IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Baby, congrats on being pupo! I hope your 2 embies get all snuggled in over the next few days.

Bubu, best of luck with your FET next week. :dust:

Jenn, you're getting so close to ER!! Are you feeling a lot of side effects of the stims? Hope your ER goes great.

AFM, called the RE yesterday to tell them I had started bleeding so they wanted me to come in today for my beta. The bleeding has now stopped but beta was negative. The dumb thing is my RE says today could still be too early so he wants me to keep doing the PIO over the weekend and then repeat the beta Monday. That seems so pointless to me - a negative beta 14dpo seems pretty definitive. I don't know if he's just trying to keep my hopes up or what, but it seems kind of unnecessary to drag this out through the weekend. I'm so tired of these PIO shots!

I've got my fingers crossed for the ladies in the 2WW, and good luck to those of you getting ready to get started!

I'm sorry that the beta came back negative. If your RE says there is still a chance you should trust him. Maybe he has seen something like this happen before. The good news is that the bleeding has stopped. My fingers are crossed for you and I hope the beta on Monday shows some good news.

never2late~ How did your class go?

TTC~ Good luck tomorrow!

Swepakepa~ Good luck at ER tomorrow!
TTC - wow, sounds like you had a real roller coaster of a day! So glad everything worked out for you. Good luck with ET on Sat. How many will you be putting back?

Andrea - yay for getting the go ahead!! :dance:

Kelly - so sorry your results are taking so long to come back but congrats on a great first beta! When will you get your other results?

Swepakepa - hope the trigger went well, you're nearly there!!

s08 - :hi: and welcome back. Sending your little :cold: lots of :dust:

Mobaby - I know what you mean. It seems to take forever to get this process started and you've had more delays than most. Hang on in there, I hope the next 8 weeks fly by for you. :coffee:

South - sorry I've lost track :dohh: How far into the 2ww are you? When will you be testing? Sending you :dust:

Jenn - so glad you are responding to the increased meds :thumbup: Tuesday won't be long coming around!

I test on Wednesday but I am thinking I may test on Tuesday since I have the day off. Would be great to surprise the hubby instead of being in the doctor's office. Thanks for the dust!! :flower:
Andrea - that is great news; glad you get to continue!!! :)

Kelly - AWESOME beta!!! How exciting!

Swepakepa - Good luck on Saturday! :winkwink:

Jenn - Your almost there!! Hope the increase will get you were you need to be. Just a few more days...YIPEE!!! :happydance:

MoBaby - I hope the next 8 weeks go fast for you!! I couldn't wait to start poking myself again either, but right now it is just the blood thinners I am poking myself with and they royally suck! Hang in there :hugs:

s08 - August 4 is not that far away! Sending lots of positive thoughts for your frostie :dust:

Southaspen - It is hard not to analyze during the wait! When you are doing injections, going for blood and scans it keeps you busy, but once you are done with transfer, well the waiting seems like forever! When is your beta? Have you poas yet and if not, do you plan too?

AFM....One more week of this nuvaring and then on to stimming when I get AF! It cannot happen soon enough!

Very true that everything just kind of stops after the transfer. I wasn't going to test early but took one yesterday and completely negative. If I learned anything is that the trigger is out of my system.
Southaspen thats a good thing to know if you're going to be testing before beta :) Hoping it goes very positive for you and soon.

Az I'd do what doc says just in case :hugs:

I won't have my second beta till monday, ugh. I hate that I've had to wait a week to find out whats going on for sure when it was an urgent situation.
Hi Ladies :wave:
well, all happening a bit sooner than the doc on Wednesday thought! Went in for my second ultrasound this morning (lining looking nice, no visibly big follicles) - and the blood test showed my LH way up, so I have already ovulated (funny, seeing the doc on Wednesday didn't see any follies bigger than 15 mm! And he was so certain, it would be enough to come in on Monday. Thank the Lord, that I am still using my CBFM).
They are thawing our little embies today and tomorrow I will find out how the thaw has gone. If AOK - then transfer is next week Wednesday!

Ladies, please keep fingers crossed that they are thawing and then developing nicely. We decided to thaw three of the six...

:dust::dust::dust: grow little ones ... :)

Jenn - I look forward to being in the TWW with you :hugs:
My goodness... they have already posted the results of the thaw in the portal... 3/3 eggies survived the thaw and now they have to be nice and sweet and develop nicely. If all goes well, transfer on Wednesday and I start with the crinone today / tonight.

FX'd please ladies :)

:dust::dust::dust: grow little ones, grow :)
Where does the time go? I swear I was on daily as a lurker! I don't even remember who I congratulated, who I was waiting to congratulate, and who I'm still keeping these fingers crossed for!

It doesn't mean I don't care, guys! I grin with each BFP and announcement of starting stims.

Azlisse, I am so sorry for you. It's so wrenching to go through so much, have so much hope, and then get slapped with a negative. I know I'm supposed to tell you to keep that hope, but I think I agree with you if it really was negative. If it was just a very low beta, in which case your doc really should have said that when asking you to keep up those painful shots.

Raelynn, I know you haven't been on this thread lately, but I saw your sad news somewhere recently. You and your leaving little one are in my thoughts.

Mobaby, you've been so much more cheerful during your long wait and through your troubles then I was with my long wait to start that first round of IVF. I just wanted to say how much I admire that.

Tella, how have you been, if you've been around?

I know that when everything seems like it's already failed, sometimes 'everything' is just working behind the scenes for a big reveal. Whether that's getting to that first shot you swore you'd never reach, a good number of eggs, or embryos doing beautifully, a bright BFP, or even just another chance at all those things, it doesn't matter. Something is coming for each of us and if it's big to you, then it's important to the rest of us here. These fingers stay crossed!
Bubu!! Yippie!!! :)

South: it's still early days :) fx for you!
Chelles: thanks for your note :) hope the pg is going well! Yes, I have been trying to stay cheerful/hopeful... I've had my moments though!! I'm just ready to go.. Hopefully when af comes (due today but I know it's not coming today sigh) I can start bcp but I know re will make me wait until ext af... I'm going to call and ask to try to get on early sept schedule rather late. I'm taking a new position starting late October so I want to be finished with betas and early u/s when that starts.
Hope all you ladies are doing good!!

never2late - How was your injection class?

AFM, I start my Lupron tonight.... Can't believe I would be saying that I am looking forward to getting poked :) It's all happening finally...
Azlissie: I haven't had any side effects besides a daily headache. Looks like I won't have my ER until the end of the week. Argh!!! I only have about 3 good follicles at this point and they are hoping a couple more get to where they need to be so more meds for me. Sorry to hear they are dragging this out for you. I know how stressful that is, but you never know there still may be a chance. Good luck on Monday, praying for good news. :hugs:

Bubu: :happydance: So happy that you're on your way!! So your clinic has a portal you can go in and see your results?? That's awesome that you know already that your embries survived the thaw. I'm praying for you to have a successful transfer. It looks like I'm going to be a week behind you now. I was hoping to trigger tonight for a Monday ER but I'm not ready. So it looks like Wed or Thurs for ER which would put my ET to the following week. :dohh:

Wantbaby: Yeah for starting to poke yourself, LOL! I'm on day ten today of stimms I have to say it isn't fun but I do look forward to doing it each day. I'm especially looking forward to being done..... but not looking forward to the suppositories that follow. Congrats on getting started.

Kelly: Shitty that you didn't hear your second beta yet, it seems like all we ever do is wait. So did you get your house on the market yet? I know it's a shitty market but people are still buying houses and you could be lucky and sell yours fast. We put ours up a while back even though the agent said it would be difficult to sell. We just figured we would give it a try we didn't have any need to sell or anywhere to move. It sold in three weeks and they wanted a three week closing. They offered our asking price so we had no choice but to accept. So we were homeless. You just need the right person that wants your house and it will sell. I hope things work out for you.

So I'm a little down on the lack of follicles that I seem to have. My first scan showed 8 in one ovary and 4-5 in the other. Silly me took that to mean I will have at least 12 retrieved. :dohh: It is now becoming painfully clear that I will be lucky to get 5. I know I only need one to do this but I was hoping for two to transfer and a few to freeze. I'm not getting any younger and I want to have two children. If at 36 my reserve is this depleted I can't imagine in a couple years when I try for #2 it will be easy.
Jenn: House has been on the market for 1.5 months already we've had a number of showings but no one even close to biting. I'm not surprised your house sold so fast with the shipping contract out there the real estate market in NS is doing pretty good actually.
I also get the stimming and egg thing, I had a very different cycle the second time around it was way worse, usually second cycles are better, I was not happy but did up with my tulip in my tummy so hang tough and stim for as long as you need, I think I stimmed 13 days this time. Last time was 9 days! with one day coasting.
I had my ER today....... before we started the doctor was like, as you know you do nothing have many eggs, so i would not be surprised if we don't have any that fertilize.....when i was done the other doctor said it was not documented how many they retrieved, however my husband said the doctor came out and talked to him and she told them they were able to retrieve 9 eggs which she was surprised based on my ultrasound..... it will be a long wait until the Lab calls me tomorrow for further details regarding eggs and a possible transfer date :)
I had my ER today....... before we started the doctor was like, as you know you do nothing have many eggs, so i would not be surprised if we don't have any that fertilize.....when i was done the other doctor said it was not documented how many they retrieved, however my husband said the doctor came out and talked to him and she told them they were able to retrieve 9 eggs which she was surprised based on my ultrasound..... it will be a long wait until the Lab calls me tomorrow for further details regarding eggs and a possible transfer date :)

Congrats on 9!! At least someone was counting :thumbup:
Hope all you ladies are doing good!!

never2late - How was your injection class?

AFM, I start my Lupron tonight.... Can't believe I would be saying that I am looking forward to getting poked :) It's all happening finally...

Yay for getting started!

Azlissie: I haven't had any side effects besides a daily headache. Looks like I won't have my ER until the end of the week. Argh!!! I only have about 3 good follicles at this point and they are hoping a couple more get to where they need to be so more meds for me. Sorry to hear they are dragging this out for you. I know how stressful that is, but you never know there still may be a chance. Good luck on Monday, praying for good news. :hugs:

Bubu: :happydance: So happy that you're on your way!! So your clinic has a portal you can go in and see your results?? That's awesome that you know already that your embries survived the thaw. I'm praying for you to have a successful transfer. It looks like I'm going to be a week behind you now. I was hoping to trigger tonight for a Monday ER but I'm not ready. So it looks like Wed or Thurs for ER which would put my ET to the following week. :dohh:

Wantbaby: Yeah for starting to poke yourself, LOL! I'm on day ten today of stimms I have to say it isn't fun but I do look forward to doing it each day. I'm especially looking forward to being done..... but not looking forward to the suppositories that follow. Congrats on getting started.

Kelly: Shitty that you didn't hear your second beta yet, it seems like all we ever do is wait. So did you get your house on the market yet? I know it's a shitty market but people are still buying houses and you could be lucky and sell yours fast. We put ours up a while back even though the agent said it would be difficult to sell. We just figured we would give it a try we didn't have any need to sell or anywhere to move. It sold in three weeks and they wanted a three week closing. They offered our asking price so we had no choice but to accept. So we were homeless. You just need the right person that wants your house and it will sell. I hope things work out for you.

So I'm a little down on the lack of follicles that I seem to have. My first scan showed 8 in one ovary and 4-5 in the other. Silly me took that to mean I will have at least 12 retrieved. :dohh: It is now becoming painfully clear that I will be lucky to get 5. I know I only need one to do this but I was hoping for two to transfer and a few to freeze. I'm not getting any younger and I want to have two children. If at 36 my reserve is this depleted I can't imagine in a couple years when I try for #2 it will be easy.

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. 5 would still be a great number but more could be there. I think there is a good chance that you can have ET and still have some frozen.

I had my ER today....... before we started the doctor was like, as you know you do nothing have many eggs, so i would not be surprised if we don't have any that fertilize.....when i was done the other doctor said it was not documented how many they retrieved, however my husband said the doctor came out and talked to him and she told them they were able to retrieve 9 eggs which she was surprised based on my ultrasound..... it will be a long wait until the Lab calls me tomorrow for further details regarding eggs and a possible transfer date :)

That is great that you got 9! I look forward to your update tomorrow.
I had my ER today....... before we started the doctor was like, as you know you do nothing have many eggs, so i would not be surprised if we don't have any that fertilize.....when i was done the other doctor said it was not documented how many they retrieved, however my husband said the doctor came out and talked to him and she told them they were able to retrieve 9 eggs which she was surprised based on my ultrasound..... it will be a long wait until the Lab calls me tomorrow for further details regarding eggs and a possible transfer date :)

That is great Swepa!! Big :dust: too you those babies fertilizing up! FXed!!
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