IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

hello ladies!

klik - well done on the timed BDs! circus exercise sounds AWESOME!!! I'd love to try the silks. Pink uses those - I love Pink. :)

boopin - how aggravating! Did AF come over the weekend or do you have to go in for a blood test today? I hope she came on her own without having to pump you with more drugs than necessary.

amanda - how are you? still over the moon for you!

aster - how's the healing going?

disney - what's the countdown?

hope - I hope you and baby Hope are doing well!! I'd assume no news is GREAT news!

afm - we picked a donor!! I just submitted the paperwork so hopefully she's locked down. I feel good about it. She seems like a smart woman (going to be a chemist), athletic enough (played softball like me, works out 5x/week), somewhat introverted but works/plays well with others, tall, brown/brown, I think around 24 yrs old. Her answers seemed well thought out. So - here goes nothing!!
Wow, that was quick Wish. She sounds like a good candidate. Imagine those lovely 24 year old eggs;)

I'm pretty much fully recovered so just waiting.....
well, no time to waste, really. And there wasn't anything about her that I would hold out for in another donor, so we just went with her. She does have Alzheimers in her family medical history, though - that was the only thing. But it's that, or cancer, or diabetes, or heart problems, or chemical addictions... - someone always has something.
I talked to the admin of the bank today and she said that if my AF comes in 10 days, that should be perfect timing! And that would be the earliest, so I'd say we're probably good to go for this next cycle. Now...just need all of them to thaw well, fertilize, and become good grades.
Hopefully, yes, the magic of them being only 24 yrs old will help that!
Wish: Wow, amazing! Well done on selecting a donor! Wow, she is soooo young... I hope she is as fertile as that implies! So cool that you can start so soon... Very exciting! :dust:

Amanda: Sending you hugs! :hugs:

Asterimou: I hope you don't have to wait for too, too long. I hope this will be the one for you! :hugs:

Hope: sending you good vibes for a nice birth and wishes for a happy, healthy baby! :blue:

Disneyfan: sending you good vibes, too! :hugs:

AFM: I got a message from Dr Davis at Cornell yesterday (yes, Sunday)--he'd just come back from his trip but sadly I didn't catch his call... His suggestion was to try again next cycle, with a "more aggressive" protocol which will prevent this premature ovulation. That scares me, I must admit: both the back-to-back thing and this "more aggressive" story. Ugh. I'll try to get him on the phone, but if we were to implement this idea I'd be applying the patch on Thursday and flying back to New York, uhm... in about 2.5 weeks? That's crazy!
Wish - AF didn't show. :nope: It feels like it's going to start, but still nothing. I go in the morning for blood work and then I'll be prescribed meds after the negative results are in.

Congrats on finding your donor so quickly!! :happydance: My donor is 24, as well and young enough to be my daughter!! :haha: GL to the both of us!! :dust: And everyone else, too!! :hugs:
ugh, I hadn't thought of that, boopin!! That's so crazy!! Did your results come in yet? any chance of a hidden little BFP in there?

klik - that's nuts but I say go for it!! if you have the means to fly to NYC again and take that time out of your life. Maybe OH will have his passport in place by then? Then you wouldn't have to wait until Nov to get going with the rest of the process, right?
Boopin': Yeah, like Wish I'm hoping for a sneaky BFP for you or, at the very least, that you get your AF right before you get your new medication. Still, I've been on norethisterone before, which I think is what you're taking... It's ok--it's like taking the progesterone part of the BCP. My only real complaint about it is, you can't have unprotected intercourse while on it, as on the off-chance you got pregnant it could lead to a damaged embryo... So, you're sacrificing whatever little chance you have in the prep cycle. But if you're anxious to start, it might be worth it! :thumbup:

Wish: Ugh, yeah, the mother-daughter image is disturbing... I feel like if I ever have a daughter I'm going to march her to a fertility clinic the day after her 20th birthday to make her freeze some eggs! :haha:

Ok, so I got my new protocol. Apparently Cornell has been trying to call me but can't get through--when they call, my phone doesn't ring for some reason. I just get missed calls or voicemail.

Protocol is: baseline scan/bloods on CD2. Then, if all looks good, start taking small doses of Lupron twice a day, and on CD3 add 300IU of Gonal-F and 150IU of Menopur. So, double the dose... And no Cetrotide. I guess the Lupron suppresses ovulation... and the extra stims should speed up the process, I'm guessing, so my body has less time to say, "Right, I've had enough!" Hmm... I was kind of hoping to just collect the eggs when the lead follie reached, like, 20. Not sure what to do... But I'll let you know when I decide!
Hello everyone <3

3rd dose taken today of Provera 10 mg daily x 7 days. Once my period starts I'll begin bcp on CD3. Fx'd AF starts in a timely manner after I finish the 7 day tx of Provera. [-o&lt;

GL on your upcoming cycles ladies!! :dust:

Amanda - How are you doing, hun?? :hugs: Sending you positive vibes for next week's scan!! :happydance:
Hey, Boopin! I'm so sorry you're having to take Provera to help induce your AF... :hugs: It should work wonders, though, so I'm sure in a week or so you'll finally see the witch. And then you can start... And I wish you TONS of luck! :dust: I hope this is the one for you!

I've decided to go for the crazy back-to-back cycle. Estrogen patch is on! Now I'm having trouble getting my local clinic to prescribe my flippin' medication, and I'm running out of time! :wacko:

Funny thing is, I've been taking my basal body temperature. Yesterday I had a tiny dip, nothing of note... And today I had a huge increase. So naturally I looked it up--could it POSSIBLY be a sign of implantation? The answer is yes: there is a weak positive correlation between a one-day drop in BBT and implantation day... and a weak positive correlation between a rise in BBT and early pregnancy. Now, focus on "WEAK"! As Asterimou probably knows, we just had a MASSIVE thunderstorm last night, and certainly in my room it was crazy hot humid... and now my throat hurts a little... so my temperature probably increased because I was really hot AND have a low-level cold.

Still, this has RUINED the total and complete lack of hope I had previously. Now when AF arrives I'll be really disappointed... Stupid hope! :dohh:

Thinking of you all, ladies! <3
ugh, klik - optimism is BRUTAL sometimes, huh?? But now I have some with you!! I think I have a sliver of hope every single cycle, doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. For instance, this cycle we BD'ed on Fri night and I think I O'ed either Mon or Tue. Well...sperm is supposed to last up to 5 days right?? yikes...just stop, Wish. Just stop. :haha:
That sounds like a good protocol and one i'm quite familiar with! :) Hopefully that will get more eggs out of you so you can batch them and have them at the ready.
Ohhhh, I love thunderstorms. We lost power last night for no discernible reason. No fun thunderstorms to blame. :rain:

amanda - how are you doing/feeling? we need updates!

boopin - I hope AF comes swiftly for you so you can get this show on the road!

:wave: to aster, disney, hope! I hope everyone has a great weekend. We have family friends coming into town so we're hosting all this weekend and next. They are taking my FIL to Nova Scotia M-F next week but are here both weekends.
Hey girls!

Stupid hope indeed Klik. I will keep my fingers crossed for you though!! Does DP have his passport in order now?

Wish, have fun hosting this weekend! Having people is a nice break from routine.

AFM, I'm getting pretty antsy for my scan on Tuesday. For the most part been feeling really nauseous, although I haven't been sick yet. Also smells are driving me nuts. Hubby made curry potatoes the other night and I was ready to kill him. Sadly I still don't have much of an appetite for anything but carbs. Lots of pasta with butter and cheese and crackers. Essentially if it's healthy I don't want it. I've had a few days where I've felt better, then I start to panic. Last night I got some one type cramps which also made me freak out, but I'm hoping with all of my being that everything is ok.

Hope Boopin Aster and Disney, hope you ladies are well!
Hi everyone. I'm having a long weekend in the south of France with the girls so I missed that UK storm Klik. I'm just waiting to see if I get a normal period, it should come by the end of next week. Then I can decide whether to continue cycle in October.

Boopin- I hope you get AF tmrw. Must be so frustrating to wait but you'll be back in the game soon enough xx

Klik- hope those meds get to you in time, or that the glimmer of hope is more than just a glimmer. One thing about my clipped tubes is that I never have any hope of a natural BFP anymore!

Amanda- you sound beautifully pregnant and I just hope everything goes well at the scan. I understand you're anxious but I'm sure it will be great xx

Hi to Wish and Disney....happy weekend all xx
amanda - all sounds really good and positive!! I can't wait for your scan tomorrow either!! I'm just so happy for you. :hugs:

aster - 'South of France with the girls' - ahhhhh, sounds so dreamy!! Did you have fun?

boopin - AF yet??

klik - how are YOU feeling??

disney - hi!

afm - ugh, I had one of those dreams last night where I got a surprise BFP. It was 10dpo so I thought, 'well, sure!' but didn't believe it. Then I got AF. Then I started googling (yep, in my dream) about 'bleeding but BFP'. I even have that insane optimism in my sleep!!
AF should arrive later this week - I'm not exactly sure when I O'd. Felt like Monday but then I think I still had some EWCM on Wed. And with my 10 day LP, I should get AF either Wed or Fri. Then we can start this cycle up! I'm traveling a few times throughout the cycle but hopefully it won't be a big deal. Just next Monday to Canada for a couple of days, so I should only be on BCP then. And to NYC via train the 2nd week of October, so if I need to bring any needles, I should be fine. :)
So still at the clinic, so only a quick update....had my scan and saw one little heartbeat!! Next scan in 2 weeks. Because of where it was, she couldn't read the heartbeat, but we could clearly see it flashing away :) next scan in 2 weeks
amanda, I'm thrilled for you & your dh. You both are so deserving to be parents. Congratulations again!! It's a beautiful experience to see your little bean's heartbeat for the first time. May you have a healthy pregnancy my friend. :hugs:
Wish: Such a telling dream... this is so absorbing and we get extreme messages, good and bad, all the time... It's tough. :hugs: Canada sounds nice, though--should be only just starting to get extra-pretty now (or still too early?!) So cool you're getting ready to cycle soon! I hope this is nice and smooth for you... :dust:

Amanda: A heartbeat is AMAZING!!! <3 I am so happy for you it's not even funny. I'm sure you're over the moon! Well done, and yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! :dance:

Asterimou: sounds like you had a nice relaxing fun trip! It's true, you no longer have to consider a BFP as one of those lottery-ticket maybes... I feel that has its pluses--no false hopes... But then, yeah, losing any possibility feels sad, too. Mixed. Like most things in life... I hope AF comes exactly as expected and you feel free and settled to decide on whether or not to do a cycle in October. :thumbup:

Boopin: How is your prep going?

I'm struggling a bit at the mo. I had some pretty clear PMS symptoms, and my temperature dropped, so I was prepared but still gutted when AF arrived yesterday. I'm in Greece at the moment, and rather than rush back to my clinic in London I had my scan and bloods done here today. That went pretty smoothly, as things go... But... I wasn't able to get my hands on microdose lupron (in London, I couldn't even get it prescribed!). I seriously considered diluting it myself, but the only kind of Lupron I could get was a depot version, and I think that's slow-release and wouldn't do the right thing even if I diluted it myself... and I got Triptoreline, which is very close to Lupron but not close enough for Cornell... So... I guess I'll have to sit this cycle out, even though I seem to have four follicles and good bloods. Yeah, I'm pretty sad. For next time I can either call pharmacies in the US to see if I can get the Lupron, or just fly to the US for CD 2 and hope it's not a wasted flight. At the moment, just hoping to get a call back from Cornell with a magic alternative protocol, but I think it will just be a throwaway. Darn. If I'd only known while I was still in NYC, I could have brought it back with me. UGH!!! ](*,)
ugh, klik - how annoying!!! I think that's what I'll be doing is the microdose Lupron (or that's what I did last Nov). Either way, yep, you can get it here.

amanda - YESSSSSSSS!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! :happydance: :ninja:
Klik: I feel your frustration, so many moving parts! Try not to be too disappointed if this cycle is a throw away, always the chance of a natural for you. Can they post the meds from the US?

Amanda: great news on the heart beat. We are all behind you on this xx

Wish: did AF arrive? Are you starting up?

My AF is bang on time but super painful. It doesn't usually hurt so I believe there is still some internal healing going on. I read it can be painful after a lap. So, I'm going to sit this cycle out and start next one.

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