IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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jchic how did your appointment go the other day?
haj that is wonderful news!! :happydance: I can't wait to go update the first page for you. I'm glad they gave you some answers and that you are feeling so much better about things. With starting the BCP today when will that put you for ER and transfer?

As for the email notifications maybe try unsubscribing and the subscribing again? Do you know how to do that? It will allow you to get the emails again that way.

They said about 8 weeks so I'm looking at like the last week in May. I guess I'll get exact days and all that fun stuff as time get closer. I also have to make sure this cyst goes away.

i know i can unsubscribe in my email but i dont remember how to subscribe again
Haj that is awesome news :happydance: I am so excited you are on your way!

Sorry I have been a little MIA but I have my in laws coming for a visit and have been going crazy getting ready and we had a marine from my home town killed in action this week so it's been a tough one.

On another note I have some news. I was asked to be on a talk show called The Revolution on ABC. The are having a segment on TTC and infertility. The tape date is 4/10 but not sure of the air date yet. I will let you all know when I find out. I am sooo nervous but excited to do it.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!
ok ladies i need someone to smack me or something before i ruin my good mood. i had said to you guys the other day that the receptionist at the RE said we had to get approval from the insurance and my mom told me thats totally normal. well being the anal person i am i called up the insurance company and asked them if there were any pre-reqs to IVF and they were like yes, you have to do 6 IUI's. we only did 2. but the RE said the if he did iuis he would try clomid but i cant do anymore bc ive already done 5 cycles of it and he wouldnt do injectibles because with the pcos i would over produce eggs. so now im super nervous that im all hyped up now and the insurance is going to deny it. But im trying to reach for things and im thinking but if they thought it would get denied, why bother starting me on medicine. if you werent sure wouldnt you wait??
Hi ladies... sorry I've been MIA, but not really been in the best place emotionally.

This morning I started second guesing (for the millionth time) our decision to stay with our RE. Now I really like our RE. I like how I see him at every appointment. I like how he's very frank with us, but not in a rude or mean way. I love the nurses there. When I mentioned this to dh he had an interesting point. We're stuck in a catch 22 at the moment. If we stay with our Dr. and get another BFN, we will wish we went to the other guy. If we switch to the other guy and get a BFN, we will wish we'd stayed with our Dr.

Then I got to thinking how our Dr. said there was no real problem with our first round that led to the BFN. So, I'm questioning if it is even worth getting a second opinion at this point.

I'm curious to hear what your opinions are. Should we spend the money ($300 or so ) for the second opinion, or stay with our current RE who we really like? The reason we were considering the other guy was two friends at work were patients at our RE, didn't get pregnant, and went to the other Dr. One got pregnant naturally, the other through iui.
Haj that is awesome news :happydance: I am so excited you are on your way!

Sorry I have been a little MIA but I have my in laws coming for a visit and have been going crazy getting ready and we had a marine from my home town killed in action this week so it's been a tough one.

On another note I have some news. I was asked to be on a talk show called The Revolution on ABC. The are having a segment on TTC and infertility. The tape date is 4/10 but not sure of the air date yet. I will let you all know when I find out. I am sooo nervous but excited to do it.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!

:hugs: Sorry to hear about what has happened in your home town.

The show sounds like it will be interesting. Please keep us updated on that. I'm not sure if I have heard of that one but I will definitely watch it.

ok ladies i need someone to smack me or something before i ruin my good mood. i had said to you guys the other day that the receptionist at the RE said we had to get approval from the insurance and my mom told me thats totally normal. well being the anal person i am i called up the insurance company and asked them if there were any pre-reqs to IVF and they were like yes, you have to do 6 IUI's. we only did 2. but the RE said the if he did iuis he would try clomid but i cant do anymore bc ive already done 5 cycles of it and he wouldnt do injectibles because with the pcos i would over produce eggs. so now im super nervous that im all hyped up now and the insurance is going to deny it. But im trying to reach for things and im thinking but if they thought it would get denied, why bother starting me on medicine. if you werent sure wouldnt you wait??

Haj I'm sure everything will be ok! If the RE said you couldn't do any more IUI's then thats ok. Maybe they will attach something to the insurance claim saying you need IVF and 6 IUI's wasn't an option. It will all work out for you. I would still continue with your meds especially since they are BCP's and not the major expensive ones yet. I will cross my fingers for you that everything works out. Try not to stress about it though. Your RE has a plan. :thumbup:

As for the subscription if you go up to the top of the thread and click on "thread tools" it should be in there to subscribe again. Even posting again would probably add it back to your subscribed list. Let me know if that works.
Hi ladies... sorry I've been MIA, but not really been in the best place emotionally.

This morning I started second guesing (for the millionth time) our decision to stay with our RE. Now I really like our RE. I like how I see him at every appointment. I like how he's very frank with us, but not in a rude or mean way. I love the nurses there. When I mentioned this to dh he had an interesting point. We're stuck in a catch 22 at the moment. If we stay with our Dr. and get another BFN, we will wish we went to the other guy. If we switch to the other guy and get a BFN, we will wish we'd stayed with our Dr.

Then I got to thinking how our Dr. said there was no real problem with our first round that led to the BFN. So, I'm questioning if it is even worth getting a second opinion at this point.

I'm curious to hear what your opinions are. Should we spend the money ($300 or so ) for the second opinion, or stay with our current RE who we really like? The reason we were considering the other guy was two friends at work were patients at our RE, didn't get pregnant, and went to the other Dr. One got pregnant naturally, the other through iui.

Lucie I'm sorry you have been feeling so down. :hugs: It's got to be a hard situation you are going through. I completely see why you are stuck in the decision you are in. I guess a few things I would look at is who has better stats? Who has more good things said about them? I know you like the place you are at but you might like the new place also. Maybe even better. You need someone who is going to fight for you and be there making sure you get your BFP this next time. Does your insurance cover consults? Thats the only thing ours covers so I thought I would ask. If they do I would seriously consider going for a new consult at this other place. I do think your DH makes a very good point... if a BFN does happen in the end of this next round you will regret what ever you decided. Honestly though you can't think like that. You have to do what feels right to you and I think if you are even considering going to a new place you already know what you want to do. Even if it's just a little feeling you have.

We just switched to this clinic we are at from a different one. They have much better stats and the FS really listened to what we had to say. He's a nice guy but the lady at the other place was nice as well. I just got sick of them playing games and not listening to what we were saying. I did have a feeling of "well what if we had stayed and the next step they took was the one that worked for us." I had to block that out and just go with what I felt was best. You are probably hurting, mad, and sad all at the same time, maybe it's being directed at the clinic you are at. I don't know. I think you have every right to feel that way. I know I would. Just please do whats right for you and go with the place that you think is the best and that will fight for you to have a baby in the end.

That may be more info/opinion than you wanted but I kinda got caught up in thinking about it. :flower:
Hi Mrs P, we got a date for the PESA...Apr 18. Wish us luck!

Good luck! Please let me know how it goes. Since we are going through the same thing it will be nice to hear how things work out.
Hi ladies! Sorry for the radio silence, we closed on our house and i have been uP to my eyeballs in moving. I didnt have cable or internet until yesterday!

Mrs- how r u?
Lucie- i say go for a 2nd opinion. I did too and honestly its peace of mind.

Haj- ur clinic will get the preapproval, ivf here u come!

Afm- started follistim 150 injections and scan tOmro. Its giving me bad headaches
Haj, sorry to hear about the insurance confusion I hope everything will work out with that. FX

Blue, congrats on the show that's awesome. Sorry to hear about the marine it's so hard hearing about people losing their lives while on duty.

Lucie, is the other RE in the same clinic or is this a new clinic? If it is two separate clinics do you know the stats for each one? I know my clinic has great stats compared to the national average and I also like my RE. There is a girl on one of the other blogs that just did her IVF there and got her BFP this week. So I feel confident that my clinic is good. I'm not sure if you are able to get stats or not but I do think that a huge part of the success is what the clinics do. Mine feel strongly that a 5 day transfer is the best too. It doesn't hurt to research things a bit more. But you have to remember that with any clinic success rate is never 100% and unfortunately even with one with 70% success there is always that 30% there. And many of those 30% have luck on a second or third try. You just got to keep a positive outlook. It will happen for you I know it will!

L8bloomer good luck with your appointment.

Jchic, congrats on the house closing. I know how hard moving is I've moved 5 times in the past 5 years. I hope to never do it again..... unless we have too many babies and need a bigger house one day :happydance:

Asali how did your appointment go?? Hope everything is good.

S08 I totally miss sex and the city too. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

AFM - I'm leaving tomorrow for Vegas on a sad note... My cats not well. I had her at the vet last week and they thought she had an infection below her eye. Anyway this morning her cheek was swollen and when I touched it all this blood came gushing out. So off to the vet again. They said she has a tooth that is infected this time and it needs to be removed. So surgery on Monday lots of meds and all this is costing me $1000 to $1500. Don't get me wrong I would pay whatever for my pets as they are my babies but I am just stressing as this is all coming out of my IVF savings. I guess it is good I am stuck waiting until July so I can save more money. I also hate leaving her when she is sick. But she is in good hands and she wants her mommy and daddy to be finally married. I'm sure once I board the plane tomorrow I will change moods but for now I'm pretty sad. :cry:

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend. If I don't get back on here tonight or while I am away then I hope everyone has a great week and Easter.

Hey! I have been considering joining this thread and I am ready now. We will be doing IVF #3 in May or June. I am still waiting for AF after my d&C (its been 43 days now and no signs of AF) before we can decide which month we will start. I will wait the next AF then have to decide if we want to wait one more and go in June or start with May AF... I am thinking about May AF. I want to make sure my RE is not on vacation also because I dont want any other RE in the practice doing my ER or ET. I had another dr the first go around and BFN. At least I got BFP the 2nd time with my RE (but then the MMC). So I will be doing the microdose lupron flare with OCPs to start. This is hoping that I get some better quality embryos in the end since we are getting only 2 from a good pool of eggs. I respond slowly at first (using the standard protocol) with very low estradiol levels but then seem to be okay but I agree with RE after 2 failed cycles something needs to change. I am excited for a new start but also scared since I wont know how I will respond. My first 2 cycles were the same protocol, with less response second go around. So right now, I am just waiting (which is the worst part!).
Hi girls, sorry I have been so crappy at keeping up on this thread, I have been reading along & keeping up with everyone's updates. We have had a bit of a testicular cancer scare with DH, that still hasn't been resolved. We will have an appointment with a uroloigist who specialises in cancer on the 17th April, which will hopefully tell us that there is nothing to worry about & that the lesion found on ultrasound is benign. Our FS doesn't think it looks like cancer, but wants us to go to a specialist to be 100% sure. But life has just been a bit full-on since we found out a week or so ago.

From a fertility perspective the latest bloods show that DH's testosterone is low & his eostrogen is slightly elevated. SO, our FS has put him on Tamoxifen, which is actually a drug that they give women with breast cancer, it is an eostrogen blocker. So, it should naturally push up his testosterone & push down his eostrogen which apparently could help with our sertolli cell problem. It could help the little spermies grow further along the growth cycle to be more mature. Go team sperm! Grow little guys grow. So, we need to postpone our cycle by a month or two to give this drug a chance to work. SO, we won't be going in May after all.

Hope everyone's having a good day. It is a divine Sydney autumn day today. Sun shining, 24 degrees C & we're going picnicing with friends :hugs:
MJ, I'm so sorry to hear about your DH! I really hope everything turns out okay - fingers crossed!

MoBaby, I'm so sorry you're having to do this whole process again - I don't know if I have the emotional strength for three tries. I wonder sometimes how I'm going to handle one! But third time's the charm and I'm sure you'll get your take home baby this time.

Jenn, I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. Hopefully the meds will take care of the infection and she'll be feeling better soon. Try to have a good time in Vegas anyway!

AFM, I decided to go ahead and make a consultation appt with my RE for Monday. He had told me I could just wait until cd1 in July and give them a call for a cd3 u/s and then I could start stims, but I have way too many questions and I feel like there should just be more to do to get ready. So I'll ask a few of the questions from our list and see what he has to say. I think the biggest thing for me right now is trying to decide about transferring one or two embryos. Everyone I have talked to has said go for two but twins just seems overwhelming!!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :dust: :dust:
jchic~ I'm glad things are moving forward for you. I'm sure moving on top of everything going on is difficult. Sorry about the headaches from the meds though. Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

Jenn~ So sorry to hear about your cat. I know the feeling of treating a pet like a child. I have an English Bulldog and he is my fur child. We haven't had many issues with him yet but enough thats for sure. I hope everything goes ok on Monday. Try and enjoy your vacation.

Mobaby~ Welcome :hi: I'm glad you have decided to join us but I'm very sorry you have to go through this a third time. :hugs: I hope the new protocol works better for you. What is micro dose lupron flare? I guess I'm just wondering what the difference is between normal luporn and the one you will be on.

MJ~ I really hope things go well for you and DH during this coming up appointment. I'm sure the stress and worry of this is driving you both crazy. Like I have said before... fingers crossed that it is nothing and you guys can move on to IVF with no worries at all.

azlissie~ That is great that they are letting you come in for a consult. I remember you saying in the beginning that you wished you could sit down and talk with them. Heres my theory on how many to transfer... I would rather end up with twins than look back and wish I had put two back in. Yes, twins is a scary though for some people (myself included) but if it happens there is always a way to make it work! Just do what is best for you and really think about what you want to do. You have some time to decide though.

asali~ I hope everything went well today and you are home resting.

JDH~ Have you heard anything one the last test you are waiting on? Fx it's all good news and you get the all clear for IVF!

AFM~ AF finally showed yesterday. Go figure because I was really hoping to start testing this cycle but I couldn't just leave work first thing in the morning. It's ok though we will just start testing at the end of April. Possibly the 24th or 25th (if AF stays on her normal schedule). Possible TMI but does anyone know if major clotting is a bad thing?? I always have large clots and I don't know if this is healthy or not. :shrug: Anyways besides that nothing much going on here. I talked to DH this morning and he will be home in 19 days!! I can not wait!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'm going to update the first page now but if I miss something or you would like something added please tell me. I do my best to catch it all though. :flower:
Hey ladies, just wanted to pop in and say hi. DH and i are taking a mini vacation and leaving for Atlantic City in the morning...we're just going for a night but its a nice get away. ill check back in monday night :)
Hey ladies, just wanted to pop in and say hi. DH and i are taking a mini vacation and leaving for Atlantic City in the morning...we're just going for a night but its a nice get away. ill check back in monday night :)

I hope you have a wonderful mini vacation! Even one night away is a great way to relax and enjoy each other's company. Have fun!
Mobaby~ Welcome :hi: I'm glad you have decided to join us but I'm very sorry you have to go through this a third time. :hugs: I hope the new protocol works better for you. What is micro dose lupron flare? I guess I'm just wondering what the difference is between normal luporn and the one you will be on.

In the normal lupron protocol or whatever its called you take the lupron for a week before starting stims. The lupron shuts down the pituitary glands in large doses. In some women though the lupron oversupresses and/or makes poor quality eggies which lead to a decreased amount of embryos, etc.

In this protocol (microdose lupron flare), I will be on a very diluted version of lupron (microdose) and will take it for just 2 days before starting stims. This protocol is supposed to work with natural FSH flare. You also have to take the microdose twice daily (BLEH! Another shot lol). Lupron in small doses stimulates the pituitary gland rather than shutting it down. This protocol is usually for women with DOR or who respond poorly to standard protocol or with failed IVF cycles. Since my levels after 3 days of stimms have been low, we are trying this to see if I have better response and are able to have more healthy embryos in the end. I had 2 good quality embryos each cycle with none to freeze and my RE would have estimated 4-5 from round 1 and 3-4 round 2. We had 14 embryos round 1 and 9 round 2. So we are hoping to be able to have more good quality ones. I'd love to freeze some also but really I just want to have 2 perfect ones and have at least one healthy baby.

Adding: I also have clots with AF and I don't think its an issue. I do have a fibroid (not affecting my fertility or ability to carry a baby) which is probably the reason why I have heavy AF with clots, but some women just have heavy cycles without any reason.
Hi ladies!

Mrs - how exciting DH will be home so shortly. That is great news!
Mo - I hope flare protocol works for you. I have heard great things about it so fingers crossed. I know going through these cycles are difficult and so emotionally and physically draining, but in the end it will all be worth it. Don't lose the positivity. Know that its harder to stay positive then give into the whole process. YOU WILL BE A MOM :)
Haj - have fun in AC darling!
Jenn - I am so sorry about your cat. I have 2 dogs, and they literally are the LOVE of my life - so I know how difficult it is when one is sick. its also really expensive! Do you have a petsmart by you? In NJ they offer pet insurance (really cheap) that you pay monthly and they cover almost everything and you get a really big discount on stuff. Maybe checking it out will be worthwhile? Chin up girl!

Hope everyone else is doing great!
Lucie - It is always hard to think about switching RE's. Have you checked the actual pregnancy success rates for your current one and the other one? Maybe there really isn't a difference and it was just coincidence that your friends got pregnant when switching. When it comes down to it you have to do what you think is right in your heart.

Haj - Hope you had a great time in AC!

Mrs. C - You must be thrilled that DH will be home soon, Will you be able to get time off work to hang out with him?

MoBaby - I'm glad you have decided to join us. Fingers are crossed that this will be it for you and you get that sticky bean.

MJ - That sure is scary I am praying that everything works out ok.

Jenn - thanks and I hope you kitty is ok. It's so stressful worring about your animals when they are sick. Enjoy your wedding in Vegas!!

Jchic - So sorry about your headaches. If it makes you feel better I've had one for days, I think due to allergies..

Sorry if I missed anyone I have been so busy at work and home so just trying to do a quick check up and hopefully will be back to normal soon!
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