IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

I haven't yet read up entirely on everyone's stories; but hoping I can join the November/December band wagon! This is my first IVF cycle (and hopefully first pregnancy); and I'm definitely finding it most helpful hearing others stories!
I'm currently on Provera to bring on a bleed so I can actually start my cycle - but I still have 5 days left of that. Then I guess I have to hope the bleed doesn't take too long to kick in too! I've heard some long wait stories! I picked up my drugs yesterday though - so all ready to go when it all starts :)
Hi ladies, sorry to be awol recently, had a really manic week last week.

Scerena - how many to put back is such a tricky decision. I think ttb has already given really good advice and I think she is right. maybe go for 1 but be prepared to have another fet if it doesn't work. I know that isn't ideal but it would only delay you by a month or so while you wait to go again. Otherwise you are risking having twins, or I think they say theres a higher mc rate with 2 embies. I am going to go for 2 if I get 2 embies but that's because I want to increase my chances and would be happy with multiples.

TTC - how frustrating, I hope the increased patches will up your levels quickly. Great lining though so your body is clearly responding.

Bright - so sorry I don't know either lovely. Any update?

wish - It is funny really, bring on the needles! I have had acupuncture before but not during ivf.

Hello to everyone else - Disney, alicat, hazel, hope you guys are all well.

Still not much happening here. Hoping to start stims in about 2 weeks.
Hello ladies!!! I have a question because this is my first FET, I started the Del-estradiol injections on the 30th and don't take another injection until tomorrow the 2nd, should I be bleeding?

Sorry - I wish I knew the answer to this one. My FET protocol doesn't (and didn't) include shots until it's time to start the PIO shots. I hope you were able to get an answer from the doctors office.

just thought of something - we are poking ourselves with enough needles, it's funny we'd also even consider acupuncture!! :haha: whatever works! i'll be a pin cushion for a month!

I know, right?! :haha:

Scan today went well, lining nice and thin!

I'm to carry on with nasal spray and add in prognova tablets from tomorrow.

I have a lining scan in 10 days (13th November) hoping for lining to be over 7mm!

Then transfer hopefully 6 days after (so about the 19th)

I'm now considering wether I have one or two put back! I've always said two but with the potential of having twins and a 2.5 year old scares me ALOT!
But I do not want to leave one there and think "what if" of one didn't work, I don't want anymore treatment after this so I just do not know :/

I have no idea what I'm going to do! I know my clinic don't really like putting two back they wouldn't let me at my first go! And considering I got pregnant with one I'm not sure they will let me have two, guess we will see!

ttcbaby will they give you something until your levels get higher? They haven't mentioned me having a blood test to check levels in my FET which doesn't sound good to me now :/

brighteyez I'm sorry I do not know the answer I'm afraid, I hope you was a able to find out from your clinic :hugs:

Great news on your lining. We struggled with that decision before. We transferred 2 "top grade" embryos on day 5 during our first IVF cycle. That cycle didn't work, so we opted for another fresh cycle to try and get more embryos, and we did PGS. We opted for a FET instead of a fresh transfer the second time around and transferred 1 day 5 embryo. I've always read that transferring more than one embryo increases the chances of multiples instead of increasing the chance of pregnancy, so we opted to transfer just one the second time. Our hope was that knowing the embryo was genetically "normal" would help with our odds of the one embryo implanting. I've also hear stories about people transferring one and it splitting into 2 for twins. :wacko: It's always a personal decision. As the others have said, if you are afraid of the possibility of multiples and are ok with possibly doing another FET in the future, I think transferring just one may be the better choice for you. If you are ok with the idea of possibly having twins and don't want to go through the financial, emotional, and physical tolls of doing another FET, then I'd say go ahead with transferring both. Either way, good luck with your decision. :hugs:

ttc - are you on anything right now to get your e2 up? that's a beautiful lining!

just thought of something - we are poking ourselves with enough needles, it's funny we'd also even consider acupuncture!! :haha: whatever works! i'll be a pin cushion for a month!

Yes they have me increasing my vivelle patches from 2 to 3 and then they will test again on Wednesday.

Yes we are pin cushions!!!! lol.....amazing how comfortable you can get with needles going into your arms hahahaha.

Scan today went well, lining nice and thin!

I'm to carry on with nasal spray and add in prognova tablets from tomorrow.

I have a lining scan in 10 days (13th November) hoping for lining to be over 7mm!

Then transfer hopefully 6 days after (so about the 19th)

I'm now considering wether I have one or two put back! I've always said two but with the potential of having twins and a 2.5 year old scares me ALOT!
But I do not want to leave one there and think "what if" of one didn't work, I don't want anymore treatment after this so I just do not know :/

I have no idea what I'm going to do! I know my clinic don't really like putting two back they wouldn't let me at my first go! And considering I got pregnant with one I'm not sure they will let me have two, guess we will see!

ttcbaby will they give you something until your levels get higher? They haven't mentioned me having a blood test to check levels in my FET which doesn't sound good to me now :/

brighteyez I'm sorry I do not know the answer I'm afraid, I hope you was a able to find out from your clinic :hugs:

Yes that is tough when you already have one. If you are okay with doing another transfer in case this one doesn't work then I would say go with one and be prepared, just in case, to do another for the other one. If not, the maybe go for the gold and do two ;)

I have increased my vivelle patches from 2 to 3 so I hope it will help the e2 go up.

I just dot know why they need the e2 to be so high when the lining looks good.

It sounds like your lining is fantastic. I suspect you still have time to increase your e2 levels before the transfer, so if you are on a higher dose of medication, then I'm sure it will work out. Best of luck getting those numbers up! :hugs:

I haven't yet read up entirely on everyone's stories; but hoping I can join the November/December band wagon! This is my first IVF cycle (and hopefully first pregnancy); and I'm definitely finding it most helpful hearing others stories!
I'm currently on Provera to bring on a bleed so I can actually start my cycle - but I still have 5 days left of that. Then I guess I have to hope the bleed doesn't take too long to kick in too! I've heard some long wait stories! I picked up my drugs yesterday though - so all ready to go when it all starts :)

Welcome! Good luck with your upcoming cycle!

Hi ladies, sorry to be awol recently, had a really manic week last week.

Scerena - how many to put back is such a tricky decision. I think ttb has already given really good advice and I think she is right. maybe go for 1 but be prepared to have another fet if it doesn't work. I know that isn't ideal but it would only delay you by a month or so while you wait to go again. Otherwise you are risking having twins, or I think they say theres a higher mc rate with 2 embies. I am going to go for 2 if I get 2 embies but that's because I want to increase my chances and would be happy with multiples.

TTC - how frustrating, I hope the increased patches will up your levels quickly. Great lining though so your body is clearly responding.

Bright - so sorry I don't know either lovely. Any update?

wish - It is funny really, bring on the needles! I have had acupuncture before but not during ivf.

Hello to everyone else - Disney, alicat, hazel, hope you guys are all well.

Still not much happening here. Hoping to start stims in about 2 weeks.

I hope things calm down for you this week. 2 weeks will be here before you know it. I'm sure you can't wait to just get started already.

I went for repeat lab work to check my thyroid medication this afternoon. I'm hoping that my levels have changed for the better since I've been on my medication for a week and a half. If not, they will up my dosage. I expect my period to come sometime around the end of next week, and then I guess it's time to start lining up ultrasound appointments and start my meds soon!
Thanks Disney! When will you get the thyroid results?
Thank you for all the advice ladies I really appreciate it :hugs:
Financially we cannot do anymore treatment, so this is kind of our last try :/
I know I should be content with the one child I have which I really am and I know she is my blessing, I always swore I would not try for another once I had my little miracle. But not she is getting older I really want her to have a sibling(s) as one day me and her daddy won't be here anymore and she will have no one which when it think of it makes me really sad!

We were considering 2 as we do not want to leave one there and this is our last go.

But then I know my clinic will recommend one as one worked last time and due to my age! I begged for 2 last time and they didn't let me.

The thought of multiples does scare me but so does having another one baby with a toddler! But it might not even happen anyway as who knows if my 2 will survive the thaw or even if 2 will implant :/

I think we will be taking the next 2 weeks to carefully make our decision!

ttcbaby thank you :hugs: I had e2 bloods done in my fresh cycle mine was far too high for transfer I had to wait for the levels to decrease! I hope yours does not take too long to increase so you can have your embryos put back :hugs:

disney thank you :hugs: I really hope your levels are ok now! When are the results due back?

mrsw11 not too much longer until you start now then! I know it probably feels long to you though as it always does when waiting to start treatment! Hopefully time flies by for you :hugs:
Hi ladies,

I've been a bit absent off of this thread as there really isn't much to report. Its now 7 days now till our appointment where I finally feel like things will be getting started (appointment is for endometrial scratch, to sign all the consent forms and get the needles and prescription).
We are getting our drugs elsewhere as we find the clinics prices are terribly high. So far Tesco has come out the cheapest, our clinic charges £30 for 1 vial of suprecur/buserelin and Tesco charge £39.65 for 2 vials. Checked out Boots and Sainsburys at the weekend and they are nearly as expensive as the clinic!

Feeling really nervous about our embryos surviving the thaw. The 3 we have are all in one straw. Out last FET we had 4 thawed (again in 1 straw) and only 1 survived which resulted in our daughter Hannah. It does worry me that not even 1 will survive out of 3. We will have put back however many survive.
Got the call this morning, blast survived the thaw and looks good so transfer at 1:30. Now I'm at the clinic doing my intralipid, then off to acupuncture before and after. Willing to try everything this cycle!
Amanda - yay, brilliant news!! Good luck and congrats on being pupo!!

C&J - I might try tescos next time, my clinic was really expensive as well. Good tip! Hope at least 1 embie survives the thaw, when will it happen, just before transfer?

Scerena - I know how you feel. I am so tired now of all of this infertility and the heartbreak, hopelessness and bitter disappointment that comes with it. I am desperate for a sibling for dd and for a bigger family but we are also out of cash after this cycle so this is our last go. I just want to start living again! Anyway - heres hoping this is it for us both! x

Disney - hoping for better levels for you. When do you get your results?

KN - welcome, sorry I didn't mention you last time, I think you posted as I was writing my message so I didn't notice your post!! Good luck for your cycle. A few of us have done ivf before so holler if you have any questions!!
Thanks so much, ladies! I should hopefully know my thyroid results by tomorrow.

Hi ladies,

I've been a bit absent off of this thread as there really isn't much to report. Its now 7 days now till our appointment where I finally feel like things will be getting started (appointment is for endometrial scratch, to sign all the consent forms and get the needles and prescription).
We are getting our drugs elsewhere as we find the clinics prices are terribly high. So far Tesco has come out the cheapest, our clinic charges £30 for 1 vial of suprecur/buserelin and Tesco charge £39.65 for 2 vials. Checked out Boots and Sainsburys at the weekend and they are nearly as expensive as the clinic!

Feeling really nervous about our embryos surviving the thaw. The 3 we have are all in one straw. Out last FET we had 4 thawed (again in 1 straw) and only 1 survived which resulted in our daughter Hannah. It does worry me that not even 1 will survive out of 3. We will have put back however many survive.

I know what you mean about feeling nervous. We have 3 embryos remaining. The one that has a higher grade than the others was previously thawed so that we could do genetic testing with our fresh embryos from IVF #2. I hope he can survive another thaw (not because we are hoping for a boy over a girl, but we don't want to "waste" any of our chances if you know what I mean). I'm not up for the physical, emotional, or financial tolls of doing any more IVF cycles, so these little :cold::cold::cold: are it. And at $6k + medications, it's not cheap. :dohh: I think our clinic thaws one at a time and continues to thaw until they have a viable one. I think...

Good luck with the meds!

Got the call this morning, blast survived the thaw and looks good so transfer at 1:30. Now I'm at the clinic doing my intralipid, then off to acupuncture before and after. Willing to try everything this cycle!

:happydance::happydance: Good luck!!
Hey ladies! It's good to hear all your updates, and best of luck to Amanda, C&J, and Disneyfan88. :)

I've been off the boards too lately because I have no idea what's going on with my cycle. This past cycle was our last cycle to "try" ourselves before we begin IVF meds in late November/early December, so I'm either waiting for AF to begin or a BFP. And so far... everything is inconclusive. I typically spot all through my luteal phase whenever I'm not on progesterone, so the fact that I've had spotting hasn't been too abnormal. What has been abnormal is the length of luteal phase. Without progesterone, I average 7-9 days, rarely 10. Currently I'm on day 12. I had some red flow today (by which I mean a few drops into the toilet bowl), so I figured AF was here and put in a pantyliner. But several hours later, there's nothing on the pantyliner and just a bit of brown when I wipe. No signs of cramping either. Plus my temperatures are sky high, over 99 degrees twice in the past four days. But I've only got BFNs so far.

I don't really know what's going on since I don't FEEL preggo. But then I didn't feel preggo with my ectopic, either, and I had to be over 5 weeks for that one. My only symptoms are heartburn in the early morning and a bizarrely watery mouth, with a slight bout of dizziness/nausea mid-morning today.

I guess the answer is just wait and retest in a couple of days, but it's just so haaaard to be patient! Especially when I have to figure out when CD1 is so I can go in for CD3 hormone measuring with the IVF people. And especially when I'm at high risk of having another ectopic and they've told me not to wait to get bloodwork done if I think I'm preggo. Sigh. Here's to hoping there are some answers in the next couple of days!

Good luck to all of you!!
alikat - Hang in there! It's always the worst when you are hanging in limbo like that and are stressing about making sure that you get your lab work done on time. I'm keeping all toes and fingers crossed that you end up getting your BFP! :hugs: Try to keep your mind busy if you can. I assume you tested today already?
Thank you for all the advice ladies I really appreciate it :hugs:
Financially we cannot do anymore treatment, so this is kind of our last try :/
I know I should be content with the one child I have which I really am and I know she is my blessing, I always swore I would not try for another once I had my little miracle. But not she is getting older I really want her to have a sibling(s) as one day me and her daddy won't be here anymore and she will have no one which when it think of it makes me really sad!

We were considering 2 as we do not want to leave one there and this is our last go.

But then I know my clinic will recommend one as one worked last time and due to my age! I begged for 2 last time and they didn't let me.

The thought of multiples does scare me but so does having another one baby with a toddler! But it might not even happen anyway as who knows if my 2 will survive the thaw or even if 2 will implant :/

I think we will be taking the next 2 weeks to carefully make our decision!

ttcbaby thank you :hugs: I had e2 bloods done in my fresh cycle mine was far too high for transfer I had to wait for the levels to decrease! I hope yours does not take too long to increase so you can have your embryos put back :hugs:

disney thank you :hugs: I really hope your levels are ok now! When are the results due back?

mrsw11 not too much longer until you start now then! I know it probably feels long to you though as it always does when waiting to start treatment! Hopefully time flies by for you :hugs:

Yes Scerena I understand the dilemma, it is such a personal decision on how many to transfer. If you don't mind me asking what was your E2 when they cancelled your cycle?

Hi ladies,

I've been a bit absent off of this thread as there really isn't much to report. Its now 7 days now till our appointment where I finally feel like things will be getting started (appointment is for endometrial scratch, to sign all the consent forms and get the needles and prescription).
We are getting our drugs elsewhere as we find the clinics prices are terribly high. So far Tesco has come out the cheapest, our clinic charges £30 for 1 vial of suprecur/buserelin and Tesco charge £39.65 for 2 vials. Checked out Boots and Sainsburys at the weekend and they are nearly as expensive as the clinic!

Feeling really nervous about our embryos surviving the thaw. The 3 we have are all in one straw. Out last FET we had 4 thawed (again in 1 straw) and only 1 survived which resulted in our daughter Hannah. It does worry me that not even 1 will survive out of 3. We will have put back however many survive.

Fxed for you! This entire process is so nerve wrecking.

Got the call this morning, blast survived the thaw and looks good so transfer at 1:30. Now I'm at the clinic doing my intralipid, then off to acupuncture before and after. Willing to try everything this cycle!

Awesome news Amanda! I am with you! I will be doing the intralipid and the acupuncture!

Hey ladies! It's good to hear all your updates, and best of luck to Amanda, C&J, and Disneyfan88. :)

I've been off the boards too lately because I have no idea what's going on with my cycle. This past cycle was our last cycle to "try" ourselves before we begin IVF meds in late November/early December, so I'm either waiting for AF to begin or a BFP. And so far... everything is inconclusive. I typically spot all through my luteal phase whenever I'm not on progesterone, so the fact that I've had spotting hasn't been too abnormal. What has been abnormal is the length of luteal phase. Without progesterone, I average 7-9 days, rarely 10. Currently I'm on day 12. I had some red flow today (by which I mean a few drops into the toilet bowl), so I figured AF was here and put in a pantyliner. But several hours later, there's nothing on the pantyliner and just a bit of brown when I wipe. No signs of cramping either. Plus my temperatures are sky high, over 99 degrees twice in the past four days. But I've only got BFNs so far.

I don't really know what's going on since I don't FEEL preggo. But then I didn't feel preggo with my ectopic, either, and I had to be over 5 weeks for that one. My only symptoms are heartburn in the early morning and a bizarrely watery mouth, with a slight bout of dizziness/nausea mid-morning today.

I guess the answer is just wait and retest in a couple of days, but it's just so haaaard to be patient! Especially when I have to figure out when CD1 is so I can go in for CD3 hormone measuring with the IVF people. And especially when I'm at high risk of having another ectopic and they've told me not to wait to get bloodwork done if I think I'm preggo. Sigh. Here's to hoping there are some answers in the next couple of days!

Good luck to all of you!!

Sorry hun! the limbo is the worse!

AFM - my E2 came back and it is 469.9 so my FET is confirmed for Tuesday November 10th! woohoo!
Thyroid results are back -- 1.375 :happydance:

The original number was 2.88, which is technically in the middle of the "normal range", which goes up to 4.xx (I can't remember the exact value). My doctor said it needed to be under 2.5, but I read that an ideal value is really under 2. Now I wait for AF to come. It's always a wait for something, huh? :wacko::dohh::haha:

As far as I know, I continue on the low dose medication that has to be taken at the same time every morning an hour before I eat, and the pill bottle says I must avoid calcium for 4 hours after taking the pill (so basically no more quick and easy bowls of cereal for breakfast anytime soon). I have to wake up early on the weekend to take it on time, but it's worth it if it gives me a chance at a BFP.
disney - awesome news on the thyroid!

amanda - congrats on being PUPO!

ttc - hooray for a date!!!

C&J - I hear you loud and clear on having to figure out the $$ part of things. Ugh, it's such a shame.

Hi to everyone else!!

afm - ok, has anyone ever heard of this? My RE nurse certainly hasn't in the year she's been there, so I'm just fully an idiot. I was supposed to start my Lupron microdoses yesterday ONLY and then include Gonal-F this coming Saturday. Well I was so used to doing Menopur and Gonal-F at the same time the last 2 cycles, I did them both yesterday. I think the Lupron is supposed to suppress while the Gonal is a stim, so I'm HOPING they just cancel each other out!! But I am waiting for the call from the office to see if I screwed up the entire cycle. I just wasn't thinking and was on autopilot - more worried about doing the shots right with the new protocol vs what calendar I was supposed to be on. UGH! I'm so mad!
Wish2b - I have no idea what that will do but have fingers crossed it won't impact the cycle. With so much going on it's an easy mistake and I bet you're not the first.

TTC - that is less than a week away. Woo hoo ;)

Disney- congrats on your numbers :)

Alikat - hang in there, you will know soon.

AFM: AF I has come 😀 (Never thought I'd smile about that) so I am on the pill until the 20th when I get scanned and hopefully will be good to start. A friend of mine just got her BFP on round 2 of IVF ;) hang in their ladies.
I hope you get some answers or AF so you can start soon if you're not pregnant already.
Well ladies sorry I haven't been around much lately. I'm kind of in limbo as my mock transfer didn't go as planned��. I thought it would be similar to a pap but it was so painful for me. My RE told my husband to wait outside and I had three other people in the room including a resident. I tried to relax , there's nothing else I want more than a baby but it physically wasn't possible it hurt. My re didn't try a whole like I felt like he just kept hollering at me to be still and saying well if you can't do this you can't do IVF! he was telling me nothing was wrong like my pain wasn't real, it was awful . My RE walked out mumbling something and I still had my legs in the stirrups . The nurse comes back in and says will call you. of course I had a full PANIC ATTACK. my husband went back to talk to the dr and the nurse says my RE got frustrated. wow he's frustrated ��. Anyways the Nurse calls me today and says they want to do a Hysterscopy/HSG/Larscopy under anesthesia but they think my cycle will be pushed back. I begged her not to we have been dealing with this over 5 years now and now that we have a glimmer of hope you want to push it back?. they will call me tomorrow but I want to tell her let me try a bear through the awful pain and try again if I can't get a surgery date before I have to start Stimms. ������ Praying for strength I know this only the beginning but I would like to begin��.
Thyroid results are back -- 1.375 :happydance:

The original number was 2.88, which is technically in the middle of the "normal range", which goes up to 4.xx (I can't remember the exact value). My doctor said it needed to be under 2.5, but I read that an ideal value is really under 2. Now I wait for AF to come. It's always a wait for something, huh? :wacko::dohh::haha:

As far as I know, I continue on the low dose medication that has to be taken at the same time every morning an hour before I eat, and the pill bottle says I must avoid calcium for 4 hours after taking the pill (so basically no more quick and easy bowls of cereal for breakfast anytime soon). I have to wake up early on the weekend to take it on time, but it's worth it if it gives me a chance at a BFP.

Disney :thumbup: good to hear!

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