IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hi, gals! :hi: Sorry I've been MIA--DP is keeping me busy!

Wow, so much stuff to respond to! I hope I don't forget anything...

Firstly, Amanda: I'm sorry about the mixed news, though really glad some of the news is pretty excellent! I guess you're getting ready to lose the second little bean... I wish you the best of luck with the big strong one, and as for the second one, I'm really sorry if you do lose it, but if you don't I hope it turns out to be really strong, too, if a little bit behind! With two--no wonder you've been so nauseous. I'm so glad you got a heartbeat for one of them!!!! That's amazing!!! :happydance: Again, sorry about the other one...

Scooby: welcome! Yes, it's been a long voyage for all of us on this thread--so nice when the occasional success appears, though. I hope you find that soon! :dust:

Wish: how are you?! How is the prep cycle going? I so hope this goes smoothly and just works... :dust:

Sava: Yeah, I don't even know how to count my attempts--if we don't make it to egg retrieval, does it count?! I hope the monitored IUI works for you! How did the scan/HSG go? :dust:

Boopin: I know you must be super-nervous... I feel for you, my friend... :hugs: But I hope it was just meant to be like this, and that this time things will go smoothly and just work, and keep working until you've got that baby in your arms, and beyond... :hugs: :dust:

Asterimou: November is just around the corner! Enjoy October while you've got the time off of TTC... :hugs:

AFM: We retrieved 3 eggs, and 2 fertilized. ET scheduled for tomorrow (day 3)--fresh transfer. I'm feeling really pessimistic, and DP has got all the optimism. We seem to switch roles every so often. I wonder if it's because now he's here, having taken holiday from work, this is also his primary focus, and not just mine (I mean, for me this WAY overrides work! Which has been, how shall I put it, severely neglected...)--I mean, maybe now he can be the sunny cheerful optimistic one and I can be grumpy and doom-mongering, because after all, keeping the faith on this journey is really hard work! That said, I want those embryos inside me ASAP!
Welcome scooby!! :hugs:

Sava - GL with next month's medicated IUI. :thumbup: :dust:

Wish - I went to the Cowboys vs. 49ers game this past Sunday with OH and had a blast!! How's your fantasy football league going?? I'm wishing you all the best with your upcoming DE cycle. \\:D/

amanda - I'm praying that both your little beans grow stronger & stronger everyday. :hugs:

Hi Aster!! :kiss: How's everything going with you, hun?? I hope we all get our bfp's, too. Fx'd for us ALL!!

klik - Congratulations on 2/3 eggs fertilizing!! Those are awesome results. I'm keeping everything crossed for Friday's transfer!! :happydance: :dust:

Thinking of you Disney and Hope. I miss you both. <3 <3
Hey Klik: that is great news, 2 little embies, well done. You'll feel better once they're in (for a few days snyway!) I find the ET day quite stressful as you just hope the embies are still there, it's no wonder you're a bit grumpy, you have a lot on your mind. Saying that, the fertilisation rate is excellent so give yourself a break ;) best of luck tomorrow xx

AFM - still cruising and flying around for work like a maniac to get all my work travel out the way before November! I also start a weekend course for the next 6 weekends tomorrow so I'm hoping that will keep me occupied during the cycle &#55357;&#56842;
Sava- I'm the same way lol. I was taking photos of the monitor after my U/S when I was supposed to be getting dressed because I wanted to see all the info (and freezing I might add haha. Why is it always so cold in doctor's offices?) As for work, my boss doesn't ask a lot of questions so I just say I have some medical issues going on and that's enough info for him.

Aster- Hi! Are you doing an IVF cycle? If they tell us IVF I should be starting that same week! If they tell us IUI then I have to wait one more cycle (groan) after the polyp removal. Good luck to you!!

klik- Hello & thank you! Good luck on your ET today!! Will they be transferring both embies? So exciting! My DH and I are exactly the same way with switching off from optimistic to pessimistic. It's ok, you're allowed to be the pessimistic one this time ;) We'll be cheerleaders for you here too.:yipee:

boopin- Hi! I'm a big football fan too (Packers even though I'm a NYer lol. They're playing the Giants tonight so everyone hates me today.) Going to games is so much fun isn't it?
Hi scooby - IVF is the only way I can get pregnant. Both my tubes are blocked with hydrosalpinx and i recently had them clipped as it was recommended to improve my chances. I've had two failed cycles and seem to take a long time getting over it, so hoping I won't have to go through that again ;) It has been such a roller coaster, trying to be positive is nearing on impossible sometimes. Although 'be positive' is the most common advice I get... ha ha.... if only it were that simple. By my calculations I will start Menopur around 14th November so will definitely overlap with you somewhere xx
Boopin: Thanks! :hugs: I'm sending you loads of good energy during this prep cycle!

Asterimou: cool that you have so much to keep you occupied! As for being positive, don't beat yourself up over it. From my unscientific observation, it really doesn't make a difference to the actual success rate--e.g., Amanda was optimistic but, from memory, Hope was convinced it wouldn't work. Whatever you need to feel, feel it, even if it's rage and/or hopelessness--I really believe that it's better to process it than to suppress it and keep it brewing inside you! :hugs:

Scooby: I appreciate the cheerleading! Looking forward to doing that for you, too! :flower:

So... I'm officially PUPO! Both embryos survived, and we just had both transferred. One was 8-cell, one 7-cell. No fragmentation, though I didn't ask for further details on embryo grading. I think 8-cell is as good as I've ever gotten, so... so far, so good! Interesting fact: at Cornell they do not use ultrasound guidance for the embryo transfer--they just use the measurement taken in the sounding appt. So I wasn't told to have my bladder full. Still, I think that straightens the cervix and makes everything less painful, so I kept my bladder relatively full. Now for the 2ww :wacko:
Congrats on being PUPO Klik. Pleeeeeease let one or both stick. I really am cheering these embies on :dust: I hope so much this is your time :hugs:
klik - Congratulations!! You're officially PUPO!! :happydance: :dust:
Do you have any special plans during your 2ww or are you going to carry on as usual?? I'm 1000% rooting for you!! xx
Hi ladies! Sorry for the long absence. DH and DD were sick last week, and it's been busy at work. We leave for vacation next Friday, and I can't wait. I'm so ready for a nice, relaxing mental break!

AF was playing tricks on me -- showing up a week late and then being super light and short. :shrug: I got my FSH and estrogen checked on cycle day 3 (Wednesday), and my doctor was really happy with both. My FSH dropped a little, which was reassuring. My doctor was interested in pursuing a femara cycle or IUI given my levels, but I had to decline based on our travels. I'm so not getting busy with DH with DD in the same hotel room. :haha:

Amanda - That's amazing that they found another bean at your appointment. I'm sorry to hear that the second one is lagging behind, but I'm glad to hear that the other one is doing well. :hugs:

Klik - Congrats on being PUPO! :happydance: Your report sounds promising! Good luck!!! :dust:

Wish - I hope your cycle prep is going well!

Boopin - I'm really pulling for you this cycle!! I've got all fingers and toes crossed for you!

Aster - I'm still undecided if we will do our IUI after we get back from this upcoming trip or if we will wait until our post-Thanksgiving Disneyland trip at the end of November. It's possible that we will do the IUI when you are cycling. :thumbup:

Hope - I hope everything is going well on your end!

Welcome to Scooby & Sava!

I'm currently watching the Giants-Cubs game on TV. I'm pulling for a Giants win!
Amanda: thanks! :hugs: When is your next scan?

Asterimou: thanks! I'm mentally conveying your cheering to the little beans! :hugs:

Boopin: thanks! :hugs: Funny enough, I think during the 2ww things will normalize a little bit, as we'll be back in London... We're at the airport now, waiting for our flight back. Feeling a little homesick, so being back will be nice...

Disneyfan: thanks! I'm so sorry your DH and your DD were sick... glad they've gotten that over with before your awesome vacation, though! :thumbup: Also really glad your hormone levels look good! I'm sorry a medicated cycle won't work this time around, but it sounds like a promising baseline... I'm really hoping it works out! :dust:
Hey everyone, happy Monday!

Aster- Sounds like you've been through more than your fair share of TTC issues. You're due for positive things now! I know exactly what you mean about staying positive. It's easy in the beginning but gets SO TOUGH as you face disappointment again and again. My approach now is prepare for the worst but expect the best. I used to be afraid to even think about baby names or how I'd decorate the baby's room because I didn't want to jinx it. But now I let myself picture it in my mind, like really picture it. I think there's something to be said for the power of positive thinking. Eye on the prize! (Still doesn't stop me from being stressed out though lol.)

Klik- Congrats on being PUPO!!! So exciting that both embies looked great. I hope your 2ww is busy & goes by quickly, and I've got fingers & toes crossed for you!

Disney- Thanks for the welcome! That's awesome that you had good results on your bloodwork. I think breaks are necessary from time to time, especially when you're on vacation so you can :wine: I'm having the same dilemma about doing IUI/IVF around the holidays. We'll be traveling for Thanksgiving so I'm going to play it by ear once we know which direction we're going to go in. Hormones + in-laws = :wacko:

AFM, today is day one of my cycle so things are finally rolling. Getting baseline bloods & U/S tomorrow (as well as financial consult to see what's covered and how much this is going to cost), then the saline U/S on Friday to check if evil polyp is still there. Hubby is getting his SA and bloodwork done on Monday. Once we get all of our results back we've got our follow up with the RE to discuss options. I'm an IVF noob so I'm pretty terrified lol. Just hoping hubby's swimmers have improved and my old eggs aren't too decrepit yet!
Scooby, I understand how scary IVF seems, but don't worry, it's not too terrible. Totally manageable :)
Scooby - It may seem overwhelming at first, but it's really not so bad. If you have any questions, the group of ladies here is great! :hugs: I did my 2 IVF cycles back in 2013. Despite having 3 normal (genetically tested) embryos remaining after conceiving my DD 3 years ago, none of them resulted in a successful pregnancy over the past year. So - I'm willing to give it a go with a couple of medicated cycles and/or IUI and see what happens. Otherwise, I'm here to keep cheering on the wonderful ladies that have been chatting here for the past year. Best of luck!!
Scooby: I really hope you have a reason soon to pick a baby name and decorate the baby's room! :dust: I hope the financial cost isn't too high, and that you're basically covered... How did the baseline go? Is there any chance you'll start this cycle or is that a definite no? Good luck! :hugs:

Amanda: :hugs:

Disneyfan: thanks again for the cheering! It helps soooo much! :flower:

One week til OTD... I'm on a US clinic's schedule so don't have to wait 16 days like my UK clinic makes me, fortunately! Weirdly, most of the time I forget I have embryos inside me. I mean, I still don't run or carry weight or, I don't know, eat ice, so I'm aware, but it's kind of in the back of my mind. Maybe I'm protecting myself from being too hopeful... Trying to catch up on work does keep me busy! Speaking of which... back to work, klik! :comp:
Ha ha, Klik, that little computer emoji made me laugh. Glad the tww isn't driving you too mad and is now a one week wait. Sending you lots of dust xx

Scooby: I agree and I have tried the imagining the baby room. It's just a little battle I have with myself and sometimes I don't win! Hope the baseline went well and I'm really hoping that polyp is gone for Friday:)

Nice to hear from you Disney xx
well helloooooo everyone! yikes, I didn't realize I'd been away for so long! How's everyone doing?

klik - PUPOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :happydance: :ninja: and not long now until your test!! ohhhh, i can't wait! those embies sound like perfect little nuggets. I hope one or both stick! how are you feeling?

amanda - when do you go back for another scan?

aster - get that work done!! then you can concentrate on all the feels next month. Good AND bad! hahaha

scoob - good luck on all the tests and scans and such. Imagining the baby room isn't terrible. Klik and I are alike - we can't help but be optimistic. But oddly enough, I really don't have a clue one way or the other about this donor egg thing! And I'm with the girls on IVF - I never thought I'd do it, it was too 'extreme' but when it came down to it - it was easy peasy and it felt good to hand almost everything over to the experts. They walk you through every single step so there's not much that's actually up to you. Don't worry!!

sava - how are you doing?

disney - hahaha, yeah BD'ing with DD in the room would kinda kill any mood. i'm so excited for your vacation for you! You could use a good break. I know you just went to Disney but that's certainly not a relaxing kind of trip.

afm - just been super busy at work, traveling, and went to New York ComiCon this past weekend, so that's why I haven't been around. Still on BCP for the pre-cycle but I start Lupron this Friday. I'll be on a 20mg dose until 10/24 and then I have a scan and drop that to .5 or something that day. I end my BCP on 10/20. So I'm kinda status quo for now until I roll Lupron in on Fri. :shrug:
Amanda- Thanks for the encouragement! I admit, it does feel very overwhelming at this stage. I'm just trying to process it all.

Disney- Thank you! I'm sorry you didn't have good luck with the little frosties, but I've been reading some great IUI success stories so hopefully you can add yours to the mix soon :)

Klik- Thank you! How are you coping with the 2WW? Any "symptoms" yet, or are you trying not to obsess? No chance of starting anything this cycle for me unfortunately. We've got a few more tests to take care of and once we have all of our data we've got a follow up to see what the next step is.

Aster- I still struggle with being optimistic sometimes, because I feel like being hopeful can lead to heartbreak. But the truth is even when I logically know it won't happen and tell myself I'm not being hopeful, I'm still secretly hoping it will work out somehow, and I'm crushed anyway when it doesn't. So I may as well just go all in and let myself picture it working out. Does that make sense? Probably not lol.

Wish- IVF does feel extreme to me right now. There's so much to it! But I'm willing to do what I have to do. Sounds like things are about to get very exciting for you! Also, my DH and I actually had tix to NYCC but we gave them up because it was our anniversary last weekend. Was it amazing? I haven't been in a few years. Did you check out any panels?

AFM, not such great news with my scan yesterday. My antral follicle count was only 9 :( I know that varies from cycle to cycle so I'm trying not to freak out, but it looks like things are declining for me since last year. I haven't gotten my blood tests back yet but I'm assuming between my issues and the MFI, IVF (possible with ICSI) will be our only option.

Unfortunately, the costs are going to be higher than expected because for some reason even though the doctors are under our insurance their internal lab is not. So all bloodwork is out of pocket, and it isn't cheap. Between that, the meds, the cryo costs, anesthesia and the actual procedure itself it's a lot more than we were expecting. I had a good cry about it yesterday but feeling slightly better today. We still have more diagnostic stuff to do and I need this polyp removed, but we're going to explore other clinics in the area to see if we can get some kind of a package deal. Realistically we'll need to do more than one cycle, and with this place we'd only be able to afford one. Do you guys have any advice on ways to cut costs? Someone mentioned you can buy the injectables for less elsewhere, but I don't even know where to start.
scooby - ughh, I'm so sorry that cost is playing into your plans too. I really wish this was covered for everyone, but I guess that's unrealistic. Try Apothecary By Design for your meds, they are the cheapest around me. See if your insurance does cover it at a 'center of excellence' anywhere - even if it's an hour or more from you, would totally be worth it.

NYCC was awesome - we got to see the panels for The Great Wall (with Matt Damon), John Wick 2 (with Keanu), and Son of Zorn (a new show on Fox, with Jason Sudeikis, Cheryl Hines and Tim Meadows). We missed everything else either b/c we weren't in NYC yet or we were just too late. So we stalked the autographing area and saw people from Gotham, Carrie Fisher, Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek) and we walked around the trade floor and saw all the craziness. So fun! Then we went out and ate our way through the city. Mmmmmmm...
Scoob - we can be IVF noobs together. Personally, I'm fretting over the egg retrieval, even though I've heard from everyone that it's not actually all that bad. I also told my wife I want her to give me the shots, as I can't imagine injecting myself. Although I know that's one of those things you probably get used to pretty quickly. I haven't sat down with a billing person to go over costs yet but I'm also worried about that. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that right now.

Klik - woohoo! One more week!

AFM - Oy. I just finished telling my boss what's going on. I was a nervous wreck and stumbling over my words like a fool! lol. Fortunately we have a good relationship and he was really great about it. After having to request time off my 3rd appointment within two weeks I figure I should give him an explanation. (Rather - no one SHOULD give their employers an explanation - I just work closely with my boss and, as I said, we have a good relationship so I felt like it made sense for me, in my situation).

But I feel SO relieved now that that conversation is out of the way! I hate bringing up personal things at work.

Anyway! HSG is on Monday and then I'm meeting with my RE on Thursday to review all the results and decide where to go from here. The ultrasound tech said she noticed something in/around my uterus during my ultrasound.. but wouldn't tell me what it was (or wouldn't tell me the follicle count either..). So I'm just sitting on that one for now. I'm trying to remind myself that finding things at this point can be good. If you find things you can treat things. We did pick out a new donor and purchased sperm for next month yesterday. So we're ready for whatever comes next!

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