IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

My turn to lose a long post! Stupid fat fingers! Never mind, here we go again:

Amanda: HURRAY!!!! :ninja::ninja::ninja: I'm so glad you're feeling so good about this one, too! Stick, little one, stick! :dust: Physical symptoms bearable? :hugs:

Asterimou: Bummer you have to travel for work so soon after your procedure, but glad you're feeling well enough to do it! As for timing, my gut says wait til the inflammation comes down... Then again, endometrial scratching is meant to be helpful, and that's like a little wound, so who knows how our bodies work... it's so complex! Whatever you do, though, I hope to hear good news soon! :hugs:

Wish: I'm sorry it seems you have to start this process alone... Maybe it's awkward for him... he chose you, after all, and now, to be blunt, he essentially has to also choose another woman? It's kind of mind-boggling... Thing is, it's an emotionally charged process for you too, and it would be better if he could be with you more as you go through it... My OH certainly has limited brainpower for this TTC universe--this is a big part of how we got into the passport conundrum in the first place. If he were paying attention, he would have picked a better time... Anyway, I hope you and your DH find a donor you're happy with soon, who works out really well for you! :hugs:

Hope: thinking of you as you come into the home stretch! :hugs:

Disneyfan, Boopin: sending you good thoughts! :hugs:

AFM: I feel pretty well today, though somewhat anxious... I could have sworn they would have triggered me yesterday, when my lead follicle was at 21mm... But they didn't! It is now 23mm, which is big... I'm afraid, to be honest, that it's already overcooked. That's in my left ovary. My right ovary has a 17, a 14, and a 13... I guess they are prioritizing the three little ones over the big one... I mean, I'm in a much better position than when I thought I had only one, but now I'm torn between hope for maybe two more and fear that I'll end up with none... I just have to trust that I'm in good hands. Gosh, this is hard! And even if we get mature eggs, we'll have to wait AGES before we know if they fertilize... UGH! Ok, klik, come on, step by step, you can do this...
Hi Ladies xoxo

klik - Your anxiety is understandable. Fx'd tightly that your 3 smaller follies get nice and plump!! It only takes 1 good egg!! I know it's easier said than done, but stay strong. Your almost done and you're doing so well. I'm pround of you, hun. :hugs: Grow follies grow!!

afm - I'm still waiting for AF. No signs of the *itch.. lol!! She was due Sep 2-4 and it's now the 7th. Once my period gets here I can start bcp on CD3, then my FET cycle officially begins. I never wanted my period to start as much as I do now. Isn't that an oxymoron when you're ttc. :dohh:
Edit: I just took an hpt and of course it's Negative!! Silly me.

Hope - Thinking of you and baby Tanelli. 7 days left until your little man's due date. How are you feeling?? Give us an update when you can. <3
aster - good luck on your trip! I read Norway and didn't read anything else. How are you feeling? did the flights impact you at all?

klik - yep, I get your anxiety too! I assume you'll be triggering tonight. I hope anyway. And yeah, maybe you'll end up with 3 and let that bigger one go. that would be SWEET!! Hang in there, though. :hugs: Day by day and sometimes hour by hour.
And good point about DH's perspective. Someone else on another thread said her husband is feeling that way about DS - he chose her to procreate with and now they both have to choose another man. Just isn't how we all thought this was going to work out.

boopin - ARGH! that was my first thought, of course - 'has she tested??' dang it all. Well I hope the witch gets here quickly for you!!

afm - all of the financials are all set - we had to apply for a loan for the DE stuff and it went through quickly and with flying colors. My specific loan officer called today and said 'well, they turned it around almost immediately for me today and basically said 'give her whatever she wants'!' WHY CAN'T EVERYONE SAY THIS TO ME?? :rofl:
She was super nice - she said she has a great feeling about all of this and the next step is for me to send her a sonogram! <3 She said they are surrounded by baby pics and sonos from the people they help - how cool is that? A loan place! (granted, this is specifically for reproductive assistance assistance, but cool nonetheless)
Ok, DH and I are alone tonight for a few hours so I'm going to suggest ordering pizza, maybe popping some wine and then shopping for eggs!
Hi Klik, I echo the girls in terms of completely understanding the anxiety. Follicle development is a stressful time and there really is nothing more you can do. Like you said, you just gotta trust the process and let go a bit. But I totally get ya. Hang in there xx

Hope AF comes soon Boopin. It was me waiting for her weekend before last. I read some ways to bring it on and did all of them so not sure which worked; BD, have a hot bath, and excercise to get heart rate up for at least 20 mins. Good luck :)

Well done on getting the cash Wish. At least that's a tick off the list. Pizza and wine sounds great.

I'm still away, the flight was a bit gassy! Things moving about a bit but nothing terrible. I'm feeling almost back to normal but Dr said no excercise for another week. Hope this isn't TMI but I'm super horny and have some great EWCM so think I'm ovulating. Great good that is with clipped tubes but at least it's showing everything is working! I think I will see if my cycle length is normal this month and if so I'll go for it next cycle :/. My acupuncturist has changed me from weekly Accupuncture to now taking Chinese herbs daily. I do really trust her but not sure about them.
You ladies are super sweet! :hugs:

Boopin: just like Wish, I was thinking "maybe, just maybe..." But you've tested... :nope: Well, AF, stop being coy and show up already!

Wish: That is hilarious! But hey, I, too, think you should get whatever you want. Your loan officer sounds lovely! Happy pizza, wine, and shopping! :thumbup:

Asterimou: I'm totally with you--it sure is nice to know that the snip hasn't affected your libido... and that the rest of your plumbing seems to be working well. Hope this cycle looks good and next cycle is your lucky one! :hugs:

AFM: to my surprise, I am NOT triggering tonight. I had to rush out and buy more Cetrotide. I really do think they're sacrificing the big follie to try to get the smaller ones. It's really weird, too, to have so much uncertainty while travelling--I have to move to another hotel tomorrow because this one is full! :dohh: Oh, well, on the plus side I get to live in bits of New York I've never lived in before!
Klik - I know it must be really stressful right now being in an unfamiliar clinic in a semi-familiar area and having to blindly trust the new doctors. That's fantastic that there are more follicles than they previously thought. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that your timing works out great and that you are successfully able to extract multiple eggs. Hang in there and don't lose hope. :hugs: Good luck with the hotel move, too!

Wish - Congrats in the stellar response to the credit check and loan application! Good luck with the egg search! :thumbup:

Aster - I hope you're back to feeling 100%+ soon. I think your current "symptoms" sound great and are good indicators. :thumbup: I asked my RE about some of the Chinese herbs that my acupuncturist recommended, and she and said that in general she's fine with them as long as they come from a "reputable" place. My acupuncturist is semi-connected to a larger fertility clinic in the area, and she knows the people there pretty well. She said that they use reputable suppliers and had no issues with me taking whatever they recommended.

Boopin - Like the others, I initially began to wonder if you had tested. I hope AF shows up soon. I definitely know what it's like to be anxious for AF to show. Good luck!

Hope - Your bundle of joy is due any time now. If we don't hear from you before, I am sending you lots of good thoughts for a smooth and speedy delivery! :dust:

Amanda - :happydance: again :thumbup:
oh you poor thing, klik!! just rolling with it, as you do, but dang. I hope you're writing this down in a journal you can show Baby Klik one day!! Forget about carrying them for 9 mos, you have gone above and beyond!! 'Here's what I did for you!! Now eat your veggies!' :haha:
I wish we were closer, I could have delivered my Cetrotide that's sitting in my fridge! Let me know if you end up needing more of it if you have any future batch cycles or whatnot - whatever these docs decide to do!

amanda - still over the moon for you!

hope - eeee!! baby is almost here!! good luck with everything!!

aster - that's great that your body is already mending enough to feel randy!!

disney - what's the countdown to HI? you must be getting so excited. How long of a flight is that for you? Getting there from here is such a pain so typically people on the East Coast go for 10 days. Allows you to get over the jetlag and then potentially have a full week to enjoy.

So, no wine but we did have pizza and looked at donors last night! WOO! It was kinda slim-pickins but I guess that was expected. Narrowing down caucasian, brown/brown or hazel got us to about 20-25 donors and then from there, I looked at heritage (not sure why), baby pictures, height and then looked into their medical history. That part was pretty cool - you get to see all of their 'real' answers to things and at the end they ask them why they are becoming a donor. Some simply just know that they are fertile and need to pay off college, others have already had a child and want to be able to give that gift to someone else who is struggling. And one has a close friend who had an ectopic and several miscarriages and wants to help others like her.
Thanks for the second opinion on herbs Disney, it's good to know. My acupuncturist is definitely reputable so I trust she knows what she's doing. She said it could help my embryo quality. Who knows, worth a try. My DH is also booked in for sperm DNA test next week so we will have left no stone unturned!

Wish: that is interesting to hear the reasons for donating. I remember when I started I thought I might donate some. As it happens I only get around 7 per cycle so each is precious, plus they said I'm too old to donate :( Oh well, it's the thought that counts. Hope you find a donor that just feels right xx
Hey girls!

Klik, how are you doing today? Any more ideas on when you will be triggering?

Wish, glad the donor searching got under way. We ended up choosing a donor who did it because he had good friends who needed help conceiving, and mentioned the lack of blonde/blue donors. I liked that.

Aster, good that you're getting the tests done. You're getting absolutely everything in order, this next cycle should be the absolute perfect conditions. :)

Boopin, any news on AF yet? Hope she shows soon so you can get this show on the road!

Disney, how are you doing?

Hope, I guess it could technically be any day now!! How exciting!!

AFM, I seem to have lost my appetite, (which is NOT like me hehe). The only things I feel like eating are pasta and crackers. Not the healthiest, I know. Nausea has started on and off, but not enough that I'm actually being sick. Last couple days my boobs have hurt so much it's crazy. I'm not complaining at all though! I'll take it! Can't believe I have to wait 2 weeks for a scan, it's going to be pretty stressful, I keep trying to think positive, but a part of me is still really scared!
Asterimou: so glad things feel pretty normal again! It's always a huge relief after surgery... :hugs: I don't know anything about Chinese herbs, but glad that your DH is having his sperm tested! You're getting all the bases covered--well done... :hugs:

Wish: "Baby Klik" had me laughing out loud! :haha: I'm sorry the DE pickins are slim, but it's nice that you actually get to know about them in their own words for part of it... I can absolutely see people being motivated to donate by seeing others struggle... Maybe a couple will start sticking in your mind? Good luck... :hugs:

Amanda: glad you're not actually getting sick! Sorry about the pasta and crackers limitation--that sounds... boring... I'm totally with you re. your anxiety... but hang in there... two more weeks--you can do this! :thumbup:

AFM: I am back in London. That's why I didn't post yesterday--I had to rush home. I found out my LH was surging through the double-dose of cetrotide and my best option was IUI. Of course, without DP there or his sperm, there was no way to do IUI... so my best option was then timed intercourse, which meant rushing back home and BDing post haste... DP said it was his favorite way to try to get me pregnant, which was cute, but... I have to say, with my big follie almost certainly overcooked and the smaller ones starting to shrink, the chances are slim to none. Dr Davis was actually travelling this week, which is annoying--still calling the shots, but from afar... his partner called to give me the horrible news. Dr Davis is meant to call me next week, and depending on what he has to say I will or will not cycle with them again. I guess it was worth trying to get the little follicles, but it looks like with me, the big follicle calls the shots--when it's ready, it's ready! :dohh:
Ooooh, and Disneyfan, thanks for all the wishes! I hope you're getting to enjoy this time off actively TTC, and the rampup to your holidays! :plane:
Oh Klik, I'm so sorry to hear that you had to rush back. You never know though! BDing still could work. :hugs: You must be absolutely exhausted. Hope you're able to take it easy the next few days!
holy moly, klik!! what a whirlwind couple of weeks you've had!! I would love it if this happened via IUI for you this cycle just b/c...well, the comedy of errors you've had to put up with! OH not having his passport in time, you having small follies, then one giant one, then having to move hotels, then having to rush back to London for timed BD'ing - nutso!! all in one cycle! you're a superwoman, for sure!

amanda - i'm so happy you're nauseous!! :) 2 weeks will feel like forever but try to go about your regular life and it'll pass quickly, I promise! Just about impossible to do though since everything is so wonderful and new!

I think I'm going to go peek at the donors again :) See if there are any new ones that I can tag for DH to take a look at sometime this weekend. :)

aster - it's absolutely the thought that counts! When we had our first consultation before our first IVF, I had asked what happens with the leftover embryos and asked if they could be donated. "LEFTOVER EMBRYOS" :rofl: what the heck was I thinking??
Wish - GL on your donor search. I hope you can find the right match that suits both you & dh!! :hugs:
Ha ha, Wish that made me lol. Yes, leftover embryos if only!!

Klik, you really have been through a lot and I'm really hoping flying back to London to BD works. Whatever happens you can say you've done everything possible. I had a little thought the other day that maybe you and I will meet one day in London with our little bumps. Just putting it out there ;)

Amanda: the nausea sounds great! I know you must be cautious but I reckon the odds are in your favour hon xx

Boopin: any AF yet?
Aster - I'm currently waiting on my period to start. I was expecting it 9/2-9/4. I emailed my nurse and she said that if my period doesn't start by Monday 9/12, she wants me to take a blood pregnancy test. And if its negative, she'll start me on a medication for 7 days to induce my period. I'm really hoping that AF starts within the next couple of days on her own. I have dull aching in my pelvic area that comes and goes, but no other symptoms that AF is looming. This is so frustrating. I'm trying not to stress. I really would like to have my FET during my next vacation (10/24-11/2). It doesn't look like it's going to happen the way I planned. I'm praying that it'll all work out favorably in the end. Fx'd!! [-o&lt;

I wonder if my NEW prenatal vitamins are delaying my period. I've been taking them for only 1 month. They have a small amount of red raspberry leaf in them. I've read on the internet that rrl can delay a period. I'll insert a link below, so that you ladies can check them out and give me your opinion. Do you think this amount could effect my menstrual cycle?? Arghhhh!! :dohh:

Hi Boopin, it looks like a low dose of raspberry leaf. I had a quick read up and it seems people are advised 2-3 cups a day to make a difference. That said, it could of impacted your cycle as your body isn't used to it. Have you done another HPT? I'm just hoping this is a real pregnancy. If not, I know how frustrating these delays are but you just have to have faith everything is happening in perfect timing. Easy to say!
Thanks Aster for your reply. :hugs: I took another hpt tonight and it's negative. I like your ttc perspective. Everything IS happening in perfect timing and my faith reassures me of that. I just need to relinquish myself to the process and accept that I can't control everything all the time. Easier said than done... I agree!! Especially, for a type-A personality like mine. :haha:
Amanda: Thanks! :hugs: So tell me... do you get to put any sauce on that pasta or does it have to be plain? I'm sorry about the nausea, but super-happy about what it means! :thumbup:

Wish: Thanks! Oh, and yeah... I at some point fantasized about having leftover embryos too! :haha: Good luck peeking at the new donors! I hope one pops up soon that really appeals! :hugs:

Boopin: I don't know if the prenatals are doing it... My experience is, though, that the more anxiously you await AF, the longer she takes. So... it may be psychological, possibly... I've also had a couple of cycles in the past where my body simply skipped AF. No idea why... But then it went back to normal. I'm sorry this messes up your timing, though--it would have been nice to do this at a time when you don't have to worry about work. Then again, I suppose this means you get to enjoy your holiday and not worry about TTC? :hugs:

DP and I have done our solemn duty and BD'd on Friday and yesterday. My exercise (circus!) classes start up on Monday again, and I'm feeling so without hope that I just wanted to go climb some silks... But DP says that, as the chances are not zero, he prefers if I don't. Ho hum--walking the dog it is... :-({|=
Oh, and Asterimou: yes, I LOVE the idea of meeting one day with our little bumps! May it happen soon! :dust:

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