IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Update here: I'm back from my follie check. Good news, or at least I think so.

Six follies on the right, and another six on the left, so 12 total, which is two more than I had on Saturday. ALL under 10mm, which I'm interpreting as good news. Last time I had one at 12 and one at 13. Those were my two leads, and they are the two that grew to 16-17 mm two days later, and the reason my dang cycle got canceled. PRAYING they all grow together now...

Waiting for a call later today with instructions (keep the meds the same or adjust), and will go back on Thursday for another check.

Grow together, grow together, grow together!!
Thanks Haj! Our anniversary is June 25th!

Can't believe it's almost been a year - crazy. And sad that we've spent this whole year TTC, which has been like banging our heads against a wall.
Soooo many updates here!

Mrs C - you are great for keeping up this thread! We love you!

Tella - YAY for the big O! Only 11 more days and you are on your way. Cant wait to hear the amazing news :)

Annette - great news! Your new cycle is super close!

S08 - when do you start for your FET?

Daisy - so happy those ovaries are working together now as a team! Oh yeah!

drsquid - glad the sono went well!
Dukes - happy almost anniversary! What are you guys doing to celebrate?
Um... my husband is leaving that day for London for a business trip!!! :grr:

We have discussed my going with him, but I'm not sure. It might be around the time of my first beta, and I'm not sure I should travel... :shrug:

If I don't go, I think he may take the day off of work and we'll spend the day together - probably go to the beach (Spring Lake or Sea Girt) and then he'll be off to London. The pooper!
Ugh, I had a whole essay written down and it erased somehow.

Daisy, I am so happy about your scan and things are heading in the right direction for this cycle.

Tella, I am just a little a head of you, as I start AF on June 13th and if I goes well start injections then.

Haj, great beta's :happydance:!! Happy and Healthy 9 months

Drs, sorry your a little crampy, I always feel crampy after sono. Your doing IVF correct, I feel so far behind and its take me forever to catch-up and I end up missing something!

TTB, I am so so very sorry! :hugs:

Mrsc, thank you for thinking of me. My appt went well, they did b/w and I started the climara patch last night for a week and then change to another patch on Monday.

I am already stressing because I cant get the patch wet, so I bought waterproof huge bandaids to put on the patch to cover it all day. Now I am thinking should I just put the bandaid on when I shower and leave the patch exposed all day. Ugh, really WTH am I stessing about it the stupid patch??? These are the things I consume myself with. Like I need another reason to stress!!! ](*,)

I am sorry I've been MIA, but I've been following you lovely ladies. Work has been crazy for me as I got a new boss and its so hard for me to visit on-line during work hours, and since my computer was stolen I dont have one at home. I usually use my DH's but he been away on business since Sunday and took his laptop with him.

I miss you ladies and I wish you all get your BFP soon and sticky beans!!!!!
Update here: I'm back from my follie check. Good news, or at least I think so.

Six follies on the right, and another six on the left, so 12 total, which is two more than I had on Saturday. ALL under 10mm, which I'm interpreting as good news. Last time I had one at 12 and one at 13. Those were my two leads, and they are the two that grew to 16-17 mm two days later, and the reason my dang cycle got canceled. PRAYING they all grow together now...

Waiting for a call later today with instructions (keep the meds the same or adjust), and will go back on Thursday for another check.

Grow together, grow together, grow together!!

:happydance: 12 is great, i also had 12!!!! And they said that is the perfect number, low risk of OHSS and perfect for success.


CD what are you on now?

Ugh, I had a whole essay written down and it erased somehow.

Daisy, I am so happy about your scan and things are heading in the right direction for this cycle.

Tella, I am just a little a head of you, as I start AF on June 13th and if I goes well start injections then.

Haj, great beta's :happydance:!! Happy and Healthy 9 months

Drs, sorry your a little crampy, I always feel crampy after sono. Your doing IVF correct, I feel so far behind and its take me forever to catch-up and I end up missing something!

TTB, I am so so very sorry! :hugs:

Mrsc, thank you for thinking of me. My appt went well, they did b/w and I started the climara patch last night for a week and then change to another patch on Monday.

I am already stressing because I cant get the patch wet, so I bought waterproof huge bandaids to put on the patch to cover it all day. Now I am thinking should I just put the bandaid on when I shower and leave the patch exposed all day. Ugh, really WTH am I stessing about it the stupid patch??? These are the things I consume myself with. Like I need another reason to stress!!! ](*,)

I am sorry I've been MIA, but I've been following you lovely ladies. Work has been crazy for me as I got a new boss and its so hard for me to visit on-line during work hours, and since my computer was stolen I dont have one at home. I usually use my DH's but he been away on business since Sunday and took his laptop with him.

I miss you ladies and I wish you all get your BFP soon and sticky beans!!!!!

That is awesome, we are all IVF Buddies and gonna become bump buddies!!!!
Thanks Haj! Our anniversary is June 25th!

Can't believe it's almost been a year - crazy. And sad that we've spent this whole year TTC, which has been like banging our heads against a wall.

My 1 year anniversary is the 24th!!!
One: what patch? Is it vivlle? Cuz that one is waterproof.
Mobaby, its Climara patch, Estrogen. I dont think that is water proof because she specifically told me to not get it wet.
Thanks Haj! Our anniversary is June 25th!

Can't believe it's almost been a year - crazy. And sad that we've spent this whole year TTC, which has been like banging our heads against a wall.

My 1 year anniversary is the 24th!!!

Wow, Congrats haj! I see you are on LI. Where did you get married? We were married in montauk.

Tella, I am on cd 6. I've stimmed 3 days so far.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Mobaby, its Climara patch, Estrogen. I dont think that is water proof because she specifically told me to not get it wet.

that would be silly if not waterproof. seems cumbersome to cover with waterproof bandaids. im sure its similar to vivelle dot...any patch you have to keep on more than a day is watersafe.but if your dr said nit to guess thats what you have to do.

daisyq: the next few days are going to go fast! glad your follies are cooperating!

afm: surgery in 6 days.....im nervous! also been spotting ever since the hss. that didnt happen before. wonder if it has anything to do with whats inside the uterus?
So I got the call this morning that none of my embies are at blast yet. They are letting them grow one more day and freezing them. I am so bummed out. 10 are still growing so I dont' understand why they won't do the transfer with 2 and let the other 8 grow and freeze them. The worst part is the lab is closing so I am most likely going to have to wait until August to do the FET. :cry:
Update here: I'm back from my follie check. Good news, or at least I think so.

Six follies on the right, and another six on the left, so 12 total, which is two more than I had on Saturday. ALL under 10mm, which I'm interpreting as good news. Last time I had one at 12 and one at 13. Those were my two leads, and they are the two that grew to 16-17 mm two days later, and the reason my dang cycle got canceled. PRAYING they all grow together now...

Waiting for a call later today with instructions (keep the meds the same or adjust), and will go back on Thursday for another check.

Grow together, grow together, grow together!!

Yay! Glad they are looking good so far!
yay daisy. at the sono yesterday he kinda took a sweep by the ovaries but i dunno how many i have

mobaby- good luck with the surgery

afm- so doc said i could wait til thurs for the us... i of course then panicked that i was messing things up by waiting.. emailed him and asked him if i was messing anything up by doing that etc.. i think i kinda insulted him. he wrote back that my e2 was in good range, that he didnt see any dominant follicles on the sono and that he wouldnt do anything that would jeopardize my care. so umm. yay =) today hopefully i get my car back from the shop. gotta run out at work to do the car exchange (and flirt with the adorable but way too young car rental guy... nice full on irish accent) and then flirt with the car repair guy (gorgeous tall, dimpled chinese guy). almost makes up for having to spend all kinds of money on car repair. im still all icky crampy from yesterday but some is gas (oops too many cherries).

hope everyone is well
blue: why are they going going to do a fresh transfer now? sorry if i missed this somewhere. they should go ahead w/ the 2 .
MoBaby, I agree with you, but I dont want to take any chances. Good luck with your sugery.

Blue, I am sorry to hear about your delay. Stupid question but does it have to reach full blasts to implant? Im asking becuase my friend had two IVF cycles and none of the embies tranferred were are full blasts. Obviously, full blasts will give you optimum chance of pregnancy.

Drs, looks like things are coming along for you.
Mobaby and oneof14 - My clinic preffers to transfer blasts so that is why they are not doing fresh. They can't do the fresh transfer on day 7 b\c the embryo's will be out of sync with my body at that point (thansk to DaisyQ for explaining this all to me!) Many clincs do transfers before blast and plenty of women get pregnant. I guess they grow to blasts inside you and then implant. I don't know if they implant before becoming blasts or not :shrug:
Update here: I'm back from my follie check. Good news, or at least I think so.

Six follies on the right, and another six on the left, so 12 total, which is two more than I had on Saturday. ALL under 10mm, which I'm interpreting as good news. Last time I had one at 12 and one at 13. Those were my two leads, and they are the two that grew to 16-17 mm two days later, and the reason my dang cycle got canceled. PRAYING they all grow together now...

Waiting for a call later today with instructions (keep the meds the same or adjust), and will go back on Thursday for another check.

Grow together, grow together, grow together!!

Sounds great! Fx they all grow together.

Ugh, I had a whole essay written down and it erased somehow.

Daisy, I am so happy about your scan and things are heading in the right direction for this cycle.

Tella, I am just a little a head of you, as I start AF on June 13th and if I goes well start injections then.

Haj, great beta's :happydance:!! Happy and Healthy 9 months

Drs, sorry your a little crampy, I always feel crampy after sono. Your doing IVF correct, I feel so far behind and its take me forever to catch-up and I end up missing something!

TTB, I am so so very sorry! :hugs:

Mrsc, thank you for thinking of me. My appt went well, they did b/w and I started the climara patch last night for a week and then change to another patch on Monday.

I am already stressing because I cant get the patch wet, so I bought waterproof huge bandaids to put on the patch to cover it all day. Now I am thinking should I just put the bandaid on when I shower and leave the patch exposed all day. Ugh, really WTH am I stessing about it the stupid patch??? These are the things I consume myself with. Like I need another reason to stress!!! ](*,)

I am sorry I've been MIA, but I've been following you lovely ladies. Work has been crazy for me as I got a new boss and its so hard for me to visit on-line during work hours, and since my computer was stolen I dont have one at home. I usually use my DH's but he been away on business since Sunday and took his laptop with him.

I miss you ladies and I wish you all get your BFP soon and sticky beans!!!!!

I hate when I type something out and it gets deleted.

I'm glad your appt went well. Thats really weird about the patch. Why would they not make it waterproof?!? :grr: Maybe they expect you to not shower. :haha: In all seriousness I think it's a good idea to cover it with waterproof bandaids. The only thing I would be worried about it the sticky part sticking to the patch.

Mobaby, its Climara patch, Estrogen. I dont think that is water proof because she specifically told me to not get it wet.

that would be silly if not waterproof. seems cumbersome to cover with waterproof bandaids. im sure its similar to vivelle dot...any patch you have to keep on more than a day is watersafe.but if your dr said nit to guess thats what you have to do.

daisyq: the next few days are going to go fast! glad your follies are cooperating!

afm: surgery in 6 days.....im nervous! also been spotting ever since the hss. that didnt happen before. wonder if it has anything to do with whats inside the uterus?

Fx the spotting isn't anything serious and it stops soon. The surgery will be over before you know it. Try not to think about it to much, easier said than done I know.

So I got the call this morning that none of my embies are at blast yet. They are letting them grow one more day and freezing them. I am so bummed out. 10 are still growing so I dont' understand why they won't do the transfer with 2 and let the other 8 grow and freeze them. The worst part is the lab is closing so I am most likely going to have to wait until August to do the FET. :cry:

:-( I'm so sorry Blue. This makes me so sad for you. I also don't understand why they won't transfer 2 and see what happens. Although I'm sure they want the best for you. August will be here soon. I find it kinda weird that all these clinics close for a long period of time. Is there a reason why? I have never heard of this until recently.

yay daisy. at the sono yesterday he kinda took a sweep by the ovaries but i dunno how many i have

mobaby- good luck with the surgery

afm- so doc said i could wait til thurs for the us... i of course then panicked that i was messing things up by waiting.. emailed him and asked him if i was messing anything up by doing that etc.. i think i kinda insulted him. he wrote back that my e2 was in good range, that he didnt see any dominant follicles on the sono and that he wouldnt do anything that would jeopardize my care. so umm. yay =) today hopefully i get my car back from the shop. gotta run out at work to do the car exchange (and flirt with the adorable but way too young car rental guy... nice full on irish accent) and then flirt with the car repair guy (gorgeous tall, dimpled chinese guy). almost makes up for having to spend all kinds of money on car repair. im still all icky crampy from yesterday but some is gas (oops too many cherries).

hope everyone is well

I'm glad everything is going well. Have fun today!
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