IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:
So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

Oh my gosh! That is so rude! Who is she to know what kind of outcome you'll get. Wishing you the best!!
So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

Oh my goodness - how harsh is that? All fingers and toes are crossed for you and I hope that you have more support in your circle of friends!! I mean, all of us have to somewhere be prepared for a negative outcome - but isn't it better to look at things positively? The glass is half full Cheri :)
So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

OMG, WTF?!?! Who says that! Dont listen to people when they dont know what they are talking about!!!
Thanks so much. :hugs:

We are both nurses here at the hospital. She's a little older and old school but what an ignorant reaction in my opinion! The only reason I even told her was because I will be needing to request time of sporadically..jeez

I pray she's still around when I go walking past her with my big ole baby bump in a few months! :rofl:

Women get pregnant all of the time at an older age, she needs to zip it. I can't stand ignorant people! So sorry you had to hear that. Best of luck to you :hugs:
what a B! that was soo rude! plenty of women your age get pg naturally and with ivf so she should just shut it!
Hi ladies,

I had a call from the hospital yesturday asking me to come in for a baseline scan on the 3rd of July. Is anyone else starting around this time & fancy being buddies?

I'm nervous about the injections & retrieval as I was very ill last time. However I'm having ICSI this time so fingers crossed it will work out a bit better for us.

I wish you all the best of luck.
X x x
Hey ladies!! How is everyone doing??
This TWW has been killing me! Ive been trying to test out my trigger shot. I tested on $$ store brand cheapies and for 2 days they came up positive then i tested the 3rd day and nothing, but i then tested with a FRER and there was the slightest little line, so its still registering Ohh im worried, it feels like im getting my period, i mean exactly like AF is only days away! Its making me nervous. Still trying to stay hopeful.
rae- wow congrats

never- wow.. what a b... dont listen to her. sounds like my stupid doom and gloom doc.
so i poas again tonight after doing it this morning around 5am. Does the darkness of the line have anything to do with the amount of HCG in your system? When i tested this morning it was a faint, barely visible line. I just took another 2 test at 10:30pm and they are visible, faint but definitely more visible then the one i took this morning and the one i took yesterday morning.
Hopeful - Keeping my fingers crossed this is it for you! I think they tend to get darker as you progress so that could be a good sign!
thank you! I hope so too. im worried it may still be the trigger shot lingering, but then I cant see the line getting darker if its supposed to be leaving :) so fingers crossed!
hopeful- they do apparently darken as you progress however a lot of the difference is often due to test differences. (ie dont freak out when they arent darker, or look slightly lighter etc). and yay congrats
Never - I can't believe someone would say that!!! :shock: What a wagon!! :growlmad:

Hopeful - how many days post trigger are you? Crossing everything that this is your bfp!!! Looking forward to today's update!

TTC - congrats on having a date! :dance: You're very nearly there!
Hopeful- fingers crossed that this is your BFP. How many days past trigger? Xx
So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

its so sad when ignorance overtakes compassion. She clearly has NO idea what you are going through. She should learn to SHUT-UP next time.
when your bump is nice and big, ask her to rub your tummy!!!!:winkwink:
Morning :wave:

@ Betty - those numbers sound fantastic! Good luck with the ER :)

@ Squid... ooh ooh, I love the names :o)

AFM - trigger shot last night went OK. Was meant to do it at 23:00, but went over by a couple of minutes. I hope that won't matter! I am also hoping that it won't make a difference that I gave myself the GONAL-F shot when I came home from the doc's yesterday (I was meant to be triggering tonight and ER on Thursday) ... but when I called to get my bloodwork they said - nope, triggering yesterday and OP on Wednesday morning... Not meant to have stimmed when triggering .. hope it won't do any damage! Feeling very puffy and lightly crampy today - really hope that I won't ovulate earlier than the ER tomorrow morning!

What do they mean, the different grades?


BTW MrsC - thank you for updating on first page!! I think you do a wonderful job. Could you please make one change for me? It has to be ICSI, we can't do IVF (swimmers don't swim)... Thank you :hugs:

GL wiht you ER!!!!!!!!!

Hi Girls, I hope that everyone is travelling well :flower: It's very early days (and I'm very nervous still) but wanted to let you all know that I have tested positive 3 days in a row now on POAS. I will feel like I can really relax when I get back a nice, juicy BetaHCG on thursday, so it's only 2 more sleeps till we find out for sure. But, I'm feeling good about this cycle for now :kiss:

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! :cloud9: H&H 9 months for you!!!! This is your sticky bean!

hey ladies, I have been quite busy as I had daily appointments at my clinic. I am glad the stims are now over. Had my hCG trigger last night and ER scheduled tomorrow.it is all happening so fast. I am nervously excited. My estradiol values have sky rocketed, so not sure if we do ET this cycle or do an FET next cycle as I might be at risk for OHSS.

GL with ER, hope you dont get OHSS and can indeed do a fresh transfer!

Hi everyone,

I'm all snuggled up in my bed watching 90210! ET went well. Of the 4 we had yesterday, 2 stopped growing, 1 was a perfect blast (didn't say the grade but they said it was very good) and 1 was just a little behind. They couldn't guarantee that the other one would be suitable for freezing so we transferred 2. I'm trying to keep cosy (difficult in Scotland!) and am having a restful day! Well done squid on ET - we're both PUPO with twins! :happydance:


Sorrt to hear they didnt make it. But you not gonna need more, you have all you need in your tummy!!!!!

hello hello! I was just browsing and came across this thread- how have I not seen it before?? :) I've noticed a lot of lovely ladies on here that I know and adore!

may I join in the fun? Im doing IVF #1, I was on BCP 5/25-6/11. started Lupron 6/7. Start Stims 6/16. They estimate my ER to be 6/28 (ish) and ET either 7/1 or 7/3. I am SO excited!! I have my first bloods and u/s tomorrow morning so I'll find out what is going on in there! hopefully the start of something beautiful. :)

good luck to you all!!!

:happydance: Welcome glad to see you on here as well my ivf buddy :hugs:

one - Glad that you are progressing more now, I think you are going to be fine.

Squid - Congrats on being Pupo! Love the names

MJ - A huge congrats to you, this is great news. Can't wait to hear your beta.

Ash - Welcome and I'm happy you are getting started. Good to see you over here eventhough your IUI didn't work out

Daisy - only 1 more day until your report. You must be going nuts!

Quick question for anyone who knows. Do you know if you can do PIO shots in the morning or are they usually done at night time?

Also I see some ladies have baby asprin in their protocol - does anyone know what the purpose of this is? just curious!

Im on asprin, it helps to prevent blood clots at the implantation site. Actaully i cant even remember, i just did them in the mid morning.

MJ - fantastic news!!!!! :yipee: HUGE Congratulations!!! :dance: Hope the time until your beta passes nice and fast!!

daisy83 - congrats on being PUPO with twins! Are you hoping they both stick or would you rather just one?

OneOf - delighted things look like they are progressing :thumbup:

Afm, had our nurse consult today. I will be starting bcp around July 25th and staying on it until I come back from hols on the 18th. Then onto Buserelin, followed by Menopur with ER in early-mid Sept. it's great to have a plan! :happydance: DH was a bit overwhelmed by all the medical info today - he looked a bit like this :wacko: (or maybe even :sleep:!!!) He doesn't see any need to know all the nitty gritty of what's going to happen - he'd rather just show up on the day, give his SA and let the experts take care of the rest - Men!!:haha: (On the other hand I'm a total research hound - love knowing exactly what's going on!!)

My DH wants to know but not to much :haha: And im also a research hound so i dont know what is enough for him sometimes, but when he starts watching more TV than listening to me i reckon that is enough now :haha:

MJ and Daisy :) congrats :)

---afm----hot/cold flashes I guess menopause is on her way :( I dont know what else it'd be...I'm 11dpT an like 10dpo :( I give up! Never in my wildest dreams would I think it'd be over at age 28 :(

All these hormones have one common side effect and that is hot flashes. I was having them heavy yesterday.

Ladies, I just got my b/w results. My E2 increased to 133. I am so relieved to be progressing, lets hope it continues this way. I have to back in tomorrow for u/s and b/w. fxd.

:happydance: :dance: You will be fine, maybe need a bit more meds but you will get there!!! :hugs:

MoBaby and s08 ~ You ladies have been fairly quiet. Are you doing ok?

Hi MrsC. Thanks for checking in. I've been following along with everyone's progress, I just don't have much to add so I'm staying pretty quiet.

I'm actually having kind of a hard time right now. I had finally accepted our failure and was starting to feel OK until last week. My best friend, who knows all about our struggle, decided it was time to tell me she is 7 weeks pregnant...at a baseball game. I did the math and we would have been due at the same time. I had to leave the game in tears and walk 20 minutes to my car alone. It was pretty mortifying actually. I hate that I seem anything less than thrilled for my friends' joy, you know? She shouldn't have to be apologetic about getting pregnant because of my struggle, but I guess that is how it is. And although she tried to be sensitive in telling me in person, I would have much rather heard in a non-public place or on the phone. That way, she (and the entire stadium) wouldn't have had to see me cry.

And she tells me, "well we have been trying for a few months." Her "trying" is going off the pill 4 months ago and downloading an app that estimates when you're ovulating! (I know, that's how it should work). But after months/years of temping, monitoring cm, using OPK's, pre-seed, and cough syrup (you name it, we've tried it), perfectly timing bding, practically setting up a cot at the RE clinic, failed IUI's, an IVF chemical, etc., merely downloading an app and doing the deed sounds almost comical. Well, that turned into a little rant, didn't it?!? I feel better now.

Anyway, the news really cemented our plan to do IVF number 2 as soon as possible, despite the fact that our bank account will take a huge hit again. We will still do our FET in Aug., but RE doesn't give us great odds for it so we're not getting our hopes up for it.

Well, I am still following along here and keeping my fx-ed for many BFP's in the near future. Sorry for the novel.

Yeah that is always hard to take news from someone close, i had the same in the beginning of the year. FX'd for a FET success and no need for IVF 2!

@ MrsC8776 thank you :)

@ S08 - I so feel for you :hugs: I just recently read a post on facebook (have edited the names out) and I wondered - does she even know what struggles other people are facing?...

"So...I would like to make a public confession. I have so much to be grateful for and I know I have blessings that others wish they had, but I still feel a slight twinge of jealousy when I see girls my age or younger who have lots of kids or especially when girls who were pregnant at the same time as me or who married at the same time as me now have another child. I don't feel envious or bitter. I just think, "They're so lucky." I know it's not rational and it's also ungrateful for what I do have, but I just wanted to confess that in a public forum. I'm almost 36 and xx and I have been trying to get pregnant again for almost a year and have miscarried once during that time...but I am so lucky too to have been blessed with xx and G-Monkey. I am so grateful for my boys."

When I read that I thought - hello, I am going to be 37 in August and haven't even been blessed with a first pregnancy, we have to do ICSI to have a chance of getting pregnant and here is (albeit a really lovely girl) xx ranting about not getting pregnant a second time and making a speech like this in public.

I so get how upset you were, being told in public and I wish you so much luck with IVF#2 :hugs:

Some people dont have any sense as to what to post on FB and what not!

Doc just called. 4 made it to freeze. Don't remember the grades but I know there was some amount of grade 1 and 2

That is awesome news!!!!!!!!!!! So out of the 12 you had 6 awesome embies that is great stats!!!!!!

Doc just called. 4 made it to freeze. Don't remember the grades but I know there was some amount of grade 1 and 2

AFM - My E2 was at 280 this morning so I'm staying on the same dose of meds and adding in ganirelix in the am to keep me from ovulating. Follie count was 12 on one side 15 on the other but I didn't get any measurements yet.

Congrats not to long anymore!!!!

So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

:gun: that is so insensitive but dont let her get you down, she will soon be sorry she said that. And then i have more motivating news, my steph uncle and his fiance did two rounds of IVF and was succesfull wiht both althought the first was a MC the second one was twins and they were born about 3 weeks ago. She is now 47, so it just goes to show.

Hi ladies,

I had a call from the hospital yesturday asking me to come in for a baseline scan on the 3rd of July. Is anyone else starting around this time & fancy being buddies?

I'm nervous about the injections & retrieval as I was very ill last time. However I'm having ICSI this time so fingers crossed it will work out a bit better for us.

I wish you all the best of luck.
X x x

Yay for getting started, bring on that bfp!

Hey ladies!! How is everyone doing??
This TWW has been killing me! Ive been trying to test out my trigger shot. I tested on $$ store brand cheapies and for 2 days they came up positive then i tested the 3rd day and nothing, but i then tested with a FRER and there was the slightest little line, so its still registering Ohh im worried, it feels like im getting my period, i mean exactly like AF is only days away! Its making me nervous. Still trying to stay hopeful.

Hope the time goes past quickly. AF feeling is normal after IVF, so fx'd it is bean/s implanting nicely!

so i poas again tonight after doing it this morning around 5am. Does the darkness of the line have anything to do with the amount of HCG in your system? When i tested this morning it was a faint, barely visible line. I just took another 2 test at 10:30pm and they are visible, faint but definitely more visible then the one i took this morning and the one i took yesterday morning.

Fx'd it is your bfp in the making!!!!!!!!!

So I just filled my boss in on what I will be going through over the next couple of months, and first she looked at me like I was an alien and then she said "Your not as young as you use to be. Are you menatally prepared for a negative outcome?" :growlmad:

That hurt so bad:cry:

I know I am 41, but all my labs are great and I am a great responder. What does she know anyway..:growlmad:

its so sad when ignorance overtakes compassion. She clearly has NO idea what you are going through. She should learn to SHUT-UP next time.
when your bump is nice and big, ask her to rub your tummy!!!!:winkwink:

MommyMel do you have any indication as to when you will be starting wiht your IVF round?

AFM > Day 4 of stims, i had the worse experience last night, My dad invited us for dinner at a little bistro but it was a early dinner @ 5:30 and i inject at 6, so i had to go to the bathroom and do it there which was fine as it was spacious and clean but there was only 1 bathroom. But it takes a while to mix everything and get it drawn up. So half way through someone bashes on the door and after saying im busy they keep on bashing so this is making me even more nervous. Eventually after i have managed to inject and all i just flush to make it sound more normal :haha: and i have to go out. So it turns out to be this little girl that wanted to pee badly that was bashing on the door. Shame i felt so bad but oh well it was done.
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