IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Good luck today haj and Daisy! I will update the front page after work today. :thumbup:
Thanks hun!! I'll messge you guys when i get home tonight!!
Hey Girls!!

good luck Haj and Daisy today.

Jchic - Yay for CD 3 bw tomorrow!

I would def get :drunk: in Vegas! Think about how many girls are prego and don't even know it. Plus like the girls said nothing is passed along that early anyway and maybe relaxing will actually help!

AFM - I have been MIA for a few days. I am very stressed out at work and just in general. I think it has something to do with this time of year but I have been having a lot of anxiety\panic attacks again. Ughhh I hope it doesn't last. For some strange reason I felt better when I was cycling becasue it kept my mind off things. I think the waitimg for IVF is really starting to affect me. I need to find something to do with myself :dohh:
I think thats how it works, but I think every RE has different protcols. Fill us in tonight when you know! This is exciting :)
I think thats how it works, but I think every RE has different protcols. Fill us in tonight when you know! This is exciting :)

im lacking the excitement right now and just being a nervous nelly...i dont know he did like genetic testing and what not but im not sure what he was looking for in all our bloodwork but I'm afraid somethng negative is going to come back. I KNOWWWW i need to be positive but i just feel like there has been so many things that go wrong i just want sometine to go right. i just wnat some answer and i wnat to know where we go from here. thennnn if he says we can start IVF ill be excited!!!
I totally understand. I was SO nervous when they did all our bloodwork. I thought something would be wrong with all that. I completely empathize with you. Few more hours, just hang on :)
Hey Girls!!

good luck Haj and Daisy today.

Jchic - Yay for CD 3 bw tomorrow!

I would def get :drunk: in Vegas! Think about how many girls are prego and don't even know it. Plus like the girls said nothing is passed along that early anyway and maybe relaxing will actually help!

AFM - I have been MIA for a few days. I am very stressed out at work and just in general. I think it has something to do with this time of year but I have been having a lot of anxiety\panic attacks again. Ughhh I hope it doesn't last. For some strange reason I felt better when I was cycling becasue it kept my mind off things. I think the waitimg for IVF is really starting to affect me. I need to find something to do with myself :dohh:

I am sorry you are stressed! :hugs: I think its the waiting that does us in. I feel like all we are ever doing is wait. Waiting for results, waiting for IVF, waiting to ovulate, waiting to take a test, waiting for AF, etc. It gets cumbersome. Definitely try to fill the time! If you REALLY want something to do, you can help me move this wknd, hahahaha
Mrs C :happydance: for a holiday. Hope you will have your BFP by then so you can have more fun.

Good luck Haj with your appointment and hope your results are all good and things go as planned.

AFM - am considering at home insemination while waiting for IVF I really need to obsess about something :wacko: so not sure if i will be doing clomid yet. talking to my FS about what he thinks because i can't afford another iui it cost a little over $2100 here. Also considering taking some supplements. maybe i can end up with a fairy tale BFP:shrug: who knows
Blue - Hope you get to relax soon and feel better
thanks ladies!! i promise to right as soon as i can get to my computer...which will probably be around 10pm :)
Hey Girls!!

good luck Haj and Daisy today.

Jchic - Yay for CD 3 bw tomorrow!

I would def get :drunk: in Vegas! Think about how many girls are prego and don't even know it. Plus like the girls said nothing is passed along that early anyway and maybe relaxing will actually help!

AFM - I have been MIA for a few days. I am very stressed out at work and just in general. I think it has something to do with this time of year but I have been having a lot of anxiety\panic attacks again. Ughhh I hope it doesn't last. For some strange reason I felt better when I was cycling becasue it kept my mind off things. I think the waitimg for IVF is really starting to affect me. I need to find something to do with myself :dohh:

I am sorry you are stressed! :hugs: I think its the waiting that does us in. I feel like all we are ever doing is wait. Waiting for results, waiting for IVF, waiting to ovulate, waiting to take a test, waiting for AF, etc. It gets cumbersome. Definitely try to fill the time! If you REALLY want something to do, you can help me move this wknd, hahahaha

Very funny jchic! Moving once was enough for me, not matter how poor we are next time we move I will be hiring movers

Mrs C :happydance: for a holiday. Hope you will have your BFP by then so you can have more fun.

Good luck Haj with your appointment and hope your results are all good and things go as planned.

AFM - am considering at home insemination while waiting for IVF I really need to obsess about something :wacko: so not sure if i will be doing clomid yet. talking to my FS about what he thinks because i can't afford another iui it cost a little over $2100 here. Also considering taking some supplements. maybe i can end up with a fairy tale BFP:shrug: who knows

That would be worth a try. I know how you feel about having something to obsess about! :wacko:
Hi everyone,

Well that was it - the first step out of the way! Got our blood taken, height, weight, BP etc. Says they will write to us with the results (takes 6 weeks!!!) and then send a prescription for the nasal spray if AMH normal. If too high or too low we go on a shorter protocol so no spray! So confusing!

Maybe I need to take a leaf out of all your books - Hawaii and Las Vegas sound rather nice but a bit far! We are having a little heat wave in Scotland, actualy had a dress on today which in March is very extraordinary!

Jenn76 - thanks for that link, will have a look at it right now! I'm 29 so would have a good(ish) chance of BFP with one blastocyst transfer. But I'm leaning towards two!

Bluestorm and MrsC - thanks very much for your good wishes today, wish I could fast forward 6 weeks but will try to be patient.

AF still not arrived (cd39), bought 4 HPTs today but too afraid too use them, I've gone from testing all the time (at the start of the TTC journey) to being a bit phobic! Hate seeing BFN all the time.

Sekky - can't believe IUI is $2100! It's about £300 or so in UK.

:dust: to all

Ali x :flower:
Hi everyone,

Well that was it - the first step out of the way! Got our blood taken, height, weight, BP etc. Says they will write to us with the results (takes 6 weeks!!!) and then send a prescription for the nasal spray if AMH normal. If too high or too low we go on a shorter protocol so no spray! So confusing!

Maybe I need to take a leaf out of all your books - Hawaii and Las Vegas sound rather nice but a bit far! We are having a little heat wave in Scotland, actualy had a dress on today which in March is very extraordinary!

Jenn76 - thanks for that link, will have a look at it right now! I'm 29 so would have a good(ish) chance of BFP with one blastocyst transfer. But I'm leaning towards two!

Bluestorm and MrsC - thanks very much for your good wishes today, wish I could fast forward 6 weeks but will try to be patient.

AF still not arrived (cd39), bought 4 HPTs today but too afraid too use them, I've gone from testing all the time (at the start of the TTC journey) to being a bit phobic! Hate seeing BFN all the time.

Sekky - can't believe IUI is $2100! It's about £300 or so in UK.

:dust: to all

Ali x :flower:

Glad you got that out of the way. Ughh more waiting, but I hope it goes by fast for you.

This is all very confusing sometimes. I give up on trying to understand it all I decided I"m just going to go with the flow (somewhat) and do what they tell me. I know what you mean about the BFN's I have grown fearful of POAS lately too, It's just way to devestating.
Glad you got that out of the way. Ughh more waiting, but I hope it goes by fast for you.

This is all very confusing sometimes. I give up on trying to understand it all I decided I"m just going to go with the flow (somewhat) and do what they tell me. I know what you mean about the BFN's I have grown fearful of POAS lately too, It's just way to devestating.

I know it's just wait wait wait! Have so far not touched the HPTs, just working myself up for nothing. After > 2 years TTC chances are - it's a BFN. So for now, will refrain from POAS!! I must be strong!!

Ali :flower:
Jenn76 - I just did the information programme on the link you suggested. It was really good, the only problem was... I did the little survey at the end, expecting a magic answer and my results came up "Unsure. You have valid reason to choose either one or two embryos". Aaaaggh! Back to square one :wacko:
Hey Girls!!

good luck Haj and Daisy today.

Jchic - Yay for CD 3 bw tomorrow!

I would def get :drunk: in Vegas! Think about how many girls are prego and don't even know it. Plus like the girls said nothing is passed along that early anyway and maybe relaxing will actually help!

AFM - I have been MIA for a few days. I am very stressed out at work and just in general. I think it has something to do with this time of year but I have been having a lot of anxiety\panic attacks again. Ughhh I hope it doesn't last. For some strange reason I felt better when I was cycling becasue it kept my mind off things. I think the waitimg for IVF is really starting to affect me. I need to find something to do with myself :dohh:

Blue sorry to hear about your stress, I can relate..... Hope things look up soon.

Jenn76 - I just did the information programme on the link you suggested. It was really good, the only problem was... I did the little survey at the end, expecting a magic answer and my results came up "Unsure. You have valid reason to choose either one or two embryos". Aaaaggh! Back to square one :wacko:

Oh my LOL! Mine came back as two but I was always leaning that way so it was what I expected. My main concern is from reading other groups I see some that transfer three or four and get :bfn: I know all situations are different but that has to be sooo disappointing. I guess it all comes down to what you feel comfortable with.
Jenn76 - Yeah think I'll just wait and see what happens, how many blastocysts we have and if we have any for freezing. For once I'll just "wait and see". My best friend is expecting twins :oneofeach: (Clomid) so I have her to keep me amused just now. I get a minute by minute account of the pregnancy :laugh2:

Ali :flower:
I'm hopeful to start ivf in July. I work in a school so have the whole of July to just concentrate on that which would be awesome.
Hi ladies I'm back from the doctors with mixed emotions right now. First here are the questions I asked with some answers:

How many embryos are put back? 2

Do we need more testing? Just a special U/S

Will we be doing long short protocol? Long

Any idea of what our meds will be like? Starting with Birthcontrol

How long will meds most likely take? to a month and a half

3 day or 5 day transfer? 5 day transfers

Ideal weight for IVF? wants me to lose some weight bc of the PCOS

Average scans per week/cycle? 2-3 a week

Views on bed rest after transfer? Discuss later

Is there a class to show how to do injections? Yes

Will we have to do ICSI? Yes

So that all being said my bloodwork is what gives me the mixed feelings. He said I am in fact not ovulating. He also said I have MTHFR. He is putting my on 5mg of folic acid a day for it. So just like anyone of us would do I came home and googled it. Of course recurrent miscarriages and more likely chances of deformities like down syndrome. The doctor hadn't said that to me. So of course now I'm completely freaking out. The doctor had said wheen we were leaving that he is completely confident we will get pregnant but now im worried about actually carrying the baby and any chromosonal deformities that I might pass on. I was feeling really good when I left the doctors until I got home and looked this up. Anyone know anyone or anything about MTHFR??

So we decided we are going to start IVF in either May or June. I need to call them when I get my period.
Hi ladies sorry it's so late in the evening. I got home from work and was beat. This is going to be a long one but I'm hoping I got everyone covered.

Hi Ladies,

Sorry been MIA!! Been a crazy few days!

Yayyy to all the newbies welcome!!

MrsC8776 - wow thats a great surprise!! hopefully you will also be celebrating your pregnancy in Hawaii!

AFM - when i done my HSG the results showed that everything was ok except for a possibly very small uterine polyp or synchiea?? My previous FS said that it was nothing to worry about, but the new FS has decided that it might be a good idea that before we go spend money on IVF and it fails, its better we have a diagonostic hysterscopy done to see what it is and if there is anything it can then be cleared up and have time to heal before our scheduled IVF in July. So I am off tomorrow to the FS's office ?to have a talk about what the procedure entails, date of procedure etc

Has anyone else gone through a hysteroscopy? what was your experience?

I hope the FS is able to help you sort things out tomorrow. I think I would just do what is safest for you and your soon to be LO. If it means pushing IVF back a month to make sure you are healthy then I would do it. Although if it is no big deal and nothing will happen I would just go on with the plans from the beginning. I know nothing about a uterine polyp or synchiea so I'm sorry. Please let us know how things go tomorrow.

Hey ladies! Wait what is going on over here? We have Mrs. headed to Hawaii, Jenn and S08 headed to Vegas, I mean, I want a vacation too! I am jealous girls but super happy you get a break and get to relax a bit. Enjoy every single happy vacationed and tanned moment!

Haj, Blue, Daisy's - whats cookin?

AFM - CD2 today and go in for b/w and scan tomorrow. If all looks good, I can start my injections for my back to back IUI's! WOOHOO! Then onto IVF!

jchic there does seem to be many talks of vacations! I think it's a good idea to take at least a little one either before or after IVF just to kind of relax. Is there anyway you could plan a mini vacation? Good luck tomorrow. I hope everything looks good so that you can get started towards your BFP!

Hey Girls!!

good luck Haj and Daisy today.

Jchic - Yay for CD 3 bw tomorrow!

I would def get :drunk: in Vegas! Think about how many girls are prego and don't even know it. Plus like the girls said nothing is passed along that early anyway and maybe relaxing will actually help!

AFM - I have been MIA for a few days. I am very stressed out at work and just in general. I think it has something to do with this time of year but I have been having a lot of anxiety\panic attacks again. Ughhh I hope it doesn't last. For some strange reason I felt better when I was cycling becasue it kept my mind off things. I think the waitimg for IVF is really starting to affect me. I need to find something to do with myself :dohh:

Blue I hope you feel better soon. The waiting drives me crazy also.

Mrs C :happydance: for a holiday. Hope you will have your BFP by then so you can have more fun.

Good luck Haj with your appointment and hope your results are all good and things go as planned.

AFM - am considering at home insemination while waiting for IVF I really need to obsess about something :wacko: so not sure if i will be doing clomid yet. talking to my FS about what he thinks because i can't afford another iui it cost a little over $2100 here. Also considering taking some supplements. maybe i can end up with a fairy tale BFP:shrug: who knows

Doing at home insem couldn't hurt anything and it's worth a shot. IUI's are expensive where you are! Here they were a couple hundred but that was unmedicated also. So :shrug: I would look into it.

Hi everyone,

Well that was it - the first step out of the way! Got our blood taken, height, weight, BP etc. Says they will write to us with the results (takes 6 weeks!!!) and then send a prescription for the nasal spray if AMH normal. If too high or too low we go on a shorter protocol so no spray! So confusing!

Maybe I need to take a leaf out of all your books - Hawaii and Las Vegas sound rather nice but a bit far! We are having a little heat wave in Scotland, actualy had a dress on today which in March is very extraordinary!

Jenn76 - thanks for that link, will have a look at it right now! I'm 29 so would have a good(ish) chance of BFP with one blastocyst transfer. But I'm leaning towards two!

Bluestorm and MrsC - thanks very much for your good wishes today, wish I could fast forward 6 weeks but will try to be patient.

AF still not arrived (cd39), bought 4 HPTs today but too afraid too use them, I've gone from testing all the time (at the start of the TTC journey) to being a bit phobic! Hate seeing BFN all the time.

Sekky - can't believe IUI is $2100! It's about £300 or so in UK.

:dust: to all

Ali x :flower:

6 weeks is a long time but it will go by very quickly. Are you doing anything in the meantime to help the weeks pass? If you decide to test when will you test? I was always afraid to test as well but then again I always prepared myself for a BFN. Positive thoughts coming your way and hoping you get a BFP when/if you test!

I'm hopeful to start ivf in July. I work in a school so have the whole of July to just concentrate on that which would be awesome.

Welcome hopeful :hi: There are a few of us starting in July as well. Is that when you plan to start meds or egg collection?

Hi ladies I'm back from the doctors with mixed emotions right now. First here are the questions I asked with some answers:

How many embryos are put back? 2

Do we need more testing? Just a special U/S

Will we be doing long short protocol? Long

Any idea of what our meds will be like? Starting with Birthcontrol

How long will meds most likely take? to a month and a half

3 day or 5 day transfer? 5 day transfers

Ideal weight for IVF? wants me to lose some weight bc of the PCOS

Average scans per week/cycle? 2-3 a week

Views on bed rest after transfer? Discuss later

Is there a class to show how to do injections? Yes

Will we have to do ICSI? Yes

So that all being said my bloodwork is what gives me the mixed feelings. He said I am in fact not ovulating. He also said I have MTHFR. He is putting my on 5mg of folic acid a day for it. So just like anyone of us would do I came home and googled it. Of course recurrent miscarriages and more likely chances of deformities like down syndrome. The doctor hadn't said that to me. So of course now I'm completely freaking out. The doctor had said wheen we were leaving that he is completely confident we will get pregnant but now im worried about actually carrying the baby and any chromosonal deformities that I might pass on. I was feeling really good when I left the doctors until I got home and looked this up. Anyone know anyone or anything about MTHFR??

So we decided we are going to start IVF in either May or June. I need to call them when I get my period.

haj I don't know anything about MTHFR (although it sounds like ... oh never mind :haha:) I did see another girl on a thread who has this. As soon as I'm done here I will go try to see if I can find who it was. I'm sure everything will be ok. Please don't stress. If the FS says you will do good with everything trust him. We have to trust these people... they hold our future of a LO in their hands. :hugs: I always curse google because it gives me all the bad info about anything and everything. Never the good info!

AFM~ I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I can tell she's coming. For one hubby isn't home (23 days left :happydance:) so theres no way for her to be late and for two I always get really really tired before she shows. I start acupuncture tomorrow as well so that should be interesting. I'm a little nervous but also excited to be doing something. Thats about it for me. Off to do some searching about MTHFR! I'll report back shortly.
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