IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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hey ladies found this quote and thought some of you might enjoy to read it:

"Couples experiencing infertility often receive well-meaning but extremely insensitive "advice." We can all list the most popular ones; "just relax and you'll get pregnant," or "adopt and you'll get pregnant," or "why can't you just be happy with what you have," or the most painful from the ones who seem to have the good on God's plan; "maybe God never meant for you to have children." The sheer audacity of making a statement like that never ceases to amaze me. These same people would never walk up to someone with cancer and say, "maybe God never meant for you to live." However since I am infertile, I am supposed to get on with my life.It is hard to understand why people cannot see infertility for what it is: a disease for which I have the right to seek treatment. What if doctors said to the parents of polio victims, "Maybe God meant for thousands of children to be cripples, live in iron lungs or die." What if they never tried to find a cure? Who could think for one minute that was God's plan?Why do I think God gave me infertility? I think he meant for my husband and I to grow closer, become stronger, love deeper. I think God meant for us to find the fortitude within ourselves to get up each time infertility knocks us down. I think God meant for our medical community to discover medicines, invent medical equipment, and to create procedures and protocols. I think God meant for us to find a cure for infertility. No, God never meant for me NOT to have children. That is not my destiny, that is just a fork in the road I am on. I have been placed on the road less traveled, and like it or not, I am a better person for it. Clearly, God meant for me to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and have greater inner strength on this journey to resolution and I haven't let him down.Frankly, if the truth be known, I think God singled me out for special treatment. I think God meant for me to build a thirst for a child so strong and deep that when the baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest most refreshing drink I have ever known. While I would never have chosen infertility, I cannot deny that a fertile woman could never experience the joy that I know awaits me. Yes, one way or another, I will have a baby of my own. And, the next time someone wants to offer me unsolicited advice, I'll say, "Don't tell me what God meant when he handed me infertility, I already know."
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well.
Sorry Mrs. C but its supposed to be a beautiful 70 degrees here on long island today. Question for you ladies, does insurance usually cover accupuncture? I was thinking about giving it a go. Alsooooo I started a ttc blog if you ladies want to check it out: https://babyyesplease.blogspot.com/

My insurance does cover acupuncture (Cigna) I have unlimited sessions and no deductible to meet as of right now. The only thing is I have a $30.00 copay which isn't bad considering everything else. As soon as I'm done here I will go check out your blog. :thumbup:

Hi all,
Welcome to the new ladies (the more the merrier).

Is anyone considering traveling abroad for IVF? For those who know people who have travelled for IVF how long did the whole process take? Am considering doing same but am unsure of how long i will be away for and if my job can give me so much time off.

Any input is welcome

I haven't known anyone who has and hubby isn't ok with it. Plus with his schedule it would be very hard. I have seen a couple girls on the threads go abroad for IVF though. Maybe start a thread if you haven't already and ask about it. :shrug: With the price difference it's worth a look, just make sure it's a safe and clean place.

I will start acupuncture very soon. I have my first patient visit next Wednesday. Apparently the first visit is 90 minutes long... not sure what will all be done during the first visit but I'm looking forward to it. Anyone have any idea's on what the first visit usually is and what is done?

My first acupuncture appt. was long too (over an hour). We spent a lot of time talking about my cycles, health history, etc. (like you might with your RE). She also did some kinda interesting things like look at my tongue, check my pulse in both wrists, etc.

Then I spent about 30-45 minutes with the needles in.

I've been trying to go weekly now, including on the day of ovulation as she recommended. Hope this helps!

Thank you that does help me know what to expect. So maybe a silly question but what should be work to acupuncture? That may be a silly question but it's been on my mind.

haj624 - not sure if insurance covers it in the US but I pay for it privately here. I have been going once a week for the last 3 weeks. She thinks that my lining will be much thicker - I guess I will find out in a week or so. My period only usually lasts 2 days so anything longer than that would be great. My consultant doesn't think it is an issue at all as my lining is always about 7-8 on CD 11 but I still think it can't hurt!!! Also, I was on clomid for 6 months and it can have that effect.

Mrs C8776 - are you doing a long cycle or a short cycle? I actually start the whole process off with my May period with an aim to do ET first week of July.

So great to have others to chat to about it all.

I'm not really sure if I will be on the short or long protocol. I think I will find out soon though or at least once all my tests are in. Just waiting on CD3 to go in. We are looking at starting meds in June but I guess that all depends on which protocol I will fall under.

Ok :witch: is here! I'm actually happy for a change. Now I can guestimate when IVF will start. Yay!

Yay for AF finally getting here. Now you can get started! :thumbup:

Nothing much to report here but just wanted to catch up on the day!
Haj - So true! I've read that quote before. I've been given all the same unsolicited advice. The best one I keep hearing is to stop stressing about it or it won't happen. Really??!! Love that! And the Adoption one, ladies we can avoid paying for ivf by just getting on an adoption waiting list. LOL!

Mrs C it was 84 degrees here in NS today!!! Record high even beats the April record high. I had to turn the AC on. Funny thing is we are expecting snow tomorrow. Ha Ha! Mother nature playing tricks on us.

Blue great to hear AF finally showed, She came to me today too. Bitter sweet as I had hoped this would be my day 1. But I did get my MRI scheduled today, unfortunately not until June 25th. :sad2: So looks like July will be the earlist I can start IVF with a possible EC/ET in mid August. That's if my MRI goes okay, FX.

So I'm really disappointed and fearful that I may require the cyst to be removed and delayed further. But I'm swamped at work and getting married :wedding: in less then two weeks so I have plenty to keep me occupied and help time pass. Here's hoping that June comes fast.

Hope all is well with everyone else.
Haj - So true! I've read that quote before. I've been given all the same unsolicited advice. The best one I keep hearing is to stop stressing about it or it won't happen. Really??!! Love that! And the Adoption one, ladies we can avoid paying for ivf by just getting on an adoption waiting list. LOL!

Mrs C it was 84 degrees here in NS today!!! Record high even beats the April record high. I had to turn the AC on. Funny thing is we are expecting snow tomorrow. Ha Ha! Mother nature playing tricks on us.

Blue great to hear AF finally showed, She came to me today too. Bitter sweet as I had hoped this would be my day 1. But I did get my MRI scheduled today, unfortunately not until June 25th. :sad2: So looks like July will be the earlist I can start IVF with a possible EC/ET in mid August. That's if my MRI goes okay, FX.

So I'm really disappointed and fearful that I may require the cyst to be removed and delayed further. But I'm swamped at work and getting married :wedding: in less then two weeks so I have plenty to keep me occupied and help time pass. Here's hoping that June comes fast.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

Congrats on getting married!! I'm sure thats keeping you a little busy. Sorry to hear they couldn't get you in until June. I can't wait for these next few months to pass so we can all get started.

Oh and I'm so ready for warm weather!!
Hi Girls:wave:, esp Mrs C:flower: (who I met through my journal),
Do you mind if I join? We're planning on doing our next ICSI cycle in May, but there doesn't seem to be a May thread. I'm usually lurking over in the LTTTC threads but would love some cycle buddies. My sig pretty much explains my story. This will be our 2nd full stim cycle and, especially due to my age (I'm 38) we're hoping for our lovely, sticky :bfp: soon!
Hi Ladies!

Jenn - Congrats on getting married! Are you excited? How do you know a cyst needs to be removed? Does it hurt?

Haj - I love that quote, made my day!

Blue - YAY for AF!

MJ - welcome to our crazy little thread!

Mrs - how are you?

Ever - whats cooking?

AFM - same old! Had really bad cramps yesterday but not so much today! Just waiting on AF, she should be here on Monday, then onto IUI with injectables!
Jenn - Congrats on the wedding. Wow only 2 weeks away you must be so busy. I'm glad you got your MRI scheduled even though it's later then you hoped for June will be here before you know it.

Welcome MJ! I'm hoping to be on schedule to start IVF in May as well so you will fit in just fine in this thread! Maybe Mrs. C should change the name to May/June/July/Aug :haha:

Haj - I love that quote as well. In the LTTTC section on here there is a thread that talks about all the stupid stuff people say to women like us. It's so true and people just don't get it at all.
Welcome MJ! :hi:
It's nice to have more ladies in here who can give and receive support. Right now we are all just waiting. :coffee: But having everyone to talk to makes things better.

Jchic I'm doing good. Thank you for asking, just hanging out and waiting for AF to get here so that I can get started on testing. I can't wait to hear how your last IUI goes. I'm really hoping the IUI will do it for you so that you won't have to go through the crazy IVF.

Blue, I was actually thinking about changing the title. May, June, July, Aug. makes sense. I think I will go do that right now! :thumbup: Hopefully no one gets confused and thinks they are in the wrong thread. :haha:

Theres a few ladies we haven't heard from in a while. I hope everyone is ok.
i need to go bakc a little and compile all the questing to bring with me to the RE on Tuesday. I am like super nervous. i just want everything to come back ok and at least know when we can move forward with ivf
i need to go bakc a little and compile all the questing to bring with me to the RE on Tuesday. I am like super nervous. i just want everything to come back ok and at least know when we can move forward with ivf

Haj if you can't find them let me know and I will just repost them. Yay for your appointment coming up. :thumbup:
i need to go bakc a little and compile all the questing to bring with me to the RE on Tuesday. I am like super nervous. i just want everything to come back ok and at least know when we can move forward with ivf

Haj if you can't find them let me know and I will just repost them. Yay for your appointment coming up. :thumbup:

if you have them and cant repost them that would be great. otherwise im sure i can find them. I knoww!!! im so nervous/excited!!!
Hi Girls:wave:, esp Mrs C:flower: (who I met through my journal),
Do you mind if I join? We're planning on doing our next ICSI cycle in May, but there doesn't seem to be a May thread. I'm usually lurking over in the LTTTC threads but would love some cycle buddies. My sig pretty much explains my story. This will be our 2nd full stim cycle and, especially due to my age (I'm 38) we're hoping for our lovely, sticky :bfp: soon!

Welcome MJ :wave: Sorry to hear about your MC. That has to be my biggest fear. I'm 36 and been TTC for almost 3 years off and on. So I feel that pressure of my clock ticking. You'll have a lot of support here.

Hi Ladies!

Jenn - Congrats on getting married! Are you excited? How do you know a cyst needs to be removed? Does it hurt?

AFM - same old! Had really bad cramps yesterday but not so much today! Just waiting on AF, she should be here on Monday, then onto IUI with injectables!

Thanks! Getting Married is mostly just a formality for us so we decided to elope in style in Vegas. I'm really excited to go there, neither of us have been there before. We are having a corny Elvis wedding. So not much stress involved in planning this.

The cyst was discovered during my sonohysterogram. This was the most awkward test of this whole IVF journey. :blush: First I had a male RE not my own, I've always had a female doctor. Along with him was a nurse and when they discovered the cyst they called my RE in soooooo awkward. :blush: Not to mention the pain you go through having this done. The cyst appeared to be in my left ovary which is what they found concerning. There was also one on my right ovary but they wen't concerned about it. So they ordered the MRI and told me that we couldn't proceed until it is completed. I don't have any pain or cramps from it so I am hoping it may be nothing. But I am also trying to prepare for the worst which would be surgery or even losing the ovary which would be devastating.

Jenn - Congrats on the wedding. Wow only 2 weeks away you must be so busy. I'm glad you got your MRI scheduled even though it's later then you hoped for June will be here before you know it.

Welcome MJ! I'm hoping to be on schedule to start IVF in May as well so you will fit in just fine in this thread! Maybe Mrs. C should change the name to May/June/July/Aug :haha:

Haj - I love that quote as well. In the LTTTC section on here there is a thread that talks about all the stupid stuff people say to women like us. It's so true and people just don't get it at all.

Thanks Blue.
I also have a cyst in my left ovary - its a chocolate cyst measuring 1.7mm (.017 cm). They havent talked about removing it yet but I totally feel your frustration! Let me know how it goes. when will you hear?
I also have a cyst in my left ovary - its a chocolate cyst measuring 1.7mm (.017 cm). They havent talked about removing it yet but I totally feel your frustration! Let me know how it goes. when will you hear?

Mines about 2cm so I guess it's not so little after hearing about yours. So what's a chocolate cyst? I'm really hoping that I will hear the results soon after the MRI. My cousin had cysts too and managed to go through two pregnancies with them and had them removed when she had her c-section. So I am hoping mine won't stop me from doing IFV. She experienced a lot of really bad craps with hers and I don't have any symptoms so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I'm just worried that if it is in my ovary that it might limit how may eggs they can retrieve. I have been reading so many blogs and have seen people start with over 20 eggs and end up with a no frosties. I was kind of hoping to have some in case round one fails so we can do a second round without months of meds.

You must be getting excited for your IUI. When will that take place?
Haj here is what I had for questions. You will have to delete the answers though. I hope this helps. :flower: I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Questions for clinic

Who does TESE and when to contact? Call asap as it takes 6-8 weeks to get in for a consult. Go in as soon as hubby gets back from Afghanistan.

Price of TESE? $1,000 – 1,600

How many embryos are put back? 2

Do we need more testing? Yes repeat all testing since it has been a while

Difference between long and short protocol? Short means no Lupron and long means I will need it

Any idea of what our meds will be like? Not yet but BC most likely the rest depends on long or short protocol

How long will meds most likely take? A month to a month and a half

Where to get the meds? The clinic will find all meds for us and get the cheapest ones from online pharmacy’s

3 day or 5 day transfer? Only 5 day transfers

Ideal weight for IVF? Not worried at all

Chances of OHSS? 2% with my age range (24)

Average scans per week/cycle? 2-3 a week

Views on bed rest after transfer? Discuss later

Are the stats on the SART website based on positive pregnancy tests only? Based on live births

Is there a class to show how to do injections? Yes two 2 hour classes to go over injections and other things to know

How will I communicate with you during this whole process? Same day phone calls

Will we be seeing the same FS every time? Yes although EC may not be the same FS because they rotate

What additional costs would / could be incurred? Just the TESE and sedation for TESE everything including meds is included in the $15,000

What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned? Meds will have to be redone

Cost of FET? $3,000
Hi girls, thanks so much for the warm welcome! I could do with all the support I can get for this cycle & you all seem lovely:hugs:

Jenn, thanks for your kind words. Yep, the miscarriage was tough, it was actually really complicated, they thought I had an ectopic pregnancy & I ended up in hospital for three days. In the maternity ward:wacko:! But for some reason the toughest part so far was the negative for our last cycle, I think possibly because we got the neg result about 10 days before the baby we miscarried was due... Congrats on getting hitched, best decision that I ever made :cloud9:

Mrs C, thanks for changing the thread title! I feel like I have a home :happydance:

For any 1st timers, we've done 1 full stim cycle & 1 frozen so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Not a problem MJ! I want everyone in here to feel like this is their home. :hugs: I don't want anyone to feel alone through any of this. As far as questions go I think the only one I'm curious about is if you or your FS will do anything different this time. I'm sure as time goes on there will be more questions but I can't think of any others right now.

Lucie, Honeycheeks, smiledreamer, asali, and l8bloomer I hope you all are doing ok. I was just reading through the thread and started thinking of you all. :flower:
Hi ladies, hope we are all doing ok.
Haj from your signature you've had clomid/ovidrel iui. On what day after your last clomid pill did you take the trigger shot? Am considering trying one more iui with clomid before ivf. Trying to plan towards it.
Hi Sekky,

I did 4 IUI's last fall - two of them I did clomid cd3-7 and two were cd5-9, but in all four cases I did the trigger cd12 and IUI cd13. I kind of felt like that was too early because I've always had 29 day cycles, and I've read that a lot of clinics prefer 36 hours between trigger & IUI - mine always does 24. So I don't know if that helps you or not! Good luck with whatever you decide.

How's everyone else doing? I've been having some weird stomach issues the last couple of weeks and it's looking like it could be IBS or a gallbladder problem. I hope I can get that taken care of by July - I don't want anything to mess up my plans!

Hope you're all having a good weekend.
Hi everyone,

Hope you don't mind if I sneak into this thread! I'm going for AMH level on Tuesday (27th) so hoping to start down-reg in May. They say the AMH level takes 4-6 weeks to come back so will have to be patient waiting on it! Have never done an IVF cycle before so feel a bit lost. Still in a hige dilemma about how many embryos to transfer. Doc highly recommends one but I know they are pressured to keep the rate of multiples low. Aaaaggh! What to do! Any advice???

Ali :)

PS That stupid ticker thing is wrong - Not day 6 of a 31 day cycle - frustratingly day 37 of a "31 day cycle"!!
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