IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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haj~ I'm so sorry you are having a rough day. I can understand why though. It's got to be so frustrating not knowing whats going on and having it all be in the hands of the unknown. I hope you are feeling better. The stress is the worst. Just a question and you can ignore it if you want... if insurance decides not to cover it will you guys still be doing IVF when planned? I really hope so because it would be sad if you have to put things off for a little while. I really think things are going to work out for you though! :hugs:

MoBaby~ :grr: Stupid AF never shows when we want her to and always when we don't want her to. I hope she shows soon so that you don't have to mess with your body anymore. I'm sure it's just trying to figure things out. You are probably right about the stress. It never helps anything but yet it's so hard to avoid. Feel free to rant anytime! It might even help relieve some of that stress.

michelle01~ Welcome :hi: So very sorry to hear about what is going on and the d&c on Friday. I think you will find tons of support here. :hugs: We are planning on starting in July so we might be very close to the same schedule.

No if insurance does not cover it we will not be able to do IVF right now. We have the money saved that we would have had to put out but thats about it. I just want some sort of answer. I couldnt get a good nights sleep last night because my brain just wouldnt shut off. I just dont get it. My doctor is like floored right now. The nurse told me in the 11 years shes worked there she has never had to tell a patient no bc of a variocele. Leave it to me to start the trend. She said the consultant at GHI, (who apparently thinks shes Miss GHI) is the one giving her a hard time, but she hopes the medical sirector will take a closer look at things and be more understanding.
QUOTE=jchic;16731295]Haj! I am sorry you are going through this. Its all so frustrating! What is the process if your doc appeals? If they can prove that it wont really change anything, will they approve the IVF? It is so hard to see logic....I KNOW it. There is no logic or reasoning when in the process of TTC. Its like all of your logic just dissapears. Stay strong. I have a feeling it will all get approved :) xx

Mrs, how are you?
Asali - how are you feeling?

AFM - Went for my scan this AM and I will be triggering tonight! RE said that it looks like I will release anywhere from 3-6 follies for this IUI (tomorrow and Friday). She did say that she may want to dp a lap to officially diagnose me with endo prior to our IVF cycle next time. She isnt worried about the cyst or anything since its stable and small, she just wants to play it safe and make sure its not anything else.[/QUOTE]

Thanks hun. I'm not really sure of the whole approval process yet, but I know they said it could take a few months. And the thing that sucks even if the doctor says he doesn't think there will be a change the insurance company can do whatever they want and say i think there will be a change with surgery. My doctor said yesterday that there will be little change if any with the surgery and were going to have to end up doing IVF anyway. But right now it matters what the insurance company thinks. THEY SUCK!!!:growlmad:
Welcome to the new ladies!

Haj - So sorry what you are going thru with the insurance. I know how stessful that can be and I am praying that I don't run into the same problems when my insurance switches in May.

Jchic - Yay for triggering tonight. Wow that is alot of mature follies. What sizes are they?!

Mrs C - I am doing ok and no updates right now. Just hanging out :wacko:
Welcome to the new ladies!

Haj - So sorry what you are going thru with the insurance. I know how stessful that can be and I am praying that I don't run into the same problems when my insurance switches in May.

Jchic - Yay for triggering tonight. Wow that is alot of mature follies. What sizes are they?!

Mrs C - I am doing ok and no updates right now. Just hanging out :wacko:

Blue! I always look for you when I go to the RMA in Morristown, LOL.

My follies were 2.1, 2.0, 2 at 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6. 1.3 and 4 under 12
Hello ladies! :hi: Could I possibly be added to the front page list? DH and I are signing our IVF forms on April 26th, with lupron injections starting the 27th. Egg retrieval and transfer will be middle-end of May! Hopefully I can get to know some of you who may be around the same schedule. Would love to find a couple IVF buddies! :thumbup:
Hi everyone. I think I just caught up with the thread. We're really gathering a crowd, which I think will be great as we'll all be at slightly different phases in the whole process.

Welcome newbies! Michelle, will you be able to do a FET? Or do you have to do the whole process again? It's so hard to hear about you ladies who were ultimately unsuccessful in bringing home a baby after IVF...its pretty much my worst nightmare. You are all so strong!

AFM, I just returned from Vegas and had a wonderful time with dh and friends. Much needed escape from all things pregnancy! My friend who started ttc about the same time as me and now has an 9 month old was there, but she is so sensitive about the whole topic, so it doesn't bother me. I even had a few cocktails and did not stress about doing so!

DH and I are going to the RE for our IVF consult/consent appt. this afternoon, so its back to reality. I'll keep you all posted if I learn something new.
what insurance are you switching to?

I am currently on my husband's insurance (Aetna) The problem is he his company has privatized insurance so they don't have to offer infertility coverage, so we have been paying out of pocket. My insurance at works covers IVF but open enrollement is not unitl 5/1/12. The new insurance is BC\BS.

Welcome to the new ladies!

Haj - So sorry what you are going thru with the insurance. I know how stessful that can be and I am praying that I don't run into the same problems when my insurance switches in May.

Jchic - Yay for triggering tonight. Wow that is alot of mature follies. What sizes are they?!

Mrs C - I am doing ok and no updates right now. Just hanging out :wacko:

Blue! I always look for you when I go to the RMA in Morristown, LOL.

My follies were 2.1, 2.0, 2 at 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6. 1.3 and 4 under 12

Maybe someday we will be there together if it's on a weekend and I'm cycling :) Good follies!

Hello ladies! :hi: Could I possibly be added to the front page list? DH and I are signing our IVF forms on April 26th, with lupron injections starting the 27th. Egg retrieval and transfer will be middle-end of May! Hopefully I can get to know some of you who may be around the same schedule. Would love to find a couple IVF buddies! :thumbup:

Welcom JennyLynn!
So today I called the insurance company to see if it was still pending or if there are any changes because if I'm continuing with IVF for May, I need to order my Lupron shots which I'm supposed to start in 2 weeks. When the woman answered the phone she said her name is Joelle and I froze because thats the name of the woman giving my RE's office a hard time. I went into sweet as pie mode as well. I had just said to her I was calling to check if there was any new information on the approval. Then I explained I had to order meds but I didnt want to if I wasn't getting IVF this cycle. I said my husband has a variocele but out doctor said it was so small surgery wouldnt make a difference. Plus I have my own issues, like not ovulating. Then she was like I'm lost....were you calling about your medicines and I was like no I need to order them through someone else so I just wanted to see if there was any status changes on the approval. And she was like its still says pending and to me she sounded kind of surprised.. I just said thank you very much for all of your help. Nowwww... I'm freaking out what if this was the woman they were getting the approval from and I said something wrong. Part of me feels like why would someone who does approvals and that kind of stuff pick up a random GHI customer call but the other part of me wonders like how many Joelle's can possibly work there. It's not that common of a name. And if it was her why did she sound so surprised when she realized it was still pending?? Is that good or bad??? I am soooo anxiety ridden right now. Not knowing whats going on is the worst thing in the world. If he has to get this surgery and we have to wait a year it will literally break my heart. I know so many other poeple in the world are struggling with hard things in their life, that are wayyyy worse then mine, but its so hard not to think of your own situation.

So as of right now I have promised myself I wont call the insurance company anymore because I'm literally making myself sick to my stomach over it. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from the doctor. I feel like I'm driving them nuts so I'll wait till Friday to call. In the mean time I need to work on not driving myself crazy because this has been all I have been able to think about since yesterday. I completely can understand how people can literally make themselves crazy from letting their mind run rampant.

Opinions on all of this please? Do you think I couldve said something wrong and messed something up? Please be honest!!! I feel like im going to be writing on BnB from the looney bin soon:wacko:
what insurance are you switching to?

I am currently on my husband's insurance (Aetna) The problem is he his company has privatized insurance so they don't have to offer infertility coverage, so we have been paying out of pocket. My insurance at works covers IVF but open enrollement is not unitl 5/1/12. The new insurance is BC\BS.

Welcome to the new ladies!

Haj - So sorry what you are going thru with the insurance. I know how stessful that can be and I am praying that I don't run into the same problems when my insurance switches in May.

Jchic - Yay for triggering tonight. Wow that is alot of mature follies. What sizes are they?!

Mrs C - I am doing ok and no updates right now. Just hanging out :wacko:

Blue! I always look for you when I go to the RMA in Morristown, LOL.

My follies were 2.1, 2.0, 2 at 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6. 1.3 and 4 under 12

Maybe someday we will be there together if it's on a weekend and I'm cycling :) Good follies!

Hello ladies! :hi: Could I possibly be added to the front page list? DH and I are signing our IVF forms on April 26th, with lupron injections starting the 27th. Egg retrieval and transfer will be middle-end of May! Hopefully I can get to know some of you who may be around the same schedule. Would love to find a couple IVF buddies! :thumbup:

Welcom JennyLynn!

I used to have BCBS and I loved them...i have GHI now due to dh's job and i am currently hating them!!!:growlmad:
Haj - Don't worry you did not mess anything up with the insurance. I deal with insurance companies every day at work so I know. I know it is hard but it just may take a little more time. Insurance companies are SLOW at everything they do so bugging them is not going to hurt if anything it may help b\c it will keep it fresh in their system.
Thanks Blue!!! I hope you're right!!!

On another note...I added a new blog today...all of which you ladies pretty much know!!! lol. i also started weight watchers today. Normally I can get through the day just eating bfast and lunch....nope not today i am starving like every 15 min just becuase i know i cant be:dohh:
Hi ladies, sorry I've been AWOL recently, Just been super busy.

A little update from me, I'm completely in shock but I got a natural :bfp: this morning. I am obviously on :cloud9: but am still very very nervous and just praying for a sticky bean :thumbup:

I have been given some medication which includes an injection every day to try and stop my body from miscarrying again, so I am just keeping everything crossed. I want to meet my rainbow baby [-o<

I will still check in every now and then to see how you are all doing if you don't mind? I feel a connection with assisted conception ladies, as you all know what it's like to want something so badly.

I have attached my tests, FRER from SMU today and Digi just done 20 mins ago :happydance: I'm only 9DPO too, so hoping that's a good sign :cloud9:


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Its nice to see stories like this to give us all hope!!!:flower:
CONGRATS! I love stories like this! I agree with HAJ! It completely gives me HOPE
Congratulations! How amazing after undergoing IVF already!

The talk on this thread a few days ago about traveling for IVF got me thinking. I live in the US, but only a couple of hours from Canada. IVF appears to be thousands of dollars less there for self-pay people like me. Although we have our consult with our current RE today, I'm seriously considering traveling to Vancouver. It'd be a little more work, but I certainly wouldn't mind saving the money. Any other thoughts on traveling for IVF?
Ali~ Isn't it crazy how fast it can go from sun to snow. We had the same thing happen a couple weeks ago. I hope the snow is done for awhile now. Thanks for checking in. Sorry to hear that AF hasn't shown up for you, I hope she shows soon so that you know whats going on.

Haj! I am sorry you are going through this. Its all so frustrating! What is the process if your doc appeals? If they can prove that it wont really change anything, will they approve the IVF? It is so hard to see logic....I KNOW it. There is no logic or reasoning when in the process of TTC. Its like all of your logic just dissapears. Stay strong. I have a feeling it will all get approved :) xx

Mrs, how are you?
Asali - how are you feeling?

AFM - Went for my scan this AM and I will be triggering tonight! RE said that it looks like I will release anywhere from 3-6 follies for this IUI (tomorrow and Friday). She did say that she may want to dp a lap to officially diagnose me with endo prior to our IVF cycle next time. She isnt worried about the cyst or anything since its stable and small, she just wants to play it safe and make sure its not anything else.

Yay for triggering tonight! I hope all goes well with the last IUI. You won't have to worry about IVF because you will get your BFP with this IUI. I can't wait to hear the results in two weeks. :thumbup:

Hello ladies! :hi: Could I possibly be added to the front page list? DH and I are signing our IVF forms on April 26th, with lupron injections starting the 27th. Egg retrieval and transfer will be middle-end of May! Hopefully I can get to know some of you who may be around the same schedule. Would love to find a couple IVF buddies! :thumbup:

Welcome Jenny! :hi: Looks like you are just about to get started. I bet that is very exciting. I believe there are a few ladies starting around the same time.

Hi everyone. I think I just caught up with the thread. We're really gathering a crowd, which I think will be great as we'll all be at slightly different phases in the whole process.

Welcome newbies! Michelle, will you be able to do a FET? Or do you have to do the whole process again? It's so hard to hear about you ladies who were ultimately unsuccessful in bringing home a baby after IVF...its pretty much my worst nightmare. You are all so strong!

AFM, I just returned from Vegas and had a wonderful time with dh and friends. Much needed escape from all things pregnancy! My friend who started ttc about the same time as me and now has an 9 month old was there, but she is so sensitive about the whole topic, so it doesn't bother me. I even had a few cocktails and did not stress about doing so!

DH and I are going to the RE for our IVF consult/consent appt. this afternoon, so its back to reality. I'll keep you all posted if I learn something new.

I'm glad you had a nice vacation with no stress. I look forward to hearing how you consult went today. As for the traveling for IVF... I'm not sure where you are located. If the price is much cheaper it might be something to look into. I would just make sure to check out the stats before you agree to anything. I'm really not sure the difference in IVF between the states and Canada.

So today I called the insurance company to see if it was still pending or if there are any changes because if I'm continuing with IVF for May, I need to order my Lupron shots which I'm supposed to start in 2 weeks. When the woman answered the phone she said her name is Joelle and I froze because thats the name of the woman giving my RE's office a hard time. I went into sweet as pie mode as well. I had just said to her I was calling to check if there was any new information on the approval. Then I explained I had to order meds but I didnt want to if I wasn't getting IVF this cycle. I said my husband has a variocele but out doctor said it was so small surgery wouldnt make a difference. Plus I have my own issues, like not ovulating. Then she was like I'm lost....were you calling about your medicines and I was like no I need to order them through someone else so I just wanted to see if there was any status changes on the approval. And she was like its still says pending and to me she sounded kind of surprised.. I just said thank you very much for all of your help. Nowwww... I'm freaking out what if this was the woman they were getting the approval from and I said something wrong. Part of me feels like why would someone who does approvals and that kind of stuff pick up a random GHI customer call but the other part of me wonders like how many Joelle's can possibly work there. It's not that common of a name. And if it was her why did she sound so surprised when she realized it was still pending?? Is that good or bad??? I am soooo anxiety ridden right now. Not knowing whats going on is the worst thing in the world. If he has to get this surgery and we have to wait a year it will literally break my heart. I know so many other poeple in the world are struggling with hard things in their life, that are wayyyy worse then mine, but its so hard not to think of your own situation.

So as of right now I have promised myself I wont call the insurance company anymore because I'm literally making myself sick to my stomach over it. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from the doctor. I feel like I'm driving them nuts so I'll wait till Friday to call. In the mean time I need to work on not driving myself crazy because this has been all I have been able to think about since yesterday. I completely can understand how people can literally make themselves crazy from letting their mind run rampant.

Opinions on all of this please? Do you think I couldve said something wrong and messed something up? Please be honest!!! I feel like im going to be writing on BnB from the looney bin soon:wacko:

haj I think if anything you might have helped today. Just think of it this way... maybe they are looking at it from a medical side but speaking with you let her know that you do have other things going on besides just with DH. My words may not help but thats the way I would try to look at it. My fingers are still crossed for you that everything will work out and your insurance will agree. :hugs:

Hi ladies, sorry I've been AWOL recently, Just been super busy.

A little update from me, I'm completely in shock but I got a natural :bfp: this morning. I am obviously on :cloud9: but am still very very nervous and just praying for a sticky bean :thumbup:

I have been given some medication which includes an injection every day to try and stop my body from miscarrying again, so I am just keeping everything crossed. I want to meet my rainbow baby [-o<

I will still check in every now and then to see how you are all doing if you don't mind? I feel a connection with assisted conception ladies, as you all know what it's like to want something so badly.

I have attached my tests, FRER from SMU today and Digi just done 20 mins ago :happydance: I'm only 9DPO too, so hoping that's a good sign :cloud9:

Congrats JDH! I hope you have a H&H 9 months. Feel free to hang around if you would like to. It will just add to the support and remind us that miracles can happen for some of us.

AFM~ Just got done with acupuncture and it seems to be helping a little bit so far. I don't feel as stressed out when I leave there so thats a plus. Also I called the clinic today to ask why the FS highlighted SIS to be done when I have already had an HSG. Apparently when my records were sent to them from the other clinic they didn't send anything about my HSG that was done in December :growlmad: So I called the old clinic and they said they would send it right over. Now the FS says he will look it over and decide what he wants me to do. I was told that generally they want either the HSG or SIS done within 6 months of an IVF cycle. Since we will be starting in July we will be past the 6 month mark. I would hate to have to go through one of those again but I will do what I have to do. It's added expenses so thats not a great thing.
So, I just returned from my IVF consult. It went well, and my dh was able to meet our re for the first time and have a few of his questions answered. If we go ahead as planned, I will start birth control pills after I start my period in 4 or so days. Retrieval and transfer mid-May.

However, I asked her about traveling from our city (Seattle) 3 hours north across the border to Vancouver, BC for IVF since it was so much less expensive. Of course, I told her my question was not meant to insult her or her clinic, since its one of the best in the US...this was a purely financial question. Surprisingly, she was supportive of the idea and agreed that US prices are inflated and that the Vancouver clinics have excellent success rates. She said my current RE would be able to do all the ultrasounds, blood work, prescribed meds, etc. locally and I could probably just go to Vancouver for the retrieval and transfer. She did say that she has never had a patient go to Canada (which worries me since I subscribe to the belief that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is). So, we are seriously considering it, since the price would be about half. I'll keep you updated.
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