IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Raelynn: that's great, you are right behind me!!

Jchic: The first shot was not so bad, my DH did a really good job, the test will be when I have to give it to myself next week. I am so so excited for you too!!!!

Daisy: Wow, you triggered and are ready to go. FYI, I was talking to my friend who did an IVF and all throughout they asked her if she wanted to cancel because they only saw 2 follies, she was insistant on going forward and the day ER came, they ended up getting 9 follies 6 mature and all 6 fertilized. So follies can hide. I am hoping you get at least 8 mature, so you can participate in the study!

AFM, am I to ask what my E2 and other levels are everytime my nurse calls? She does not offer the info, but I see how informed you ladies are during this process and I am so not.
Blue, I am sorry for the news. Hopefully they are not producing estrogen and you are ready for your FET. It just seems so frustrating all these road blocks, but eventually you will get there!
I went this am for b\w and u\s. I have FOUR cysts all measuring around 14-20mm. She said it doesn't look like they are producting estrogen but we will have to wait for b\w to come in. I hope they are not and we can get started. WTF!? She said if estrogen is high we will wait a few days and then trigger them, I don't understand what that means, are they follicles to be triggered? I don't know waiting will affect the lab closing and if we will still make it in time or not but I guess I will just have to wait to see what they say this afternoon. :coffee:

I love that coffee emoticon. Funny.

I had two cysts at the beginning of this cycle but they weren't producing estrogen, so I could move forward. FX the same holds true for you.

Interesting about the trigger shot... find out more about this if this is the way they have you go - interested to know what that's all about!
Thanks oneof14 - I'm hopeful we'll get a good number.

How informed you want to be is really up to you. I am a research HOUND, and always want all the information so I can gauge for myself how I am doing. I want to know if I'm on track or not, without relying on my nurse/MD to give me affirmation that I'm doing OK. But this does lead to extra stress because you are wondering if you are progressing as you should be and you may start to question how things will turn out, or if your care is being handled correctly. For some people ignorance is bliss. For me, ignorance is torture, and knowledge may not be bliss, but I'd rather know exactly what's going on with me.
I went this am for b\w and u\s. I have FOUR cysts all measuring around 14-20mm. She said it doesn't look like they are producting estrogen but we will have to wait for b\w to come in. I hope they are not and we can get started. WTF!? She said if estrogen is high we will wait a few days and then trigger them, I don't understand what that means, are they follicles to be triggered? I don't know waiting will affect the lab closing and if we will still make it in time or not but I guess I will just have to wait to see what they say this afternoon. :coffee:

I love that coffee emoticon. Funny.

I had two cysts at the beginning of this cycle but they weren't producing estrogen, so I could move forward. FX the same holds true for you.

Interesting about the trigger shot... find out more about this if this is the way they have you go - interested to know what that's all about!

Yeah I never heard of this but maybe that is what they meant the other times when they said if they are producing we will have to give you a "shot". I will find out more if it goes that route which hopefully it does not!
Welcome all the new girls! :hi:

Tiff - great news about your embies! Hope your pain eases up soon.

Haj - so sorry to hear that :-( Hope the meds kick in and do their job nice and fast...

Afm, got a phone call from the nurse at the FS to say that dhs blood results came back and there's no chromosomal problems :dance: So we have an apt on Tuesday to go through the whole procedure and figure out our schedule etc - yay!!!!

Thanks Getting broody- today i had a really long lie in in bed and iam feeling all the better from it the pain has finally subsided iam just sticking with my 2lt of water a day my nurse told my that flushes the hormones out of your body so mybe thats why iam feeling good:happydance: YAY for bloods coming back clear it will smooth sailing from here for you :hugs:

One - NO ROADBLOCKS!!!!!! Smooth sailing honey!

Tiff - I think so, not gaining is a good thing, stay positive xxoo

Thanks jchic- iam trying and this is a good way to pass the time

tiif - we all sound crazy at this point and we totally understand eachother. I am sure you are fine and going to be ready for ET in a few days.

AFM - I got my instructions for tonight and tomorrow. 4 vials of bravelle and 2 menopur and DH starts his antibiotic. This is it, praying for no roadblocks!! I go in Friday, just for bloodwork.

oneof14-ha ya maybe we do its so far so good with me:happydance:
YAY!!! for starting stims dont worry there will be no road blocks your BFP is just around the coner (sorry i really dont no how to spell i hope ye can understand me):blush:

My update for today is.........the embryo person rand me again this morning and all 6 embies are still going strong ha and she said since iam still feeling good ET is prob going to happen :happydance::happydance: iam happy out today but still a bit worried

i hope everyone is doing good:hugs::kiss::hugs:
@ Daisy - thanks so much for your feedback (and for the welcome) :) (BTW my husband's nickname for me is Daisy :) :) )

Well, from the bloodwork I had done today, these were my results :
LH = 1,9 IU/L
FSH = 10,0 IU/L
E2 = 355 pg/ml
Progesterone = 0,88 ng/ml

So I guess my Oestrogen is high-ish for day 5 of stimulation (and it was before I had given myself the 5th shot).
I did ask him, whether more could develop over the next days and he said they could - so fx'd :)
The instructions I had (originally he had said to start with the Orgalutran today) tell me to continue injecting 175 IU and to start with the Orgalutran tomorrow. I guess I ought to trust that they know what they are doing... :)

So you triggered yesterday - I guess ER will be tomorrow morning for you then? All fingers and toes are crossed, that it goes well and you get loads fertilised :)
Well... went for my egg retrieval. On Friday we had the option of cancelling as I only had 3 big follicles... HOWEVER - we got 6 eggs today! :happydance: I know it's not a huge amount but considering I was on a very low dose of Gonal-F I still managed to get these little eggies. The embryologist will phone tomorrow morning to let us know how they are doing, I'll be pleased if I atleast get one embryo to transfer cos I was expecting to have 3 eggs at most this morning, this was a nice surprise. The ER itself was totally fine, I had sedation and do not remember a thing :sleep:. One minute there yapping to the nurses, next I'm wheeled back to my husband! Strange.

DaisyQ - Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you xx

Welcome bubumaci (very glad your username is not daisy also!) :dohh:

:flower: :dust:
Daisy83 - thats great news! 6 is a good number. All my love to you and prayers that they do good! xxoo
UGH, just got off the phone with the RE's office. They don't have any available Dr's to do my Hysteroscopy next week (too many on Vacay) so now I am waiting for a call back from the nurse. I am terrified they are going to say I have to wait a cycle which will drive me nuts because that would put me in going back to school time (I'm a teacher). I can't miss a lot of school at that time of year for different appointments.
baby- that SUCKS.. good luck

oy what a morning.. got a text from the news saying that transbay bart is shut down due to a fire.. so i got up at 6:15 to drive to the city for a 9am court time.. only to get a call from the lawyer at 7 saying i didnt have to be at court til 1 pm. bart is still closed and there is a giants game at 12:45. im thinking about leaving 2 hrs early... sigh he coulnt have called last night... im actualy feeling ok today.. a bit bloaty but not too bad. mild crampy. got a call from my doc.. 11 fertilized.. i said, ok that is good, he was like.. no that is fantastic. he is actually happy.. i made a joke about not counting my embryos til they hatch at which point he started going on about blasts, and i had to tell him i was joking..
Drs: Sucks about the traffic and the 1pm court time, but that is amazing news about your embies!!!!!!
Daisy83 - great news!! Yay! Twice the number of eggs you were expecting - that's fantastic!

Squid, 11 out of 12 fertilizing is amazing!
I'm in awe of all these embryos :) woohoooo can't wait to see positive pregnancy tests in a few more days :)
Daisy - So excited you got so many unexpected eggies!!

squid - Congrats on a great fert report!

AFM - Just got the call, well actually message b\c I missed the call. I can start I guess my E2 was good, I don't know the number since I couldn't ask but it must be fine if they are letting me start. Phew.
Daisy83, that is so exciting to be pleasantly surprised.

Blue: Yay for starting your FET cycle.

AFM, I am having slight anxiety because my acupuncurist can not make it to my session today. She said that I am fine because I've been going 2x a week since January. I just didnt want to miss any days during stims... lol.. Am i being overly anxious or reasonable. And so it begins... lol
Can you go tomorrow instead? Or go to someone else at the same practice?

If you need another practice to go to as a back up, I go to YinOva on W 11th (near b/way). It's GREAT. Lots of people in the practice, I'm sure you can get a last minute appointment.
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