IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Uhm, I just wanted to update you guys.

I spoke with the IVF coordinator today a couple of minutes ago and I'll be doing the egg retrieval around July 25th approximately, that's if I respond well to the medication and what not. I will be starting Lupron July 8th, and the nurse said I should expect a period about 7 days after starting that medication and once I get my period after the Lupron I start on the stims and then whenever I'm ready we do the retrieval. So I'll be having the ET either July 28th, 29th or 30th I guess. I can't believe it's really starting now. I'm happy I'm on vacation for about a week and a half, it feels good and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest!
Uhm, I just wanted to update you guys.

I spoke with the IVF coordinator today a couple of minutes ago and I'll be doing the egg retrieval around July 25th approximately, that's if I respond well to the medication and what not. I will be starting Lupron July 8th, and the nurse said I should expect a period about 7 days after starting that medication and once I get my period after the Lupron I start on the stims and then whenever I'm ready we do the retrieval. So I'll be having the ET either July 28th, 29th or 30th I guess. I can't believe it's really starting now. I'm happy I'm on vacation for about a week and a half, it feels good and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest!

Awesome News!! :happydance:
nevertoolate - It feels so good to have a plan right? It relieves a lot of the wondering what's going on.
I am just so anxious that I am driving myself nuts :dohh:

How am I ever going to get through the next 6 weeks :haha:
Yay for getting started Ash! It does feel better to have a plan.
That's great that you'll be getting started soon Ash! Good luck!
Daisy, I am thrilled you have 3 blasts! I know you are discouraged with the number, but the blasts are the best!!! Despite all the road blocks, I think this is it for you! When are you off w/your DH? its sounds lovely that you get to spend your anniversary in London!

You were right, hope your right about more popping up!

Thanks one. :friends: We leave for London on Sunday night. Yay!
Just in time to celebrate your anniversary! Have a great time, relax and enjoy and reconnect.
Sorry ladies... I seem to have fallen behind a little bit. :dohh:

Hi All, I'm amazed at how quickly everything in here moves!! I am done with school (yesterday was the last day) and sick as can be! I went today for a strep test because I was concerned I had it. Luckily no strep just a bad virus. Got my IVF protocol for this cycle. . .
BCP's that I started on 6/16 and will take until 7/3, Tomorrow- Hysteroscopy and Uterine Sounding, next week IVF consent appointment, 7/2 Suppression check, 7/6 start microdose Lupron, 7/8 start Gonal-F 450 and Menapur 75.
Will anyone else be doing anything similar? Or has anyone done a simliar cycle?

I hope you feel better soon and that everything went well today.

daisy :( hope some make it! praying,
bubu: thats fantastic!
honey: 28!wow you go girl :) are you going to do a fresh? id think ohss risk would be high with that many out. i hope you can do fresh!
baby: yippie! it will go fast! july 3rd is super close! i start bcp with end of july/early august cycle....im actually still on it from delayed cycle but will stop this weekend or next...debating because im going on vacay soon and i dont want af on vacay! then i have to have a normal af after that then can do the bcp again and onto ivf in sept :)
hopeful: sounds like your bfp! fx!
mrsc: yippie hope there arent any cyst either! not long now!

afm: recovering well still. today is day 9 post op and im getting a side stitch/pain and some weird nerve feeling on my stomach in spots..incisions healing without any issues. dermabond came off after a week so i steri striped them all (easy access to them b/c i work in a hospital).... othewise this recovery has been good.

I'm glad you are recovering well. When is your follow up?

Hey ladies, I was in a lot of pain yesterday after ER, But i just chose not to use any pain relievers. Today is a lot better . I can feel that the pain is going to go away completely by the end of the day.Hoping to do some shopping in the evening.I hope the pain goes away by then. I dint have bleeding or spotting yesterday after getting home from ER or today which is awesome. Started using progesterone pessaries since ER. Now I know why they are called "messy" . This was my first time using it. The nurse told me I could use it vaginally or rectally. Vaginal bullets seemed just so gross I couldnt imagine doing it rectally. Have you ladies found any one of them better than the other. Atleast I am grateful I dont have to do PIO shots. In a few hours time I would be told the fertilization report. ET is likely to be on Saturday, I am happy when they actually told me we may not have to cancel ET , and I hope it stays that way. Does anyone know how would they check me now to see if I have a risk of OHSS, post ER. I am just so curious to know my chances of a fresh transfer and what would be the deciding factor. Since stimulation, I had no weight gain or bloating, which was a great sign , the nurse said. But E2 levels were quite high. I cant help getting super excited about the transfer, I just hope it happens and I dont have to wait for FET next cycle.

Edit: 23 out of 28 fertilized which is super good. The clinic told me they are looking for a day 5 transfer.

:happydance: 23 out of 28 is great! Only a few more days until they are back with you. Any idea on how many you will put back?

Good Morning Ladies :wave:

@ Honeycheeks - that sounds amazing!! Congratulations :hugs:

Thank you all for your kind words and support! I think all the crossed fingers are doing their magic :)

Just received my results - of the 14 retrieved, 12 were mature for ICSI and of those 12, 11 were fertilised. 6 have been frozen, so now just have to pray that the 5 develop well. ET will be on Monday :)

xxx Bubu.

p.s. I can't describe it as pain any more (was in quite a bit after the OP), but every time I move I feel very sore - and I am incredibly swollen / bloated. Is that normal?

:happydance: Yay for 11 fertilized! Monday will be here before you know it.

Honeycheeks, that is an awesome number!

Tella, cant wait for your scan to see how many follies you got growing.

Bubu, I hope your feeling a little better today, that is a good report you got there. Yay for ET on Monday.

Jchic, how are you doing?

Daisy, I am thinking about you today and I can wait to hear a good update!

AFM, had another u/s and bloodwork today, my follies are growing, albeit at a very slow pace, I just hope my levels keep doubling everyday.

Grow follies grow!!

One - I am good. CD12 today over here and once AF comes, I can get started with IVF on CD21 so cant wait! Glad to hear follies are growing.

I'm excited for you to get started. :thumbup:

Bubu & Honeycheeks - YAY for ER and ET is just around the corner!!!

One - things look like they are still moving along :winkwink:

Tella - Wow, only a couple more days; ER will be here soon :happydance:

MrsC - how did things go with your appt yesterday?

Jchic - that is great; when is your expected AF to arrive? Sounds like we might be close to starting ours together!!! I start on CD21 as well.

AFM - I get to start weaning off my migraine meds next week, and will start using Nuvaring on either day 3 or day 5 of my cycle, which starts July 9. Never used one before, but I guess that beats a daily BCP. Just getting anxious now to start!!

Sounds like you will be getting started very soon. Thank you for thinking of me. :hugs:

Good morning lovely's :flower:

Reading all of your posts make me so happy,excited and impatient.

Praying for you all. I honestly am.

AF is due for me on July 3rd and then I get to start my BCP's on July 8th.

I am so anxious. Time seems to be dragging. :dohh:

Looking forward to all of todays updates :hugs:


July will be here before you know it and then you will be getting started. :thumbup:

Hi girls.

Thanks again for all the support and well wishes. So of the 5 embryos that remained yesterday, 3 made it to blast today and were frozen. We are doing PGD, so they were biopsied and we'll get those results in about 2 weeks. Hoping for normals of course. Hopefully if we get normal(s), we'll be doing FET in August.

Honey and Bubu - great results ladies. FX for happy, strong embryos for you.

One, I just knew you were going to have some > 10 today, and there you go. I still think ER will be next week, earliest trigger on Sunday. Don't feel discouraged about the #s, more will probably pop up between now and trigger.

:happydance: Thats great that 3 made it to blast. I hope everything goes well.

I'm feeling a little discouraged and confused today. My follicle count on Tuesday was 27 but today they only counted 17. Where did the others go? They don't give me measurements so maybe the others just weren't big enough to bother with. I peeked at my chart and they listed the count under less than 10mm. I sort of thought they'd be bigger by now since they've already started me on ganirelix to suppress ovulation. Maybe its just me panicking... E2 was 433 today and they said everything still looks great. I'm staying on 75 gonal f/75 menopur with ganirelix in the morning and back in on Saturday for my next bw/us.

Sorry you are feeling that way. :hugs: On Saturday can you ask them for the count and measurements? Theres still plenty of time for them to grow.

Uhm, I just wanted to update you guys.

I spoke with the IVF coordinator today a couple of minutes ago and I'll be doing the egg retrieval around July 25th approximately, that's if I respond well to the medication and what not. I will be starting Lupron July 8th, and the nurse said I should expect a period about 7 days after starting that medication and once I get my period after the Lupron I start on the stims and then whenever I'm ready we do the retrieval. So I'll be having the ET either July 28th, 29th or 30th I guess. I can't believe it's really starting now. I'm happy I'm on vacation for about a week and a half, it feels good and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest!

Not much longer for you!

AFM~ Thanks for the fx ladies. I went in yesterday and things were going great. I had to see a different RE because mine was on vacation I guess. So the new RE was training and she had the new lady do my scan. Small cyst on the left but she said it's on the outside so it's nothing to worry about. When she went to the right side she couldn't find anything. Not even my ovary. Took her about 20 minutes and then passed it onto the RE who found everything right away. Anyways long story short I started clomid yesterday. I will take it until CD7. I go back for a scan on the 29th. :thumbup:
Hi Everyone!
Michelle- What type of migraine meds have you been taking? I weaned myself off of Topamax a few months ago. My migraines have been better than I expected, I think the acupuncture is helping with them.

DaisyQ- I hope the results all come back normal!

Never- I hope time goes quickly for you.

One- Sounds like things are progressing. . . your e2 level is still increasing and the follies are growing. Yay! Enjoy your acupuncture, I love going!

Buba- 11 fertilized is great!

Honeycheeks- 23 out of 28?! That’s awesome!

Raelynn- 17 is a great amount!

Jchic- Not much time now!

Ash- Sounds like we’ll be just a few days apart. . . we are hoping for ET around July 24th depending on how I do with the stims

MrsC- What a crazy experience to have someone say they couldn’t find anything on the right. I’m glad things were really ok!

Tella-How are things going?

Drs- how are you doing?

AFM- I had the uterine sounding and hysteroscopy today. Both went much better than I expected. Just a little cramping. I took a muscle relaxer ahead of time because I was concerned and I know how I respond to it and wasn&#8217;t feeling well anyway. I still have an icky cold but that&#8217;s to be expected for me now that school is out. I talked to the financial person at my RE&#8217;s office. . . I have to make a bunch of decisions before I go in for my suppression ultrasound on 7/2. I have to figure out how many IVF cycles I want to try with my eggs. That will be tough since I won&#8217;t know how I respond to the stims or if I want to switch and try donor eggs. I am SO scared of none of this working and keep getting in fights with my family as they just keep telling me they KNOW everything will work out as it is &#8220;supposed&#8221; to. I normally believe that but I am so unsure of this and truly scared I will never end up being a mom. It&#8217;s so hard to stay positive when I am so worried and have to be around SO many people with babies all the time. This Saturday is my niece&#8217;s 2nd b-day party and of the people there 4 of them have babies under 3 months old and 2 are pregnant. I love all the kids but it&#8217;s just hard. <sigh> Sorry for all the whining. . . it&#8217;s been an emotional day and I&#8217;m always extra emotional when I&#8217;m sick.
baby= *hugs* glad it went well today. wait and see how it goes before you make a decision about donor eggs,

im good sitting through court all day. went to bed at 8pm last night and fading again tonight. id like to read into it but.. it is the progesterone..
Hi all- I look on here every morning to see how everyone is progressing but I'm so sorry that I never respond! Always in such a rush!!

AFM- I've been on down reg for a while and going in to have my scan on Monday 25th. If all is good then I start stims then with ER planned for Monday 9th. But I guess it depends how I respond?

Hope you all have a good day. Xx
Good Morning Ladies :wave:

@ Honeycheeks - that sounds amazing!! Congratulations :hugs:

Thank you all for your kind words and support! I think all the crossed fingers are doing their magic :)

Just received my results - of the 14 retrieved, 12 were mature for ICSI and of those 12, 11 were fertilised. 6 have been frozen, so now just have to pray that the 5 develop well. ET will be on Monday :)

xxx Bubu.

p.s. I can't describe it as pain any more (was in quite a bit after the OP), but every time I move I feel very sore - and I am incredibly swollen / bloated. Is that normal?

I had some bloatedness and sore the day after the ER, and considering that they fidle around in there it is normal. As long as you dont pickup weight, which is one of the signs of OHSS

Thanks Tella! :) OK, so I guess this is normal (yesterday, my DH commented that I looked 4-5 months pregnant!! :lol:) So I shall just keep an eye on my weight. Does the bloatedness and soreness go away soon?

By 2 day i was feeling a lot better and Day 3 i was 100%!

Honeycheeks, that is an awesome number!

Tella, cant wait for your scan to see how many follies you got growing.

Bubu, I hope your feeling a little better today, that is a good report you got there. Yay for ET on Monday.

Jchic, how are you doing?

Daisy, I am thinking about you today and I can wait to hear a good update!

AFM, had another u/s and bloodwork today, my follies are growing, albeit at a very slow pace, I just hope my levels keep doubling everyday.

Yyay for follies grwoing, that is the most important part!

I got my results today from b/w and u/s, I still have 8 follies (I was hoping I would have more) and they are growing I now have some 13mm and some 9mm, my e2 level is 427.

Yay for 8, after my retrieval i wished for more but now i just wish for a decent amount of quality eggs instead of quantity!!!

Jchic I know, but I feel like the more eggs the better chances. I totally agree, it only takes 1good quality egg. I am so exhausted today, I think its all the meds coupled w/getting up super early for b/w & u/s every morning. I have acupunture tonight and to bed early, for another day of b/w & u/s.

The good thing is my DH finally comes home on Saturday!

Unfortunately more doesnt mean a better chance, alot of ppl wiht high no of eggs retrieved still dont have frosties left.

Uhm, I just wanted to update you guys.

I spoke with the IVF coordinator today a couple of minutes ago and I'll be doing the egg retrieval around July 25th approximately, that's if I respond well to the medication and what not. I will be starting Lupron July 8th, and the nurse said I should expect a period about 7 days after starting that medication and once I get my period after the Lupron I start on the stims and then whenever I'm ready we do the retrieval. So I'll be having the ET either July 28th, 29th or 30th I guess. I can't believe it's really starting now. I'm happy I'm on vacation for about a week and a half, it feels good and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest!

Its great to have a plan!!!

Tella-How are things going?

Drs- how are you doing?

AFM- I had the uterine sounding and hysteroscopy today. Both went much better than I expected. Just a little cramping. I took a muscle relaxer ahead of time because I was concerned and I know how I respond to it and wasn’t feeling well anyway. I still have an icky cold but that’s to be expected for me now that school is out. I talked to the financial person at my RE’s office. . . I have to make a bunch of decisions before I go in for my suppression ultrasound on 7/2. I have to figure out how many IVF cycles I want to try with my eggs. That will be tough since I won’t know how I respond to the stims or if I want to switch and try donor eggs. I am SO scared of none of this working and keep getting in fights with my family as they just keep telling me they KNOW everything will work out as it is “supposed” to. I normally believe that but I am so unsure of this and truly scared I will never end up being a mom. It’s so hard to stay positive when I am so worried and have to be around SO many people with babies all the time. This Saturday is my niece’s 2nd b-day party and of the people there 4 of them have babies under 3 months old and 2 are pregnant. I love all the kids but it’s just hard. <sigh> Sorry for all the whining. . . it’s been an emotional day and I’m always extra emotional when I’m sick.

Im doing good just getting fed up wiht the injections, my tummy looks like a dart board :haha:

I understand completely how you feel, and I HATE it when people tell me to relax it will happen or it will work out. I just then feel like asking them who makes them the expert, do they even know about half the problems im experiencing that will not just let it happen :growlmad: But i just restrain myself and say you dont know all the facts and its better that why.

Hi all- I look on here every morning to see how everyone is progressing but I'm so sorry that I never respond! Always in such a rush!!

AFM- I've been on down reg for a while and going in to have my scan on Monday 25th. If all is good then I start stims then with ER planned for Monday 9th. But I guess it depends how I respond?

Hope you all have a good day. Xx

Yay for a plan of action, soon your in your TWW as well.

AFM > 2more days left of stims, then scan on Sunday and hopefully ER on Wednesday!!!
MrsC > Yay for getting the green light to start CLomid and onto your IUI!!!
Hi Tella :wave:
Thanks for the feedback re swelling :)

The soreness is a lot better today, although still feel tender when moving / getting up / sitting down ... and still look very bloated. When lying down, if I press on my tummy, it feels quite tender (above the belly button) but I haven't put on any more weight since yesterday. So hopefully, if any fluid has gathered there, it will go away (I wonder, where / how :) )

Only two more days of stims *yay* :thumb up: I hope the scan goes well and that the planned ER on Wednesday is a huge success! Will be keeping my fingers crossed!

MrsC - that's great news :hugs:
hey girls just popped in for an update........so yesterday i took a pregnancy test and i got a very light but visable line today i took another one and the line was light but defo darker than yesterday........iam now 6 days past ET and 13 days past trigger so it couldnt still be in my system could it??? and if it is y would the line get darker???? i no it was early to test but i couldnt help it :blush:
Girls i need some advise....,,,..,,..,,...
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