IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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ATMA - wow your ER is very soon! Are you nervous, excited? Good luck with it! How long have you been TTC?

I'm doing good. Just waiting to get started on the stims. I'm not nervous about them since I've injected myself before. I just really want to get on with this, we've been TTC for about 19 months and I'm just ready to have success already.

Hi! We have been TTC for 26 months with two early miscarriage. I like my RE, he is very experienced and patient with my questions. I have a scan and bloodwork tomorrow to check progress. Cant wait for ER, hope he has the rght protocol etc. Are you excited about your IVF class?

Sorry to hear abou your miscarriages :hugs: When do you go for ER? Is this your first IVF? I'm kind of excited about the IVF class. I mean, I already know how to do the GonalF shot so I'll be learning the lupron menopur and PIO shots ... I don't feel overwhelmed or anything, I'm just really ready to get things started.
So are any of you on any kind of special diet? I have completely cut out caffeine. Including soda. No bread. No sugar. No potatoes.

The dietician at my RE/FS gave me a recipe for smoothies to drink every morning. It's frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries 1/2 cup of Kale 1/2 of plain organic yogurt. 1 cup of whole vitiman D milk and blend. It's pretty darn good. She told me to drink plenty of whole milk. which is hard for me because I was never a big milk drinker but when I would drink it, it would be 2%. She has me eating almonds, Kale chips and lots of green veggies and salads with light vinegrette dressings. Lots of Salmon and baked skinless chicken. The diet is ok, but is already getting old..lol I really miss chips and cookies :dohh:

Do you guys know or have any other suggestions for fertility nutrician?

ps..fat free ice cream is still allowed in moderation..:happydance:

165 pounds
Awesome! How exciting for you to get started. I am going to google Dermoids.
I start BCP on July 8th and take them through the 31st. Then 8/5/12 the fun begins (stims) I am so anxious!

I'm sure you'll find them creepy.... when I was told and the doctor described them to me all i could think was that I have aliens inside of me. They sometimes have teeth, hair, skin, even eyes. DH keeps making jokes that I was part of multiples and I ate my siblings.... not funny at all. Luckily they are not cancer and pretty common.

Yeah for you getting started too! I know exactly how you feel being anxious. It took 4 months to get my MRI and I've been very impatient the whole time. Reading this blog helps but also can make things worse. I love hearing about people having success but there are so many things you hear about that you never thought of it makes you nervous. I think if this IVF is successful I might become a hermit and live in a bubble trying to make it to term.
Atma- yes I started .1 of lupron on may 11. June 1 I started 150 of Menopur in the am
And 225 gonal f in the pm. Trigger was with 5000 units on June 11 and Er June 13.
As far as diet. I was always a reasonably healthy eater (I eat a lot of fruit and salads) however I cut nothing out of my diet. I cut down to 200 mg of caffeine. I think while eating healthy is a good idea, stressing yourself out over a diet only defeats the point. All things in balance and moderation.
Awesome! How exciting for you to get started. I am going to google Dermoids.
I start BCP on July 8th and take them through the 31st. Then 8/5/12 the fun begins (stims) I am so anxious!

I'm sure you'll find them creepy.... when I was told and the doctor described them to me all i could think was that I have aliens inside of me. They sometimes have teeth, hair, skin, even eyes. DH keeps making jokes that I was part of multiples and I ate my siblings.... not funny at all. Luckily they are not cancer and pretty common.

Yeah for you getting started too! I know exactly how you feel being anxious. It took 4 months to get my MRI and I've been very impatient the whole time. Reading this blog helps but also can make things worse. I love hearing about people having success but there are so many things you hear about that you never thought of it makes you nervous. I think if this IVF is successful I might become a hermit and live in a bubble trying to make it to term.

Yikes! Just googled images..:nope: How scary!
As far as diet. I was always a reasonably healthy eater (I eat a lot of fruit and salads) however I cut nothing out of my diet. I cut down to 200 mg of caffeine. I think while eating healthy is a good idea, stressing yourself out over a diet only defeats the point. All things in balance and moderation.

Thats exactly what I said!
I am not gonna stress myself out but I will do the best I can to eat right!
ATMA - wow your ER is very soon! Are you nervous, excited? Good luck with it! How long have you been TTC?

I'm doing good. Just waiting to get started on the stims. I'm not nervous about them since I've injected myself before. I just really want to get on with this, we've been TTC for about 19 months and I'm just ready to have success already.

Hi! We have been TTC for 26 months with two early miscarriage. I like my RE, he is very experienced and patient with my questions. I have a scan and bloodwork tomorrow to check progress. Cant wait for ER, hope he has the rght protocol etc. Are you excited about your IVF class?

Sorry to hear abou your miscarriages :hugs: When do you go for ER? Is this your first IVF? I'm kind of excited about the IVF class. I mean, I already know how to do the GonalF shot so I'll be learning the lupron menopur and PIO shots ... I don't feel overwhelmed or anything, I'm just really ready to get things started.

This is my first ivf. I dont have a confirmed date and it depends on how my follies develop. Hopefully between 3rd and 5th july, keeping fingers crossed! Waiting for ivf feels like the longest time. Right?
Atma- yes I started .1 of lupron on may 11. June 1 I started 150 of Menopur in the am
And 225 gonal f in the pm. Trigger was with 5000 units on June 11 and Er June 13.

Thanks! Sounds like am on a different protocol.
So are any of you on any kind of special diet? I have completely cut out caffeine. Including soda. No bread. No sugar. No potatoes.

The dietician at my RE/FS gave me a recipe for smoothies to drink every morning. It's frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries 1/2 cup of Kale 1/2 of plain organic yogurt. 1 cup of whole vitiman D milk and blend. It's pretty darn good. She told me to drink plenty of whole milk. which is hard for me because I was never a big milk drinker but when I would drink it, it would be 2%. She has me eating almonds, Kale chips and lots of green veggies and salads with light vinegrette dressings. Lots of Salmon and baked skinless chicken. The diet is ok, but is already getting old..lol I really miss chips and cookies :dohh:

Do you guys know or have any other suggestions for fertility nutrician?

ps..fat free ice cream is still allowed in moderation..:happydance:

165 pounds

Hi! I had to cut down caffeine which is driving me crazy. Otherwise i am usually good with eating healthy - veggies and lean meat. U seem to be doing very well with ur diet...great!
hopeful: how many did you transfer?
I transferred 2. One was a good looking blast the other was just alittle behind.

wonder if you have twinnies in there w/ your dark lines!

I hope!! Hubby and I would be thrilled if we found out twins!!

Hi Hopeful, congratulations! the image is dark and looks like twins...!

Btw, did u also go for blood work on day 14 or did ur re suggest an frer?
Yeah it does seem like forever. I'm very anxious and I've also done 4 IUI's so I'm so ready to move on.
hopeful: how many did you transfer?
I transferred 2. One was a good looking blast the other was just alittle behind.

wonder if you have twinnies in there w/ your dark lines!

I hope!! Hubby and I would be thrilled if we found out twins!!

Hi Hopeful, congratulations! the image is dark and looks like twins...!

Btw, did u also go for blood work on day 14 or did ur re suggest an frer?

Thank you!!
I was supposed to go for my first Beta today but things got a little messed up and I wasnt able to do it today. So my RE (whoh is out of state) told me to make an appointment with a local OB/GYN since I got 2 positive tests. But they never suggested or told me when to test before my bloodwork.
Hi All, I know I have said this before, but wow this room moves fast! I wasn’t around yesterday or today and I’m trying to get all caught up. :o)
Tella- GL with your ER!

Drs- Yay, I’m so happy for your BFP!!

One- I am SO sorry to hear about your cycle. Hopefully this IUI will work and you won’t have to do IVF!

Blue- How did the pio go tonight?

Ash- I hope your IVF class goes well!

AndreaFlorida- I hope everything works out ok. Are you on a military base?

Hopeful and Georx- Hopefully we get lots of good news on Thursday from both of you! Sorry you have to wait Hopeful!

Jenn- Sounds like we will be pretty close with our cycles. I start Lupron July 9th and go from there.

Never- I’m going to have to try your smoothie as I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast!

I’m SO sorry if I missed anyone! AFM, I had my IVF consent appointment with my RE today. We talked about what it might look like with different numbers of follicles and she told me not to be upset if I don’t get too many follicles due to the DOR. We also talked about how many they would transfer and everything. Now, I go for my suppression ultrasound in a week. I am on BCP until next Tuesday then I start the microdose of Lupron a week from this Friday. I’m ready!!
Drs, hopeful and Georx- congratulations!! Brilliant, brilliant news. Good luck on Thursday hopeful and Georx.

Oneof- do you get to do IUI this round? Fingers crossed for you!

AFM- I went for my scan last night and was given the all clear to start stims. 150 gonal f each day till my next scan on Thursday.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Hi everybody :wave:
Sorry I wasn't online yesterday - was just relaxing and trying to get my Mummy Karma to work :)

So ET was yesterday afternoon. One was just developing to a blast and the other was still a morula at the time of transfer... The doctor said it could be better...
But what I found quite comforting - I was given two pictures of the two little ones transferred and at 12:36, both were morulas (so on the picture) ... at 15:20, at the time of transfer, one had progressed to the blastocyst stage - so, apart from finding that fascinating, I am still hoping that the development is good and that we will get some implanting :)

DH was so sweet! When he came home, he stroked and kissed my belly and said "grow, little ones, grow" (... not to sound crazy, but I have been doing the same *lol*)

Oh - and when I mentioned my bloating (which has been quite severe and actually yesterday, I was sore on my left side) the U/S showed that my left ovary is quite enlarged. But since the Dr. did the transfer, I am guessing he wasn't too concerned?

Sunday I go for my first blood test FX'd

@ One - I am so sorry that your cycle was cancelled - but perhaps it is better this way, as devastating it is, to wait and see if IUI works this time, rather than having to have the operation (which - even though short - is still surgery which can have complications) with bad results :hugs: I hope that IUI works and if not, at least they will get the meds right in the next cycle :hugs:
Well, I just go the call. They cancelled my cycle. I am completey devastated. I didnt speak to the doctor yet, just the nurse and she said the doctor seems to think it was the protocol I was on. My follies were all over the place. They are converting into an IUI. I am heartbroken and afraid that the next protocol wont work either.

Thanks Ladies. I am so devsatated with this news and I feel so defeated. I spoke to my doctor and he seems to think its was my protocol and that the next time, if there is a next time, he will have me on lupron. He was also sounded very promising about the IUI. Which I've had 3 with no success.

I feel better that he thinks I will get pregnant with the right protocol. I asked him what if I dont respond to the lupron and he was reassuring me that I will.

Its just so upsetting since I've been going EVERYDAY for b/w & u/s since I started. But I am hopeful that the next protocol will work.

I following all you ladies and hoping and praying you all get your BFP!!

Im so sorry to read about your cycle being cancelled but i agree that you would rather change to a protocol that will ensure you have healthy eggies and healthy embies. A failed cycle is far worse. I think my first protocol was the wrong one for me as well. Considering on the long lupron one, i have produced far more and hopefully better follies than on the short one.

Fx;d that the IUI is a success!!! :hugs:

So sorry love :( that stinks......praying that the IUI miraculously works :) Gotta keep faith :)

I cant believe you havent tested. Your chart looks great!!!!!!!!!! :test:

Hi Ladies!!! I've been quietly keeping up on all of your journey's but haven't posted for quite awhile since I haven't had anything to update on myself.

Congratulations to All the Ladies that got their :bfp: : Haj, Jenny, Toucan, Lisa, MJ, DrSquid, Tiffttc, and Hopeful hope you all have a happy and healthy 9 months. It is so great to see so many success stories on here.

Mrs C I am so glad that you have decided to stick with us and do such a great job maintaining the front page. As this blog is very active and it is hard to scan through all these posts and catch everything that is going on. Your dedication to that front page is appreciated.

Hi to all the new ladies! There are so many that I can't list them all. I wish you all the best with your IVF. Here's hoping there are many many more :bfp: to come.

Oneof I am so sorry to hear that your cycle got canceled. I know how frustrated you must be. I hope you have success with the IUI.

Angie - I am 36 and I totally understand where you are coming from had I known 10 years ago that fertility would be a problem I would have started back then. But of course I wanted to have a stable job and finances before I started. We've been TTC for 3 years now and are just starting IVF #1. I can't believe your boss would put those negative thoughts in your head, that's horrible. You need to keep positive I believe us older ladies will get our BFP's too!!

Tella - Good Luck with your ER!!!

AFM - I finally had my MRI today :bunny: and thanks to the miracle of technology they were able to send the results immediately to my RE. The results were neither great nor horrible, I have 3 dermoids in my ovaries (two in one and one in the other). If you don't know what that is google it they are creepy!! Mine are all 2-3cm which is borderline for needing surgery. If I do surgery I risk losing my ovaries so I have opted to not do surgery and proceed with my IVF and my RE has supported me in this decision. They warned me that I may not produce as many follicles and there many be issues retrieving them but compared to losing my ovaries I think I would rather do the IVF with dermoids intact.

I start the nasal spary tomorrow and have my class for injections on Thursday. My down reg check is July 11th and if all goes well I start the injections on the 12th. This would put me ER around July 20-23 and ET July 25-28. Anyone else close to me with their cyces????

Thanks, tomorrow this time i will be recovering and eating lots of sweet stuff :haha:

WOW that is really scary!!!! But im glad you can continue with IVF, ultimately you only need a few great eggies to work!

So are any of you on any kind of special diet? I have completely cut out caffeine. Including soda. No bread. No sugar. No potatoes.

The dietician at my RE/FS gave me a recipe for smoothies to drink every morning. It's frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries 1/2 cup of Kale 1/2 of plain organic yogurt. 1 cup of whole vitiman D milk and blend. It's pretty darn good. She told me to drink plenty of whole milk. which is hard for me because I was never a big milk drinker but when I would drink it, it would be 2%. She has me eating almonds, Kale chips and lots of green veggies and salads with light vinegrette dressings. Lots of Salmon and baked skinless chicken. The diet is ok, but is already getting old..lol I really miss chips and cookies :dohh:

Do you guys know or have any other suggestions for fertility nutrician?

ps..fat free ice cream is still allowed in moderation..:happydance:

165 pounds

I have cut caffiene out since December so that i no long a issue. But i might have a decaf cuppucino on the odd occasion.

Then i also followed a no carbs after 3, and only complex carbs before 3. This is to assist with egg quality as it was a issue wiht me first IVF. I also do one serving of whole milk a day and no sugars.

Lots of green veggies, salad and lean meat.

Drs, hopeful and Georx- congratulations!! Brilliant, brilliant news. Good luck on Thursday hopeful and Georx.

Oneof- do you get to do IUI this round? Fingers crossed for you!

AFM- I went for my scan last night and was given the all clear to start stims. 150 gonal f each day till my next scan on Thursday.

Hope everyone has a good day!

:happydance: yay for starting!!!! ER will be here before you know it.

Hi everybody :wave:
Sorry I wasn't online yesterday - was just relaxing and trying to get my Mummy Karma to work :)

So ET was yesterday afternoon. One was just developing to a blast and the other was still a morula at the time of transfer... The doctor said it could be better...
But what I found quite comforting - I was given two pictures of the two little ones transferred and at 12:36, both were morulas (so on the picture) ... at 15:20, at the time of transfer, one had progressed to the blastocyst stage - so, apart from finding that fascinating, I am still hoping that the development is good and that we will get some implanting :)

DH was so sweet! When he came home, he stroked and kissed my belly and said "grow, little ones, grow" (... not to sound crazy, but I have been doing the same *lol*)

Oh - and when I mentioned my bloating (which has been quite severe and actually yesterday, I was sore on my left side) the U/S showed that my left ovary is quite enlarged. But since the Dr. did the transfer, I am guessing he wasn't too concerned?

Sunday I go for my first blood test FX'd

@ One - I am so sorry that your cycle was cancelled - but perhaps it is better this way, as devastating it is, to wait and see if IUI works this time, rather than having to have the operation (which - even though short - is still surgery which can have complications) with bad results :hugs: I hope that IUI works and if not, at least they will get the meds right in the next cycle :hugs:

Yeah for being PUPO wiht twins!!!!!!!!!! Grow and attach little ones!!!!

AFM > My ovaries is very sore, i cant wait to get all these eggies out of me and my ovaries to shrink back to size.

Acu lady is very happy with my body's state and believes we are in optimal condition.

DH have strick instructions to get me a order of sweet things and sushi for tomorrow night. :haha:
Bubu - you are PUPO now!

Hopeful - congrats honey!

Tella - are you excited?

One - Ugh, this is such a blow. I am so sorry....KNOW that its best to switch protocols if its not working, glad your RE is on top of that!
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