IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hey girls!!

Klik, that's crazy that DP is not there with you! I hope that he makes it there before ER, and that his flight isn't SUPER expensive. We've been having a terribly hot summer this year, so I hear you on the heat!! (I'm not too far, just a few hours drive North). Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! Can't wait to hear about it! Sending positive vibes!

Boopin, I really hope this last blast is the perfect one that is meant to be!

Wish, so great to hear how the de process is going!! Choosing a donor is so overwhelming, and a little strange at first when you start going through profiles, but you get over it quickly. Trying to choose the right one isn't always easy, but you'll get there! It's really great that you two are on the same page, as that obviously makes things so much easier :) On another note, I also ADORE Fall!! Not necessarily for the football, (I don't really follow the NFL or the CFL, but will occasionally watch games....more excited for hockey! :) ) I do love the cooler weather, the colours, and it's when I do all my cooking/baking with fall fruits and veggies to stock up for the winter. :)

Aster, I really love the expression that Klik just used, and I really believe that there is truth behind it. I am sorry that they have to snip your tubes, and for sure there is a grieving process. Take the time you need to process. I also hope that Lister will give you a protocol that is just perfect for you, and all that you need. AF yet?

Disney, how are you doing?

Hope, must be getting close!!!!!

AFM, transfer went well yesterday! They ended up transferring BOTH my blasts, 4AB and 3BC, since the last 2 cycles were so wonky. We are totally ok with the idea of twins, and having twins doesn't scare me in the least (even if maybe it should lol!) but a multiple pregnancy is a little scary. One step at a time though.
Feel pretty good today, a little crampy last night, but that's pretty standard for me after transfer, and so incredibly tired from all the progesterone. Now for the 11 day wait! OTD is Sept. 6.
Amanda - Congrats on your transfer!!! So exciting! I'm sending a ton of sticky vibes your way! :)

Klik - I'm glad you made it in safely. I hope your partner isn't too far behind you. Good luck with with hotel hunt!!

AFM - Nothing big going on with me at the moment. I'm impatiently waiting for our vacation to get here. I'm continuing with my vitamins am and just not really thinking about much TTC stuff right now. We still plan to do an IUI after our trips later this year, but other than that, nothing planned for the immediate future.

Posting from my phone, so I'll have to keep it short.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
amanda, congratulations!! :happydance: You're officially PUPO!! I'm happy to hear your transfer went well. Rest up hun. xx
Amanda: congrats on being PUPO. :happydance: I'm hoping soooooo much that one or both of those great blasts sticks. Feel free to vent here in the madness of the tww. We're in it with you xx

Well AF arrived, although it was this morning but they said that will be fine for Tuesday....phew! Thanks for all your encouragement, no change without loss is my mantra right now ;) I feel like I have some level of control back by doing this laparoscopy privately, it could of been months on the NHS so I feel really happy I'm doing it so soon and feel it's money well spent. My mum is coming to look after me for the day, which will be nice.

How did fantasy football go Wish? Hope the best team won ;)

Klik: I really hope DH gets there on time, it must be unsettling for you but I'm sending lots of luck your way. I hope you've had a few good meals now and jet lag has subsided. Good luck and have some dust :dust:

Boopin: weirdly after you sent me the NK info I got a letter from my first RE that said my levels were high and I should be treated for it. Yet my current one said they are fine :wacko: I wish the experts could agree. I'm putting my faith in my current RE, it just feels right. I hope you respond well to your meds xx
Wow, Amanda, that is exciting indeed! I hope at least one of them sticks and stays stuck! :dust: September 6th must feel so far away... How are you holding up?

Disneyfan: it seems you're in a pretty calm place--I hope that's right, and that you're enjoying the peace! :hugs:

Asterimou: so glad you got the go-ahead even though AF was a little slow to show! :thumbup: Glad your mom is coming over to look after you... I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I know it's sad, but I really hope it all ends up working out for the best... :hugs:

AFM: yesterday morning was my first scan/bloods at Cornell. Firstly, operationally I was really impressed--scans/bloods are 6:30am-8:30am, no appointment necessary--and I was seen immediately! SO much easier than the horrid negotiations we have to go through at my clinic, and then sit there and wait for over half an hour sometimes until there's someone available to take blood! It's like they realise many women have jobs! Now, the actual results scared me a little--I was told to come back in only on Wednesday, as my follicles were all still tiny and estrogen low. I sort of freaked out--I can't help but think nothing is growing, that this is just a barren cycle... But I've been told that some women who do estrogen priming take much longer to respond--that 15 days of stims is not unusual... So tiny follicles at CD7 is apparently not so terrible. I don't think Wish had that delayed effect, but apparently it does affect some women that way... So, I'm sitting on my hands til Wednesday!
hi girls!!

aster - so glad you got in for your procedure this week. It is sad, but I do love that mantra. I, too, shall always remember it. It would be a good tattoo!! ;)

amanda - PUPO!!! congratulations!! I don't freak at the thought of twins either, though DH looks at me like I have 3 heads when I say that. GOOD LUCK!! :dust: we are here for you!!

klik - glad you arrived safely, love! Amanda is a couple hrs north of you, I'm a couple hrs east. And yes, I responded pretty horribly to stims, I felt. And I was on max doses - 450 Gonal-F!! One cycle I stimmed for either 14 or 16 days, I can't remember. But they caught up. So how long are you in town for? The whole process? For some reason, I thought you were here for only some tests. Either way, I'm super excited for you!!

disney - I'm glad you're able to relax and take a good long break before your next IUI.

boopin - I think we're going to be cycle buddies!! :)

afm - consent forms are all signed, now I have to make the payment to get into the egg bank online. I'll make that call today, then we are good to go and pick out a donor. cd1 yesterday, which was really weird - only a 24-day cycle this month. I assume it was the saline sono that might have urged O to happen earlier.
Our fantasy draft went really well! We had fun, as usual. Aster - there wasn't any 'winning' just yet - we go the whole football season. What we did the other night was choose our players for our individual teams. This would be like doing a fantasy soccer draft and choosing individual players from each of the teams in the Premier League to put together one whole team that you watch the whole season. And they get points based on how good they are, how many times they score, etc.
It's fun and keeps me interested in more than just my hometown team's game every week.
Hi ladies, I'm recovering from my op. The good news is it was a success, they found two hydrosalpinx the size of my little finger! How they didn't show on my scans I don't know. He said they most definitely would have reduced my chances and even if I'd got BFP they could of caused me to miscarry. I'm so glad I had it done and actually I'm not sad as it just feels so right. Private was so much nicer than NHS and I feel like I'm recovering better than last time :) He also looked at my womb and said it was in tip top condition so that is a bonus.

Klik: good luck today, I hope those little follies have grown. I freak out all through the scan stage wondering if their big enough or if one has shot off. There is nothing more you can do but wait and see. I have everything crossed for you.

Wish: you may realise from my comment that I'm not a football fan! I realise now what fantasy football is. I hope you picked some good players for the season;)
Such great news Aster!! :thumbup: to your successful procedure and your "tip top" womb!! I'm happy you're at peace with your decision and that you're recovering nicely.

Wish - I'd LOVE for us to be cycle buddies!! :hugs:

amanda - Thinking of you. How are you feeling?? 1 week left until OTD!! :dust: Fx'd super tightly for you!!

klik - GL today at your scan. Plump up follies!! :bodyb:

Disney - I'm missing your presence on this thread, but so happy you're enjoying your time away from ttc. xoxo

Hope - You're 38 weeks today!! Delivery day is almost here. I can't wait to see pictures of baby Tanelli. How are you holding up?? Are you dilated, yet?? <3
Hi girls! Omg, I'm freaking out!!!! Just took a test and got a BFP!!!! 5dp5dt. I felt super nauseous yesterday and today, and I just knew. Plus I figured since it's so early, if it's negative, then ill just chalk it up to that. Totalky freaking out (in the best way). I'll try to get a picture. Sorry, DH is at work, so I'll surprise him later (not sure how yet) I just had to tell you....hoping the luck of this thread is changing!!!!!
Wish: ah, thanks for reminding me that you had to stim for 2 weeks or so... I'd completely forgotten! Yeah, I guess that really is a common reaction to estrogen priming... I'm on 150iu Gonal-F + 75iu Menopur but I took some Clomid earlier on which should presumably nudge my body towards making more LH and FSH by itself anyway. So cool that you've signed the consent forms! Good luck looking at the egg bank online... I hope you find a donor you're really happy with... :hugs:

Asterimou: Gosh, that sounds like it was unambiguously the right decision! I'm glad your experience was relatively painless, and I wish you a speedy recovery and the very best of luck! :hugs: Also excellent news on the uterus all-clear! :thumbup:

Boopin: how are you holding up? :hugs:

afm: scan today was much the same: follicles still too small to measure. Which is so irritating, as it doesn't even give me a direction of travel--are they growing? shrinking? stationary? who knows?! *sigh*. Endometrium is still super-thin... At least I have follicles, though, which is already a blessing! When I get the bloods call I will ask for the actual numbers this time and last so I can try to see if at least estrogen is going in the right direction. At least my cyst is shrinking, which is kind of nice... This is going to test my patience!
Amanda, we cross-posted! That is SOOOOO exciting! :happydance::yipee::wohoo::rain::ninja:

Congratulations and best of luck! I really hope it sticks this time! :dust:
CONGRATS amanda on your :bfp: That's a beautiful line 5dp5dt!! You might be prego with twins!! I'm so excited for you!! :happydance: :bunny: :headspin:
NEWSFLASH :bfp::crib::yellow: sooooooo happy for you Amanda. I know it's early days but I'm sure this is it for you. I'm almost crying!
Thanks girls!! I burst into tears when I saw the second line, then just started laughing lol. I am obviously going to be a bit nervous, but for some reason I just really feel like this is it. Don't know if it's just hoping, or a real feeling hehe.
Also, I know how hard it can be to see someone elses positive news, and I'm very sorry to be that person. I just had to tell you girls as even though we don't know each other personally, I feel close to all of you.
No need to apologize amanda. We're here for eachother through the GOOD & BAD times... UNCONDITIONALLY. We're all happy for you!! I truly hope this is your sticky bean. :hugs:
AMANDA!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :happydance: :ninja: :wohoo: STICK, little one, STICK!!
Do NOT apologize - that's what we're all here for too!!!

aster - so happy your surgery turned out to be exactly what was needed!! good riddance, bad equipment getting in the way!! :)

klik - girl, get those follies growing! Tell them Auntie Wish said so!! Maybe they need to increase your Gonal a bit? I'm quite sure they know more about this than me, though! :)
Amanda, it is an absolute delight to hear your news. It can hurt when those around us fall pregnant so easily and don't really appreciate what a miracle it is, but your journey has been tough and we are all just so happy one of us has made it! We're all obviously hoping this is the change in tune we needed on this thread. Our time to celebrate &#55357;&#56397;
Amanda: Thanks for sharing your happiness with us! You may be leaving us behind, but you're also giving us hope! :hugs: I'm SUPER happy for you--a little bit anxious, to be sure, but on the whole I'm optimistic and looking forward to cheering you on over the next 8+ months! :hugs:

Wish: my follicles have been told! Let's see if they'll listen--another scan tomorrow (I should be asleep!)... As for the stim amount, I think it looks low but the Clomid is meant to push the natural levels up anyway... plus, part of the idea is that too many injectables fry the eggs for us DOR women, so keeping the dose low is thought to be better... I've seen Dr Davis up someone's injectables a bit, when her estrogen started dropping mid-cycle, but with me he's just sticking to the plan, as the estrogen levels are rising (which means the follicles probably are growing, after all--yay!) Long story short: I'm trying to brace myself for another "they're still too small to measure" tomorrow... :dohh: How about you? How is the donor selection going? :hugs:
gotcha - wonder if we fried my eggs with that large dose then?? sheesh - you never really know, huh? so much guessing goes on here. One doctor's best case is another's worst case...

Good luck to you today, klik!! I hope you see some real plumping overnight!!

donor selection has not begun. I feel like this is going to have to another thing I have to kick DH in the butt to do, OR start it on my own and lay out options that I like and have him choose from them. He mentioned the other day that the nurse who told us about the selection process said 'don't rush it'. Well, that means you have to actually LOOK first and if you don't find one you are comfortable with, maybe hold off for another day and see who comes and goes. And keep doing that until you find a better one. But she also said not to look for 'perfect' b/c that doesn't exist. So...step one is to LOG ON! :grr:

amanda - how did you tell your DH??

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