IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Nice to hear we've all been doing a few things for ourselves lately, I just had a great birthday weekend where my husband whisked me away for a romantic break in the English countryside. The weather was kind and we had a great time.

Amanda: that really is a lot to go through and I hope you are finally feeling okay, bless you.

Disney: I'm travelling in Europe a lot so no long haul but I'll be in Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, Norway and France all before the end of September! Not great for cycling hence me delaying it a bit :)

It's interesting hearing what you all do. Ive never known a prison nurse before! Do you enjoy it Boopin? I'm a global lead for Sustainability in my company, hence the travel. It is very demanding but very rewarding and keeps me on my toes ;)
Amanda: thanks, darlin'! I'm so, so sorry you've been in pain... It's good that there's an explanation, but I hope that cyst resolves itself soon, and no more migraines ever again, hopefully! :hugs:

Boopin': thanks for the wishes and the festive lion! Your line of work is so admirable... do the inmates treat you well, generally? Also, I'm really glad you've been enjoying yourself. Soooo important! October is not so far away, and I'm hoping for only good news for you in the next year! :hugs: Good luck tomorrow!

Disneyfan: how are you holding up? I'm sorry work is keeping you so busy... :hugs: Really glad you've got some nice breaks coming up... Also, thanks for the wishes! My estrogen was pretty low, which probably means I didn't have a really mature follicle, so I'm classing a surprise BFP as "almost impossible", at this point... still, hoping for a good experience at Cornell. As for my weekend, my smartphone managed to die 5 minutes before my birthday, which means whoever tried to call or Whatsapp or Skype or Instagram or whatever else me couldn't... And then my dog picked up ticks--one big one (probably female) and thousands of little ones! Ugh! So my birthday ended up in a trip to the 24-hour vet and lots of fussing and worrying... Poor baby, he's really sore... Anyway, now we're up-to-date on tick prevention and if we're lucky enough that he didn't pick up an infection and that no surviving tick is going to infest our home, we should be golden... So we'll be paranoid for the next few weeks. APART from that, I had a lovely weekend at a beautiful spa hotel in the English countryside!

Asterimou: yay, I love that you did the English countryside thing for your birthday, too! :thumbup: Wow, head of sustainability--that's such an important responsibility... Crazy work schedule you've got coming! I hope it's also enjoyable! When are you meeting up with Lister?

aster - I totally missed that it was your bday too, I'm sorry! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :cake: both of your weekends sound amazing - well done, DHes!!
Crazy work travel schedule but it sounds fun!! You just can't do that over here in the US - only to different states but not different countries!

amanda - I'm so sorry for all the pain you were going through!! I hope you're doing ok now?

klik - bah, stupid surprise BFPs that don't ever happen! Cornell and NYC it is, then!!

boopin - that is NOT what I expected you to be doing with your life! do you like it? I am now picturing you having guys coming in from being shanked and stuff! :haha: though I guess it's really not funny...

hi disney! when is your first IUI starting?

yes, hope! a bump pic please!!

afm - had my saline sono this morning - ugh. I hate it!! My cervix never cooperates so they have to clamp it to get it to line up right and thread the catheter through. She had to maneuver it so much that I got light-headed! I have been kinda crampy since too but I think it's subsiding now. Sheesh.
Anyway - also called to make the rest of those office appointments so we can get the donor selection on the road. We'll go in next Tues to meet with the counselor and nursing team, and then we'll go into my local office the week after to sign the consent forms and go over the meds I'll be on, etc. AF should show that Friday so looks like we'll have to skip Sept, so we can take that time to find the right donor. Then I think they ship the eggs here, and we can start the process.

also, we did have to put our boy down on Friday. Early early in the morning on Friday, my FIL took him to the ER and they did it then. Jake (the fur baby) all but drove himself, though - he was quite clear with his intentions. When they know, they know, I guess.
But on a brighter note, my FIL is already missing the companionship of a dog so we are adopting a new girl from a local shelter tomorrow. I can't wait. I got to meet her yesterday and she's super sweet. She's very timid and jumpy b/c she was a fully outdoor breeding dog - not really someone's pet, but a way to make money. :( So we need to give her tons of love and affection and let her know that it feels good to be pet on the ears and loved. <3
Ladies - I enjoy my job very much. Believe it or not the inmates aren't the problem. It's the people I work with!! :rofl:

Wish - I've become so desensitized at work that I could eat a sandwich over a dead body. For me I have to find humor in the not so funny, in order to cope with the seriousness of my job. I found your joke funny and appropriate... :haha: LOL!!

Did they medicate you before the saline sonogram?? Sounds painful. I'm pleased to hear the pain is subsiding now. You poor thing you. :hugs: GL on your donor search. I hope you get matched quickly. xoxo

I'm sorry about Jake's passing, but happy you're rescuing a shelter dog. Give her lots of LOVE and I'm sure she'll reciprocate it. Dogs are very forgiving & loyal animals. <3:dog:
Wish: I'm so sorry about Jake! He sounded lovely... Aw, and here I am worrying about ticks... I'm so sorry... :hugs: Glad you got a shelter dog... She sounds sweet... and I know she's your FIL's, but you've got so much love to give it will be a real pleasure to watch her come out of her shell. I'm sending her lots of doggy kisses! :kiss: Re. TTC, I'm sorry your cervix is just so stubborn! But glad that bit is over... I'm also glad you'll have time to choose your donor at leisure. I hope it's a wonderful match! :hugs:

Boopin: So glad you enjoy work! And I totally get you on the desensitization... Er, I wish I had some prison humor to share but I'm coming up short! Yeah, absolutely the job is way too serious--you've got to find ways to laugh! :hugs:

:hugs: to all...
Quick Update - My appointment went well. My doctor said that my uterus is "pristine". I got the green light to proceed with my next FET cycle. Let's get this show on the road!! :happydance:

Have a blessed day Ladies!! :hugs:
That's great news Boopin!! Yay!!

Wish so sorry to hear about your dog :( losing a pet is never easy, but I'm glad you will have the shelter dog to look after and give love to :) also sorry to hear about your uncooperative cervix and the pain and crampiness....:hugs:

Klik and Aster sounds like you had awesome b-day weekends!

AFM, I finally feel normal again, so I guess the cyst just kicked my ass and took longer to heal. That combined with the cold I had just didn't go so well. I have my next scan on Friday, hoping the this cycle normalizes and everything is ok then! I also can't seem to get the trick for the Lovenox! When it's my left side, no problem, my right side, it stings like crazy after about 5 mins. I haven't tried the ice though, that's my next step for tonight.

Disney, hope you are doing well!
amanda - I'm happy to hear you're feeling normal again. Stay away cyst!! Where are you in your cycle?? Do you have a transfer date?? I'm wishing you GL!! :hugs:
Hi ladies, just checking in! Today marks 36 weeks for me. 28 days to go, doesn't sound like much but when you are in your third trimester, with 100 degree heat, every day feels like an eternity! My last day of work is Sept 2nd. I go this Tuesday to check if I'm dilated at all and to measure my fluid levels and baby boy's size.

Almost at the finish line!! :happydance:


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Hope - Your baby bump is so adorable!! Love,
Love, Love the photo. You look absolutely
stunning at 9 months. You go mama!! :hugs::kiss:
Boopin: hurray for pristine!!! :happydance: An excellent start. Sending some dust your way, so it can accumulate over time and get extra-sticky! :dust:

Amanda: so glad you're feeling better! Those darned cysts... :growlmad: Ugh, sorry about the Lovenox--the heparin really does hurt. I kept getting surprised every time I injected it--"why does it hurt that much?" Like I had the memory of a goldfish regarding those injections! :haha: I hope the ice helps... :hugs:

Hope: that is a proper bump! It looks fabulous! Sorry you're suffering in the heat... You're really in the home stretch, though! You've done great! :hugs:
Ahhhhh... thanks klik your so sweet!! :hugs: How are things on your end?? :hugs:

Edit: I just finished getting my mammogram. There's nothing like having your boobs smashed in a vice!! :rofl:
Boopin: I always told myself I'd never get a mammogram because, yeah, who needs to have her boobs squished like that? Then my mom had breast cancer (in total remission, phew!!!) and I learned the error of my ways. Well done on getting it done! :thumbup:

AFM: so far so good... Just put my first estrogen patch on today--excited! Though I keep thinking I'm being silly--I mean, is recruiting two, maybe three eggs if I'm lucky really going to make that much difference over recruiting just one? Hmmm... But hey, I'm sure as heck going to give it a try! I sent the prescription list to my local clinic and hopefully will get the meds soon... Now, waiting for AF, and a day 2 baseline. If AF doesn't arrive by Wednesday I'm supposed to go in on Thursday anyway for a baseline, funny enough. Ugh, I'm so nervous, but also so excited!

Oh, yeah, also my new passport is ready--I gotta go pick it up so I can hopefully go to NY on it, where it can get its first stamp! Hoping it will somehow bring me luck! Nonsense, but there it is... :haha:
Hi all.

Klik: good luck at the baseline. I think every extra egg is so worth it. Any of the could be the one.

Boopin: great progress - let this be your one!

Amanda: glad you're feeling better and ready to go again.

Wish: sorry about your dog :(

Hope: that is a lovely bump ;)

Disney: hope you're doing good xx

Afm: I went to the Lister yesterday and it was a breathe of fresh air. The consultant was excellent and really helped us understand all options. We are definitely going with them. One thing that came up was my hydrosalpinx. They are very small and not even picked up on a scan but they were seen at my laparoscopy. The RE recommended clipping my tubes before the next round. It is day surgery and took me 4 days to recover last time. It means I won't cycle for ages. I just can't decide whether to go for it without having more invasive surgery or not. I was psyched up for October and really don't want to wait. Any advice ladies?
boopin - well done on the pristine organs!! hahaha! I had my mammo a few months ago and felt the same. They had to pull some back fat around to compensate for my little ta-tas, it felt like! :rofl: I'm so excited that you're getting started on your next cycle!

klik - yes! pick up that passport and come on over! I'm excited for you to finally get to do the NY stuff in person too. Keep that optimism up (like you have a choice)! Though I do hope you get a stamp. I thought they stopped doing that! The last time I got to use my passport, I forget for where, they DIDN'T stamp it!! I think it was Canada. I was like 'um...where's my stamp?' and they gave me the bad news. I hope you get one!

aster - glad you had a great meeting yesterday. I wish I had some advice about the surgery you need. Is it absolutely necessary to carry to full term or something? or preventive?

hope - girrrrl you make 36 weeks look amazing!! you're gorgeous!! I'm sorry this heat is killing you - I always think of that when I'm waiting to see if I get a BFP - 'if I got preg this month, when would my due date be and how HOT will it be when I'm in the last tri?' I'm weird, I know.

amanda - glad you're feeling back to normal! I'm sorry about the stingy shots - I hate 'em all!! I'm SO not looking forward to the PIO shots for DE. Ugh.

afm - I don't think much is new since my last update. Sophie is coming along with her trust and friendship! :) And all appointments are in the books - next Tues is the big one with the DE team and the counselor. Then we meet with my RE the following monday for the consent forms and we can get started on picking a donor. That's all!
I hope you're all doing fabulously and have a great weekend!
Asterimou: so sorry, I don't know much about tube issues at all... I'm really glad you liked Lister. I've heard that the experience there is really nice--I hope it's fruitful for you, as well! As for the surgery... I guess I think that, if this is likely to be your last attempt, I'd want to make sure everything is in tip-top shape... Do they have stats? Probably nothing conclusive--that's how these things go, isn't it? My only concern is that, with a few months going by, your fertility does drop a little bit. Could it be in the cards for you to do an egg retrieval, freeze the embryos, do your surgery, and then do a frozen transfer later on? (Or even a fresh/frozen cycle!) Or does this condition affect egg retrieval too, and not just embryo transfer? Either way, whatever you decide, best of luck! :hugs:

Wish: Welcome, Sophie! Hey, well done on booking your appointments! I hope they go swimmingly. :dust: As for passport stamps, the US can absolutely be relied on to do them! It's a country that seems to enjoy leaving its mark :winkwink:. Actually, one of the sad things about the European Union is that the countries in it don't stamp each other's passports anymore... So I collect a lot fewer stamps than I used to. Still, maybe Brexit will take care of that. *sigh*...
Klik: I love your optimism finding positives out of Brexit. Isn't it just a bit surreal at the moment! I like your idea about freezing and then having a FET. Hydrosalpinx in tubes leak toxic fluid into the womb and therefore create a hostile environment for the embie. If you have large hydrosalpinx they reduce success of IVF by around 25% but mine are not large and not even seen on a scan, so the jury is out :/ So I could freeze and have the op and then a FET but my last 2 cycles didn't yield freeze worthy embryos so there is a chance I won't have any to freeze. I hate decisions like this.

Wish: all the best for your appointments next week ;)
Hey ladies!

Aster, it's so great that you feel good at Lister! I wish I had some advice for you regarding the op. We are faced with such tough decisions, and making the one right one always seems so difficult. How many months would you have to wait if you had the surgery? Is this your absolute last attempt? If so, maybe it's worth doing the surgery to have the absolute best possible odds? That being said, it's easy for us to say what we would do in your position, but only you know what's best for you, and whatever decision you make will be the right one :) sorry you have to make it at all! Decisions suck! Lol

Klik, yay for starting estrogen patches! And for getting your passport :) I also don't think the US has ever stamped my passport, but maybe because I'm from Canada they don't? I could be wrong! I've never paid attention to the stamps, not even sure the UK stamped when I was just there! I'm happy your excited for NYC though, I've got my fingers crossed for you girl!!

Wish, how exciting that you've got all your appointments lined up! Anxious to hear how the DE consults go!

Boopin yay for everything looking awesome! May this be your cycle, we're rooting for you!!!

Hope, you look absolutely gorgeous!!!! Thanks for sticking around and sharing your journey with us! Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!

Disney, hope everything is going well with you!! You've got some trips coming up I think, no?

AFM, had my scan yesterday and lining was 9.6mm and trilaminar so transfer scheduled next Friday. I'm optimistic, but trying to just not think about it too much. (Easier said than done!) it's amazing this optimism is there though, honestly! I guess without hope we have nothing!
amanda - I hope & pray that this is your cycle, too. :dust:
I have everything X'd for next Friday's transfer... GL!! :hugs:
Nice 9.6 mm trilaminar lining!! Well done!! :thumbup:
Hi ladies. Sorry for the silence on my end lately. It's still been busy at work, and since my office is moving to another city soon, I had to go in to San Francisco to pack up my desk today. My new commute will go from 1-1.5 hours to 20 minutes. :happydance:

Amanda - I'm sorry to hear that the lovenox is bothering you. I always felt it less when I stayed closer to my sides and further away from the belly button. I'm not sure if it made a difference, but I also always did the shot sitting in bed. Congrats on the cushy lining!! I sincerely hope your next transfer is the one for you. This thread can use some serious good news! :thumbup:

Aster - That's great that you had a great experience at Lister. :thumbup: Touch choice about the surgery. I think if it was me, and it would drastically improve my chances for success, I'd go ahead and do it. How long would you have to wait to proceed after the surgery? I was originally going to suggest what Klik recommended, but I see that there's worry about the freezing potential. If you do decide to go for it, I'd check with your doctor to see if he/she recommends any fertility-boosting supplements that could possibly help with egg quality while you wait. Good luck with your decision. :hugs:

Klik - Estrogen patches and your new passport - both exciting news! :thumbup: When I was doing the estrogen patches, I bought some medical adhesive remover wipes. It made it so easy to get the sticky residue off.

Wish - You have some really exciting appointments coming up. It's great that you are getting the ball rolling on the donor process!!

Boopin - Congrats on the great exam results! I'm crossing everything for you that this next FET brings you your rainbow baby. :hugs:

Hope - You look amazing!! I can't believe how close you're getting! I hope you're able to rest up and aren't too uncomfortable. :hugs:

AFM - Nothing really going on on the TTC front. I'm collecting my medications for our future IUI, but if anything happens here (however unlikely), it would have to be naturally. :haha: We are currently counting down the days until our Hawaii trip in October. I don't want to put off the IUI for too long, but I think I want to finish both of our upcoming trips before we move forward with anything.

Ok - I have some sleep to catch up on, so I'll have to leave you here. :hugs:

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