IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi ladies, went to the re this morning to get my Sono and bloodwork to check the swelling in my ovaries and the fluid. The said the fluid was almost gone and the swelling went down. I told them I got a positive hpt so the did my blood test today. They just called back and said my hcg came back positive at 69. Today I'm 3 weeks 6 days pregnant. I have no idea about hcg numbers though. The girl I spoke to was one of the techs who takes my blood and stuff and I asked her if that was good and she said yes. So fingers crossed it is. I go back for my next beta on Friday.

So glad that all the fluid is almost gone and you are out of the woods for hyperstim...that would have been awful. Yay for getting your beta! I think that sounds like a good number for how early you are.
Blue, I am on the progesterone suppositories. When I got them, it said to insert vaginally or rectally- I assumed they would be vaginally! :blush:

Boy was I wrong, you should have seen my face when I had EC and the nurse gave me an antibiotic suppository and then told me where the cyclogest was to go twice a day for the next 2-3 weeks :rofl: I lost my final shred of dignity at that point.

I have now overcome my disgust, with the help of disposable plastic gloves and it has become second nature.

ughh...I sure hope I don't have to do that! I did them for my IUI and it was vaginally so I will pray it is the same. Especially since I will have to do at least one of them at work :blush: Gross and the bathroom at work is totally discusting :growlmad:

Oh yeh- I forgot that part, I have to take one at work as well. Fingers crossed for you.
Blue, for endometrin, it's inserted vaginally. :flower:

Haj! Great beta!!
Yay Haj, can't wait to hear about the next test on Friday!

s08, good luck with your appointment tomor :hugs:

Everyone else, all this talk of suppositories has me in stitches! So ladylike!! :haha:
alscreetch - this process is definitely crazy, the waiting is the worst part for me!

jchic - glad the surgery went well

tiffttc - glad the intro went well, that is the exact same drugs and doses I am on :) Hope AF arrives for you soon so you can get started stimming

BlueStorm - yay, not long now till ER, I use crinone gel. They were a bit gross to begin with but once you get used to them they are fine, just make sure you wear a panty liner

Haj - glad to hear your ohss signs are going away and you got your beta, sounds like a good level to me

AFM - getting a bit frustrated and wishing I didn't test till beta day. Took another test this morning with a frer and it is still a super faint line. Its so faint it won't show up in a pic. Hoping this isn't the same result as my first cycle!
Great numbers Haj!

I'm fed up with my clinic and after this cycle DH and I have decided to transport our frozen embryo's to the clinic in Halifax. We're moving in a few months anyway so was debating doing this but now I'm decided. I went in to see my doc to ask about having 2 blasts put back and was shut down yet again all because of my age which is 28. Never mind we've been through two cycles now and still have no baby, never mind that we're moving and will be unable to do a cycle for 2 years after the move if this one doesn't work never mind that it's my body, my money and my choice. I know the risks of twins quiet well and am perfectly capable of making the decision to take that risk.

Sorry for the rant but I just want to scream.
:hugs: Kelly. No need to apologise. Sorry the FS isn't seeing things from your point of view. This whole process can be so frustrating... :growlmad:
Kelly! That's bs! You should be able to put back 2. I would understand if you ask for 3 or so but 2?? And a frozen cycle has less success than fresh so I don't see what the deal is. I know my re asked me several times if I was sure I wanted 2 and I said yes and I'm still here with no baby after 2 cycles just like you. It's not fair for you. I think moving clinics is a good move.

Ttb hang in there. Fingers crossed tightly for you!
Here we go with a massive quote :haha: Sorry ladies!

Alright, I need some advice. Had my first progesterone shot last night. It went in fine, was a little tender when I went to sleep last night. But this morning I can hardly move my right backside! It hurts to walk up steps, it hurts to sit on it, and it hurts to bend over. The muscle is just so tender back there. I've got a heating pad on it right now, but does anyone have anymore advice on what I should do? I will be mega suffering when I go to get the shot again tonight on the left side and then both sides are this way? This is so crazy, the things we will do to have a baby! :)

I'm not much help with this one as I've never had them. I do hope that you are not in as much pain with the next one. How are your little embies doing?

SO much to catch up on here. First, Haj - a HUGE congrats! I knew knew knew this would be it for you and I am so happy that all your prayers were answered. God is GOOD. Remember that. All of this is worth it and I am so happy for you!
Mo, Dukes, Mrs C and the rest of the ladies - how was everyones weekend?

I am recovering nicely from surgery. Stitches are kind of itchy and have my post op tomorrow but feels nice to be on my way.

I'm glad you are recovering well.

We had a good weekend, thank you for asking. I had lunch with a great friend today and we are staying busy. We have an appointment on Thursday to talk about what our next plan is.

hey everyone i had my intro day last tuesday sorry iam only updating now its just for the last week i have been super busy with life and we got a heat wave in ireland which we like nver get here so i was making the most of it while we had it but here is how my intro day went:

they had a presentation and a lot of info yo take in all about the IVF process then we were indidvually took into rooms with the doctors to go through everything so i will be on the short protocol iam on cd 29 and getting craps since yesterday so hopefully they will come soon they told me to ring them when i get my period and they will give me a day 3 scan and take blood and if everthing is ok i start stims that day iam going to be on pruegon 125ui per day and also from day4 i will be on another injection aswell but i cant remember the name of it sorry they said i will stim for 10 to 12 days they want me to make 10 to 12 eggs then when the eggs are mature enough i will get my trigger shot of ovitraile sorry i dont no if i spelt that right then 2 days later i will have my eggs took out then 3 to5 days later they will be put back in and then i will be on crinoe i think its called its progestrone gel that iw ill have to insert ewwh!! and i will have to do that everyday of my ttw i hope its all worth it so iam just waiting for my AF now then the ball will be rolling
i hope everyone is doing well i will read up on ye all later

I'm glad things are moving along for you. You will be started in no time. :thumbup:

Hey girls, hope you all had a great weekend. Just wanted to give you a quick update.

I went in for scan and b\w this morning. Lining was 12 and it looks like I have about 16 follicles. So as long as my b\w comes back ok I will trigger tonight and have ER on thursday. Does anyone know if you can take a zanax before ER? I will ask my nurse but just wondering. I hate being put under it really freaks me out so that would be helpful.

Just wondering if anyone else is only on progesterone suppositories instead of the injections. It seems like most of you do the injections but my clinic gave me suppositories only. I wonder what the difference is?

:happydance: I'm excited for you! I would call and ask about the zanax just to be safe. I think it would be ok though.

Hi everyone,

Just popping in with an update. Had my baseline scan today, all quiet on the western front so getting to start gonal-f on Friday. Have to go back for scans on 6th, 8th and 11th June (because of high AMH/ age/ low BMI). So just counting down til Friday so I can start!

Mrs C - Was so sorry to read your news, you really are so special continuing with this thread. I wish you all the best of luck for the future. My step dad always said what's meant for you won't pass by you x x

Haj - Huge congratulations to you!!! :happydance:

Blue - I'll be on progesterone pessaries also, yuck :( Think I would rather have an injection!

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to reading about all these BFPs.


Thank you for your kind words. :hugs: I'm glad you will be getting started soon. Once it starts it seems to fly by.

Hi ladies. I am back after a long few days of tears and heartache. DH and I are doing much better now. Thank you for all your support...it means a lot.

We moved our IVF follow-up appt. up to tomorrow so that we may be able to get some answers, but I'm predicting our RE will just say we fell into the unlucky category. I'm hoping we will get a plan for our FET with our one lonely frostie. We might be taking a couple month break since we have a vacation scheduled for July. But it will just be nice to have a plan to help move forward.

I think I'm finally caught up on the thread...lots of exciting things happening. Haj, huge congrats! MrsC, so sorry about the funding issue. You are the glue to this thread and so deserve to have a happy outcome! I hope everyone else is doing well!

I'm glad you are doing better and ready to make a plan. My fingers are crossed for you during your FET. I look forward to hearing about the new plan and what the RE says. Also thank you for your kind words as well. We will have a happy outcome just like everyone else in this thread. Our will just be in a different way but no matter what we will be happy.

Hi ladies, went to the re this morning to get my Sono and bloodwork to check the swelling in my ovaries and the fluid. The said the fluid was almost gone and the swelling went down. I told them I got a positive hpt so the did my blood test today. They just called back and said my hcg came back positive at 69. Today I'm 3 weeks 6 days pregnant. I have no idea about hcg numbers though. The girl I spoke to was one of the techs who takes my blood and stuff and I asked her if that was good and she said yes. So fingers crossed it is. I go back for my next beta on Friday.

haj I'm glad everything looked good today. Your beta sounds great. Try not to stress about the number.

alscreetch - this process is definitely crazy, the waiting is the worst part for me!

jchic - glad the surgery went well

tiffttc - glad the intro went well, that is the exact same drugs and doses I am on :) Hope AF arrives for you soon so you can get started stimming

BlueStorm - yay, not long now till ER, I use crinone gel. They were a bit gross to begin with but once you get used to them they are fine, just make sure you wear a panty liner

Haj - glad to hear your ohss signs are going away and you got your beta, sounds like a good level to me

AFM - getting a bit frustrated and wishing I didn't test till beta day. Took another test this morning with a frer and it is still a super faint line. Its so faint it won't show up in a pic. Hoping this isn't the same result as my first cycle!

:hugs: My fingers are crossed for you.

Great numbers Haj!

I'm fed up with my clinic and after this cycle DH and I have decided to transport our frozen embryo's to the clinic in Halifax. We're moving in a few months anyway so was debating doing this but now I'm decided. I went in to see my doc to ask about having 2 blasts put back and was shut down yet again all because of my age which is 28. Never mind we've been through two cycles now and still have no baby, never mind that we're moving and will be unable to do a cycle for 2 years after the move if this one doesn't work never mind that it's my body, my money and my choice. I know the risks of twins quiet well and am perfectly capable of making the decision to take that risk.

Sorry for the rant but I just want to scream.

Kelly that sounds horrible! They should be doing everything they can to help you get your BFP. If you want two put back they should not have a problem with it. Many places will do two without any issues. This makes me upset that they won't listen to you. :grr:

AFM~ I don't have much going on. Hubby is only home until Sunday and then he's gone for another 6 weeks. I hate when we get down to the last few days of him being home. I try not to get sad but I just can't help it. Anyways... like I said before we have an appointment on Thursday to talk about whats next for us.
Thanks for the support! They will do two at day 3 but not day 5 apparently it would be "malpractice" my doctor is just an ass and has been from the start. So I guess we're going to do 2 at day 3 again and just pray both stick. He actually looked appalled when I told him we wanted twins so we would be done with ttc. Like it was the worst thing, then he told me that "twins die, thats what they do" and thats exactly how he said it! I was nearly crying by this point and said to him well singletons die to because mine did half way through.

This is our last fresh cycle I can't justify spending that much money again and I'm scared I'll end up in the hospital again with OHSS like last time and I just want my relationship with my husband to be what it was before we started trying to have a baby, which i am sure most of you can understand. I love being preggo, maybe I'll do surrogacy at some point in the future but thats not the same.
Thanks for the support! They will do two at day 3 but not day 5 apparently it would be "malpractice" my doctor is just an ass and has been from the start. So I guess we're going to do 2 at day 3 again and just pray both stick. He actually looked appalled when I told him we wanted twins so we would be done with ttc. Like it was the worst thing, then he told me that "twins die, thats what they do" and thats exactly how he said it! I was nearly crying by this point and said to him well singletons die to because mine did half way through.

This is our last fresh cycle I can't justify spending that much money again and I'm scared I'll end up in the hospital again with OHSS like last time and I just want my relationship with my husband to be what it was before we started trying to have a baby, which i am sure most of you can understand. I love being preggo, maybe I'll do surrogacy at some point in the future but thats not the same.

This is shocking to me and honestly I'm at a loss for words. :growlmad: I just can't even believe that was said. I think at that point I would have stood up, left, and never went back. There is not a single person that deserves to hear that. Not only that but it's not even true. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with a doctor like that.

I really hope you get your BFP with the 2 that are being put back :hugs:
^ I know hey! I was flabbergasted when he said it. Makes me want to have twins from my day 3 embies this go and once I deliver them go rub it in his face. He even suggested that we just go straight to the halifax clinic for our next fresh round, he didn't realize we'd already paid and started at his clinic, but even tempting as it might have been because we live here for now and because we would have needed to have all our retesting done to do that it didn't make sense.

I'm debating whether or not I even want to tell them if a pregnancy results since we won't be going back there, is that wrong of me? I figure if I did get pregnant I'd just go to my doc get my scans etc since she'll do my prenatal stuff anyway and just not tell the clinic.
oh hey mrs c can I be moved to ISCI in June, I'll be doing almost everything in june (start DR june 6) just not testing till july or are you arranging based on test date?
^ I know hey! I was flabbergasted when he said it. Makes me want to have twins from my day 3 embies this go and once I deliver them go rub it in his face. He even suggested that we just go straight to the halifax clinic for our next fresh round, he didn't realize we'd already paid and started at his clinic, but even tempting as it might have been because we live here for now and because we would have needed to have all our retesting done to do that it didn't make sense.

I'm debating whether or not I even want to tell them if a pregnancy results since we won't be going back there, is that wrong of me? I figure if I did get pregnant I'd just go to my doc get my scans etc since she'll do my prenatal stuff anyway and just not tell the clinic.

oh hey mrs c can I be moved to ISCI in June, I'll be doing almost everything in june (start DR june 6) just not testing till july or are you arranging based on test date?

I don't think it's wrong of you to not tell them but if you did end up with twins it would be interesting to see what he says when you deliver them. It does make sense to stick with the same clinic since you have already paid. Also since you would need all the testing done again.

I can move you. I do think I have a few people in the wrong spot. :dohh: It's hard keeping up sometimes. I am arranging everyone by starting dates. I'll go do a look and see if theres anyone else that needs to be moved around. Thanks for letting me know. :flower:
Kelly9 - Putting 2 back is hardly malpractice, if you are advised of the risk and are happy to have twins then they should let you. Lots of people have twins every day and they are completely healthy! What a horrible thing for him to say!

MrsC - Hope your appointment goes well on Thursday!

AFM - I've been waiting all day to get on here and post this pic. I tested again after my fmu test that was really really faint, so tested with smu (I can't remember who mentioned that but thank you!) after I got to work and the line come up much quicker and I can see it much easier now too. It is still faint but at least you can see it in a photo now :) The top test is fmu and the bottom test is smu.


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Kelly9 - Putting 2 back is hardly malpractice, if you are advised of the risk and are happy to have twins then they should let you. Lots of people have twins every day and they are completely healthy! What a horrible thing for him to say!

MrsC - Hope your appointment goes well on Thursday!

AFM - I've been waiting all day to get on here and post this pic. I tested again after my fmu test that was really really faint, so tested with smu (I can't remember who mentioned that but thank you!) after I got to work and the line come up much quicker and I can see it much easier now too. It is still faint but at least you can see it in a photo now :) The top test is fmu and the bottom test is smu.

I am awake way to late but I'm excited to see your post!! I can totally see that second line. :happydance: Congrats!
Great numbers Haj!

I'm fed up with my clinic and after this cycle DH and I have decided to transport our frozen embryo's to the clinic in Halifax. We're moving in a few months anyway so was debating doing this but now I'm decided. I went in to see my doc to ask about having 2 blasts put back and was shut down yet again all because of my age which is 28. Never mind we've been through two cycles now and still have no baby, never mind that we're moving and will be unable to do a cycle for 2 years after the move if this one doesn't work never mind that it's my body, my money and my choice. I know the risks of twins quiet well and am perfectly capable of making the decision to take that risk.

Sorry for the rant but I just want to scream.
Thanks for the support! They will do two at day 3 but not day 5 apparently it would be "malpractice" my doctor is just an ass and has been from the start. So I guess we're going to do 2 at day 3 again and just pray both stick. He actually looked appalled when I told him we wanted twins so we would be done with ttc. Like it was the worst thing, then he told me that "twins die, thats what they do" and thats exactly how he said it! I was nearly crying by this point and said to him well singletons die to because mine did half way through.

This is our last fresh cycle I can't justify spending that much money again and I'm scared I'll end up in the hospital again with OHSS like last time and I just want my relationship with my husband to be what it was before we started trying to have a baby, which i am sure most of you can understand. I love being preggo, maybe I'll do surrogacy at some point in the future but thats not the same.

WOW that is so insensitive to say especially to you, after a loss. I swear i would have given him a piece of my mind after a statement like that. Sounds like is being a really prick as you are moving. If i may ask, why wont you be able to try again for 2 years if this one doesnt work?

Fx'd it works and you can rub it in his face.

AFM - getting a bit frustrated and wishing I didn't test till beta day. Took another test this morning with a frer and it is still a super faint line. Its so faint it won't show up in a pic. Hoping this isn't the same result as my first cycle!
AFM - I've been waiting all day to get on here and post this pic. I tested again after my fmu test that was really really faint, so tested with smu (I can't remember who mentioned that but thank you!) after I got to work and the line come up much quicker and I can see it much easier now too. It is still faint but at least you can see it in a photo now :) The top test is fmu and the bottom test is smu.

Im glad you feeling a bit better! Fx'd for nice Beta numbers and a forever baby for you :hugs:

AFM > Not much, my body is so crazy. I have had 3 temp drops in the last 3 days, so i have no idea if i will O and or when. But im starting wiht Lucrin tomorrow morning, so im officially cycling from tomorrow again :happydance:
Kelly9 - Putting 2 back is hardly malpractice, if you are advised of the risk and are happy to have twins then they should let you. Lots of people have twins every day and they are completely healthy! What a horrible thing for him to say!

MrsC - Hope your appointment goes well on Thursday!

AFM - I've been waiting all day to get on here and post this pic. I tested again after my fmu test that was really really faint, so tested with smu (I can't remember who mentioned that but thank you!) after I got to work and the line come up much quicker and I can see it much easier now too. It is still faint but at least you can see it in a photo now :) The top test is fmu and the bottom test is smu.

awesome........ i am soooooo happy for you.... its a......:bfp: Ican see it clearly..... :yipee::yipee::headspin::wohoo::wohoo:
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