IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Asterimou: Hoping Lister is really the right place for you! :hugs: Also hope the period pains have subsided and you can coast through this cycle!

Wish: wow, gosh, so you'll only know about embryo quality in real time... Nail-biting stuff! I so hope it runs well and smoothly... :dust:

Haha, yeah, re. accents: maybe we're sleeper agents and we don't even know it. As for Trump, I'm kinda hoping he takes himself out. This is my new favorite thing: https://giphy.com/gifs/hillary-clinton-debate-shaq-26uf5YvN8Td27IrFm. Sorry to get political, but I had to share--I realise not everyone may feel the same about the presidential candidates, and I really do respect that, so I'll shut up about that now...

Re. follicles--ho hum, I seem to have one 17.5, one 13, and one 11, and then a couple of tiny ones. It seems one follicle is always very assertive: "everyone, this is MY time to shine!" -- oh well, let's hope we get at least one egg this time...

DP arrives tonight--hurray! :happydance:
Hey girls!

Klik, so happy that DP is arriving!!! Yay!!!! As for your follies, looks like you have a few, that damn 1 that has to be better than all the others, eh? Chillax follie, and wait for the others! I really hope that the others catch up, but at least 1 good mature egg will be amazing :) :dust:

Boopin, how's your cycle going? When is your next scan? Positive vibes to ya!

Wish and Aster, I guess you girls are getting started soon too, eh? Best of luck!!

Welcome Sava!

AFM, I've been dealing with nausea pretty bad. I can't do much all day rather than sit on the couch watching netflix (thankfully I haven't gotten a teaching contract yet this year, so don't have to worry about work for now). I'm not complaining though, as I keep telling myself that nausea is a good thing, and hopefully a sign that everything is going how it's supposed to. Last week was pretty terrible for nausea, but this week I've had a few days that are a bit better. Anxious for my next scan on Tuesday. I'll be 8+2.
I also just noticed, that we've just about hit the one year anniversary of this thread. Here's hoping we can celebrate with a bunch of BFP's!!
Hey Wish, I will be stimming while you transfer ;)

Amanda: I was also thinking it must be nearly a year. What a year it had been for us all :wacko: it's been great to get to know you all. Such strong, inspiring women. Sorry your are a bit icky but I'm so glad this little bean is making their mark good and strong. Good luck at the scan x

Klik: grow other follies grow! But all you need is one special one :thumbup: Great news your man is coming. A Dutch/Australian is a good mix! I imagine he likes to enjoy life.

AFM: RE has said ICSI will give us as good a chance as a 'normal' couple our age so I'm feeling hopeful again. After a year of IVF I'm ready for my BFP :thumbup:
Hey, Amanda! Yeah, one year that we've been here for each other... I'm so sorry about your nausea, yet so glad about what it means! I hope the scan goes well on Tuesday--best of luck for continued stickiness! :dust: Be good to yourself... It's good you don't have to be working right now, and can focus on being as comfortable as possible... :hugs:

Asterimou: yeah!!! I'm ready to hear news about a BFP from you, too!! :dust:

AFM: trigger tonight! Well, we've gotten further this time. Super-anxious about how many, if any, mature follies we'll get... There's a 21, a 16, a 15, and a couple of smaller ones. Three would be most excellent, and was what I was aiming for to begin with. Even two would be good--better than natural cycle IVFs, where you only get one... Though, right now, even one would be a relief! I have some more bloodwork tomorrow--I guess to make sure there's no surprise surge... Really anxious--last time around put me on edge...
oh klik!! I hope for the most follies you can get!!

amanda - I'm always so happy to hear when mamas-to-be are nauseous! It means something is working! I can't wait to hear how the scan goes tomorrow. Good luck!!

aster - awesome, we'll be knocking out some BFPs by Christmas, I hope! ugh, I shouldn't say that. I'm a big believer of the jinx. I take it back - I just HOPE for some BFPs for us!! Hell, I hope that my eggs thaw nicely first, then they fertilize, then they develop well...

klik - are you transferring this time around or do you have to come back again in Nov for a transfer?

boopin - how's your cycle going?

disney - countdown to vaca is closer!! how much longer?
Kill: Good luck with trigger and collection. I'm crossing fingers for three nice eggs.

Hey Boopin: how are you getting on?

Wish: I really hope we all get our BFPs by Christmas. No harm being a little optimistic;)
Hi ladies, I just want to give you amazing women a quick update. I started my FET cycle last week. I've ordered all of my medications, including the new meds for this cycle (heparin and doxycycline). I'm currently taking bcp & aspirin 81mg. I'll start lupron on Saturday 10/8. I have my baseline appointment on Monday 10/17. If everything looks good, then I'll continue preparing for my transfer. I have a tentative FET date of Friday 11/4. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, as this is my remaining embryo. I'm praying that my precious embie sticks for the entire pregnancy this time. [-o<

I'm wishing everyone the best of luck with their upcoming stimming, retrievals & transfers!! :hugs:

<3 Congratulations again amanda on your long awaited bfp!! I'm beyond happy for you. xx
I'll be about a week behind you, boopin!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Hi ladies! Do you mind if I join you? :flow:

I'm 38 and we've been TTC for about 2 years. I was on these forums last year but all of the women in my groups have since gone on to get their BFP's. So I'd love to make some new friends who are still going through this part of the process :)

We had all of the preliminary testing done last year and found out we were dealing with MFI and I had a small polyp (everything else ok with me). We went to an RE, but right after our first consult we found out our insurance was changing. Had time to do one quick IUI for free(unsuccessful) and then my DH lost his job and we didn't have insurance for a bit. Things were a little crazy with work/money for a while and I put this on the back burner. (Was also super burned out and frustrated.)

Anyway, now that everything is going well again we've met with a new RE and are about to start this whole process all over again. As soon as AF comes, I'm going in for baseline blood tests and a saline U/S to see if my polyp is still there. My DH has to get his SA, and then we're going to go from there. I'm really excited to get going again! The plan is IUI or IVF by Nov/Dec, depending on how all of our tests come out.

Sorry for the novel! You guys seem like such an awesome, supportive group :)
Boopin that's awesome news!!! This one has got to be it. Third time's a charm, right?

Klik I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Wish and Aster hope you girls are doing well :)

Welcome Scooby!

AFM, had my 8 week scan today, and they found another one. That being said, one baby has a nice heartbeat of 170, but measured 7w4d even though I should be 8+1. The other baby only measure 6w2d and was too small to get a heartbeat reading. The tech is pretty sure I'll lose that one, but at least there's one strong little bub. I'm sending all sorts of positive vibes your way!!!
Oh goodness - I need to do a little better at keeping up with everyone! I had a big weekend last weekend and was out of town so that's my excuse. haha. Back now, though! I can't wait to learn about where everyone is at in their journeys!

As for me - I'm getting ready to head off to my consult appointment with my RE. I'm hoping to learn a little more about the process and what my next few steps will be. Eek - will update after!
good luck, sava!

amanda, that's crazy!! how many did you transfer?? I'm glad there is a strong little one in there, but it's sad about the 2nd. How are you handling it?

welcome, scooby! I think I remember your name. Good luck in your new chapter of starting things again - I hope you have much more luck this time around!
We transferred 2. I'm handling it ok. As long as the one that's strong stays strong, all is good.
Amanda - that's sad about the second bean, but I'm hopeful for your other strong one. How confusing to have so many emotions happening all at once. When is your next scan?

Welcome Scooby!

My appointment went well! Today is actually CD1 so we scheduled all the blood work and ultrasounds and an HSG at the appointment today. We're going to do one monitored/medicated IUI next month (barring any huge news from the blood panel, which I'm not expecting as I've had a lot of these tests done before) and then sit down to talk about next steps. I'd like to just do one IUI, personally. I've kind of lost hope in them. However, my previous IUIs were all through my ob-gyn who didn't monitor, so I've not actually had a monitored cycle. So, I felt like it was fair enough to give one a go before we officially close the IUI door. This will be my 6th IUI. (or 7? I think 6. I've officially lost count)

haha sava - yeah, someone recently asked my history and I was like 'well...how many IVFs have I done now...?' not good!
A monitored IUI sounds like a good idea - if at least even to feel even more confident if next steps are taken. Good luck, though! I hope 6 is a charm! or 7! :haha:
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :flower:

Amanda- I'm so sorry to hear that one of the little beans is struggling. Fingers and toes crossed for both of them to make it! My sister transferred 3 embies and 2 implanted, but one was a blighted ovum & the other was measuring behind. That embie is now my 6 year old niece :)

Savasanna- It looks like you and I are going to be pretty close cycle-wise. I should be getting my baseline bloods within the week. Good luck on your IUI! I did a monitored IUI last year if you have any questions. It was fun seeing all of the follies growing.

Wish- I think I remember you too! I read back a few pages and I see you're moving right along with a donor egg. How exciting!!! Good luck to you! You're a rock star for going through this again. It's time for you to meet your baby :)
Wish - right?! For a minute I was thinking the doctor must think I'm looney. I had absolutely no idea when he asked how many tries total we've done. I feel like that's a number most people have a handle on. Ah well..

Scoobs - I must admit I love learning about my body as a machine. I kind of geek out whenever I get results from any sort of blood panel. So I am looking forward to watching my cycle from a different angle. I'm NOT looking forward to figuring out how to manage all these appointments with my work. How do you guys handle that?
Sava and wish, lol on not knowing the number. I am the same! Every time someone asks me, I have to count back in my head. Everything runs together.

As for dealing with work and appointments, I'm an elementary teacher and found it easiest to tell my boss and a few close co-workers. Thankfully I had a very understanding boss, so it was never an issue.
Welcome Scooby, we might be cycle buddies, I start stimming beginning of November ;)

Amanda, I hope you're feeling okay, must have been a shock to see that second heartbeat. That kinda explains the harsh nausea. Well, I'm glad you have one strong, and could even have two, it's not impossible xx

Hi Sava, glad the appointment went well. I'm fortunate to work from home 3 days a week so have been able to manage without telling them. If you do have to physically go into the office then you'll need to confide in someone.

Klik: what is happening???? Hope you got some good eggs?

Hi Wish and Boopin xx

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