IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Just wanted to update. After meeting with the RE, we have decided to try one iui with injectibles late next month. If we are unsuccessful, we will move on to ivf #2 in October.

Thanks for all your support ladies, I wish the best for all of you!
Just wanted to update. After meeting with the RE, we have decided to try one iui with injectibles late next month. If we are unsuccessful, we will move on to ivf #2 in October.

Thanks for all your support ladies, I wish the best for all of you!

Good luck Lucie! I hope things work out and your successful next month!!! :winkwink:
mobaby- i have to say.. it is weird that it wasnt seen on the mri or the hsg. how did they explain you only having 1 tube on hsg?

had my egg retrieval today. i didnt think it was painful and went out to lunch after. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)
Lucie, good luck - I do hope you get your much deserved BFP!

Drs - that is an awesone number of eggies!!Looking forward to your fertilization report.
AFM - here is my update:

My retrieval will be Friday. My doctor says we can expect 4-6 mature eggs. So not great, but hey, it's better than a canceled cycle. I'm secretly hoping for more of course.

I can NEVER remember the count, so I will update once I get the call from my nurse but it sounded like one at 19, two at 18, maybe one at 17, one or two at 15, one or two at 13, one or two at 12, and one or two at 11, with more less than 10. ? I will update later with exact #s. Just excited to get to retrieval. :happydance:

Yay!! you are almost there!

Hello Everyone,

I am due to start injections on the 2nd week of July I was feeling positive until recently finding out both my brother & my husbands brother's wife are expecting their first.
Neither of the have had any problems & both are 3 months gone, so the will both be due around the same time as well.

I'm really trying to pick myself back up but it just feels like every time I do I get another blow.
Does anyone have any experience with this & if so how did you get through it?

Thank you for listening

Welcome :hi: Try and stay positive and focus on what the future will hold for you. It will happen!

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monday night when dh went to do my progesterone and said my butt on both sides was all right and bumpy...it looked like a rash. Since like Sunday my butt had felt itchy but that happened once with my Lupron shots. But I had decided to call the dr. They told me to come in. So I went in yesterday and the nurse said she thinks I have cellulitis... which is a bacterial infection. If it doesnt get treated the right way or right away you can die from it. So needless to say I spend yesterday crying bc i was afraid something was going to happen to the babies. But they put me on antibiotics and told me to put a hot compress on my butt on my butt 3 times a day. I'm hoping it goes away quickly and doessnt have any negative effects.s

On a bright side, I hit 6 weeks today and we have our next sono on Friday :)

:wacko: that sounds scary. I'm glad they are helping you and gave you some medication for it. Please take care of yourself and your little ones.

......today my tests are a TAD darker than yesterday :) FX...I would post a pic but definitely don't want to affend anyone :) I love ya girls way too much in here for that!

Haj that is GREAT news..will be saying special prayers for you with the antibiotics and will be praying for the babies too :)

Are you talking about OPK's or HPT's? How long does the trigger shot usually stay in your system? Fingers crossed the line stays dark.

Hey girls just thought id pop in for a update so..........the embryo person rang me this morning and she told me that all 6 embryos are still dividing as they should be so she is looking to do a day5 ET so it can be a blast and since i still am felling ok and dont have any syptoms of OHSS so far hopefully i will have something still to frezze by day5 she said that before they do ET she wants me to have a scan to see is ther any fluid around my ovaries and if i get the all clear then ET will be able to be done my fingers and toes are crossed i really hope i can get it done

girls this might sound really crazy but i want yer opinion i have being weighing myself since EC and the day after EC i was weighing 9st 10lbs today i weighed myself again and iam 9st 9lbs so if i was getting OHSS and my belly was bloating and i weigh heavier right??? what do ye think??? iam just really afraid iam going to get it

Haj- i think i remember reading something before about you having fluid around your ovaries what happened that time again??And dont worry about your rash i think they have got it on time and if they thought it would do anything to your babies they would have addmitted you or scaned you or something dont stress you will have heathly beautiful babies and you will be just fine!!!:hugs::thumbup:

Thats a wonderful report! Fx for you.

With OHSS a person usually gains quite a bit so I think you are in the clear. :thumbup:

tiif - we all sound crazy at this point and we totally understand eachother. I am sure you are fine and going to be ready for ET in a few days.

AFM - I got my instructions for tonight and tomorrow. 4 vials of bravelle and 2 menopur and DH starts his antibiotic. This is it, praying for no roadblocks!! I go in Friday, just for bloodwork.

I'm excited for you!! Friday will be here in no time.

Welcome all the new girls! :hi:

Tiff - great news about your embies! Hope your pain eases up soon.

Haj - so sorry to hear that :-( Hope the meds kick in and do their job nice and fast...

Afm, got a phone call from the nurse at the FS to say that dhs blood results came back and there's no chromosomal problems :dance: So we have an apt on Tuesday to go through the whole procedure and figure out our schedule etc - yay!!!!

Thats great news about the results. Fx for good news on Tuesday.

Just wanted to update. After meeting with the RE, we have decided to try one iui with injectibles late next month. If we are unsuccessful, we will move on to ivf #2 in October.

Thanks for all your support ladies, I wish the best for all of you!

I really hope the IUI is a success for you. Do you know a round about date for the IUI?

mobaby- i have to say.. it is weird that it wasnt seen on the mri or the hsg. how did they explain you only having 1 tube on hsg?

had my egg retrieval today. i didnt think it was painful and went out to lunch after. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)

That is great news! I'm glad you were not in pain and you got a great count for ER. I look forward to your update tomorrow.
drsquid: never had hsg just the saline sonogram.this is the first im hearing of 1 tube. i thought i was normal. im back at work on monday and im going to have another radiologist take a peak at the mri.

im glad you got so many eggies! cant wait to hear fert report. lucie: fx iui works!
Lucie - fx'd for your IUI!

DrSquid - 12 mature eggs, that's great!! Will send them fertilisation vibes tonight!:haha:
Oh its the HPT's getting taaaaaaaaaad bit darker but could be b/c my urine was a little diluted yesterday we'll see what happens with tomorrow mornings I'd think its too early for them to get darker I'm only 5dpT...so I duno.....I hate waiting games thats all it ever is though I should be used to it by now!
Baseline was all good for me today. Injection class tomorrow and starting stims on Saturday!
Hi, can I join you all in here? I am moving from 4 failed IUI's to my first IVF cycle. I start BC pills Saturday to start this cycle. I'm hoping it is more successful than the IUIs have been.
Hi, can I join you all in here? I am moving from 4 failed IUI's to my first IVF cycle. I start BC pills Saturday to start this cycle. I'm hoping it is more successful than the IUIs have been.

Welcome :hi: Sorry to hear about the failed IUI's. Fingers crossed that IVF is what you need to get your BFP.
Welcome Baby! :hi: fx'd you'll be announcing your bfp really soon!

Raelynn - so exciting for you! good luck with the injection class today!

Daisy83 - good luck with the ER today. Hope it isn't too painful and they get a good number of nice mature eggs!

Hopeful - good luck with your ET! You'll be PUPO really soon! How many are they putting back? Looking forward to your update!
AFM - here is my update:

My retrieval will be Friday. My doctor says we can expect 4-6 mature eggs. So not great, but hey, it's better than a canceled cycle. I'm secretly hoping for more of course.

I can NEVER remember the count, so I will update once I get the call from my nurse but it sounded like one at 19, two at 18, maybe one at 17, one or two at 15, one or two at 13, one or two at 12, and one or two at 11, with more less than 10. ? I will update later with exact #s. Just excited to get to retrieval. :happydance:

Fx'd you get a few more but 4-6 is definitely better than a cancelled cycle :hugs:

Also the smaller ones might just catch up wiht the boost of the extra HCG!

GL for tomorrow!

AFM - CD3 and just waiting for this AF to be done, so we can start our protocol! OH YEAH!

Hope she leaves quickly and that you can get started soon!

AFM...I am just waiting for my results from my second blood workup, but I have a feeling they will be the same with a high count for my natural killer cells :nope: Then I can make the appt with the specialist and move on from there.

Sorry about the delays but you will get your forever baby, they just need to get the best possible treatment for you!

AFM - had my baseline day 2 b/w and sono today, just waiting to see if I can start the injections. I've been on the estrogen patch for a little over a week and boy is my AF the worst its been in a while (not sure if its the patch or coincidence). Such awful cramps and so much blood with clots (sorry, TMI), made for a very intresting sono. I bled through my pants this morning, so after walking to the clinic, I had to walk home, take a quick shower and change then come to work. So surprised I made in the office by 9:00.

I know estrogen makes your lining thicker so maybe thats why it is heavier this month!!!

Hello Everyone,

I am due to start injections on the 2nd week of July I was feeling positive until recently finding out both my brother & my husbands brother's wife are expecting their first.
Neither of the have had any problems & both are 3 months gone, so the will both be due around the same time as well.

I'm really trying to pick myself back up but it just feels like every time I do I get another blow.
Does anyone have any experience with this & if so how did you get through it?

Thank you for listening

I know how you feel girl, my SIL from my husband side also announced their pregnancy whilst i was busy wiht treatments it is very difficult but we will get there dont worry :hugs:

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monday night when dh went to do my progesterone and said my butt on both sides was all right and bumpy...it looked like a rash. Since like Sunday my butt had felt itchy but that happened once with my Lupron shots. But I had decided to call the dr. They told me to come in. So I went in yesterday and the nurse said she thinks I have cellulitis... which is a bacterial infection. If it doesnt get treated the right way or right away you can die from it. So needless to say I spend yesterday crying bc i was afraid something was going to happen to the babies. But they put me on antibiotics and told me to put a hot compress on my butt on my butt 3 times a day. I'm hoping it goes away quickly and doessnt have any negative effects.s

On a bright side, I hit 6 weeks today and we have our next sono on Friday :)

Happy belated 6weeks!

If the doctor was worried he would have monitored it more closely. I think you definitely caught it early so the anti's will sort it out quickly for you! Are you still on the PIO shots?

AFM - I got my instructions for tonight and tomorrow. 4 vials of bravelle and 2 menopur and DH starts his antibiotic. This is it, praying for no roadblocks!! I go in Friday, just for bloodwork.

Yay for getting started :happydance: I wont be to far behind you! Only about 4 days :thumbup:

Afm, got a phone call from the nurse at the FS to say that dhs blood results came back and there's no chromosomal problems :dance: So we have an apt on Tuesday to go through the whole procedure and figure out our schedule etc - yay!!!!

:happydance: that is great news!!!!! Cant wait to hear when you start officially!

Just wanted to update. After meeting with the RE, we have decided to try one iui with injectibles late next month. If we are unsuccessful, we will move on to ivf #2 in October.

Thanks for all your support ladies, I wish the best for all of you!

GL with the IUI and hope you dont need IVF again!!! :hugs:

had my egg retrieval today. i didnt think it was painful and went out to lunch after. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)

:happydance::cloud9::happydance: That is a great amount of mature eggs out of the number retrieved!!! Cant wait to hear about your fert rates!!! not to long till PUPO!!!!! You transfering 2?

Hi, can I join you all in here? I am moving from 4 failed IUI's to my first IVF cycle. I start BC pills Saturday to start this cycle. I'm hoping it is more successful than the IUIs have been.

Welcome :wave: fx'd you have success with the first round and will be holding a bfp soon!

AFM > 12dpo, temp took a major dip today below coverline so i wont be testing this cycle. AF should be here by Sunday, i just hope its not sooner as i want my LP to stay decent. Baseline scan should be next Tuesday :happydance:
Thanks Tella, I hope your right! I'm still bleeding quite heavy which is unusual for me for day 3. Took my first injection last night, wasn't so bad burned a little!

Yay, you're right behind me!!! Not too long before our BFP!!!!
Hi :wave:

May I join your group?
After months and months of bad news (DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia last year), one doctor had a good idea and prescribed Tamoxifen (I was shocked, when I heard which medication my DH would have to take), having had some good results with men who occasionally produce small amounts of :spermy: ... up until then, they had found 0 - 200.000 swimmers (0% motility). Mid May, they found 13 Mio (8% motility) and were able to freeze 6 straws.

This Sunday (10th June), I started injecting myself with Gonal-F (175 IU). This morning, I went for my 5th day ultrasound. The doctor saw 4 follicles on the right ovary (3 x 11 mm and 1 x 8 mm) and 3 on the left (2 x 12 mm and 1 x 11 mm). I was a bit deflated, since the doctor last October had said we could expect 6-8 per ovary. But today's doctor was still positive and said it was better than overstimulation.

So, having received my blood test results, I will start injecting Orgalutran in parallel tomorrow and Monday morning, I go for another ultrasound. I was quite surprised when he said that we would inject HCG either Monday or Tuesday evening (so ET either Wednesday or Thursday morning next week) ...

Can anyone give me any feedback on the follicle numbers reported? I have been thinking positively the whole time (saying, if we managed to freeze some :spermy: then it would all go well), but am a little deflated right now about the numbers...
Squid - great news on those eggies! What day is your scheduled transfer?

Tella - how are you feeling?

Mrs C - whats new?

Michelle - hope you get your results soon and that a plan is hatched for you!

One - how was the first shot! So excited for you chicky!

Daisy - YAY for your retrieval tomorrow!
Welcome Bubumaci!

I too was feeling deflated with my follicle numbers and sizes. But things turn around sometimes. This cycle I started with not so many, and they were small... they ended up bumping up my doses from 300 gonal F to 375, and again to 450, and a lot more follicles have popped up, pretty late in the game. Last week I only had 9. As of yesterday I had 19. You are on a pretty low does of gonal, so perhaps you could ask if a higher dose might help. However, it sounds like your doctor is worried about over-stimming you - so it will depend on your estrogen levels. Mine were SO low, so they could afford to bump me up to max doses. The other thing to consider is that some women stim better with LH added to their protocol, either in the form of HMG (Menopur for example) or low-dose hCG which acts like LH in the body. Something to ask about... My doctor seems to stim everyone with both FSH (gonal F) and LH (Menopur which is both FSH and LH) or low dose hCG...

I'm copying my follicle #s and sizes for you so you can see how I've progressed from not so many, to more than I would have expected.

6/2 stims start, 10 AFC (300 gonal, 15 hCG)
6/5 E2 65, 12 < 10mm, doses upped (375 gonal, 30 hCG)
6/7 E2 128, 2 follies 11-13 mm, 9 < 10
6/9 E2 290, 3 follies @ 11mm, 2 @ 10mm, 6 < 10, doses upped (450 gonal, 30 hCG)
6/11 E2 509, 2 follies @ 16-17, 1 @ 14, 4 @11, and 2 @ 10. (added ganirelix 6/10)
6/12 E2 784, 3 follies @ 16, 1 @ 14, 7 @ 11-13, 7 < 10 (same meds)
6/13 E2 1144, 1 follicle @19, 2 @ 18, 1 @ 17, 2@ 15, 7 @ 11-13, 6 < 10. Trigger.
I went this am for b\w and u\s. I have FOUR cysts all measuring around 14-20mm. She said it doesn't look like they are producting estrogen but we will have to wait for b\w to come in. I hope they are not and we can get started. WTF!? She said if estrogen is high we will wait a few days and then trigger them, I don't understand what that means, are they follicles to be triggered? I don't know waiting will affect the lab closing and if we will still make it in time or not but I guess I will just have to wait to see what they say this afternoon. :coffee:
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