IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I am the absolute worst. I just went for a pedicure during lunch and was in FULL panic mode that I needed that Etergrity test. I went as far as to tell my mother that maybe I cant have children and that I will need to rent her uterus if my IVF cycles fail....I am the QUEEN of stressing out. I just cant handle stress. So as you can imagine, I am wound up so tight for the past 10 months! FML! lol

Haha, this sounds like me. I've even tried to convince my DH that the reason why I am not preganant is because we have too many toxins our home.. I never had it test and I have no idea why I would think that, but I say it out loud to him. :nope: is all he does when I say things like this.
Hi :wave:

May I join your group?
After months and months of bad news (DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia last year), one doctor had a good idea and prescribed Tamoxifen (I was shocked, when I heard which medication my DH would have to take), having had some good results with men who occasionally produce small amounts of :spermy: ... up until then, they had found 0 - 200.000 swimmers (0% motility). Mid May, they found 13 Mio (8% motility) and were able to freeze 6 straws.

This Sunday (10th June), I started injecting myself with Gonal-F (175 IU). This morning, I went for my 5th day ultrasound. The doctor saw 4 follicles on the right ovary (3 x 11 mm and 1 x 8 mm) and 3 on the left (2 x 12 mm and 1 x 11 mm). I was a bit deflated, since the doctor last October had said we could expect 6-8 per ovary. But today's doctor was still positive and said it was better than overstimulation.

So, having received my blood test results, I will start injecting Orgalutran in parallel tomorrow and Monday morning, I go for another ultrasound. I was quite surprised when he said that we would inject HCG either Monday or Tuesday evening (so ET either Wednesday or Thursday morning next week) ...

Can anyone give me any feedback on the follicle numbers reported? I have been thinking positively the whole time (saying, if we managed to freeze some :spermy: then it would all go well), but am a little deflated right now about the numbers...

Welcome :hi: Sorry to hear about your DH and azoo. Did your DH have to have surgery to get sperm collected or did the medication help with everything? Sounds like you will be getting started very soon. :thumbup:

Squid - great news on those eggies! What day is your scheduled transfer?

Tella - how are you feeling?

Mrs C - whats new?

Michelle - hope you get your results soon and that a plan is hatched for you!

One - how was the first shot! So excited for you chicky!

Daisy - YAY for your retrieval tomorrow!

Thanks jchic, you are always so sweet checking on me and the others. :flower: I'm doing ok. Having a blah day but we are all allowed to have those once in a while. I'm hanging in there though. It's pretty stressful with hubby being gone and hearing about things that happen over there. It makes me worry for him.

My update for today is.........the embryo person rand me again this morning and all 6 embies are still going strong ha and she said since iam still feeling good ET is prob going to happen :happydance::happydance: iam happy out today but still a bit worried

i hope everyone is doing good:hugs::kiss::hugs:

Sounds great! I'm so excited for you :happydance:

Well... went for my egg retrieval. On Friday we had the option of cancelling as I only had 3 big follicles... HOWEVER - we got 6 eggs today! :happydance: I know it's not a huge amount but considering I was on a very low dose of Gonal-F I still managed to get these little eggies. The embryologist will phone tomorrow morning to let us know how they are doing, I'll be pleased if I atleast get one embryo to transfer cos I was expecting to have 3 eggs at most this morning, this was a nice surprise. The ER itself was totally fine, I had sedation and do not remember a thing :sleep:. One minute there yapping to the nurses, next I'm wheeled back to my husband! Strange.

DaisyQ - Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you xx

Welcome bubumaci (very glad your username is not daisy also!) :dohh:

:flower: :dust:

That is amazing news! I'm so glad they didn't cancel. Do you know when you will have ET?

UGH, just got off the phone with the RE's office. They don't have any available Dr's to do my Hysteroscopy next week (too many on Vacay) so now I am waiting for a call back from the nurse. I am terrified they are going to say I have to wait a cycle which will drive me nuts because that would put me in going back to school time (I'm a teacher). I can't miss a lot of school at that time of year for different appointments.

Fingers crossed they can fit you in somewhere.

baby- that SUCKS.. good luck

oy what a morning.. got a text from the news saying that transbay bart is shut down due to a fire.. so i got up at 6:15 to drive to the city for a 9am court time.. only to get a call from the lawyer at 7 saying i didnt have to be at court til 1 pm. bart is still closed and there is a giants game at 12:45. im thinking about leaving 2 hrs early... sigh he coulnt have called last night... im actualy feeling ok today.. a bit bloaty but not too bad. mild crampy. got a call from my doc.. 11 fertilized.. i said, ok that is good, he was like.. no that is fantastic. he is actually happy.. i made a joke about not counting my embryos til they hatch at which point he started going on about blasts, and i had to tell him i was joking..

:happydance: Wonderful news! Sorry to hear about the other stuff going on. Fingers crossed court ends soon.

Daisy - So excited you got so many unexpected eggies!!

squid - Congrats on a great fert report!

AFM - Just got the call, well actually message b\c I missed the call. I can start I guess my E2 was good, I don't know the number since I couldn't ask but it must be fine if they are letting me start. Phew.

:happydance: Yay!! What does your schedule look like?

Daisy83, that is so exciting to be pleasantly surprised.

Blue: Yay for starting your FET cycle.

AFM, I am having slight anxiety because my acupuncurist can not make it to my session today. She said that I am fine because I've been going 2x a week since January. I just didnt want to miss any days during stims... lol.. Am i being overly anxious or reasonable. And so it begins... lol

I hope one of the places the other girls told you about can get you in.

Hi ladies!!! Had my ETthis morning and it went fantastic. Before mt ET my clinic gives you the choice of having acupuncture or a massage. I did acupuncture because i read about a study done that it actually helps with fertilization. It was so relaxing, i felt different after it was over. So im making an appointment for a session in 3 days. Fingers cross these little guys stick! We went and had 5 total to choose from. One was a blast and the other 4 werent quite there yet but he said not to worry to much because they may just need another day. So we transfer one of them along with the blast. Im really hoping they stick! I have my beta the 25th.

Yay for being PUPO!! :baby::baby:
MrsC, my girl can take me tomorrow, so that is when I am going. How are you doing?
MrsC, my girl can take me tomorrow, so that is when I am going. How are you doing?

Thats good, at least you will be able to see the same person who knows you. I'm doing ok. Just waiting for AF like a kid waiting for xmas morning. :haha: My husband is gone for another month so I need to find things to keep me busy around here.
MrsC, your going IUI w/donor right? Ugh, it must be so hard to have your DH away for months at a time. It must make the reunion that much better!!
Hi :wave:

May I join your group?
After months and months of bad news (DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia last year), one doctor had a good idea and prescribed Tamoxifen (I was shocked, when I heard which medication my DH would have to take), having had some good results with men who occasionally produce small amounts of :spermy: ... up until then, they had found 0 - 200.000 swimmers (0% motility). Mid May, they found 13 Mio (8% motility) and were able to freeze 6 straws.

This Sunday (10th June), I started injecting myself with Gonal-F (175 IU). This morning, I went for my 5th day ultrasound. The doctor saw 4 follicles on the right ovary (3 x 11 mm and 1 x 8 mm) and 3 on the left (2 x 12 mm and 1 x 11 mm). I was a bit deflated, since the doctor last October had said we could expect 6-8 per ovary. But today's doctor was still positive and said it was better than overstimulation.

So, having received my blood test results, I will start injecting Orgalutran in parallel tomorrow and Monday morning, I go for another ultrasound. I was quite surprised when he said that we would inject HCG either Monday or Tuesday evening (so ET either Wednesday or Thursday morning next week) ...

Can anyone give me any feedback on the follicle numbers reported? I have been thinking positively the whole time (saying, if we managed to freeze some :spermy: then it would all go well), but am a little deflated right now about the numbers...

Welcome :hi: Sorry to hear about your DH and azoo. Did your DH have to have surgery to get sperm collected or did the medication help with everything? Sounds like you will be getting started very soon. :thumbup:

Thank you MrsC8776 :)
Well, surgery would have been the next step. But the doctors were really brilliant with this medication! Taking the Tamoxifen made all the difference and they were able to freeze from a normal sperm sample. They have diagnosed that he has irreparable testicular damage, but they don't know why. With the surgery, there was no guarantee that they would operate where he did occasionally produce (and a danger of having to inject testosterone the rest of his life or even losing a testicle) - so I stared in disbelief at the results in the portal, when they posted the results and that they had managed to find some to freeze (not the best quality - 96% damaged head and 4% damaged body) - but apparently, good enough for ICSI.

So now ... hopefully my eggies will do their job and they will be able to fertilise next week (fx fx fx) :)
Hopeful - good luck to you! Thats great that you are all done with your transfer! Arent you lucky to have an option of a massage or accu....I am jealous, LOL

What day did you have transfer? 3 or 5?

I did a 5 day transfer. and i know, the accu was so relaxing! Im looking for someone local who does it now :)

Hopeful - congrats on being PUPO with twins!! :dance: Will you test earlynor wait to go back to the FS? What's your official test date?

Daisy83 - that's great that you got some bonus eggs! I hope they're all busy fertilising right now!

DrS - 11 out of 12, yay! Have ye decided how many ye'll be putting back?

Blue - that's great that you are starting!!

Bubu - Welcome!! :hi:

Baby - sorry you might be delayed :hugs: I'm a teacher too and also looking like I'll be heading into ER and ET in Sept. They'll just have to do without me though cos this is far more important! :haha:

Im going to wait until my beta. They didnt give me an official test date just a date to go for my beta which is the 25.
MrsC, your going IUI w/donor right? Ugh, it must be so hard to have your DH away for months at a time. It must make the reunion that much better!!

Yes we are because hubby doesn't have any sperm and IVF became out of the question. It is hard with him being away in Afghanistan. He's been doing this since we met but it's still hard. It does make the reunion wonderful!

Hi :wave:

May I join your group?
After months and months of bad news (DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia last year), one doctor had a good idea and prescribed Tamoxifen (I was shocked, when I heard which medication my DH would have to take), having had some good results with men who occasionally produce small amounts of :spermy: ... up until then, they had found 0 - 200.000 swimmers (0% motility). Mid May, they found 13 Mio (8% motility) and were able to freeze 6 straws.

This Sunday (10th June), I started injecting myself with Gonal-F (175 IU). This morning, I went for my 5th day ultrasound. The doctor saw 4 follicles on the right ovary (3 x 11 mm and 1 x 8 mm) and 3 on the left (2 x 12 mm and 1 x 11 mm). I was a bit deflated, since the doctor last October had said we could expect 6-8 per ovary. But today's doctor was still positive and said it was better than overstimulation.

So, having received my blood test results, I will start injecting Orgalutran in parallel tomorrow and Monday morning, I go for another ultrasound. I was quite surprised when he said that we would inject HCG either Monday or Tuesday evening (so ET either Wednesday or Thursday morning next week) ...

Can anyone give me any feedback on the follicle numbers reported? I have been thinking positively the whole time (saying, if we managed to freeze some :spermy: then it would all go well), but am a little deflated right now about the numbers...

Welcome :hi: Sorry to hear about your DH and azoo. Did your DH have to have surgery to get sperm collected or did the medication help with everything? Sounds like you will be getting started very soon. :thumbup:

Thank you MrsC8776 :)
Well, surgery would have been the next step. But the doctors were really brilliant with this medication! Taking the Tamoxifen made all the difference and they were able to freeze from a normal sperm sample. They have diagnosed that he has irreparable testicular damage, but they don't know why. With the surgery, there was no guarantee that they would operate where he did occasionally produce (and a danger of having to inject testosterone the rest of his life or even losing a testicle) - so I stared in disbelief at the results in the portal, when they posted the results and that they had managed to find some to freeze (not the best quality - 96% damaged head and 4% damaged body) - but apparently, good enough for ICSI.

So now ... hopefully my eggies will do their job and they will be able to fertilise next week (fx fx fx) :)

I'm glad they were able to find something to help him. Thats great that they were able to freeze what they got. Fingers crossed for you.
Hi ladies, just thought I would pop in to let you know that I will be starting DR on 2nd July and stimming from 16th July with EC possibily at the end of July. :happydance:
Hi ladies, just thought I would pop in to let you know that I will be starting DR on 2nd July and stimming from 16th July with EC possibily at the end of July. :happydance:

Got you all updated on the first page. Not much longer for you!

MoBaby how are you doing?
I haven't been on here is a long time!!! Thanks for the updates on the first page!! I am on my 4th week of BCP. I had the dates all set to do the ER and transfer at the end of June but we are doing genetic testing on our embryos and of course the head honcho that does the biopsy of the embryos was going to be on vacation. Now the plan is to start Lupron on the 16th, first US on the 26th and start Menopur and Bravelle that same day. ER should be around the 6th or 7th of July and then transfer 5 days later.

How is everyone feeling that are taking meds? I am nervous about not feeling well and getting the dreaded migraine.

Hopefully I can try and keep up but at the same time as we decided to do IVF, I also decided to finish my Master's degree so I am taking a summer class which takes up a lot of time. A lot on my plate but it's now or never. Hoping I can do it all!

Take Care, Everyone!!!
I haven't been on here is a long time!!! Thanks for the updates on the first page!! I am on my 4th week of BCP. I had the dates all set to do the ER and transfer at the end of June but we are doing genetic testing on our embryos and of course the head honcho that does the biopsy of the embryos was going to be on vacation. Now the plan is to start Lupron on the 16th, first US on the 26th and start Menopur and Bravelle that same day. ER should be around the 6th or 7th of July and then transfer 5 days later.

How is everyone feeling that are taking meds? I am nervous about not feeling well and getting the dreaded migraine.

Hopefully I can try and keep up but at the same time as we decided to do IVF, I also decided to finish my Master's degree so I am taking a summer class which takes up a lot of time. A lot on my plate but it's now or never. Hoping I can do it all!

Take Care, Everyone!!!

Sounds great! I'm glad to have you back in the thread. Good luck with the meds in a few days. It's very exciting to have a plan all set in place.
Hi ladies, just thought I would pop in to let you know that I will be starting DR on 2nd July and stimming from 16th July with EC possibily at the end of July. :happydance:

Got you all updated on the first page. Not much longer for you!

MoBaby how are you doing?

hi! im good. minimal pain. if my dr would let me i think i would have tried to start exercising today but he said at least 2 weeks. what is bothering me the most is the abdominal bloating from the gas and fluids.....weight up 4 lbs (which is down from 6.5!) from all the gas and fluids....i give it 3 or 4 days and i should be back tonormal :) your sweet for asking. im loving all the new ppl here and the exciting updates!

i f/u july 5th..that should be an interesting visit....."so guess my uterus is only half what you thought...That makes things interesting. Wonder why we didn't see this sooner?" hmmm...wonder how this visit will go.. i have to call in next week b/c im not sure what to do about bcp...i wantbto stay on them until ivf so my cycles are normal and im ready to go
Hi ladies, just thought I would pop in to let you know that I will be starting DR on 2nd July and stimming from 16th July with EC possibily at the end of July. :happydance:

Got you all updated on the first page. Not much longer for you!

MoBaby how are you doing?

hi! im good. minimal pain. if my dr would let me i think i would have tried to start exercising today but he said at least 2 weeks. what is bothering me the most is the abdominal bloating from the gas and fluids.....weight up 4 lbs (which is down from 6.5!) from all the gas and fluids....i give it 3 or 4 days and i should be back tonormal :) your sweet for asking. im loving all the new ppl here and the exciting updates!

i f/u july 5th..that should be an interesting visit....."so guess my uterus is only half what you thought...That makes things interesting. Wonder why we didn't see this sooner?" hmmm...wonder how this visit will go.. i have to call in next week b/c im not sure what to do about bcp...i wantbto stay on them until ivf so my cycles are normal and im ready to go

I'm glad you are doing good. Thats unfortunate about the bloating but at least it's going down some. I see your next appointment being very interesting. They need to know how you are feeling about all of this though.
Oh my gosh. What a day. Well its all systems go!:happydance:
First step, one month on birth control Who would have thought it!:dohh:
We are using my eggs because the Dr said he thinks we will be just fine using them and that I am a great responder. I am so excited. Lots of work goes into IVF. So many medicines, injections, scans and labs. We signed up for 3 cycles. Our chances of getting pregnant are very good, It's sustaining the pregnancy thats tricky. We are prepping for an August egg retrieval. We are doing ICSI or however the initials go. He says he will retrieve as many as possible and will transfer back 2 if they are in excellent shape and 3 if in good shape.
No caffeine, fatty foods, sodas..Good gravy! Lots of fish and vegetables he said. With Prenatal and folic acid. ots of swimming for exercise, and the hubby, well lucky him he just has to produce in a cup..Bahahaha!
Seriously though no smoking or beer for him.
Damn we are both just over the moon happy and plan on video recording this entire journey. From Dr's visits to injections to well EVERYTHING!

I am so exhausted so off to bed.
Prayers and blessing to us all,
South - hi! Your ER won't be long coming around! Good luck with the meds. I agree it's a little bit daunting wondering if I'll have any side effects from them but absolutely worth it!

MoBaby - glad you're notin too much pain. Hope the bloating subsides soon...

Never - that's great news! When do you start bcp?

MrsC - I love your new profile pic! We are quite a dog-loving bunch on this thread!!
never- wow.. those are a lot of restrictions.. i cut down to 200 mg of caffeine a day several months ago and that is where ive stayed. i stopped drinking (not that i was drinking that much) the day i started stims. ate whatever i wanted (though i live mostly on fruits and salads with chicken anyway cause that is what i like). kept working out (stopped high impact the last few days of stims but continued lifting reasonably heavy) i am 39 and got 13 eggs, 12 mature and 11 fertilized.. i dunno how they will look day 3 but.. i guess my point is dont beat yourself up or making it too crazy hard on yourself. it is stressful enough without being able to have that bacon cheeseburger or ice cream
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