage Party. I've been having lots of fun before my next FET. I go Tuesday for my water sonogram and if my uterus gets cleared, I'll start my next cycle. Fx'd!! [-o<

How are you doing besides being busy with work?? What do you do for a living?? I hope it's not too bad. I'm a prison nurse.. lol!! :lol: :shock:

FYI - Hope shares baby bump pics in her journal. She has a beautiful perfectly round pregnant belly!! :hugs:

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