IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Thanks jchic, you're right behind me!

MoBaby, I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time! It common to feel like this. Why do you feel as if youre climbing an uphill battle? What did your doctor say after the surgery abut the results? My DH always tells me that its not over until the doctor say we can not have children!!! This too shall pass and in the end, it will be so worth it!!!
we havent officially talked. he spoke with dh who doesnt understand all the lingo 100%. he told dh we can go ahead with ivf in sept. he only told me you have a unicornuate uterus b/c i was just waking up..i was too sleepy and drugged to have questions/emotions when he told me.i cant wait until my follow up now. so many questions. this was a suprise to everyone.
I understand, but the fact that the doc gave you the go ahead for IVF in September is a good sign! I pray your recovery goes well and you hear some good news!!
thanks,. really hoping to be able to throw it all up in docs face =)
hey ladies i need to do a little rant and im sorry but anyways..

im pissed. im pissed ive been going through all this ivf stuff since august and just now after 2 failed ivf cycles im just being told i have a unicornuate uterus? wth? imagine what could have happened. the re removed the abnormal horn but if the pregnancy would have been there i would have been screwed. im just getting angry. i know this greatly reduces our chances even more now and i will be high risk if it ever happens. i just feel deflated and hopeless. is it common practice for the female to have hsg when the diagnosis is severe male factor? i dont understand why this wasnt seen! ive had 17,000 ultrasounds and 2 saline ultrasounds and a pelvic mri. have our attempts been futile? are we fighting an impossible battle? im just really upset with all this. i feel like im broken and im not fixable. sorry for the rant.

:hugs: I can totally see why you are pissed. I would be too! They should have checked everything before your first IVF. As you know we have male factor infertility. I had an HSG done about 8 months ago and then a SIS a month ago. It is standard at both the clinics I went to to do those things. I thought it was standard everywhere. I'm so sorry. I know you like your dr but that stuff should have been done before hand. You are not broken or unfixable. You dr should have done some looking around before the first IVF and gotten rid of the fibroid when it first showed up. I know you are frustrated and I don't blame you. Everything is going to work out. You and DH will have a child through this coming IVF. :hugs:

I will come back to check up on the other ladies in a few minutes. :flower:
MoBaby lots of :hugs: :hug: to you :( that is terrible they couldn't have found that sooner.....darn doctors sometimes....that is frustrating hopefully they get it all figured out for you!
Hey ladies, I am about to start my official IVF (i assume) today at around 3:30, I started spotting, I called the clinic and the administrator told me that if I start my full flow before 9:00 tonight, today would be considered my 1st day and if not then tomorrow would be considered my 1st day. I have to go on day 2, I really hope I dont now get confused with full flow.. lol.. Also, how long should I anticipate stimming? I am concerned because my DH will be away on business from this saturday until next saturday??

Yay for getting started! I think freezing your DH's sperm would be a good idea just incase.

Hi ladies, I've been absent for a while and there are like 50 pages to catch up on :o. I won't have time to catch up on them all :(

Congrats to all those with their BFP's!

Big :hugs: to all the ladies with BFN's!!

AFM - I managed to get an earlier appt at the FS, he has ordered lots of tests to try and figure out why we had 2 chemicals and poor quality embies. They will be testing the DNA in DH's :spermy:, I've had a bunch of blood taken and they are testing for clotting disorders, immune problems etc. I also have to have a pelvic MRI and biopsy of my lining next cycle. All of these tests will push my next ivf cycle back to either August or September. So we are having a bit of a break from it all and hope they find something in these tests that explains why we are having these problems and that it can be treated.

I won't be so active in this thread for a while but will pop in to follow all you lovely ladies progress.

Thats great that you got an earlier appt. I hope all the testing goes well and you get some answers.

omg court was sooo boring. i think id rather do egg retrieval without anesthesia and a dull needle.. soo ready for er tomorrow

Good luck tomorrow! Sorry court was so boring.

Hopeful4911~ How are your embies doing? It's almost ET day!!

l8bloomer~ When is your testing/beta date?
MoBaby - :hugs: We have male factor too and since my blood work was all fine there's been no suggestion of further tests for me...

DrS - good luck with the ER!!

OneOf - yay for starting!! :dance:

TTB - good luck with all the testing :hugs:

Jenny - how was your second beta?

Tiff - hope the embies are growing well! Do you get daily updates? How do you feel today?

Tella - ugh, YI are no fun! Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Hi ladies, I've been absent for a while and there are like 50 pages to catch up on :o. I won't have time to catch up on them all :(

Congrats to all those with their BFP's!

Big :hugs: to all the ladies with BFN's!!

AFM - I managed to get an earlier appt at the FS, he has ordered lots of tests to try and figure out why we had 2 chemicals and poor quality embies. They will be testing the DNA in DH's :spermy:, I've had a bunch of blood taken and they are testing for clotting disorders, immune problems etc. I also have to have a pelvic MRI and biopsy of my lining next cycle. All of these tests will push my next ivf cycle back to either August or September. So we are having a bit of a break from it all and hope they find something in these tests that explains why we are having these problems and that it can be treated.

I won't be so active in this thread for a while but will pop in to follow all you lovely ladies progress.

Hope you get answers soon, i personally prefer knowing whats wrong so that we can fix or work on it. Unexplained to me is terrifing. Fx'd for a spedy return in results and that if anything is wrong, you will have a quick fix.

omg court was sooo boring. i think id rather do egg retrieval without anesthesia and a dull needle.. soo ready for er tomorrow

I know i hate being in court, it is terrible! We had a court case that had to be translated and i understood both languages, that was even worse.

hey ladies i need to do a little rant and im sorry but anyways..

im pissed. im pissed ive been going through all this ivf stuff since august and just now after 2 failed ivf cycles im just being told i have a unicornuate uterus? wth? imagine what could have happened. the re removed the abnormal horn but if the pregnancy would have been there i would have been screwed. im just getting angry. i know this greatly reduces our chances even more now and i will be high risk if it ever happens. i just feel deflated and hopeless. is it common practice for the female to have hsg when the diagnosis is severe male factor? i dont understand why this wasnt seen! ive had 17,000 ultrasounds and 2 saline ultrasounds and a pelvic mri. have our attempts been futile? are we fighting an impossible battle? im just really upset with all this. i feel like im broken and im not fixable. sorry for the rant.

Mo :hugs::hugs::hugs:

It is naturally to feel like this, you need time to recover. Get answers from your doc and then decide if you gonna stay with him or maybe start fresh with a new doc you can trust again.

You will have your baby! :hug:

MoBaby - :hugs: We have male factor too and since my blood work was all fine there's been no suggestion of further tests for me...

DrS - good luck with the ER!!

OneOf - yay for starting!! :dance:

TTB - good luck with all the testing :hugs:

Jenny - how was your second beta?

Tiff - hope the embies are growing well! Do you get daily updates? How do you feel today?

Tella - ugh, YI are no fun! Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Me too, unless they did the HSG during my LAP an Ovarian drilling im not sure i had one. But ive atleast seen photos of my uterus so that is normal.

Yeah it is horrible:growlmad: im trying to treat it naturally wiht yogurt, cranberry juice, lots of garlic at night and tea tree creme seems to be helping.

AFM > 11DPO, temp is dropping so AF will be here on Sunday as expected. Im just glad she wont be delaying anything and she is coming naturally :happydance:
Mobaby, I'm so sorry. :hugs: I can understand your frustration and feelings of defeat. The good news is that they fixed it. I did have a HSG, but we were still unexplained at that point - so it wasn't yet male factor. I have NOT had a saline sonogram, and I've been worrying that I should have. I asked my doctor about it, and she said it's not absolutely necessary since I've had the HSG. I'm just worried I may have a small polyp or something which will affect implantation. If this cycle is bust, I will have to wait until August to start again due to the lab closing, so I may elect to have the sono then. There is a lady on another thread who had NO indication from any tests that there was anything abnormal about her uterus. But after two failed IVF cycles (and maybe a failed FET), she had a hysteroscopy, and they found extensive scar tissue and also these small, flat polyps that weren't visible on HSG, ultrasound or saline sono. So unless undergoing hysteroscopy becomes standard of care, most of us will never know if we have an abnormality. And it seems only after repeated failure do they run ALL the tests. It's a shame to have to pay out of pocket for IVF if it fails, when all those other tests are covered...

AFM - here is my update:

My retrieval will be Friday. My doctor says we can expect 4-6 mature eggs. So not great, but hey, it's better than a canceled cycle. I'm secretly hoping for more of course.

I can NEVER remember the count, so I will update once I get the call from my nurse but it sounded like one at 19, two at 18, maybe one at 17, one or two at 15, one or two at 13, one or two at 12, and one or two at 11, with more less than 10. ? I will update later with exact #s. Just excited to get to retrieval. :happydance:
Mobaby - I completely agree with Oneof14 on this one....its so difficult, but take comfort in the fact that they did remove the abnormality. When I found out I had Stage 3 endo I was PISSED. I thought the same thing - after ALL this, how could they NOT find this out until NOW?! But in the end, it works out. You can continue with IVF and all your little bean has to do is snuggle in tight, which it will. Have faith that all the twists and turns will lead to you being a mom. Its so hard to see the forest through the trees, but it is there. Im praying for you!

Dukes - so excited for ya :) You will get 6-8 or more I bet. The smaller ones will catch up. If you get prego, which you will, I literally am going to have triple faith in Dr Morris since I am right behind ya! yay for NJ playdates :)

Squid - cant wait to hear your update! Thinking and praying for you today!!!

AFM - CD3 and just waiting for this AF to be done, so we can start our protocol! OH YEAH!
MoBaby - :hugs: I am sorry for what you are going through and feeling the way you do! I have one tube, so I know how that feels! And as far as the testing, they should have done everything up front! Just when you think you are ready to start and something comes up. Hang in there....you will get your BFP!!! I may be joining you in September based on all my roadblocks, so we can get through this journey together :hugs:

DaisyQ....how exciting!! You are almost there!! :happydance:

AFM...I am just waiting for my results from my second blood workup, but I have a feeling they will be the same with a high count for my natural killer cells :nope: Then I can make the appt with the specialist and move on from there.
Daisy, that is great news!! So happy to you are on your way to retrival, hoping for some good looking eggs!!

Jchic, when do you anticipate you starting the process?

Drs - looking forward to the update!!

Michelle - I am thinking about you and hoping that you have some good test results.

AFM - had my baseline day 2 b/w and sono today, just waiting to see if I can start the injections. I've been on the estrogen patch for a little over a week and boy is my AF the worst its been in a while (not sure if its the patch or coincidence). Such awful cramps and so much blood with clots (sorry, TMI), made for a very intresting sono. I bled through my pants this morning, so after walking to the clinic, I had to walk home, take a quick shower and change then come to work. So surprised I made in the office by 9:00.
Hi One :) - we are starting on CD21 (estrace) of my July cycle. I just started my June AF, so alittle over a month away. My ER should be scheduled somewhere around Aug 12-16th approx, depending on AF, stims, etc. Are you excited to start?
Hello Everyone,

I am due to start injections on the 2nd week of July I was feeling positive until recently finding out both my brother & my husbands brother's wife are expecting their first.
Neither of the have had any problems & both are 3 months gone, so the will both be due around the same time as well.

I'm really trying to pick myself back up but it just feels like every time I do I get another blow.
Does anyone have any experience with this & if so how did you get through it?

Thank you for listening
daisy: yippie for friday!
drsquid: how are you?
thanks everyone for the support. mrsc: re did offer to remove the fibroid at first but i didnt want to. he thought either way was okay but he said if we failed another cycle it would come out. i wish i would have just done it off the bat but i was scared.
ttc: welcome!sorry you got that news :( it stinks!
one: hope you can start injections soon! exciting getting started!
Mo - I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. I don't blame you for feeling this way and you have every right to be pissed that this is just being found. You will get there and just try to get thru this summer and then you will be onto another round. :hugs:

TTC - So sorry for your battle and about the news you recieved. This is always so hard to deal with especially when it's a double blow like that. I really don't know what to say except it sucks and sometimes it's better to distance yourself from those people as much as possible and just pretend it's not happening! I decided to stop going to baby showers, ect for right now. It's too hard and most everyone in my life knows what we are going thru so I hope that they can understand somewhat, and if not I don't really care!
Hi One :) - we are starting on CD21 (estrace) of my July cycle. I just started my June AF, so alittle over a month away. My ER should be scheduled somewhere around Aug 12-16th approx, depending on AF, stims, etc. Are you excited to start?

I am on the same protocol, I started my estrogen patches on Day 19 (which is when they told me to come in and based on my blood work). I am extremely excited to start and equally as frightened. I dont know if I am prepared for any roadblocks, you know) so, I mentally told myself this is it, day 1 - take it one day at a time. Continue w/acupuncture and see what happens. Lets acutally see if I take that advice. Especially w/my DH being away all next week :growlmad:

I am so excited for you too!! Hopefully, we have or BFP shortly!!
Agreed! I cant even think of roadblocks right now, I will totally let it take over, and we need to stay positive! Its hard sometimes, I know it! Where will DH be?
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