IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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^ I get you, a 2 pack of frer's here are 18 bucks canadian and the digis are 2 for 24 I think. I usually wait till I get a positive on a frer then go buy a 2 pack of digis with the conception indicator so I can see the numbers go up. I like seeing the words to :)

Decided to check out the prices today .. I was even off! It's 5,95 EUR for just 1!! :) The digis are another price category up from there :)
But I'm like you - haven't been there yet - but one day want to see the words! :)
Hi girls,

Hope your all ok today?
Well after being told yesterday I have 30 large follicles growing ranging from 10mm to 19mm. I'm feeling pretty bloated today & had 2 bottles of powerade zero just to keep on top of any excess water retention.
I hope I'm doing the right thing I'm worried OHSS but I'm not having symptoms to suggest I am.

This is our 2nd IVF but our first ICSI I'm excited coz I hope we will have a better chance this time. Does anyone have positive ICSI stories?

Thank you!!
X x x

Hi TTC. Wow - that's a lot of follicles!! I completely believe that you are feeling bloated!

Last month, I was bloated, and they retrieved 14 eggs... we have to do ICSI and the results were : 12 eggs mature, 11 fertilised :)
6 were frozen and we transferred two. Unfortunately, we didn't get a positive, so we are going this month with thawing and transfer after 4 days (they were frozen on day one, once fertilisation was confirmed). I think with 12 mature eggs, 11 fertilised is a pretty good result - so even though we didn't get pregnant, I would call that a positive start? Since the sperm are injected right into the egg, I think the chances are probably even higher than with simply IVF, where the :spermy: still has to work to get in...

Good luck :)
Congrats Raelynn and MrsC!!! Thats soo exciting! H&H 9 months to you ladies and good luck to all who are still waiting for their BFP!!
bubu what on earth would they freeze right after fertilization when they don't which embies are the best to put back? My clinic like day 5 cause then you can select the best of them and increase your chances.
All 11 of my embryos made it to day 5. We used 2 grade 1's. And froze two grade 1's and 2 grade 2's. The other 5 grade 3 (at least on day 5 dunno on day 6) just got discarded
Thanks Oneof I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I was afraid they would have to increase my meds when I go in on Monday and this would end up costing me so much more.

Southaspen: I have the q-caps, I think my issue was how I was holding the syringe when drawing up the meds. I re-watched the video they gave me and I have been better with it the last two nights. So you don't like the q-caps? My nurse raved about them. I see Drsquid and Kelly agree, unfortunately they didn't give me more needles so I guess I am kind of stuck.

Kelly: Good luck with your test tomorrow FX for a darker line.

Azlissie: I'm glad you feel more positive. I think that's very important when going through this process.

Swepakepa: I hope your doing okay at your dinner, that just sucks. Why are they telling people if they are only 5 weeks. It seems kind of inappropriate since they know you have been struggling. A girl in my office just announced that she is pregnant yesterday too. I was happy for her until she said to me "don't worry you will be next, I thought it wouldn't happen for me either." So I then asked how long she was trying and she said since March. She's 10 weeks pregnant I did the math she tried for two or three months. She knows that I have been trying for three years. How can you compare. :growlmad:

TTC: Did they indicate when you will have your ER? Must be soon. Did you have as many follicles with your first IVF?

Hopeful: How are you feeling?

Bubumaci: I agree with Kelly it seems really weird to me that they freeze them so early. I have never heard of that before. Is there some sort of benefit to that?
Jenn- weird nurse at my office agreed they were difficult to use. Just ask for more needles

A friend of mine had her embryos frozen day 1 cause she had to do a fet due to a thin lining. Apparently they freeze best super early, however it also prevents you from sorting out which ones are "worth" freezing likely to survive the thaw. And also prevents you from growing all of them out to select the cream of the crop to transfer first.
I think bubu explained a while back that in Germany there are laws governing IVF and when embryos must be frozen, that's why it was done on day 1.
Ahhh I see! I think I'd rather have them monitored to the 5 days and have the best ones implanted.
interesting.. forgot that. looked up some stuff about germany.. apparently they've changed their laws cause apparently they used to only produce 3 per cycle and had to transfer all 3 (which of course led to lots of reductions which defeated the whole point to the law)
Thanks Daisy I don't think I was a member of this group then.
Thanks Oneof I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I was afraid they would have to increase my meds when I go in on Monday and this would end up costing me so much more.

Southaspen: I have the q-caps, I think my issue was how I was holding the syringe when drawing up the meds. I re-watched the video they gave me and I have been better with it the last two nights. So you don't like the q-caps? My nurse raved about them. I see Drsquid and Kelly agree, unfortunately they didn't give me more needles so I guess I am kind of stuck.

Kelly: Good luck with your test tomorrow FX for a darker line.

Azlissie: I'm glad you feel more positive. I think that's very important when going through this process.

Swepakepa: I hope your doing okay at your dinner, that just sucks. Why are they telling people if they are only 5 weeks. It seems kind of inappropriate since they know you have been struggling. A girl in my office just announced that she is pregnant yesterday too. I was happy for her until she said to me "don't worry you will be next, I thought it wouldn't happen for me either." So I then asked how long she was trying and she said since March. She's 10 weeks pregnant I did the math she tried for two or three months. She knows that I have been trying for three years. How can you compare. :growlmad:

TTC: Did they indicate when you will have your ER? Must be soon. Did you have as many follicles with your first IVF?

Hopeful: How are you feeling?

Bubumaci: I agree with Kelly it seems really weird to me that they freeze them so early. I have never heard of that before. Is there some sort of benefit to that?

Im feeling very good, Thank you for asking :) I havent had much morning sickness, not yet anyway. Mainly just EXTREMELY emotional! Poor hubby getting the brunt of it :blush:
bubu what on earth would they freeze right after fertilization when they don't which embies are the best to put back? My clinic like day 5 cause then you can select the best of them and increase your chances.

This is the plan for me if my lining is too thin b/c of the femera. I asked my FS about the timing of the freeze (mainly b/c I was hoping to know the results of the pgd testing before waiting for weeks), and his explanation involved overall viability too. He even said if you lose embies from this sort of freeze they wouldn't have progressed anyway. I don't know how one would know this, but he's the expert so I am reassured. lol

Here is hypothetical question tho (which i haven't asked the doctor, b/c one can only come up with so many possible permutations at once...) In cases when there is a Day 1 freeze, I wonder if is better not to do ICSI b/c of the integrity of the embie, since I've been told its better in my case to freeze before testing due to the biopsy "hole"... Any wisdom for this one?
Thanks Oneof I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I was afraid they would have to increase my meds when I go in on Monday and this would end up costing me so much more.

Southaspen: I have the q-caps, I think my issue was how I was holding the syringe when drawing up the meds. I re-watched the video they gave me and I have been better with it the last two nights. So you don't like the q-caps? My nurse raved about them. I see Drsquid and Kelly agree, unfortunately they didn't give me more needles so I guess I am kind of stuck.

Kelly: Good luck with your test tomorrow FX for a darker line.

Azlissie: I'm glad you feel more positive. I think that's very important when going through this process.

Swepakepa: I hope your doing okay at your dinner, that just sucks. Why are they telling people if they are only 5 weeks. It seems kind of inappropriate since they know you have been struggling. A girl in my office just announced that she is pregnant yesterday too. I was happy for her until she said to me "don't worry you will be next, I thought it wouldn't happen for me either." So I then asked how long she was trying and she said since March. She's 10 weeks pregnant I did the math she tried for two or three months. She knows that I have been trying for three years. How can you compare. :growlmad:

TTC: Did they indicate when you will have your ER? Must be soon. Did you have as many follicles with your first IVF?

Hopeful: How are you feeling?

Bubumaci: I agree with Kelly it seems really weird to me that they freeze them so early. I have never heard of that before. Is there some sort of benefit to that?

I know the Q Caps are supposed to be a safety device which is good in the hospital/clinic setting but if you look at where the opening on the "needle" portion of the cap is, you can't get all of your med without shimmying it around and slowing pulling it out like you would a regular needle in order to get most of your med. My clinic was good about giving needles when I asked and now that I changed to the shorter ones for my progesterone shots, I have plenty to draw up with the long ones and switch to the shorter ones for the actual shots. If they are working for you that's great!!! Guess old nursing habits die hard!
I guess I haven't read up on the Day 1 freezing. Wonder if there is any benefit to it? Something to read about in all my free time! Ha!
Just browsing through the first page and it looks like there should be some exciting news coming up from a lot of ladies here; stims, ultrasounds, retrievals, and tests, oh my!

I'm running out of fingers and toes to cross and loving it!

AFM, I've been lucky to have very symptom-free pregnancies. A nagging feeling of being "unwell" tends to be the worst of it, with some nausea here and there. I haven't thrown up once yet with this one, so yay! (Just watch, I've jinxed it!) Some nagging eye pressure problems that should resolve in the next month or so, and that's it.

Jenn, you're missing my deer-in-headlights expression, but be sure I'm making it! Do I have kids...sorta kinda not really?

Brace yourselves, this may get long. Also, hurtful or offensive to some. Lying would be shorter and sound nicer, but I suck at that.

Genetically, I have five. Biologically, one and half. Emotionally, I have four. Legally, I have none.

I live with my identical twin and her four children, whom I've been helping to raise for the last 12 years. Their father had a...troubled childhood and while he lives with us, that's almost all there is to it. He can go days without saying a word to any of us, and when he's gone on buisness, nobody's routine changes but mine since I don't have to worry about getting home from work in time to get the car back to him to go to work. Genetically and emotionally, they're mine. I worry about hygenie and cell phones and boys (and now girls...is 12 too young to be finding a Playboy in his room? I suspect it isn't and that's distressing.) I make lunches every school day and do breath checks because they try to lie about brushing their teeth. I check homework and collect dead bugs and let them call me Rat Butt when I call them Rat Face when they won't answer when I call their names.

Mianna is genetically and biologically mine, but not legally or emotionally. I love her like I do my other 60-odd nieces and nephews. (I'm one of 15. Oneof14, I keep meaning to ask if you are, indeed, one of 14. If so, do you mind my asking which numbers? I'm 12 of 12 girls, and 13 overall.) She's adorable, and brilliant, and tall which is not from my family at all. I send birthday cards every year, I still email her mom, and we even call each other sometimes. I was stunned the first time M. put me on the phone with her. She talks! She has words! What happened to the baby I sent you home with??? This is a little PERSON! It was so incredible. But she's not my daughter, not in my heart, and I don't worry about her the way I do the four I live with.

Michelle Jr. here is biologically mine, his or her little skeleton being knit from my own bones, with genes that aren't mine but may be expressed according to how I carry him or her. It's a wonder that I'm humbled to be a part of. But I'm going to be glad I can stop worrying so much after the birth, when suddenly J&H will have to take over the 'how young is too young' problem!

And while I'm glad you asked, I'm worried about my answer. I'm not a part of the surrogacy community because I'm not raising a child who calls me Mommy. To put it mildly, I was judged harshly for that, and my motives questioned. I love it here, and it's been such a huge resource for me in terms of just getting through IVF not just physically but emotionally.

But I realize that all of you ladies, especially those of you going it on your own, have a drive and love that's one step beyond what I feel. I recognized that while I was still lurking; that my grief over negatives and failed cycles is a step removed from what you have felt. My desperation a shade paler than yours. It's why I hesitated to decloak, as it were. I didn't want to offend anyone who has been trying so hard and suffered so much first hand, while mine has been secondhand.

So. There we go. In person, I get the deer-in-headlights look back.
Hi girls - well remembered Daisy :)
Yes, in Germany, they have pretty strict laws concerning the freezing of embryos. We had to sign a contract concerning it and we did "X" the option for freezing at a later stage. They do do it, but only in exceptions. When I was speaking with the doctor recently about the thaw, he told me that they actually look at the fertilised eggs and freeze the ones that look best / strongest (don't know how they judge, but they are the experts and I'm sure they know what they're doing).

Whether there are any advantages / disadvantages, I haven't really researched, since we don't have much of a choice. Does anyone know what the advantages are of freezing on day 1?

@ Chellesama - thank you for your story! I didn't find anything of what you said hurtful / offensive. And found your words very interesting. We all have different reasons for why we are here, and we all have a common goal - whatever the reasons. :hugs:
cheelesmama that not hurtful at all, I'll admit a little confusing for me to follow first thing in the morning :) but still you fit here with us.

Ladies I am very happy to say that I got my true :bfp: this morning, as I suspected my trigger never left but now my test lines are dark enough from the squinters I was getting to feel comfortable saying it. I got my first true (just didn't believe it) positive on friday the 13th, the 6 months anniversary of the loss of our daughter, maybe Hannah was looking out for me after all. :cry:
I just need to vent alittle:

I have a dinner date with 2 couples..... i was told by my husband one of the couples are going to tell me they are about 5 weeks prego.... I freaked out... been upset all day.... They are semi close friends (were best friends but have drifted apart alittle).....

I don't know how i am going to get through dinner tonight......

Thanks for letting me vent....

I hope the dinner and announcement went as well as it could have. Feel free to vent anytime.

Just browsing through the first page and it looks like there should be some exciting news coming up from a lot of ladies here; stims, ultrasounds, retrievals, and tests, oh my!

I'm running out of fingers and toes to cross and loving it!

AFM, I've been lucky to have very symptom-free pregnancies. A nagging feeling of being "unwell" tends to be the worst of it, with some nausea here and there. I haven't thrown up once yet with this one, so yay! (Just watch, I've jinxed it!) Some nagging eye pressure problems that should resolve in the next month or so, and that's it.

Jenn, you're missing my deer-in-headlights expression, but be sure I'm making it! Do I have kids...sorta kinda not really?

Brace yourselves, this may get long. Also, hurtful or offensive to some. Lying would be shorter and sound nicer, but I suck at that.

Genetically, I have five. Biologically, one and half. Emotionally, I have four. Legally, I have none.

I live with my identical twin and her four children, whom I've been helping to raise for the last 12 years. Their father had a...troubled childhood and while he lives with us, that's almost all there is to it. He can go days without saying a word to any of us, and when he's gone on buisness, nobody's routine changes but mine since I don't have to worry about getting home from work in time to get the car back to him to go to work. Genetically and emotionally, they're mine. I worry about hygenie and cell phones and boys (and now girls...is 12 too young to be finding a Playboy in his room? I suspect it isn't and that's distressing.) I make lunches every school day and do breath checks because they try to lie about brushing their teeth. I check homework and collect dead bugs and let them call me Rat Butt when I call them Rat Face when they won't answer when I call their names.

Mianna is genetically and biologically mine, but not legally or emotionally. I love her like I do my other 60-odd nieces and nephews. (I'm one of 15. Oneof14, I keep meaning to ask if you are, indeed, one of 14. If so, do you mind my asking which numbers? I'm 12 of 12 girls, and 13 overall.) She's adorable, and brilliant, and tall which is not from my family at all. I send birthday cards every year, I still email her mom, and we even call each other sometimes. I was stunned the first time M. put me on the phone with her. She talks! She has words! What happened to the baby I sent you home with??? This is a little PERSON! It was so incredible. But she's not my daughter, not in my heart, and I don't worry about her the way I do the four I live with.

Michelle Jr. here is biologically mine, his or her little skeleton being knit from my own bones, with genes that aren't mine but may be expressed according to how I carry him or her. It's a wonder that I'm humbled to be a part of. But I'm going to be glad I can stop worrying so much after the birth, when suddenly J&H will have to take over the 'how young is too young' problem!

And while I'm glad you asked, I'm worried about my answer. I'm not a part of the surrogacy community because I'm not raising a child who calls me Mommy. To put it mildly, I was judged harshly for that, and my motives questioned. I love it here, and it's been such a huge resource for me in terms of just getting through IVF not just physically but emotionally.

But I realize that all of you ladies, especially those of you going it on your own, have a drive and love that's one step beyond what I feel. I recognized that while I was still lurking; that my grief over negatives and failed cycles is a step removed from what you have felt. My desperation a shade paler than yours. It's why I hesitated to decloak, as it were. I didn't want to offend anyone who has been trying so hard and suffered so much first hand, while mine has been secondhand.

So. There we go. In person, I get the deer-in-headlights look back.

Your story was not hurtful or offensive at all. I think it's great that you do what you do. Not a lot of people could do it. I'm sorry you have been judged for all of this. Some people will judge anyone for anything.

cheelesmama that not hurtful at all, I'll admit a little confusing for me to follow first thing in the morning :) but still you fit here with us.

Ladies I am very happy to say that I got my true :bfp: this morning, as I suspected my trigger never left but now my test lines are dark enough from the squinters I was getting to feel comfortable saying it. I got my first true (just didn't believe it) positive on friday the 13th, the 6 months anniversary of the loss of our daughter, maybe Hannah was looking out for me after all. :cry:

Congrats! I do think your little Hannah was looking out for you. Knowing you got your positive on the 6 month anniversary is special in many ways. :hugs:

AFM~ 2nd beta tomorrow. Sorry to not reply to anyone else but I don't know anything about the injections and needles.
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