IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

yeahhhhh!! good luck today, disney!!
sheesh - I keep forgetting that I have an appt today. I should probably shower for it, eh?? ;)
Disneyfan: good luck! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :dust: :dust: :dust: !!!!!!

Wish: Good luck to you, too! I hope the person with whom you're meeting is really lovely, clear, and sets your mind at ease. I hope, finally, you get yourself into a smooth process!

I had my scan... Sadly, my cyst is just sitting there, growing, making more estrogen. DP said yesterday he was SURE my RE said this was a sign of menopause--now, DP tends to mis-hear and mis-remember far more than I do, but he managed to get me paranoid! So I asked my RE about it and he said, no, that must have been a misunderstanding--this has been an anovulatory cycle caused by a functional cyst, and it IS temporary. Phew! Now, where's that DP of mine? :grr:
Thinking of you Disney!! I hope everything went as well as possible today!! Rest up my dear. xoxo

Wish - How did your appointment go?? Do you feel more content with your decision moving forward with DE IVF?? I went straight into DE IVF after being diagnosed with severe DOR. It was the best decision that I could've made. No regrets!! I didn't want to wast time & money with the few poor quality eggs that I have remaining. GOOD LUCK to you Wish!! :hugs:

LOL klik!! Give your DP a good spanking for scaring you like that.. HAHA!! :rofl:
Hi ladies - transfer went well. We transferred our last normal embryo. She was already hatching in the photo we received (and thus looked like two embryos even though it's only one :haha:). I was asked to empty my bladder a little twice before they got me set up for the transfer! I'm home and resting for the next few days. Hopefully this is the one! :thumbup:

Klik - Husbands have a way of finding new ways to get us antsy, don't they? I'm glad that your doctor was able to clear things up for you. I'm glad to see that your doctor says the cyst IS temporary and really hope it clears up for you soon! :hugs:

Wish - I hope things went well for you today!

Boopin - :hugs:
Well done Disney. Hope she's snuggling in xx

Klik: Men do have a way of putting their massive foot in things. A baseball bat is quite apt I think ;)
congrats, disney!!! I can't believe the day is here!! when is your OTD? PUPOOOO!!! come on, little girl, STICK!

here's my synopsis of my appt yesterday:

It was actually much more informative than I thought it was going to be.
So we are going to go with Frozen - 6 eggs only. That should hopefully give us 1-2 tries. DH's sperm better fertilize!!
I have to get a new sonohysterogram, I'll set that up on my next Day 1. Then we have to also get appts with the DE team, a psychologist to go over any questions/concerns/make sure we understand how to tell the baby that we're making it this way, etc. We have to sign the consent forms and then who knows what other appt. But then we'll get the keys to the Donor kingdom to make our choice on donor. I have to go on BCP and then Lupron to stifle ovulation, then estrogen to plump up the lining, then PIO shots for progesterone (ouch!!). They thaw the eggs, get DH's boys lined up and do ICSI into each egg and we wait to see fertilization rate. Then hopefully we have more than a couple make it to blast and we'll transfer 1-2 and freeze any leftovers. They guarantee at least one transfer, so if none make it to blast, then we start over with another batch. But if we only have one, we only have one...
I really think I need this finite # of attempts. The doc said that the only benefit, really, of going fresh was that the # of eggs available could be higher than 6, so more attempts. But I think having the end game in sight is the way to go at this point. We've been trying for so long, and I'm almost 41, I don't want to keep this up if it's just not meant to be. And quite honestly, I don't want to go through the rigmarole that a Fresh cycle entails.
so that's that!
Boopin: yeah, DP definitely deserves a good spanking, though he has a point insofar as like you I have pretty severe DOR and DE is possibly in the cards for us, eventually... I just want to try a couple more times with fresh eggs first, though... (and then I've got some frozen ones to go through). But I so hope these months until your next attempt bring you the healing you need! :hugs:

Disneyfan: wow, sounds like your little embryo is strong enough for two! :bodyb: I hope she loves her new cushy home and snuggles in really well. And stays snuggled. It's nice to hear she's hatching--I hope that means she's ready to become your second DD! :dust:

Wish: That is an excellent amount of information! May I ask: how are people born of donor gametes meant to know who their biological relatives are? Like, just to avoid marrying them? I mean, it's only a tiny chance but still! I had never thought of this until a friend who's using donor sperm mentioned it. Sorry to ask such an awkward question but now it's in my head and I can't work it out! I guess it just means everyone has to learn to communicate really well... Anyway, I like that the plan has a limit. I'm feeling the need for self-imposed limits, myself. I love it that you're guaranteed at least one transfer. I mean, it doesn't mean you get a baby at the end but at least you know that if you get started, you will have at the very least one real chance... And hopefully one is all you'll need! :dust: Are you looking at donors now?

Asterimou: indeed! I don't even know how DP took the news. He was reading something else, so didn't react much. I don't know if his silence was "I know what I heard" or if it was "Oopsie." Either way, I certainly know what I heard!

My priming cycle got cancelled, which is a bit puzzling to me--it's just a priming cycle, why does it have to look normal? But my local RE seems to think that in a cycle with no follicles, it's a bit risky to try and use it--even for priming, I guess? My Cornell RE seems to agree, though I don't really understand why. And I'm so darn stubborn that I bought myself an OPK (though those don't usually work for me)--if I detect ovulation I'll hound Cornell to see if they'll let me prime this cycle anyway, and if I don't, well, at least I've tried. I feel like everyone, including my body, is telling me to just take a break, but I can't! I'm turning 42 in 3 weeks or so! :wacko:
Popping in to say hello and thanks to everyone! DH is bringing DD in soon, so I'll unfortunately have to keep this brief for now.

Wish - It's really interesting to read about the intricacies of a DE cycle, but it sounds like you've got a great plan to work towards. I really hope this is it for you! :hugs: I hear you on the finite ending. With this being our last embryo, we are at the point of this either works or it doesn't. We're obviously hoping it works, but we're ready to move on with our existing family if things don't work out. But until we find out one at or another, I'll be sending good, sticky thoughts to our little bean. :)

Klik - I'm sorry your priming cycle got called off. Hang in there. :hugs:
:dust: come on little bean. I hope this is the one Disney.

Wish: that does sound like a good consultation and a clear path for you. I have always thought it important in this ttc world to have a stop point but I realise now how hard that is. I feel this is my last fresh cycle but I'm also weary that if it doesn't work I could talk myself into it again. I suppose what I'm saying is I hope we all have the strength to stop when it is right for us but I'm obviously hoping we all get our BFPs before then ;)

Klik: it must be very frustrating for you and I understand that sense of time running away. I love that you don't take no for an answer and will be telling them if you think you're ovulating. I must of missed something somewhere as you now have two REs! How does that work??

My appointment is Thursday and I'm looking forward to getting this guy's thoughts on our situation.
Hi Ladies :hugs:

My f/u appointment went productively. My RE has ordered diagnostic imaging and coagulopathy labs. The plan moving forward is to do testing and then treat accordingly when the results are in. Definitely, we're adding Lovenox and Doxycycline to my next protocol/FET. I'll list the procedure & blood tests below.

3D Sonohysterogram

AntiB2 Glycoprotein (IgG/IgM)
AntiPhosphoSerine Ab (IgG/IgM)
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Fasting Homocysteine level
Factor II activity (prothrombin 20210A mutation)
Protein C activity
Protein S activity

BONUS: The RE said my uterus is healing nicely and my Right Ovary has a small cyst because I'm getting ready to release an egg. So, I BD last night. :sex: Hoping for a miracle.. LOL!!
Great news, Boopin. :hugs: As you get closer, I can share some of the things that have been making the lovenox more tolerable for me. Did your doctor indicate how long you may be on it for?
Great news, Boopin. :hugs: As you get closer, I can share some of the things that have been making the lovenox more tolerable for me. Did your doctor indicate how long you may be on it for?

My RE said it all depends on my blood clotting test results. He mentioned that these tests are more in depth than the AntiCardiolipin Ab (IgG/IgM) & Lupus anticoagulant tests that already came back Negative. So, depending on those results I could be taking the Lovenox through the first trimester or the entire pregnancy.

How are you feeling my dear?? I'm so rooting for you & your rainbow embie!! :hugs::dust:
I'm feeling good. No symptoms to speak of of course (maybe the occasional hot flash), but I've been doing a good job at laying low at home since we got back from the transfer appointment. I really hope she's snuggling in!
Disneyfan: it's excellent that you've been having some proper time off. You're really giving that little embryo every chance... I agree, hopefully she's snuggling in! :dust:

Asterimou: Thanks! :hugs: The two-RE's business is because I'm getting CRGH to coordinate with Cornell, in NYC, to get me prepared to do one or two cycles there. Well, actually, I'm doing the coordinating but n/mind! CRGH does all the initial monitoring and prescriptions, on Cornell's orders, and on my "active" cycle if everything looks good on day 7, I fly off to Cornell. This is because I have diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and most UK clinics don't deal with that very well. CRGH has been accommodating me insofar as they're willing to let me do natural cycle IVFs (only because my RE is nice, though--in general they have an FSH cutoff of 15, which I rarely make), but I'd much rather use light stimulation and get two or three eggs if at all possible instead of one. Cornell specialises in that. Here in the UK, Create is also a specialist but as far as I can tell their lab is not so great... Anyway, I hope your Thursday appointment is super-productive! I hear the guy is supposed to be really curt, but I hope you end up feeling really secure in his expertise anyway! I have to admit, I'm a little fascinated by ARGC, though I've never set foot in there... Good luck! :dust:

Boopin: hurray on the follicle! Fingers crossed for a miracle, indeed! :dust: Whether with your egg or your donor's egg, I hope the blood tests help!
Disney - I really hope she's comfy in her new home and wants to stick around another 8+ months!! :dust: It would be lovely to have a little sister for your DD. GO TEAM PINK!! xx

klik - Out of curiosity (if you don't mind me asking) How are you able to afford all your treatments/cycles? Are you insured, self funded or a combination of both? Here in America fertility treatments are so damn expensive and most insurance doesn't cover IVF. If my next FET fails, I don't know what I'm going to do. :shrug: I've already spent a small fortune with DE IVF. I'm researching now to better prepare myself for future cycles if this next transfer is unsuccessful. I don't want to stop until I have a take home baby. All I desire is to be a MOMMY!!

Aster - GL at Thursday's appointment!! :hugs:

amanda - I'm thinking of you. I hope you and DH are having a blast on your European vacation. :boat:
Fingers crossed for you miracle Boopin, you certainly deserve it. The financial part definitely doesn't help. My last two cycles were NHS so I didn't have that stress but now I see how financially crippling this is! Wow, we really have to deal with a lot. Strong woman we are xx

Klik: I really hope Cornell can maximise your chances. It sounds like you have research the heck out of it ;) Must be hard booking flights when relying on an IVF cycle day! I wanted to ask you about buying the meds. Now I don't have the NHS delivering them I wondered if you looked into it. I heard Asda of all places is the cheapest option? I'm guessing ARGC will be pricey as it is for everything else. Any thoughts?

Disney: yes, come on team pink! We are all cheering for you
Boopin: we are self-funded. The treatments are crazy expensive here, too (about the same as in the US, to the best of my understanding) but we are lucky enough to be able to afford them... As Asterimou mentioned, in the UK some women can get limited treatment via the National Health Service, but I am too old for that... I'm totally with you--being a mom is my top, top priority--one way or another I'm convinced we'll get there. I think it's great that you're making a plan B for yourself, but I really hope you don't need it. Really, I hope this follicle you've just made gets you your baby! Failing that, though, I hope your existing frozen embryo really sticks this time. I really, really do. But I totally get the need for a plan B. I would be doing the same... I'm sorry it's been so very, very difficult, emotionally and financially. I wish you much strength, and I hope soon we'll see the day when you do indeed become a mommy! :hugs:

Asterimou: thank you for the wishes! I have indeed done loads of research... I haven't tried to book a flight yet, but yeah, it will be, uhm... exciting?! Crazy stressful is more like it. But I need a change, and hopefully Cornell will help me with that. I, too, have heard ASDA is the cheapest place. I've just been relying on CRGH, who either hand me the medication themselves or use Healthcare at Home, who then deliver. The thing is, because CRGH hasn't allowed me to use stims for these cycles, I haven't had to buy the really expensive stuff, so I haven't looked into alternatives... But yeah, again, ASDA seems to be the consensus cheapest go-to place. Thursday is coming up... I wish you the very best of luck! :hugs:

Disneyfan: I have you firmly in mind, and hope your little embryo is going strong, and loving her home! :hugs:

Wish: I hope I didn't offend you with my awkward question... I may well be following you down the DE path, so I'm trying to get my own head around it... If I did offend you, I'm really really sorry... :hugs: I find my situation very difficult to digest--I'm sorry if I got you caught up in my own mental struggles...

Amanda: hoping you're getting the rest and enjoyment you need! :hugs:

I so wish DP and I could go on a holiday, now that we don't have to be around for monitoring, but DP is caught up at work and FIL is still staying with us, recovering, while we try and get his house into a better state (another money sink!)... And just to complicate things, we have a nearby dog owner who hates our dog, because he gets right up in her puppy's face, trying to engage in aggressive (not violent!) play, and the poor puppy is frightened like crazy... I don't blame her, but instead of trying to get our dogs used to each other (for her puppy to gain confidence, too!), she's threatening to get the authorities involved, which is not exactly what we need right now. I'm trying to hire a trainer that I really like, to help us, but this is definitely on the list of "last things we need." :dohh:
I hear ya, Klik! I soooo want to go away somewhere. Hopefully things will line up. Icily with your cycle and your trip across the pond won't be too far off. :hugs: I'm sorry about the troubles with your neighbor. I hope the doggy issues are resolved soon. :hugs::hugs:
Disneyfan: thanks! How much more time off have you got? And how are you feeling? I hope you and your DH are both pampering you! :hugs:

I'm still doing my OPK thing--nothing yet, but at least I'll feel like I'm doing something until my next AF arrives. And then, hopefully, normality?

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