IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I got the anxiously awaited call about an hour ago. Out of the 17 eggs, 15 were mature and 10 fertilized. I am very happy with that number. Now we just have to pray that they keep growing :baby:

Blue Yayyy!!! Thats so exciting!!!

Start my Femara today....eek my first thing besides Clomid EVER! :) should start injections Wednesday :)

Woo hoo for injections lol!!

sorry i havnt updated IVF went ahead a little earlier for me xx i took my trigger shot monday night(28th May) and egg retrevial was on Wednesday 30th May 7 eggs collected,5 were mature and 3 have fertilized so my ET is on Monday :happydance::happydance:
EEEkkk!!! so exciting!!!
screetch- im so so sorry

daisy- eh it isnt that bad.. i did a round of injections for iui and ive been doing lupron since the 11th.

long or short protool? long i guess. been on suppression since the 11th.

afm- had my us today. all good. didnt get an antral count but.. saw a bunch of nice tiny follicles on both sides.. doc is funny. he actually said, ok, no cysts.. we agree right? (ive argued with him about follicle size in the past). im supposed to go back for blood work monday. and of course he says.. ok we will do us wednesday.. the only freaking day im working 30 min away instead of across the street.. i asked if it could be tues or thurs and he told me to talk to my ovaries and get them to cooperate. to add a nice hassle.. still didnt get my copy of labs from kaiser and the ivf clinic is chomping at the bit for them. kaiser is virtually impossible to find phone numbers for.. we faxed a release to who knows where cause they didnt send any labs (doc called me 2 more times today about paperwork issues). and while i was there i got a call from my credit card company asking if i charged over 5000 online.. umm yeah no, that wasnt me. luckily they had blocked it (but not my doctors office charges.. which was great). so now i am without credit card til probably monday. but yay for the company being all over it.. one of the calls from my doc was that he realized he hadnt done a sonohysterogram.. whee.. so i get to do that monday along with the bloodwork (im off that day anyway so it is all good).. i start menopur and gonal tomorrow and continue the medrol and lupron. yay 3 shots a day. but frankly what is the worst is the medrol. damn that tastes bad.. he only had me order 16 vials of menopur.. umm that is only 5 days worth and i wont know til monday if i need more.. hrm. just emailed my doc about that..

Yayy for follies!!!

Hey Ladies!!

Sorry I went MIA for a while. I wanted to stay away from all this for a little just to try and think straight. I just feel really nervous about doing this again but I won't give up now. It scares me that it might not work but since I had a chemical pregnancy, I feel like I moved one step forward. Although losing that pregnancy was painful but it gave me a little more hope that it could work again but hopefully this time it will stick around for 9 months. I had my IVF follow-up appointment yesterday. My RE said that he might try the long protocol next time but he hasn't made the decision yet. He said this time he wants to push my follicles to a bigger size before retrieval. He's still shocked at the fact that I had 34 eggs collected but only 5 of them being mature. I am currently on CD 8 and he said I could probably start meds with my next period. I just hate having to wait to start again. I think I want to ask my RE if instead of doing the long protocol we could do the same protocol again but with higher doses as I was on pretty low doses.

I just want to say CONGRATS to the ladies that got preggo!! I hope you have a H&H 9 months!!

I'm really sorry to the ladies that got bfn's. I hope you get your bfp really soon whether it's through IVF or any other route. You will be in my prayers!

MrsC ~ I'm really sorry to hear that you can't go through with IVF anymore. Are you going to try your DH's sperm that you got through TESE first and then use donor sperm if it doesn't work? Whatever you end up doing, I hope it works for you!!

Blue ~ FX you get a great fertilization report and you are get a BFP this cycle. I look forward to your report tomorrow.

Sorry I didn't catch up with everyone but I will try to later.

Fingers crossed for this next IVF to be a bfp!!!

Lulu I am glad you are feeling better and you will get your bfp next time

Am girls i rang my re office today to book my day3 scan appt which is in the morning and the receptionist made me feel really umcomfortable she asked my name and date of birth so she could get one of the nurses to ring me back and when i told her my date of birth i was like 1993 and she was like WHAT 1993!!! and i said ya 93 and then we went on WHAT YOUR 1993!! and i said ya she sounded really shocked and made me feel like she was jugding me and if that wasnt bad enough when the nurse rang me back with the time to come in in the morning at and she had the worst attitude problem ever she was so cutting and insulting i really fell bad all day after my conversations with the too of them :cry:do ye think i should say it to the nurse tomorrow??? and girls now ye all no my age please dont judge me i want the same thing ye all want i know iam young but me and my husband are really happy and we have everything we want except a baby.......and i guess i can understand her been shocked but she should of kept that to herself!!! i really hope ye guys dont think of me differently because of my age.......iam really sorry for my really long scripts lately but i fell better getting it off my chest so what do ye think about my re??

The nurse shouldn't have acted that way. If she was shocked she should have kept it to herself. Sorry you felt judged. No of us are here to judge you so don't worry about that from us. I'm 24... well 25 this weekend but my hubby is a few years older so we are wanting to get the show on the road. Now if you were 15-16 I would probably say something but you are old enough to make your own choices. If you and your husband are ready then I say go for it. :thumbup:

Sorry I am so late with my update. I was not feeling great and slept most of the day!

Feeling much better now. So we got 17 eggies. No clue how many where mature, ect. We wil get a call tomorrow morning as to how many fertilized. I pray we get a good number. They don't give us another update until the day before transfer which would be tuesday. That is a long wait.

So all in all it went well. I was nervous and my heart rate was sky high when they hooked me up :blush: but I got over it and did ok.

Thanks all for thinking of me today!

Blue that is great news! I look forward to your update tomorrow. Get some rest and try not to stress. :flower:

I'm at a loss for words, this cycle wasn't successful. Thank you for all the prayers. I feel very numb and internally low. I just wish this could be simple. I have faith that one day we all will become mothers. I will be praying for you wonderful ladies.

:hugs: I'm so sorry, I wish this could be easier on everyone. You are right though we will all become mothers one day. :hugs:

Ok ladies, we went to our appointment today. The FS wasn't to happy that we were backing out of the IVF. He wasn't mad but I'm not going to say he was thrilled either. Hubby and I have been talking and a few days ago we decided to go down the donor route. I know this isn't for everyone but we are happy with our decision. Theres many ways we have looked at this and all have pointed in this direction. So I'm to call on CD1 to get started with clomid. Thats in about 16 days!

Mrs.C I'm so glad you and your husband have chose a route that makes you happy.

I'm at a loss for words, this cycle wasn't successful. Thank you for all the prayers. I feel very numb and internally low. I just wish this could be simple. I have faith that one day we all will become mothers. I will be praying for you wonderful ladies.

Alscreetch I am so sorry hun!

Wanted to update! My egg transfer was yesterday. We transferred 3 embryos: 1 6-cell, 1 8-cell, and 1 10-cell. The 8 and 10 had some bits of fragmentation, but he said they were the two strongest embryos, but just to make our chances better they transferred in the 6-cell as well. So, let's hope at least one sticks!!! [-o<[-o<

Beta test is scheduled for June 10th. Not sure if I'll test early or not.

Woo hoo next weekend!!!

im sooo sorry i havent done personals...i cant really think straight..... mri tonight showed my fibroid is a monster. now way id be able to go to term with one let alone 2 babies. it needs to come out. its also pressing on my bladder which explains some symptoms i have been having....mild incontience with minimially full bladder running, leaking with sneezing and coughing...all in past few months. i thought i was going crazy or something but this explains it. im lucky im a PA with the rads so i walked over and got my scan read :) rad said the location is enough away from endo that surgery should not harm it. its compressing the bladder. its degenerating (no blood supply) but is very large and will take very long time to go down. pushes uterus to one side. endometrium spared. good. i see my doc at 10am tomorrow and hopefully i can be cut on within the next 2 weeks. im terrified of surgery :( i had severe pain for nearly 5 wks after d/c...whats ths going to be like? pain meds make me very sick. i can pretty much tolerate ibuprofen and tylenol. my "bikini" body will look like frankenstein now. he has to make a larger incision under my ribs to get the fibroid out b/c of the size...belly button is too small. luckly im small so he wont have to go through a lot of tissue to get to the fibroid. gah. damn. this stinks.

MoBaby that stinks!!! Hopefully you can figure this all out.

Hello Ladies...

Just wanted to update you.. I haven't been on for a few days... partly because i've been dealing with the stressors of my mom being in the hospital with kidney failure.. and also dealing with my own emotions.

I took my blood test today... after debating whether or not i wanted to even bother. Just as I thought.. it was a BFN. :( boo.. I cried my eyes out a few days ago..really broke down. .. so today wasn't that bad. it was still sad to hear the doctor tell me it was negative.. but i wasn't as devastated. So i'm actually glad i prepared myself for the bad news.

I am planning on waiting a month or two before doing the FET. I just think I have so much stress right now with my mom being sick that I need to get her stable before I try again.

Thank you so much for your support throughout this process ladies. it was a huge help! I will prob linger for a few more days... then give the site a break.

Thanks again... and sending baby vibes to all of you!! oxo x

Annette my love I am so sorry!!!

Hi ladies!

Haj - how are you feeling?
Mobaby - Ugh. That sucks! At least they will remove it and you will be GOOD TO GO for your IVF cycle. I know this is awful, noone wants setbacks, but I am certain this will work out for you. xx
Alscreetch - Good luck on your beta today!
Mrs C - how are you holding up/feeling?
Annette - I am sorry about your mom :( Stay strong
Kelly and Tella - YAY on getting started!

AFM - went to the doc for my post op and ANOTHER FUCKING ENDOMETRIOMA IS THERE ON MY OVARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATTTTT THEEEE FUCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its small, and she said that sometimes when they remove the cyst that some strands are still left over, they collpase on themselves and create a new cyst. OF COURSE this would happen to me! I mean, why wouldnt it! Ugh. I totally lost it to say the least. She wasnt concerned and basically told me that she isnt going to operate again and that its small and that its not going to affect IVF, so lets focus on me getting pregnant. Which is fine, but I seriously just had surgery a week ago. 1 WEEK! and a cyst is now there? I am really starting to think that this isnt my plan, because everywhere I go there is a roadblock

Oh Jchic, I'm so sorry!!! Hopefully this will go away quickly and youre feeling better!!!
sorry i havnt updated IVF went ahead a little earlier for me xx i took my trigger shot monday night(28th May) and egg retrevial was on Wednesday 30th May 7 eggs collected,5 were mature and 3 have fertilized so my ET is on Monday :happydance::happydance:

:happydance: Thats very exciting! Let us know how things go.

Alscreetch - I am sorry. My heart broke when I read this....please know that I am thinking of you! When are you getting started with your next cycle?

Mrs C - glad you made a decision and are moving forward. BFP, here YOU come!

Blue - SO SO SO happy to hear these awesome ER numbers. You go chicky!

Missy 123 - Good Luck!

Thank you :flower:

I got the anxiously awaited call about an hour ago. Out of the 17 eggs, 15 were mature and 10 fertilized. I am very happy with that number. Now we just have to pray that they keep growing :baby:

Blue that is great news! :happydance:

alscreetch - I am so sorry :hugs:

MrsC - so glad you were able to make a decision and are one step closer to getting your BFP!!

Blue - that is AWESOME!!! How many are you going to transfer??

Missy - Good Luck on Monday!!

Thank you :flower:

yay missy and blue

so i get an email back from my doc saying i have 8 days of menopur.. um no, no i dont. turns out the nurse wrote the dosage backwards (ie 225 for menopur and 150 for gonal). doc said it is no big deal but.. seriously? i cant wait to get home and take a pic of the script cause im sure she said i was the one who was confused. grrr, luckily a friend has extra menopur and needs my cetrotide.. yay drug swap

Sorry things are a little confusing right now. I'm glad you are able to swap meds with someone. :thumbup:

Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA i had a little mini breakdown and needed a few days. I had told you ladies Ihad taken a hpt the other day (the morning of my beta) and it was lighter well because of that, of course even though I had a positive beta I took one the next day and the line was so so so light. so of course I thought something bad was happening and had a little meltdown. Plus the cramps I was having was making me so nervous so I stepped back for a few days until I had my next beta today. I just heard back frorm the Dr. a little while ago and my beta went up from 69 to 152. So I'm feeling a lot better that things seem to be heading in the right direction. I need to go back and read the pages from the past few days and then I will do personals. It seems like so much has happened!!! I'm debating if I want to make myself a ticker yet!!!

haj I'm glad the numbers have gone up. I wondering where you were. :flower: I hope you are doing ok now. Taking tests can be a scary thing sometimes. I don't think you should judge how things are going by the line. I understand wanting to take them though so I don't blame you.

I'm done with tests and I'm feeling so much better!!!
Thanks haj! And good job on no more testing.

TTB did get her BFP and on 5/30 she posted tests of her BFP.
haj- ,my understanding of hpt's is that they are yes or no. ie pregnant or not. while the line will get darker and come up faster as your pregnancy progresses, the majority of the darkness variability day to day has to do with the individual test itself rather than real variability in hcg number.. id stop testing. you know it is positive and you are only gonna freak yourself out rather than reassuring yourself (which is likely the reason you keep doing them). *hugs* you are pregnant =)
haj- ,my understanding of hpt's is that they are yes or no. ie pregnant or not. while the line will get darker and come up faster as your pregnancy progresses, the majority of the darkness variability day to day has to do with the individual test itself rather than real variability in hcg number.. id stop testing. you know it is positive and you are only gonna freak yourself out rather than reassuring yourself (which is likely the reason you keep doing them). *hugs* you are pregnant =)

Yup like I said to Mrs.C after my beta today I am 100% done testing!!!
Yah, Haj! Been wondering where you were...I was actually a little worried that something had gone wrong. But it sounds like a great 2nd beta number! It better work for you because there have been way too many bfn's on this thread!

I've been wondering about TTB too. She did post the positive tests, but if I recall correctly, she was a little worried about how dark they were because of a previous chemical. I hope she provides a great first beta report soon!

drsquid, I can't believe the nurse make such a mistake. What if you wouldn't have been so on top of things?!?
Yah, Haj! Been wondering where you were...I was actually a little worried that something had gone wrong. But it sounds like a great 2nd beta number! It better work for you because there have been way too many bfn's on this thread!

I've been wondering about TTB too. She did post the positive tests, but if I recall correctly, she was a little worried about how dark they were because of a previous chemical. I hope she provides a great first beta report soon!

drsquid, I can't believe the nurse make such a mistake. What if you wouldn't have been so on top of things?!?

I know its made me so sad to see all the bfns. I know you will all get your bfbs next time!
Alscreech - I'm so so sorry hon, take some time for yourself and dh over the next few days :hugs:

Haj - delighted to hear your numbers are on the way up! Yay! :dance:

Jenny - congrats on being PUPO! Let us know if you decide to test!

Blue and Missy - hope those embies continue to grow and get ready for their transfer! How many are ye both hoping to put back?

Good luck to everyone who's on meds at the moment!
Im really hoping for 2 if i was allowed by the doc i would put back all 3
Given my age (30) i don't think he will x
Haj great news on the beta. When I was pregnant in the past I did hpts randomly for about a week then stopped. Had to get my fill in, in case it never happened again. I'll test out my trigger this time to just so I know if I decide to test a few days early thet it's not trigger still lingering.
weird thing happened today. dh was going to go ahead and leave a sample or 2 to freeze over the summer since hes off work and its hard for him to take iff after that...and we will be there for the surgery..he called the lab and they said they already have 4 vials so that shoukd be enough...well before the lab said they didnt have many sperm so i assumed they didnt have any. i know we use a fresh sample before so maybe they froze some just in case? or maybe one sampe was okay that we frooze and we didnt use it so its still there? im confused as the papers said he needed to go in...they left a message so im going to have him call monday to see whats going on. we need all the backup we can get :)
screetch- im so so sorry

daisy- eh it isnt that bad.. i did a round of injections for iui and ive been doing lupron since the 11th.

long or short protool? long i guess. been on suppression since the 11th.

afm- had my us today. all good. didnt get an antral count but.. saw a bunch of nice tiny follicles on both sides.. doc is funny. he actually said, ok, no cysts.. we agree right? (ive argued with him about follicle size in the past). im supposed to go back for blood work monday. and of course he says.. ok we will do us wednesday.. the only freaking day im working 30 min away instead of across the street.. i asked if it could be tues or thurs and he told me to talk to my ovaries and get them to cooperate. to add a nice hassle.. still didnt get my copy of labs from kaiser and the ivf clinic is chomping at the bit for them. kaiser is virtually impossible to find phone numbers for.. we faxed a release to who knows where cause they didnt send any labs (doc called me 2 more times today about paperwork issues). and while i was there i got a call from my credit card company asking if i charged over 5000 online.. umm yeah no, that wasnt me. luckily they had blocked it (but not my doctors office charges.. which was great). so now i am without credit card til probably monday. but yay for the company being all over it.. one of the calls from my doc was that he realized he hadnt done a sonohysterogram.. whee.. so i get to do that monday along with the bloodwork (im off that day anyway so it is all good).. i start menopur and gonal tomorrow and continue the medrol and lupron. yay 3 shots a day. but frankly what is the worst is the medrol. damn that tastes bad.. he only had me order 16 vials of menopur.. umm that is only 5 days worth and i wont know til monday if i need more.. hrm. just emailed my doc about that..

Glad to hear things are going well with your follicles! Keeping my fingers crossed for you ! What state are you in ? Kaiser can be a frustrating system, I work with them and also have their insurance. Usually if you send an authorization to medical correspondence it can take up to 14 days! They are so busy. Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time accessing your info. Would you be able to get lab results from your kp.org account, or do they need the results from your medical record? Hope you get that solved soon.. I know how frustrating that can be!
annette- im also in california. it is the infectious disease ones so they arent available online. my ob said shed fax them right away but no dice. no one will answer the phone at kaiser. and to add insult to injury i got an email thanking me for my electronic debit which of course wont go through cause my card got shut off yesterday due to fraud. though after 15 min on hold with the kaiser billing people they said if i get a letter from the card company saying that was why it was shut off then they will waive the 25. so totally just wanted to cancel my service but that would be stupid
annette- im also in california. it is the infectious disease ones so they arent available online. my ob said shed fax them right away but no dice. no one will answer the phone at kaiser. and to add insult to injury i got an email thanking me for my electronic debit which of course wont go through cause my card got shut off yesterday due to fraud. though after 15 min on hold with the kaiser billing people they said if i get a letter from the card company saying that was why it was shut off then they will waive the 25. so totally just wanted to cancel my service but that would be stupid

oh no.. you are probably so annoyed with Kaiser right now!! :( I got lucky, my IVF doc works with kaiser and was also my doc in the infertility department for my iui's.. and was able to access my records for me. Sorry you are having such a tough time getting something that seems so simple! hopefully your info gets faxed over soon!

terrible news about your card! :(
Hi girls, sorry I haven't been reading for the past few days and will catch up soon.

Well, I kept testing and my lines didn't get any darker which of course got me very worried. Had my beta and it's not looking good, it came back as 21 which is very low for 16dpo. The nurse did not sound optimistic at all and is expecting my period to start over the weekend. I have another beta in 2 days but I'm not very optimistic as my symptoms are starting to disappear. I'm beyond devastated and dont know how much longer I can keep doing this!
TTB I hope you're just one of the few with low HCG and all is fine. Try to keep busy and distracted for the next two days.
I dont think I mentioned my follicles :) I usually avg. about 5 on each side at my CD3 visit....well this time :) I have 10 on left side and 12 on the right :) I am HAPPY!
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