IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hello girls,
Congrats to all those who got their BFPS and wishing them all a very happy and healthy 9 months!!

AFM, I have been MIA for quite some time since I was waiting for some definitive answers and next steps from my doctor. Well, I started AF today so should be starting on BCP within a few days and on to IVF in August :)) I can't believe it's finally time to get my IVF journey started! You girls have been a great source of support and motivation that at the end we will all get a BFP and this will all be WORTH it!!

We could be buddies! I started AF today and will be starting BCP on the 8th. We are looking at ER around August 16th-ish :happydance:


That would be great! I am waiting for my doctor to call back ... I will find out soon when I can start BCP....
Hi ladies, I posted earlier from my phone but apparently it didn't go through. Congrats on the BFP that have come along. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone in the tww.

Afm, I flew home for my baseline us this morning. Everything looked good so I got the go ahead to quit bcp tomorrow and start the microdose Lupron on Friday. My afc was 10 which is better than the 5 or 6 it has been every other cycle. Hopefully there are some good eggs in there.

Yay for getting started! I'm glad everything is going well for you.

Mrsc, you are now pupo!!!

Baby, good luck getting started!!

Thats how I was told to carry on for the next 2 weeks. I'm really hoping for some good news. :thumbup:

Atma - good luck tomorrow!

Bubumaci - I have everything crossed for tomorrow for you, hope you get some good news.

Babyonmyown - fingers crossed for some great eggs.

Jenn I am LOL at all your tests, I totally get it.

AFM I caved and POAS today :bfp: !!! I'm not counting my chickens but am allowing myself a little :happydance:

:happydance: Congrats! That is excellent news!!

Mrsc and Tella: how are you felling ??

2 more days until I see the fs. I'm keeping fingers crossed for a good appt. I hope we can still transfer 2 blasts. I will be extremely disappointed if he says otherwise. I think with my track record so far it would be okay to transfer 2.

I'm doing good. Just hanging out and testing out my trigger everyday.

Fx for some good news at your appt.

Hello girls,
Congrats to all those who got their BFPS and wishing them all a very happy and healthy 9 months!!

AFM, I have been MIA for quite some time since I was waiting for some definitive answers and next steps from my doctor. Well, I started AF today so should be starting on BCP within a few days and on to IVF in August :)) I can't believe it's finally time to get my IVF journey started! You girls have been a great source of support and motivation that at the end we will all get a BFP and this will all be WORTH it!!

Not much longer for you!

Betty- thats awesome news! Congratulations, get good rest and am sure ur first beta will be great as well.

Bubumaci - how are you doing today? Praying for positive beta

Afm - i got back a few minutes ago after retrieval. The process was lot easier than i expected, i was knocked out during the procedure and all seem fine so far. Nurse said that they have retrieved 11 eggs and asked me to wait till tomorrow afternoon for a count on matured, fertilized etc. She asked me to keep my calendar open for friday and sunday. Ideally they want to transfer on sunday, but it all depends on how my eggies do. I am going to get some sleep now and will check on u girls a little later.

:happydance: 11 is great! I look forward to your update. I hope you are resting up and getting ready for ET.
Hi ladies, I posted earlier from my phone but apparently it didn't go through. Congrats on the BFP that have come along. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone in the tww.

Afm, I flew home for my baseline us this morning. Everything looked good so I got the go ahead to quit bcp tomorrow and start the microdose Lupron on Friday. My afc was 10 which is better than the 5 or 6 it has been every other cycle. Hopefully there are some good eggs in there.

Congrats on getting started!! :happydance: FX for lots and lots of great eggies! When will your ER and ET be?

Atma - good luck tomorrow!

Bubumaci - I have everything crossed for tomorrow for you, hope you get some good news.

Babyonmyown - fingers crossed for some great eggs.

Jenn I am LOL at all your tests, I totally get it.

AFM I caved and POAS today :bfp: !!! I'm not counting my chickens but am allowing myself a little :happydance:

:wohoo: Betty congrats on the BFP!!!! I know I'm crazy but I figured after all the BFN test results over the past three years when I do get a BFP I will want to test it over and over to ensure it is true, hence my 20 test (I giggle as I type this). I'm so happy for you!!!

Hello girls,
Congrats to all those who got their BFPS and wishing them all a very happy and healthy 9 months!!

AFM, I have been MIA for quite some time since I was waiting for some definitive answers and next steps from my doctor. Well, I started AF today so should be starting on BCP within a few days and on to IVF in August :)) I can't believe it's finally time to get my IVF journey started! You girls have been a great source of support and motivation that at the end we will all get a BFP and this will all be WORTH it!!

Great news wantbaby!! I know how it feels to finally get started. Looking forward to hearing that you got your BFP.

Betty- thats awesome news! Congratulations, get good rest and am sure ur first beta will be great as well.

Bubumaci - how are you doing today? Praying for positive beta

Afm - i got back a few minutes ago after retrieval. The process was lot easier than i expected, i was knocked out during the procedure and all seem fine so far. Nurse said that they have retrieved 11 eggs and asked me to wait till tomorrow afternoon for a count on matured, fertilized etc. She asked me to keep my calendar open for friday and sunday. Ideally they want to transfer on sunday, but it all depends on how my eggies do. I am going to get some sleep now and will check on u girls a little later.

Atma that is great you'll be PUPO by weekend!!! Looking forward to hearing your update tomorrow. Best of luck, rest up.
Lots of BFP's!!! Congrats eveyone.

Congrats to those who had ER &ET and good luck to those who have upcoming transfers and retrievals!

MrsC....good luck and fingers crossed for you :)

I am still hanging out waiting for AF to start next week to get started.

I think you and I are going to be cycle buddies. I start BCP on Sunday :happydance:

I think we will be! I will start using the nuvaring either three or five days after my cycle starts on july 9. :)
Betty yay for bfp,

atma 11 is great! I hope we get as many on thursday, we're still pretty close in our dates! Hopefully we'll be bump buddies soon :)

They pushed me back because essentially my first 3 days of stims did nothing. So now i have FINALLY TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!! 34 minutes ago lol. I go in for 930 on thursday, and I can officially start poas to see when the trigger leaves my body, then once it's neg I'm not poas still 14dpo, providing I can make it that long.

You ladies have been to great and supportive so huge thanks to you, the dreaded and longest feeling tww is still to come. and I have to make it through collection.
Kelly - good luck :)

AFM - the second blood test today was clearly negative.
I have already rung the clinic and the doctor will call me back to discuss how to proceed. We have some :cold: - I don't know if we can move right on with the next cycle, but I guess he will tell me...
Thank you so much everyone, it's so lovely to have you share in my excitement when it's too early to tell anyone in real life (apart from my DH and best friend!) I am starting to worry that it's a false positive, I don't think it is but I'm too scared to hope/believe this could really be it.

Jenn I am going to test again tomorrow and on Saturday! I had to buy a new three-pack of tests tonight in readiness. :)

Good luck to all the girls just about to start their IVF cycle, such an exciting time. I wish you all the very best for the weeks ahead.

Atma 11 eggs is a great result, I'm so pleased for you.

Good luck Kelly!
Sorry Bubu, :hugs: hope you can do a FET soon! Normally you have to have 1 natural cycle before starting meds again.

Betty > fx'd for those tests getting darker!
Hi Tella,
well, just after having spoken to the doctor, we are going to do it this cycle (it would be pretty much a natural cycle, without any meds). On about CD14-15 I have to have an u/s to see how my ovulation is going (he said, due to the stimulation this cycle, it is likely to be delay).

The question now is - we have 6 :cold: - two batches of three. Do we just thaw one batch of three (so we have another batch for a further try) or do we thaw all six for a better chance of getting two good embies? If we do only three, we still have another three for another try...

Any advice girls? Right now, I would like to put of having to stim and operation for as long as possible...
Bubi: I'm sorry for your bfn :( IMO I would thaw all six for better chances. But it's a personal decision for sure. Thawing is tough on the embryos and I think the loss rate is like 50%.
Thanks MoBaby. That was my concern too - and was also my thinking. The doctor did say, that if at day of transfer we have 3 nice blasts for example, the third can be frozen again. I just find it interesting, that the doctor automatically suggested thawing only three and it was me that then asked, if the chances wouldn't be higher, if we took all six.

It was also interesting, that he told me, that for freezing, they take the embies that look best (I guess, to give them a better chance)...

Need to sleep on it and I guess we have a couple of weeks to think about it - I would like to maximise our chances this time around, but am also nervous about losing all the "back-up" we have... :)
Thanks MoBaby. That was my concern too - and was also my thinking. The doctor did say, that if at day of transfer we have 3 nice blasts for example, the third can be frozen again. I just find it interesting, that the doctor automatically suggested thawing only three and it was me that then asked, if the chances wouldn't be higher, if we took all six.

It was also interesting, that he told me, that for freezing, they take the embies that look best (I guess, to give them a better chance)...

Need to sleep on it and I guess we have a couple of weeks to think about it - I would like to maximise our chances this time around, but am also nervous about losing all the "back-up" we have... :)

Gosh I am so sorry :hugs:
I agree that it is a personal choice that you and your husband will have to make but since you're asking, my opinion would be to thaw all 6. My RE/FS will be transferring 3 back to me. I'm sure he said it was because I am 41 though :shrug:

Praying for you!
Thanks Angie! :hugs:
We will definitely always do a transfer of two - just like we did this time. Being nearly 37 I do have the option of transferring 3, but we would like to go with 2. If we end up with twins, we could cope with that (love the idea of twins, but am also convinced that both the pregnancy as well as the time after would be a lot more difficult, than just with 1), but if we ended up with triplets (which of course also could happen), I don't think we could cope.

So on our IVF form we signed off on 2.

Thank you so much for your advice. It does sound logical, that our chances would be better, if we have the 6 (especially, since from our 5 that weren't frozen, the results weren't that great) ... but ... if the ET doesn't end up working, I am just dreading having to do the whole medication and operation process again - I don't even know why! It wasn't all that bad, I was sore for about a week until ET - I just feel really emotional about it. Does that make sense?
Thanks Angie! :hugs:
We will definitely always do a transfer of two - just like we did this time. Being nearly 37 I do have the option of transferring 3, but we would like to go with 2. If we end up with twins, we could cope with that (love the idea of twins, but am also convinced that both the pregnancy as well as the time after would be a lot more difficult, than just with 1), but if we ended up with triplets (which of course also could happen), I don't think we could cope.

So on our IVF form we signed off on 2.

Thank you so much for your advice. It does sound logical, that our chances would be better, if we have the 6 (especially, since from our 5 that weren't frozen, the results weren't that great) ... but ... if the ET doesn't end up working, I am just dreading having to do the whole medication and operation process again - I don't even know why! It wasn't all that bad, I was sore for about a week until ET - I just feel really emotional about it. Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense :hugs:
Bubumaci - so sorry for bfn! But hey, u r already looking fwd and thats the way to go! Am sure it will be great with fet. My suggestion would be to thaw all six, but i understand ur dilemma on backup. Good luck!

Kelly - great,hope all goes well on Thu. Our dates are so close and we can be bump buddies.

Afm - nurse called to say that 8 of 11 mature and 5 fertilized. So we have 5 embryos now and transfer scheduled either for friday or sunday. If friday, we have asked for 3 and if sunday then 2.
Bubu > on what day was your embies frozen? If it is blasts then I would only thaw 3, if its day 2/3 then all 6. Its just because if they are blasts, then they are strong embies and chance of survival through thaw is higher.

A natural FET sounds great! You body needs a break!

I understand completely about the emotional side of doing #2, but do know that there is a lot of success on #2. I personally felt that I wasn't in a mental state to decide on #2 till about a week after my neg beta. So take some time, put all your attention to ur FET with the best embies and not to try and get as much out of it. Your fet will be successful :hugs:
Hi Tella :wave:
Well, ER was on the 20th, and on the 21st they said that they had fertilised 11 of the 12 mature eggs and had frozen 6 of those. So I guess day 1? In Germany, they only freeze blasts (for legal reasons) as an exception.

FET is appealing, because I don't have to go through all that hormonal "poisoning" and the operation. And your advice is sound - the doctor originally was saying 3, then I asked about the chances and he said we could do all 6 (and if there were more than 2 blast for transfer, we could re-freeze). I asked him what he would advise and he said, we can do either and it's our decision... :(

I guess I do just need to get a bit of distance from it - thank you :hugs:
bubu my clinic thaws only what they need, why can't your clinic do that? So for example when we did our FET they took 2 embies out, if they unthawed well then they don't take anymore, if both didn't survive then they'd go to the next two if only one made it they would just take 1 more out and thaw it till they had two good embies. Sorry about the bfn.

Atma thats great news! I wish my clinic would let me have 2 at day 5. Pisses me off that they won't just cause I'm under 30.
Betty yay for bfp,

atma 11 is great! I hope we get as many on thursday, we're still pretty close in our dates! Hopefully we'll be bump buddies soon :)

They pushed me back because essentially my first 3 days of stims did nothing. So now i have FINALLY TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!! 34 minutes ago lol. I go in for 930 on thursday, and I can officially start poas to see when the trigger leaves my body, then once it's neg I'm not poas still 14dpo, providing I can make it that long.

You ladies have been to great and supportive so huge thanks to you, the dreaded and longest feeling tww is still to come. and I have to make it through collection.

Yay for taking the trigger! Fx for you!

Kelly - good luck :)

AFM - the second blood test today was clearly negative.
I have already rung the clinic and the doctor will call me back to discuss how to proceed. We have some :cold: - I don't know if we can move right on with the next cycle, but I guess he will tell me...

:hugs: I'm sorry to hear that. Fx your FET will bring a bfp.

Thank you so much everyone, it's so lovely to have you share in my excitement when it's too early to tell anyone in real life (apart from my DH and best friend!) I am starting to worry that it's a false positive, I don't think it is but I'm too scared to hope/believe this could really be it.

Jenn I am going to test again tomorrow and on Saturday! I had to buy a new three-pack of tests tonight in readiness. :)

Good luck to all the girls just about to start their IVF cycle, such an exciting time. I wish you all the very best for the weeks ahead.

Atma 11 eggs is a great result, I'm so pleased for you.

Good luck Kelly!

You should keep testing to make sure the line gets darker or at least stays the same. Fx for you!

Bubumaci - so sorry for bfn! But hey, u r already looking fwd and thats the way to go! Am sure it will be great with fet. My suggestion would be to thaw all six, but i understand ur dilemma on backup. Good luck!

Kelly - great,hope all goes well on Thu. Our dates are so close and we can be bump buddies.

Afm - nurse called to say that 8 of 11 mature and 5 fertilized. So we have 5 embryos now and transfer scheduled either for friday or sunday. If friday, we have asked for 3 and if sunday then 2.

Yay for 5 fertilized! Not much longer until ET.

Happy 4th of July to the ladies in the US! :flower:
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