IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi Mrs! Glad its all moving forward! It seems much more real now, doesnt it? We are doing the IUI with injectables this upcoming cycle. I should be getting AF within the next week or so.
not as of yet...I called and they gave me the preliminary results over the phone, and that she would follow up on Monday. I hate how it changes, but at least we KNOW IVFwith ICSI will help us. I mean, thats what its for, right? Its good to finally be narrowing down things. I think its a possible case of endo for me (chocolate cyst) and DH.
Blue - I am starting to feel like our cases are SO similar, right?

I know. I hope it's not endo for you, but if so it may just be a very mild case and like I told you if it is endo and you do IVF it will not affect anything.

I am due to start IVF in June. Would love to join. It's great to have a group of people to share the experience with!
Hi Mrs! Glad its all moving forward! It seems much more real now, doesnt it? We are doing the IUI with injectables this upcoming cycle. I should be getting AF within the next week or so.

Thats exciting. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. It does seem like everything is finally falling into place. It does me no good to stress about it so I've decided that what ever happens happens.

I am due to start IVF in June. Would love to join. It's great to have a group of people to share the experience with!

Welcome :hi:

Is there anything that still needs to be done before you officially start in June?
Mrs. Are you on long or short protocol? It looks like my clinic only does long, so I start taking estradil and stuff the cycle before we start.
ok ladies, im lost on this whole long/short protocal. What does it mean and when/why would you do one or the other?
I'm not really sure yet. I believe I have to get all my tests redone and then they will decide what is best for me. Which reminds me I need to look and see when CD3 will be so that I can ask for it off. I have to drive an hour-hour and a half to get this blood work done.

So your plan is to do IUI with injectables this cycle and if that doesn't work (fx it will!) you will start the long protocol in April or May?
ok ladies, im lost on this whole long/short protocal. What does it mean and when/why would you do one or the other?

haj I think it all depend on how your blood work comes back. I could be totally wrong on that though. All I know so far is with long it adds BCP's and Lupron injections. One of those may be in with the short protocol but like I said I could be wrong. It is a little confusing. :wacko:

Im not really sure what the exact difference is, but I agree with Mrs C, it adds lupron or bc to the mix

Mrs - Ugh! that stinks! Do you have to drive there to be monitored too? Hopefully there isnt traffic :)
Yes, I start the injections on CD3 after my b/w comes back for the IUI cycle. I am still on 7DPO now, so just waiting for AF to show to get this party started.
I will have to drive there for everything. It's out in Portland, not sure if you are familiar with there or not. It's usually not that bad of a drive. The worst times are of course rush hour. No one here knows how to drive! :haha: During rush hour the freeways come to a dead stop. I'm sure that happens everywhere though. I did ask if I could get the blood work done here in the town I live in but I guess it's policy to do it there. It's probably to make sure it's done right and nothing gets mixed up. :shrug: I'm ok with it though.

Ugh I hate waiting for AF so that things can get started. It's funny how sometimes we dread AF and other times we are begging her to hurry up and arrive.
Welcome Everhopeful!

Ugh I agree about waiting. All we ever do is wait :coffee:
i have to say since dh and i didnt ttc conceive this month is kinda nice that every like ache and pain im not associating with being pregnant. i can somewhat relax, i guess as far as all the protocol stuff i will just have to find out from the RE. I have my CD 21 bloods tomorrow. I'm very curious how they will come back because my regular OB never took them from me so without being on meds this month im curious if i actually do ovulate on my own. my OB had told me if youre getting your period, you're ovulating but my RE told me that is absolutely not true. So at this point im kind of curious if those months we werent conciving before my ovidril shots if i even ovulated
keep us posted on your tests Haj. How did you find your RE? Did your obgyn refer them?
keep us posted on your tests Haj. How did you find your RE? Did your obgyn refer them?

he refered a few but this guy seemed to have the best results and the reviews on him were great. some ppl said she didnt have the best bed side manner but i thought he was great. one woman but it great she said would you rather have a gifted doctor or a friendly physician. and thats so true...id rather have a doctor that works miracles thats a little rough around the edges then someone whos just nice.
Haj - Good luck with your test tomorrow. I hope the results come back in your favor. I feel like I didn't O this time but my temp has been up. I have no progesterone symptoms at all which makes me think I have a progesterone problem..
So got DH's SA back....the first one 6 months ago was AWESOME. and this one shows low morphology.....I am SO upset.

jchic was it just a regular SA or did they do a trial wash too. I know my DH's first test wasn't so good so we opted for a sperm functional analysis. It cost $250 but they do a trial wash to see what they would have as if they were doing it for IVF. The results improved enough with the SFA that the RE said we don't have to do ICSI now. I kind of like the idea of ICSI so you know the best of the bunch make it in, but in my case if they are saying it's not necessary i think I'll save the money.

Ahh first day of back working and I miss quite a bit. Sorry ladies.

I got an email today giving me the run down of the cost and what we need to put down for a down payment. I'm glad it was in an email because I was able to share it with hubby this evening and we were able to talk about it together. It really helps haven everything broken down and explained. Looks like we have to put down $9,500.00 right after meds are started. I'm feeling much better now and a little more relaxed.

Congrats Mrs C on the new job I hope you are enjoying yourself, plus the money will help in your savings. It sucks to have to travel for testing but I'm sure it will all pay off in the end.

I am due to start IVF in June. Would love to join. It's great to have a group of people to share the experience with!

Welcome everhopeful! :wave: Sorry that you need to do IVF but I'm sure you will find lots of support here.

haj I hope that your test this week goes well.

Hope all is well with everyone else. AFM still waiting :coffee:
Hi Ladies, will love to join you all.I may be on to my 4th ivf in June/July if i did not get my miracle before then.Best wishes to all
Hi Ladies, will love to join you all.I may be on to my 4th ivf in June/July if i did not get my miracle before then.Best wishes to all

Welcome :hi:

I'm glad you have found us here. I wish you the best of luck and fingers crossed that you get a little miracle before June! Big :hugs: on having to do IVF 3 times already. This is going to be it for you!
Welcome to the new ladies!! :flower: It's looking like we'll have a pretty good sized group by the time we're all ready to get started. I've followed several other threads and things get really exciting once everyone is stimming & going in for EC & ET. I can't wait to see how everyone's cycles go!

AFM, I'm just wishing I could go to sleep and wake up in July! This waiting game is awful, but fortunately things get really busy at school in the last quarter so the next 9 weeks should go by fairly quickly. Then after that I'll be teaching summer school in June - yippee :wacko: But the extra money will come in handy this summer!

Hope everyone is having a good week.
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