IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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@ Honey - seems like you are having the same symptoms / reactions as me... And I think progesterone can have that effect (even in my normal cycle, I find myself getting tired / feeling a bit sick from it in the days leading up to my period). Have you been drinking a lot to flush all the anaesthetic from your system? That might help :hugs:
Huge congrats, Jenny and tiff! How very exciting!

For you ladies concerned about low egg number, I want to reaffirm what others are saying about quality over quantity. I totally felt the same way about wanting lots so there were more from which to choose. But as you can see from my siggy below, a large quantity of retrieved/fertilized eggs does not necessarily mean much. My mantra next time will be quality, not quantity!
Oh, I'm doing OK, thank you :)
Actually, I have a quick question for you - since you also recently had ER. Mine was on Wednesday (also had 14 eggies, of which 12 were mature enough for ICSI and of those 12, 11 were confirmed as fertilised :)).. I was wondering how you were after ER? I have been extremely swollen and although the soreness is getting better (sitting is not that bad any more), moving, getting up, sitting down - is still quite uncomfortable and I still am very swollen. How was it for you?

The ET will be on Monday (we're having two put back in - provided the 5 they didn't freeze are developing nicely) :)

BUBUMACI- i was really sore after er and i bloated aswel but i didnt gain any weight i drank 2ltr of water every day til et to try and flush the hormones out of my system.......when i needed to go to the toilet i used to get pains in stomach and felt a bit more bloated until i went my pain only started to subside about a day before et and i was really tired and woren out i found the more water you drink and the more bed rest you get the better you will feel........i hope you feeling well soon:hugs:
Baby - I am on topomax; I take 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night. When I weaned off them for my 1st IVF, my headaches were awful! The topomax has done wonders with weight loss too, so that has been a bonus! I am dreading stopping it this time around again, but whatever I need to do to get my BPF, I will do it. The hormones make my headaches worse too :wacko: I have never done acupuncture, but I have heard that this really does help with them. I hate needles....go figure :)

I was taking 200mg in the morning and at night. I agree on the weight loss thing, when I went off I gained weight. f course I also uit taking some other meds too and started taking hormones. Nothing like putting on 25 lbs in 6 months with NO pregnancy and migraines. When I first went off and on different hormones, my migraines have been worse. I didn't do well on the clomid or the bravelle but the femera went ok. I also hate needles, but I have found that I don't think about it as much with the acupuncture because it helps me relax. It might be something for you to try. :o)
Baby - I am on topomax; I take 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night. When I weaned off them for my 1st IVF, my headaches were awful! The topomax has done wonders with weight loss too, so that has been a bonus! I am dreading stopping it this time around again, but whatever I need to do to get my BPF, I will do it. The hormones make my headaches worse too :wacko: I have never done acupuncture, but I have heard that this really does help with them. I hate needles....go figure :)

I was taking 200mg in the morning and at night. I agree on the weight loss thing, when I went off I gained weight. f course I also uit taking some other meds too and started taking hormones. Nothing like putting on 25 lbs in 6 months with NO pregnancy and migraines. When I first went off and on different hormones, my migraines have been worse. I didn't do well on the clomid or the bravelle but the femera went ok. I also hate needles, but I have found that I don't think about it as much with the acupuncture because it helps me relax. It might be something for you to try. :o)

Thanks! I am going to look into it. I workout 6 days a week and eat pretty heathly, so if I can maintain that, hopefully it will be OK. When I went through my 1st round of IVF, I only gained 6 pounds and I made it to 6 weeks before I MC. What was hard was during my 11 days of stimming and after transfer I wasn't allowed to go to the gym. So I know that will be the case again when I start in a few weeks, but if I get my BFP, I don't care :winkwink:
More updates- ET on day 3 (6/19) transferred 2 embryos. Got a call today from RE, one made it to blast at day 5 but was not good enough to freeze. Nervous that I have no spares, RE says I have 50% chance with the 2 we transferred. Beta scheduled for 6/30.

Anyone else have no blasts make it to day 5, but still get preggers with day 3 transfer??
Oh, I'm doing OK, thank you :)
Actually, I have a quick question for you - since you also recently had ER. Mine was on Wednesday (also had 14 eggies, of which 12 were mature enough for ICSI and of those 12, 11 were confirmed as fertilised :)).. I was wondering how you were after ER? I have been extremely swollen and although the soreness is getting better (sitting is not that bad any more), moving, getting up, sitting down - is still quite uncomfortable and I still am very swollen. How was it for you?

The ET will be on Monday (we're having two put back in - provided the 5 they didn't freeze are developing nicely) :)

BUBUMACI- i was really sore after er and i bloated aswel but i didnt gain any weight i drank 2ltr of water every day til et to try and flush the hormones out of my system.......when i needed to go to the toilet i used to get pains in stomach and felt a bit more bloated until i went my pain only started to subside about a day before et and i was really tired and woren out i found the more water you drink and the more bed rest you get the better you will feel........i hope you feeling well soon:hugs:

Thank you Tiff! I am drinking quite a lot, yes. I find that as the day / evening progresses, the more bloated I get. Just now, watching the quarter final, it got worse as the game progressed. Sudden movements (when my muscles tense) are bad too. In the morning, looks OK, by the evening 4-5 months preggers! Thank you for your tips and I now have some hope, that it really is just a matter of time, before the bloating stops! :) :hugs:
hey bubu quick ? why does your clinic freeze half of your embies early on? ive not seen this before...my clinic lets them all grow...but they only freeze blasts and i thinktheir guidelines are a bit strict!
Hey Mo - well in Germany, it is "illegal" to freeze at the emby stage and they do that only as an exception. In our paperwork, we signed that, if possible / doable, we wanted both. So it may well be, if the other 5 develop to blasts, that we transfer two and the other three get frozen. We shall see. They usually keep 6 to grow (which is why I was surprised that they had frozen 6) - I don't really know, but it will have something to do with the law...?
oh okay makes sense :) all these laws in different countries! fx for you! monday is sooooooo close!
Hi Everyone!
Michelle- What type of migraine meds have you been taking? I weaned myself off of Topamax a few months ago. My migraines have been better than I expected, I think the acupuncture is helping with them.

DaisyQ- I hope the results all come back normal!

Never- I hope time goes quickly for you.

One- Sounds like things are progressing. . . your e2 level is still increasing and the follies are growing. Yay! Enjoy your acupuncture, I love going!

Buba- 11 fertilized is great!

Honeycheeks- 23 out of 28?! That’s awesome!

Raelynn- 17 is a great amount!

Jchic- Not much time now!

Ash- Sounds like we’ll be just a few days apart. . . we are hoping for ET around July 24th depending on how I do with the stims

MrsC- What a crazy experience to have someone say they couldn’t find anything on the right. I’m glad things were really ok!

Tella-How are things going?

Drs- how are you doing?

AFM- I had the uterine sounding and hysteroscopy today. Both went much better than I expected. Just a little cramping. I took a muscle relaxer ahead of time because I was concerned and I know how I respond to it and wasn&#8217;t feeling well anyway. I still have an icky cold but that&#8217;s to be expected for me now that school is out. I talked to the financial person at my RE&#8217;s office. . . I have to make a bunch of decisions before I go in for my suppression ultrasound on 7/2. I have to figure out how many IVF cycles I want to try with my eggs. That will be tough since I won&#8217;t know how I respond to the stims or if I want to switch and try donor eggs. I am SO scared of none of this working and keep getting in fights with my family as they just keep telling me they KNOW everything will work out as it is &#8220;supposed&#8221; to. I normally believe that but I am so unsure of this and truly scared I will never end up being a mom. It&#8217;s so hard to stay positive when I am so worried and have to be around SO many people with babies all the time. This Saturday is my niece&#8217;s 2nd b-day party and of the people there 4 of them have babies under 3 months old and 2 are pregnant. I love all the kids but it&#8217;s just hard. <sigh> Sorry for all the whining. . . it&#8217;s been an emotional day and I&#8217;m always extra emotional when I&#8217;m sick.

I'm glad everything went well. I know all the decisions are hard but try not to stress out on them to much. :hugs:

Hi all- I look on here every morning to see how everyone is progressing but I'm so sorry that I never respond! Always in such a rush!!

AFM- I've been on down reg for a while and going in to have my scan on Monday 25th. If all is good then I start stims then with ER planned for Monday 9th. But I guess it depends how I respond?

Hope you all have a good day. Xx

FX for you!

AFM > 2more days left of stims, then scan on Sunday and hopefully ER on Wednesday!!!

That is great news! Not much longer for you. :thumbup:

Hi Tella :wave:
Thanks for the feedback re swelling :)

The soreness is a lot better today, although still feel tender when moving / getting up / sitting down ... and still look very bloated. When lying down, if I press on my tummy, it feels quite tender (above the belly button) but I haven't put on any more weight since yesterday. So hopefully, if any fluid has gathered there, it will go away (I wonder, where / how :) )

Only two more days of stims *yay* :thumb up: I hope the scan goes well and that the planned ER on Wednesday is a huge success! Will be keeping my fingers crossed!

MrsC - that's great news :hugs:

Thank you :hugs:

hey girls just popped in for an update........so yesterday i took a pregnancy test and i got a very light but visable line today i took another one and the line was light but defo darker than yesterday........iam now 6 days past ET and 13 days past trigger so it couldnt still be in my system could it??? and if it is y would the line get darker???? i no it was early to test but i couldnt help it :blush:
Girls i need some advise....,,,..,,..,,...

:happydance: Thats very exciting! Congrats!

I'm not sure if I ever posted in here the results of my second beta and how I'm doing! My second beta was 178 and that was perfect! So I've got my first ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday the 27th. Eeeeek! Less than a week away! Just wanted to keep you ladies in the loop! :)

Thank you for updating us. Your beta sounds great! :thumbup:

Tiff - Congrats that sounds very promising. When is your OTD? sorry if you already said, too much to read on here some days!

Jenny - Great beta can't wait to hear about your u/s!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I had a lining check today and all looked well so will be starting PIO on sunday

Yay for moving forward! Not much longer now.

Tiff and Jenny- congrats. I still haven't decided whether to test to give myself a heads up

Bubu- I felt fine the day of Er and only had minimal cramping the next day. I seem to tend to have fewer symptoms that other people (other than this pio debacle) but I'd call your doc. They can do a scan and make sure you aren't developing fluid etc. better safe than sorry.

Afm- been quiet. Really don't have much to say right now. Feeling exhausted. Been in court all day and realized yesterday I was completely out to lunch and had no idea what was going on but.. I has similar symptoms last time I took progesterone and that was at a much lower dose. Off work now Monday too. Cause the stupid trial is still going. May have to take off Tuesday now too. Grrr

Fx for you!

Hi ladies- i havent been able to keep up on this thread as I was very exhausted and sore after ER. Still a little sore and also feeling a little bloated today. I dont know If I should be worried about the bloating. Just hoping it is going to go away. I am still extremely exhausted wonder if it is the progesterone that makes me so exhausted or is it just normal to feel drained of all energy after ER. We are likely to have the transfer on Monday. I can use the days till transfer to recover and not worry that I am doing anything bad to the embies. They are safe and looked after in the lab until then. We want to transfer 2 embies , but we still dont know for suer if the clinic will let us transfer 2 or is it going to be 1. It all depends on whether there is a risk of developing OHSS.

Thanks all ladies for keeping me in their thoughts.

I wouldn't worry to much about the bloating. Just make sure to weigh yourself and see if there is a big jump in numbers. Fx for Monday!

More updates- ET on day 3 (6/19) transferred 2 embryos. Got a call today from RE, one made it to blast at day 5 but was not good enough to freeze. Nervous that I have no spares, RE says I have 50% chance with the 2 we transferred. Beta scheduled for 6/30.

Anyone else have no blasts make it to day 5, but still get preggers with day 3 transfer??

Congrats on being PUPO! Sorry to hear that none were able to be frozen. You won't need it though because the ones you have will stick. :thumbup:
@ Honey - seems like you are having the same symptoms / reactions as me... And I think progesterone can have that effect (even in my normal cycle, I find myself getting tired / feeling a bit sick from it in the days leading up to my period). Have you been drinking a lot to flush all the anaesthetic from your system? That might help :hugs:

Thanks bubumaci. I thought I was the only one!. I wasnt able to drink a lot of water until atleast a day after ER as I felt too sore and I felt no matter how much I drink, I wasnt making frequent trips to the bathroom. Also it hurt quite a bit when bladder shrinks after urinating. It is not a problm anymore. Now I Have been drinking lots of water, fresh fruit juices and soups and it makes me feel a lot better. The bloating has got better and also I havent gained any weight since ER or even since stims

Oh, I'm doing OK, thank you :)
Actually, I have a quick question for you - since you also recently had ER. Mine was on Wednesday (also had 14 eggies, of which 12 were mature enough for ICSI and of those 12, 11 were confirmed as fertilised :)).. I was wondering how you were after ER? I have been extremely swollen and although the soreness is getting better (sitting is not that bad any more), moving, getting up, sitting down - is still quite uncomfortable and I still am very swollen. How was it for you?

The ET will be on Monday (we're having two put back in - provided the 5 they didn't freeze are developing nicely) :)

BUBUMACI- i was really sore after er and i bloated aswel but i didnt gain any weight i drank 2ltr of water every day til et to try and flush the hormones out of my system.......when i needed to go to the toilet i used to get pains in stomach and felt a bit more bloated until i went my pain only started to subside about a day before et and i was really tired and woren out i found the more water you drink and the more bed rest you get the better you will feel........i hope you feeling well soon:hugs:

I was very sore after ER too. Couldnt move a muscle in my abdomen for more than a day after ER. Was feeling quite bloated too. Now the bloating is almost gone, but I have a gassy kind of feeling, not sure if it is really gas or just soreness from ER. I have been on total bed rest and it has been helping as I was extremely exhausted.

hey bubu quick ? why does your clinic freeze half of your embies early on? ive not seen this before...my clinic lets them all grow...but they only freeze blasts and i thinktheir guidelines are a bit strict!

MoBaby- My clinic is also only growing 10 embies in the lab at the moment and they have already frozen the remaining 13. They think we have a lot of embies and need not grow all of them at once.
honey: you got soooo many! i cant believe you had 13 growing and 10 frosties! thats fantastic! did you get an update on the 13 yet?

afm: decided to stop the bcp after my surgery.the nurse said i could anytime....and af showed up today. so my trip next weekend and the following week wont be interrupted :) now have to wait for af to come to go back on bcp....ive only had 2 cycles since feb after mc....it took 8 wks then 35 days...i hoping to be back at 28 days...i was on the pills for 31 days and af at 34 days so we shall see. then i get to start ivf process for early-mid sept :)

drsquid: are you testing before beta?
Hi Honey :wave:
Thanks for your feedback. I am still swollen - but I think it is also more gassy... I haven't put on any more weight (through the stims I did - about 2 kilos!)... and interestingly, as the day progresses, it gets worse, with the bloating. So I look really quite swollen by the evening. But perhaps, because I am up all day. I was specifically told not to lie around (except for a nap) - but perhaps, because I have had an thrombosis and lung embolism (after my knee operation in 2004)... Going to the loo (bladder emptying) I do find a bit sore still though...
bubu: urination was quite sore for me for several days after egg collection. i had bloating after but somehow managed to lose 4 lbs after...the bloating was worse when the pg was progessing so i feel like the progesterone has something to do with it. i hope you girls feel better soon!
honey: you got soooo many! i cant believe you had 13 growing and 10 frosties! thats fantastic! did you get an update on the 13 yet?

afm: decided to stop the bcp after my surgery.the nurse said i could anytime....and af showed up today. so my trip next weekend and the following week wont be interrupted :) now have to wait for af to come to go back on bcp....ive only had 2 cycles since feb after mc....it took 8 wks then 35 days...i hoping to be back at 28 days...i was on the pills for 31 days and af at 34 days so we shall see. then i get to start ivf process for early-mid sept :)

drsquid: are you testing before beta?

I am to call the clinic tomorrow to get an update on the embies. The lab said they would call be before that if there was any bad news. So I am assuming my little ones are happy in the lab.

Hi Honey :wave:
Thanks for your feedback. I am still swollen - but I think it is also more gassy... I haven't put on any more weight (through the stims I did - about 2 kilos!)... and interestingly, as the day progresses, it gets worse, with the bloating. So I look really quite swollen by the evening. But perhaps, because I am up all day. I was specifically told not to lie around (except for a nap) - but perhaps, because I have had an thrombosis and lung embolism (after my knee operation in 2004)... Going to the loo (bladder emptying) I do find a bit sore still though...

bubu- I too feel quite bloated by the end of the day. Urinating still hurts and I feel it hurts more when Im really very full. Making frequent trips to the bathroom instead of waiting till i cant hold it any longer has helped. It still hurts when I try to stand up from seated position. I have been weighing myself twice a day as I am terrified of OHSS. My weight is normal in the mornings, but by evening I seem to gain around 1 or 2 kgs. My stomach is really bloated in the evenings, I cant wear my jeans anymore :(
Hey girls just popped in for an update.......i done another test today and it has got a good bit darker and the line came up straight away i actully really think this is it iam finnally pregnant:happydance::happydance: i think iam going to call my clinic on monday and tell them i got a positive test i wonder will they do a test earlyer than thursday i really cant wait till then i showed my mum the tests and she defo thinks iam pregnant shes all excited its kinda funny :haha:

HOPEFUL-how are you???......did you do any more tests??? whens your beta???
bubu- I too feel quite bloated by the end of the day. Urinating still hurts and I feel it hurts more when Im really very full. Making frequent trips to the bathroom instead of waiting till i cant hold it any longer has helped. It still hurts when I try to stand up from seated position. I have been weighing myself twice a day as I am terrified of OHSS. My weight is normal in the mornings, but by evening I seem to gain around 1 or 2 kgs. My stomach is really bloated in the evenings, I cant wear my jeans anymore :(

Honey - OK, I guess it is kind of comforting to hear that you are pretty much the same as me. I am wearing really really loose trousers, kinda like pyjamas, so I have plenty of room to swell! So it seems to be normal. Sudden movements are bad too and getting up / sitting down are a bit sore. I haven't tried weighing in the evenings, since my normal weighing time is the morning and by the morning my weight is normal again. I think if I were to weigh in the evening it would be the same as you... :hugs:

Hey girls just popped in for an update.......i done another test today and it has got a good bit darker and the line came up straight away i actully really think this is it iam finnally pregnant:happydance::happydance: i think iam going to call my clinic on monday and tell them i got a positive test i wonder will they do a test earlyer than thursday i really cant wait till then i showed my mum the tests and she defo thinks iam pregnant shes all excited its kinda funny :haha:

HOPEFUL-how are you???......did you do any more tests??? whens your beta???

TIFF :hugs::hugs::hugs: Congratulations Hun :happydance::hugs::thumbup: I am so happy for you and I am sure you can't wait!
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