IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Ok haj I found her. Were you in this thread https://www.babyandbump.com/assiste...ond-updates-1st-page-11-bfps-2-twins-238.html ? Sunshine1217 is the one who was talking about having it. No one knew much about it either but maybe you could ask her and see what info she has on it. I hope you find out some better info.
Hi Haj - I've never heard of MTHFR before, but with the miracle of google I looked it up. The thing I read said that pregnant women with it should be on a high dose of folic acid and B9. Afraid I can't offer anymore about it, my google knowledge is all I have. Hope you find your answers in that thread MrsC found. And IVF in May/June - same as me, I'm aiming for May.:happydance:

MrsC - I caved. Did a test this am and surprise surprise... :bfn:! Knew it, shouldn't have tested but I dreamt I had a BFP so thought I'd better test. I'm 16dpo today so reckon I'd know about it by now if I was. No signs that AF is on her way so will just sit in my misery until she shows!!! Mum and I are going to London next month for a few days shopping/ see a westend show so looking forward to that should be a distraction.

Ali :flower:
Sorry about the BFN Daisy :hugs: You will get that BFP with IVF if you don't get a little miracle before then.
Hey ladies,

Quick question for you all. I'm looking through all my paperwork (again) and they have marked me down for needing a SIS (sonohysterogram) but I have already had an HSG. That was back in December or January. Has anyone had to do both or does your clinic just require one of the tests. Nothing was found at the HSG so I'm not sure why the SIS would be needed. Any thoughts?
Hey ladies,

Quick question for you all. I'm looking through all my paperwork (again) and they have marked me down for needing a SIS (sonohysterogram) but I have already had an HSG. That was back in December or January. Has anyone had to do both or does your clinic just require one of the tests. Nothing was found at the HSG so I'm not sure why the SIS would be needed. Any thoughts?

My paperwork says I need this too. But when I sat down with my nurse, she said it is unlikely I will since I've had the HSG and it didn't show anything abnormal. I suspect this is the case for you too, but maybe each clinic is different.
So that all being said my bloodwork is what gives me the mixed feelings. He said I am in fact not ovulating. He also said I have MTHFR. He is putting my on 5mg of folic acid a day for it. So just like anyone of us would do I came home and googled it. Of course recurrent miscarriages and more likely chances of deformities like down syndrome. The doctor hadn't said that to me. So of course now I'm completely freaking out. The doctor had said wheen we were leaving that he is completely confident we will get pregnant but now im worried about actually carrying the baby and any chromosonal deformities that I might pass on. I was feeling really good when I left the doctors until I got home and looked this up. Anyone know anyone or anything about MTHFR??

So we decided we are going to start IVF in either May or June. I need to call them when I get my period.

Sorry to hear this. Did he say your not ovulating is connected to the MTHFR? Or is that something different? Just curious.
Hi everyone,

Well that was it - the first step out of the way! Got our blood taken, height, weight, BP etc. Says they will write to us with the results (takes 6 weeks!!!) and then send a prescription for the nasal spray if AMH normal. If too high or too low we go on a shorter protocol so no spray! So confusing!

Maybe I need to take a leaf out of all your books - Hawaii and Las Vegas sound rather nice but a bit far! We are having a little heat wave in Scotland, actualy had a dress on today which in March is very extraordinary!

Jenn76 - thanks for that link, will have a look at it right now! I'm 29 so would have a good(ish) chance of BFP with one blastocyst transfer. But I'm leaning towards two!

Bluestorm and MrsC - thanks very much for your good wishes today, wish I could fast forward 6 weeks but will try to be patient.

AF still not arrived (cd39), bought 4 HPTs today but too afraid too use them, I've gone from testing all the time (at the start of the TTC journey) to being a bit phobic! Hate seeing BFN all the time.

Sekky - can't believe IUI is $2100! It's about £300 or so in UK.

:dust: to all

Ali x :flower:

Yeah it does cost as much. Though depending on the clinic and location too the cheapest will still be over a $1200
Hey ladies,

Quick question for you all. I'm looking through all my paperwork (again) and they have marked me down for needing a SIS (sonohysterogram) but I have already had an HSG. That was back in December or January. Has anyone had to do both or does your clinic just require one of the tests. Nothing was found at the HSG so I'm not sure why the SIS would be needed. Any thoughts?

I had an HSG test last year which was all normal but they've not mentioned to me that I need a sonohysterogram. Think I get one after all the down -regging but not before.

Ali :flower:
Thanks s08 and Ali :flower: I didn't even think to ask about this when we had our first meeting. I'm waiting on a call from them today so I will ask about it. The HSG wasn't horrible for me but I just don't see the need to have to go through anything like that again. If its needed then I will do it though.
My HSG was horrible! It wasn't so much the pain, that wasn't so bad. But I nearly passed out on the table (SO embarassing!), right after I'd declared "don't worry I've never fainted before so I'll be fine!". Then took a major bout of the shakes, oh dear oh dear. So IVF will be interesting! Let us know what they said about sonohysterogram, I sometimes think they just like torturing us!! :laugh2:

Ali :flower:
Haj, sorry to hear about your test results. I don't know anything about it either but I like others googled it as well. It sounds like your doctor has put you on the right path and you should be able to have a healthy pregnancy.

Mrs C I had the sonohysterogram done and was told that I would only need the HSG if there was anything abnormal. I can't see why you would need to do it if your HSG results are within 2 years. I think the discomfort level is about the same for either. I found it quite painful but short lived. I have to say that men have it easy in the process.

Hope all is well with everyone! AFM I'm just counting down the days till my vacay, 4 more sleeps. :dance:
Ali and Jenn sorry to hear your HSG's were so horrible! I scared the crap out of myself because I went to the wonderful google before my appointment and only saw horrible things. I was on the verge of tears once I hit that table. I was more scared than anything. It really wasn't bad though. No pain no nothing so that was a blessing.

Jenn~ Yay for Vegas!! :happydance: That should be tons of fun. You'll have to let us know how it goes.

So today was my first acupuncture appointment. I must say, it was wonderful! I was a little nervous but the went away very quickly. I was shocked that I couldn't even feel the needles going in. I will be going back once a week for the next month to see how things go. Now if only the people outside the door would be quiet while I'm in there. I might have to see if there is a time of day that the place is a little more quiet.

I hope you all are having a great week. It's almost Friday! :thumbup:
Hi Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing great.

Jenn i hope you have fun in Vegas!! :wine: :winkwink:

So went to the FS and talked through why i need it and what will happen during the hysteroscopy. FS explained that with the hysteroscopy they will be able to have a closer and better look at the uterus and correct any issues as they go along. The procedure can take upto 15 -30mins depending on what they find. Sooo with that said we scheduled in a date and it looks like I go in this Sat at 09:00am!! yikes! They did say I shld be home by 11am. So fingers crossed they dont find anything major going on in there and be able to create a healthy environment for my future :baby::baby: 's

Will keep you all posted.
Ladies, thank you so much for you kind words. Hopefully this is something dh and I will be able to overcome and still have a happy and healthy baby in the end.
Mrs. C-thank you for finding that woman for me. I messaged her so hopefully I will hear back soon.

So8-No, my ovulation has nothing to do with the MTHFR. It's because of my PCOS.

AFM: I got AF in full force yesterday so I had to call the RE and I scheduled an u/s and bloodwork for bright and early tomorrow morning. I also spoke to the woman that deals with all their payments there and she told me our insurance cover 3 IVF's in your lifetime and they cover 75% of it. So what we would owe would be about $2000, not including meds. But looking at all of your ladies, who are paying completely out of pocket, that is nothing. She also said we need everything approved my insurance so she sent in the paperwork yesterday and said it takes about 2 days to hear back. So I am hoping by Monday that we have our answers back about that and about whether or not we wil start meds this cycle of next cycle.
Ali and Jenn sorry to hear your HSG's were so horrible! I scared the crap out of myself because I went to the wonderful google before my appointment and only saw horrible things. I was on the verge of tears once I hit that table. I was more scared than anything. It really wasn't bad though. No pain no nothing so that was a blessing.

Jenn~ Yay for Vegas!! :happydance: That should be tons of fun. You'll have to let us know how it goes.

So today was my first acupuncture appointment. I must say, it was wonderful! I was a little nervous but the went away very quickly. I was shocked that I couldn't even feel the needles going in. I will be going back once a week for the next month to see how things go. Now if only the people outside the door would be quiet while I'm in there. I might have to see if there is a time of day that the place is a little more quiet.

I hope you all are having a great week. It's almost Friday! :thumbup:

Glad to hear you enjoyed your first acupuncture appt. I'm liking mine too. And I like my acupuncturist because she explains things about eastern medicine so that I understand in more scientific/western medicine ways...not sure if that makes any sense. She's big on everything in moderation...which I love. This is random, but your comment about the noise outside totally reminds me of the Sex and the City episode where Charlotte is in acupuncture for fertility and can't focus because of the street noise. Am I the only one that remembers that? Miss that show!
Ladies, thank you so much for you kind words. Hopefully this is something dh and I will be able to overcome and still have a happy and healthy baby in the end.
Mrs. C-thank you for finding that woman for me. I messaged her so hopefully I will hear back soon.

So8-No, my ovulation has nothing to do with the MTHFR. It's because of my PCOS.

AFM: I got AF in full force yesterday so I had to call the RE and I scheduled an u/s and bloodwork for bright and early tomorrow morning. I also spoke to the woman that deals with all their payments there and she told me our insurance cover 3 IVF's in your lifetime and they cover 75% of it. So what we would owe would be about $2000, not including meds. But looking at all of your ladies, who are paying completely out of pocket, that is nothing. She also said we need everything approved my insurance so she sent in the paperwork yesterday and said it takes about 2 days to hear back. So I am hoping by Monday that we have our answers back about that and about whether or not we wil start meds this cycle of next cycle.

Wow Haj that's good news about the insurance covering so much. We've saved enough for two rounds and I really hope we have success with that otherwise I will be racking up my line of credit and credit cards. LOL! Here's hoping you can start soon. FX!
Hi Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing great.

Jenn i hope you have fun in Vegas!! :wine: :winkwink:

So went to the FS and talked through why i need it and what will happen during the hysteroscopy. FS explained that with the hysteroscopy they will be able to have a closer and better look at the uterus and correct any issues as they go along. The procedure can take upto 15 -30mins depending on what they find. Sooo with that said we scheduled in a date and it looks like I go in this Sat at 09:00am!! yikes! They did say I shld be home by 11am. So fingers crossed they dont find anything major going on in there and be able to create a healthy environment for my future :baby::baby: 's

Will keep you all posted.

I'm glad they were able to fit you in so quickly! That is very soon which will give your body a chance to recover for IVF. I hope everything goes well on Saturday. Please let us know how things go. :thumbup:

Ladies, thank you so much for you kind words. Hopefully this is something dh and I will be able to overcome and still have a happy and healthy baby in the end.
Mrs. C-thank you for finding that woman for me. I messaged her so hopefully I will hear back soon.

So8-No, my ovulation has nothing to do with the MTHFR. It's because of my PCOS.

AFM: I got AF in full force yesterday so I had to call the RE and I scheduled an u/s and bloodwork for bright and early tomorrow morning. I also spoke to the woman that deals with all their payments there and she told me our insurance cover 3 IVF's in your lifetime and they cover 75% of it. So what we would owe would be about $2000, not including meds. But looking at all of your ladies, who are paying completely out of pocket, that is nothing. She also said we need everything approved my insurance so she sent in the paperwork yesterday and said it takes about 2 days to hear back. So I am hoping by Monday that we have our answers back about that and about whether or not we wil start meds this cycle of next cycle.

haj you are very welcome. I hope she can help you with the way you are feeling about what is going on. I just remembered her saying something about it. I'm sure there are others but she's the only one I have seen mention it.

Thats great that your insurances covers a big chunk of the IVF. I would do anything to find insurance that covers some of it. I also wanted to thank you for seeing that it's hard to come up with every penny for IVF (I hope that comes out right when reading). :hugs: It honestly scares the hell out of me to put down that amount of money for something that is not guaranteed to work. Thats my biggest fear. We have one shot at this and I don't know what will happen if it doesn't work.

Ali and Jenn sorry to hear your HSG's were so horrible! I scared the crap out of myself because I went to the wonderful google before my appointment and only saw horrible things. I was on the verge of tears once I hit that table. I was more scared than anything. It really wasn't bad though. No pain no nothing so that was a blessing.

Jenn~ Yay for Vegas!! :happydance: That should be tons of fun. You'll have to let us know how it goes.

So today was my first acupuncture appointment. I must say, it was wonderful! I was a little nervous but the went away very quickly. I was shocked that I couldn't even feel the needles going in. I will be going back once a week for the next month to see how things go. Now if only the people outside the door would be quiet while I'm in there. I might have to see if there is a time of day that the place is a little more quiet.

I hope you all are having a great week. It's almost Friday! :thumbup:

Glad to hear you enjoyed your first acupuncture appt. I'm liking mine too. And I like my acupuncturist because she explains things about eastern medicine so that I understand in more scientific/western medicine ways...not sure if that makes any sense. She's big on everything in moderation...which I love. This is random, but your comment about the noise outside totally reminds me of the Sex and the City episode where Charlotte is in acupuncture for fertility and can't focus because of the street noise. Am I the only one that remembers that? Miss that show!

I don't think I have seen that episode. I might have to try and find it. It just amazed me how loud everyone was! All I could think about was "ok seriously do you have to talk so loud and right outside the room I'm in." She does share an office with other types of specialists so I'm sure she didn't have much control over it. I'm glad you are liking it as well. Now just to see if it all works.

So I feel like my body is punishing me for not using OPK's this month. I was expecting AF yesterday and she still hasn't shown... I don't know what to think. I'm usually right on time every month with a 26 day cycle. Maybe now that I say something she will show. :shrug: I was hoping to go in for testing tomorrow but now it looks like I will have to wait until next cycle since they are closed on the weekends. :nope:
Good morning ladies!!! I'm in a super good mood this morning. I just got back from the RE and had my blood work and ultra sound done. I asked them all my questions about the MTHFR and about how that would effect me and effect a baby and she answered all of them and she explained to me the only real risk is the miscarriage and thats why they put me on the extra folic acid to prevent that. So they did the sono this morning and i have a cyst on my right ovary and they just need that to go away but they are hoping the birth control they put me on will do the trick. so after all was said and done i went into the office and and they handed me a huge folder full of infor and things i need to do and told me everything else looked good, so i can officially start my IVF process today!!!! :) so i start my first medicine today...the birth control...and now we're on our way!!!. I just got into work and the woman said heather you're like glowing. John and I couldnt stop grinning the whole car ride. I'm just so excited to have everything planned out and officially start!!

Mrs. C- I honestly do feel for all of you that have no coverage for it at all. I know we have a total of 3 in our lifetime and that makes me stress. I give you all a lot of credit for being able to deal with that stress on top of everything else.
alsoooo im not getting any email notification anymore for any of my bnb forums...anyone know why? I was wondering if i accidently unsubscribed but where would i subscribe again then. help!!! lol
haj that is wonderful news!! :happydance: I can't wait to go update the first page for you. I'm glad they gave you some answers and that you are feeling so much better about things. With starting the BCP today when will that put you for ER and transfer?

As for the email notifications maybe try unsubscribing and the subscribing again? Do you know how to do that? It will allow you to get the emails again that way.
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