IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

boopin - did you get your dang AF yet?

aster - ouch, I'm sorry. On top of all the grossness, pain isn't what we want!

klik - totally skipped over that you're in Greece right now! for work or fun? I swear, you all get to go to some really cool places b/c they are closer to you than us here in the US! It's gotta be a bit cheaper for you, flight-wise, no?

No, no AF for me yet - so I probably O'ed on Wed, like I thought. So probably tomorrow. The later I O'ed, the far more unlikely it is that I got preg naturally! haha

Had my first acu appt in awhile today - gosh, I just love it. I wasn't as relaxed this time as I was when I was going in the winter. I got to have the heated bed on in the winter! But I still felt foggy anyway when I got up, so it was good. I'll be going weekly for the unforeseen future. :)
Hello, ladies! :flower:

Wish: I was working in Greece, but yeah, generally Europe-dwellers get to fly to loads of countries for much less money than US residents... because of course the US is continent-sized, but Europe is an actual continent with loads of countries in it! And we're also close to North Africa... yeah, London is a very good place to live if you enjoy travelling abroad. Huh, I didn't realise you had done/will do the Lupron Microdose protocol. I didn't think you had issues with ovulating too early, did you? Huh. Sorry about the BD timing... Cool about the acupuncture, though! I hope it helps! :dust:

Asterimou: ouch! I'm sorry to hear your AF is so painful... :hugs: I hope the pain lets up soon. I think you're doing the right thing, giving your body time to heal... I hope this gets you in perfect shape for your actual IVF! :hugs:

AFM: I'm in NYC after all, and feeling very happy about it! (Wish, maybe I'll still be here when you arrive... not super likely, though). Dr Davis came up with a last-minute substitute protocol for me--just conventional IVF this time, Gonal-F and Menopur. Except I hadn't brought the Menopur to Greece so he adapted it even more: 450 Gonal-F the first night, then 300 Gonal-F and 150 Menopur for subsequent nights. It's almost time for the meds... Anyway, I'm SO grateful we haven't wasted this cycle completely, because if my AFC is 4, that's a GOOD cycle for me... Thursday was crazy marathon day: wake up at some ungodly hour, plane to London, meet DP for early lunch, walk the dog since I won't be able to do it for a while, pack, and back to the airport for the NY flight. I flew all the way from London and boy are my arms tired! :wacko:
klik - Fx'd that you get your golden egg this time!! GL on your last-minute ivf cycle!! <3
Glad you made it to NYC!!! I've got absolutely everything crossed for you that this is your cycle!! :dust:
Klik: you are a woman on a mission, I admire your determination and energy. I really hope this is your cycle, you really deserve a break!

Wish: I really like acupuncture too. I'm convinced it sorted my cycle length out and stopped my painful periods, although they came back this month I think that is definitely due to the lap. Still no AF? Have you tested.

Amanda: I hope you're enjoying pregnancy :cloud9:

How are you getting on Boopin?

I'm just cruising this cycle ready to start finally in November, hoping this is my lucky one.
I'm doing well Aster, thanks for asking O:) AF finally showed after 7 days of taking Provera. Although, it was a light bleed and only lasted 3-4 days, I'll take what I can get. I'm excited to be moving forward. I start bcp this Sunday 9/25.

We desperately need more good news on our thread. Wouldn't you agree?? It looks like we'll be cycling around the same time, since my FET cycle has been pushed back 3 weeks due to my delayed period. I'd love to be your cycle buddy!! :hugs: I'm hoping that your November cycle is your LUCKY one, too!! :dust:
Boopin: Thanks! Glad AF arrived, light or not, and that you're starting your BCPs today in preparation for your FET! I hope your body responds beautifully! :dust:

Amanda: Thanks! How are you feeling? Still terrible nausea? Even still, I'm so happy for you!!! :hugs:

Asterimou: Thanks! Really interesting that acupuncture helped sort out your cycles... But yeah, I'm sure the current pain is an aftereffect of the surgery. Enjoy cruising, and I've got my fingers crossed for you next cycle!

AFM: Looks like I have maybe 3 follicles growing? If I'm lucky? Not sure yet. There was one over 10mm, but I'm pretty sure that was a cyst (me and my cysts). So I think it looks sort of ok, so far... Let's see what the bloodwork says...
oh dear, klik - that's a CRAZY schedule, for sure!! I'm hoping this is it for you too - get that golden egg! Though you're still not fertilizing yet, right? I assume DP wasn't able to make it again?
And no, no issue with O'ing too early but I think the Lupron was so I suppressed that while doing Gonal-F to get the follies going? either way, only ended up with 5 follies and 3 eggs that time. And only one fertilized and developed enough to transfer on day 2.

boopin - glad AF finally got here!! time to roll!

uhhhh...nope, no AF here yet. :wacko: I'm going a little out of my mind. I haven't tested yet either. I am trying to convince myself that i just really didn't know when I O'ed...or maybe I didn't O (but I had O pains and EWCM so my brain's not believing that one). Today is cd28 too, which I typically have 28-day cycles, so I should start today. But usually I spot a few days ahead of time and I haven't had any spotting yet. I'm not naive enough to think she can't just bust on through, though.
  • slight headaches on and off
  • slight back pain (but I thought this was from doing some back stuff at the gym the other day, but I got it after just running yesterday...)
  • temperamental
  • needed to go to bed EARLY all week
Wow, Wish... I think testing is in order... I'm actually fearful of getting my hopes up for you this cycle, but... hey... maybe your optimism wasn't unwarranted after all... Good luck!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :hugs:

Oh, sorry, you asked about DP, I almost forgot. He thinks he will join me, maybe coming over Thursday night, right before when I think ER will be. But I think he's counting on getting his Dutch passport back by then, which is... unlikely. He's now, after all this, finally renewed his Australian passport, so technically he could come no matter what... but getting back into Britain on an Australian passport makes him nervous, because it's his European citizenship (so far!!!) that gives him the right to live there, not his Australian citizenship. But "passport" and "citizenship" are different things--I'm trying to convince him to just do it, (I would!) but ultimately it's up to him... *sigh* We're also trying to import his frozen sperm, but New York state is apparently super-bureaucratic when it comes to importing foreign gametes. Connecticut (apparently!) easy-peasy, but not New York. So I don't think those will make it here in time, either. My life is so exciting! :wacko:
ahhhhhh let me let you rest your optimism for another day! Finally getting AF cramps and started spotting this morning. Not long now.

WOW - I got a little dizzy reading that!! The added things you have to keep track of in your life - sheesh!! so is OH from Holland? or Australia? or neither?
Ooh Wish, I was thinking that could be a bfp. Oh well!

Boopin: I'd love to be cycle buddies:happydance: I think I may be a little behind you as I'll be on Buserillin from around the 3rd November for a week. But let's see if we align. I think Amanda is hope for us all and I'm hanging on her having started the BFP trend. Some or all of us will be next :thumbup:

Klik: I agree, I would just fly out and worry about getting back in later. Sounds like you are the wild one in that relationship;) I hope you get your sperm in time !!
So I just got the DNA fragmentation test back and it's not good :( They were 45% fragmented and anything over 25% ain't good. Over 50% is don't bother so we're hanging in there. My RE has suggested we do ICSI which is sperm injection. It allows them to choose better looking sperm and has been found to help in this case. At least it explains why my embryos always arrest after day 3. Just makes me so sad as our odds the last two cycles were so low with my hydrosalpinx and his fragmentation but we went in with such high hopes. Now reality is here and at least I know what we're dealing with.
Oh aster I'm sorry to hear that. On the plus side though, now you know, and there's a plan to do something about it. I really really think that this next shot is going to work for you, as you've done everything you can to increase your odds. Hang in there Hun!
Hi everyone! :wave:

Allow me to introduce myself - My wife and I started ttc 3 years ago. We tried for a year and a half using fresh & frozen donor sperm, at home and IUIs. We had one BFP, but I miscarried around 7 weeks. After about a year and a half we decided to adopt through the foster system. A year and a half into that and we've had 4 kiddos come through our hearts/homes and we decided perhaps it's time to look into IVF. I switched insurances and have my consult appointment scheduled for next Tuesday. We're also still licensed foster parents so although we are not currently caring for any children, we may have another little in our home at some point during this journey. I'm scared and excited.
welcome, sava! what an interesting background! you're in some good company here - I think collectively, we've been through just about all of it. So feel free to ask any questions, vent your inner thoughts as needed (we don't judge) and embrace all the good and the bad that happens in this torturous TTC world we live in.

aster - yikes, I'm sorry. But I feel the same way as I think you do - you now know. It does suck to think you could have not wasted a couple of cycles, but there's no point in doing that. Can't undo it, so it's done and it's what got you to 'here' and here is now in the know. So ICSI it is - that's awesome - they'll pick just the right one!!
Thanks, Wish! When we stopped trying before, I really didn't think I'd ever go back. It was so difficult. It's weird to be excited to get going again. I'm sure that will fade quickly, though. lol. We did go for one random IUI over the summer, but when that didn't work we decided it was silly to continue to waste all the money buying sperm for IUIs that aren't working (collectively, I've done 5 or 6 IUI cycles) when we could be putting it toward IVF. So, here I am! I feel very naive to the process - we were such experts before and it sort of feels like we're starting all over again.

Thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I'll be leaning on you ladies a lot in the upcoming months! :flower:
Wish: awwww... a surprise BFP would have been soooo nice... :hugs: But now your AF is here and you can start getting ready! What does your protocol look like? Good luck! :hugs:

Asterimou: so sorry to hear about the DNA fragmentation test... :hugs: That's really harsh, knowing that between this and your hydrosalpinx your chances had been so poor in your prior attempts... I'm really annoyed at your other clinic. I'm so glad you're somewhere where they're really trying to pinpoint the issue now! I hope between the snipping and the ICSI, you've found your winning formula. Best of luck! :dust:

Amanda: if you feel like sharing, I'd love to know how you're doing! :hugs:

Sava: welcome! Wow, so cool you've done some fostering already! That sounds really challenging and really rewarding! I've got some friends who are using donor sperm as well, and in the end their clinic suggested ICSI instead of IUI or even straight IVF, so that more sperm can be saved up for next time. I don't know if that's cost-effective, though--the price of ICSI vs. the price for the sperm... Might be worth checking out, though. I'm sorry about your MC--that's devastating... A lot of us here have been through that, too, and we know how it feels... :hugs: I hope this time it all works out. When do you start?

Boopin: thinking of you... Hoping your body is getting nice and ready for that little bean that's waiting for a home! :hugs:

AFM: DP is joining me on Thursday night! :thumbup: His Dutch passport has finally come back. Also, I'm not triggering tonight, which means he won't arrive too late to make his contribution (I probably still have a couple more days til trigger, actually). Re. citizenship, DP was born in Australia of an Australian mom and a Dutch dad. They moved to the UK when DP was 4, so his accent is totally posh-educated-Englishman but he does not have the citizenship to match. It's quite funny riding taxis with him, sometimes, when a taxi driver will go off on foreigners, 100% certain that he's talking to a safe audience. :rofl: In those occasions I just keep quiet: for my part, I sound totally posh-educated-northeastern-US, so I'd ruin the moment. Hmmm, now that I think about it, with our impeccable non-native accents, we should really seek jobs as spies...
Thanks ladies, making me feel better as always;) I am really happy that I know what I'm dealing with now, it may not be what I wanted but now I gotta get on with it. Klik, I'm also a bit miffed with my other clinic and soooooo glad I didn't stick there. He was just going to alter my drugs! Now I really do have the best chance I've ever had.

Welcome Sava, we're all here to help on your journey. I'm interested to know why you didn't adopt in the end and only fostered? Adopting is something that I'm seriously thinking about and it does scare me a bit. How has fostering been? Do you feel a connection to the kids?
klik - that's WONDERFUL that DP can make it!! HAHA your situation with accents kills me. Maybe you already are a super spy and we don't know it! you're coming to the US under the guise of IVF and then what...? please just take out Trump!

my protocol - here's what the nurse sent me when I was asking last week:
Birth control pills, 1 tablet each evening: 09/28/16 &#8211; 10/20/16, then STOP
Leuprolide 20 units by subcutaneous injection each eve: 10/15/16 &#8211; 10/24/16
Suppression check (blood test): 10/25/16
Planned D1 of Estrace: 10/25/16
MEB Oocyte Thaw/ICSI: 11/09/16, DH provides his sample
Day 5 Embryo Transfer: 11/14/16

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