IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi ladies.

I did a bit of research on both RE's in my town (different clinics). I could only find data from 2009. My RE had about 10% lower than the other RE.

I called and made an appointment with the new RE today. They tried to tell me that I had to have an appointment with the nurse practitioner first, then I could schedule one with the Dr. I firmly but politely reminded the lady that I've already done one cycle of IVF and just had all the testing done in November. She was like, "Ok...I guess I can schedule you an appointment with the Dr. then." The first available appointment I can do is May 8th. Dh won't be able to go (he can't take any more time off work) so my aunt has volunteered to go with me for moral support.

After we meet with the new RE, dh and I will sit down and discuss our options. We'd like to do another cycle in June or July, since we will be out of school.
Sounds like a great plan Lucie! I'm glad you were able to do some searching. 10% can sometimes make a big difference. A lot of the reports I have looked up on the clinics I was comparing were from 2009 as well. They really should make the newer one available as soon as they come out. When we had our appointment with the new RE he did have the updated reports for us to see. Maybe ask if yours has them as well. Sorry you had to get a little firm with the lady to get an appointment set up today. At least they are aware of the situation now and maybe that will help when you go in.

Other than the new appointment how are you doing?

I hope everyone else is well and had a great Monday (or as great as any Monday can be!).
To be honest MrsC, I'm not doing so great. Had a friend (with 2 kids) announce via mass FB message that she is expecting #3. She will be at an Easter party we are going to, and to be completely honest, I'm now dreading going. :( Out of our circle of friends that we spend a lot of time with, we are now the only ones without kids or who aren't expecting. It doesn't help that there are three pregnant ladies at school who I see daily. Plus there is baby shower next Thursday for some close friends of ours that we have to go to.

Sorry to be all gloom and doom, it's just how I'm feeling at the moment.
I'm so sorry Lucie :hugs: There is no need to apologize for being down. We are all here to support one another and we are all entitled to having down days/times. Pregnancy announcements are never easy and I think having to go through this just makes them even worse. It's hard to be happy for others who get pregnant so easily. Honestly I think if I was going through what you have been through it would be hard to go to the Easter thing as well. How does DH feel about going? If you guys decide not to go you could just say you want to spend the day together doing your own thing. Thats what DH and I do when I dread going to something. I feel like right now you need tons of hugs. I know hugs don't make it better but I'm really feeling for you and I'm so sorry for everything that is going on. :hugs:
Lucie, I'm very sorry you're having a tough time right now. It's really hard being around women who seem to get pregnant so easily or frequently. I was really annoyed at a birthday party over the weekend by this 18 year old with a 4 month old "oops" baby - I felt like she couldn't possibly appreciate that little baby as much as someone who's been purposefully trying, but oh well.

My RE appt went well today and it's definitely a good thing I followed my gut feeling and saw him earlier because from what he told me today, there would have been no way I could have done a July cycle if I had waited to call on cd1 like the nurse told me to. Here are the questions I asked and his answers:

Any supplements/vitamins besides prenatal? He said there's no real hard evidence that CoQ-10, royal jelly or fish oil really make a difference, but it doesn't hurt anything and maybe there will be a placebo type effect where if I really feel positive about them helping then that might be enough.

Acupuncture? Again, no concrete evidence that it helps but if I really want to he wouldn't say no. He just doesn't want me spending a lot of money on treatments or supplements that won't really impact the outcome.

How will we know if I need ICSI? That will depend on the quality of the sperm sample on the day of ER. Since I'm using frozen donor sperm it has supposedly been checked already for count, motility, etc, so I'm hoping I won't need to spend the extra $1200.

Single or double embryo transfer? Strongly suggests two - he says he works to get women pregnant with one healthy baby and will do everything he can to make sure that happens, but there's a significantly higher chance that at least one will make it if two are put back.

Long or short protocol? We'll decide for sure at the end of May, but his most successful protocol is the long, with Lupron then stims. No BCPs.

3 day or 5 day transfer? With my age (32), a 3 day should work just as well and he said it's about $1000 more to do a 5 day because they have to monitor it longer. Have any of you heard of this before?? I had no idea it might cost extra!

Bed rest after transfer? Strict bed rest day of transfer, then very light activity the next day. Can resume normal activities after that.

So this just reinforces the idea that every clinic and RE has their own preferred way of doing things - I've seen so many different answers to these questions on these boards! But my RE has about a 13% higher success rate than the only other RE in town and he's been doing this for 20 years so I guess I should assume he knows what he's talking about.

Hope everyone had a good Monday!
Can I join? I am going to do isci #3 after losing my little isci miracle in dec at 20wks. Planning to start July with ec early August. We are having my eggs screened for chromosomal problems as my little angel was trisomy 13. It costs loads but worth it to have a healthy baby in my arms!

Today I have an aqua scan to make sure I have no scaring from the loss. Fx for some good news!

:dust: to all
Thanks ladies. Was just feeling really down last night. We will still go to the Easter thing so we can see our friends and kids, since we haven't seen them in quite some time. We do have somewhere else to be for dinner though, so we have a perfect excuse to leave early.

:wave: Hi Liz! It's nice to see a familiar face!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Morning ladies, well im back from my mini vaca. it was nice to just get away for a day. I'm glad to see that everyone is moving along here. Is anyone getting IVF done in April.

AFM: I'm on my 5th day of BC. I have my next doctors appt on the 17th to do a water sonogram and then on the 18th, DH and I have to go to a class for shots and all that fun stuff. I'm still waiting to hear back on that insurance stuff. If I don't hear by tomorrow, I'm goingto give them a call.
i feel like i belong here,,, all the other groups i feel so behind cos were nt strtin til august time,,
iv been on here for a little while lol.. i just post much x
Can I join? I am going to do isci #3 after losing my little isci miracle in dec at 20wks. Planning to start July with ec early August. We are having my eggs screened for chromosomal problems as my little angel was trisomy 13. It costs loads but worth it to have a healthy baby in my arms!

Today I have an aqua scan to make sure I have no scaring from the loss. Fx for some good news!

:dust: to all

Welcome lizlemon:hi: I'm glad you have found us here. Sorry to hear about your loss. :hugs: I hope your scan goes well today.

Morning ladies, well im back from my mini vaca. it was nice to just get away for a day. I'm glad to see that everyone is moving along here. Is anyone getting IVF done in April.

AFM: I'm on my 5th day of BC. I have my next doctors appt on the 17th to do a water sonogram and then on the 18th, DH and I have to go to a class for shots and all that fun stuff. I'm still waiting to hear back on that insurance stuff. If I don't hear by tomorrow, I'm goingto give them a call.

Good morning! I'm glad your vacation went well. Sounds like you are moving right along with the whole process. The countdown is on for all the coming up appointments! That is very exciting. :thumbup:

i feel like i belong here,,, all the other groups i feel so behind cos were nt strtin til august time,,

Smile it's nice to see you posting in here again. How are you doing?

azlissie I'm glad to hear that everything went well at your appointment. Sounds like it was a good idea to go in rather than just waiting.

AFM just hanging out and waiting for my next AF. Hubby has his urology appointment on the 26th and I'm thinking my testing should start around the same time. Someone asked if I was able to take a few days off to spend with DH and right now I'm not sure but I'm really hoping so. I will get the day off to pick him up from the airport and then Sundays we are closed so we will have those two days together.

Have a wonderful day ladies! I will update the first page when I get home from work tonight.
Ladies, I had MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR breakdown today. The RE's office called me back and told me the insurance company is giving them a hard time about the approval of our IVF. Since my husband has a variocele they said they might want him to try to get surgery before they can approve it. Even though my doctor told me they are so small it wont do anything. so of course i completely lost it and had to go outside while at work and i just sobbed. i was on cloud 9 last week getting ready to start this all and it can all come crashing down now. my mom said to be they havent even denied you yet and if they do you cant change that...and trust me i know that is completely logically but as you ladies know, its hard to see logic when you're going through all this. So by the beginning of next week we should have our verdict. they said the doctor can appeal but that will take a few months and if they still deny it we have to wait for a year after the surgery to see if his numbers improve before we can do ivf again...this is a complete nightmare right now. i honestly feel like im going to go off the deep end:wacko:
Welcome lizlemon! I'm on #3 also. Sorry about your loss :( I think chromosomal testing is a good idea since you had the trisomy. We tested ours at 7 weeks and it was "normal" according to the RE so we wont be testing this time around. Mine and DH genetic makeup is normal according to the testing also.

I am frustrated as all today!!!! Day 46 and still NO AF!! I was only 7 wks with the mmc (measured 6w1d) and my hcg levels were low so where is it?????? Friday will be 7 wks post d/c.... I am only waiting until probably next Monday.... If AF still not around, I am calling my RE. I really really don't want to go on provera because I feel like my body needs to get to normal because I had a failed cycle, 2 days off, then AF, then right back with BCP/lupron/stims then pregnant for 7 wks then d/c... so my body is prob like WTH are you doing?? I am sure its all confused but I can't stand this any longer :( I feel like the world revolves around AF lol.... Before I was hoping AF would stay away now all I am doing is wishing for AF. I am sure all this stress isnt helping. I have been pretty depressed the last few weeks. I feel like this week I am starting to get back in the swing of things finally. This is probably causing some sort of delay but its annoying especially before any of this I was clockwork- ovulate day 14, af day 28 :( Sorry for ranting ladies!! :) Thanks for listening.
Hi everyone!!! Can I join? I just went through my first IVF cycle in February, got my bfp and now this friday have to get a d&c, at 8 weeks. They cannot find anything on the u/s, we are devestated. I will be trying again after this, probably around July.
haj~ I'm so sorry you are having a rough day. I can understand why though. It's got to be so frustrating not knowing whats going on and having it all be in the hands of the unknown. I hope you are feeling better. The stress is the worst. Just a question and you can ignore it if you want... if insurance decides not to cover it will you guys still be doing IVF when planned? I really hope so because it would be sad if you have to put things off for a little while. I really think things are going to work out for you though! :hugs:

MoBaby~ :grr: Stupid AF never shows when we want her to and always when we don't want her to. I hope she shows soon so that you don't have to mess with your body anymore. I'm sure it's just trying to figure things out. You are probably right about the stress. It never helps anything but yet it's so hard to avoid. Feel free to rant anytime! It might even help relieve some of that stress.

michelle01~ Welcome :hi: So very sorry to hear about what is going on and the d&c on Friday. I think you will find tons of support here. :hugs: We are planning on starting in July so we might be very close to the same schedule.
Just got the first page updated so I wanted to check on some of you :flower:

sekky~ Do you have your consult date for this month set? I hope things are going well with the at home insem!

Jchic~ How are things going with the IUI?

BlueStorm~ I hope you are doing well. I will jump over to your journal when I'm finished here.

asali~ I'm hoping the surgery went well and you are recovering while relaxing!

l8bloomer~ Not much longer until the PESA appointment now. How are you doing?

MJ~ You and DH's appointment is coming up as well. Best of luck to you both and I hope there is some good news!

lizlemon~ How did your appointment go today? I hope you had good news and everything looked good.

We are getting quite a few ladies in here and it's great to know that we all have so much support. I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to updating the first page with some good updates soon. :thumbup:

Hi everyone,

Sorrry I temporarily vanished!! Have just been occupied most days and internet was playing up. On night shift tonight so if I'm quiet I plan to read all these pages I've missed!

... nothing to do with TTC.... just thought I'd share with all you lucky people living in the US... Had a glorious week of sunshine last week, got the garden furniture out - was 24 degrees C (75F) which to me is like some sort of tropical heatwave. And yesterday... it SNOWED!!! Heavy, freezing so I've put away the sandals and looked out the winter coat again :wacko:

Thought I'd share for a bit of light relief and to take our minds off of all the serious stuff.

Will be back once I've caught up with what's going on, and as for me - still no AF, cd 47 :growlmad:

:dust: to all

Ali :flower:
Haj! I am sorry you are going through this. Its all so frustrating! What is the process if your doc appeals? If they can prove that it wont really change anything, will they approve the IVF? It is so hard to see logic....I KNOW it. There is no logic or reasoning when in the process of TTC. Its like all of your logic just dissapears. Stay strong. I have a feeling it will all get approved :) xx

Mrs, how are you?
Asali - how are you feeling?

AFM - Went for my scan this AM and I will be triggering tonight! RE said that it looks like I will release anywhere from 3-6 follies for this IUI (tomorrow and Friday). She did say that she may want to dp a lap to officially diagnose me with endo prior to our IVF cycle next time. She isnt worried about the cyst or anything since its stable and small, she just wants to play it safe and make sure its not anything else.
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