IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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angel- wow that is odd they made you pick and not just pick how many. how are you supposed to know which ones.

i think they said like 5 min or something after my et. but those embryos are stuck in there. they arent gonna fall out by getting up.

ksluice- good luck
Jenn, I'm sure going with the 5 day transfer will work out just fine. It sounds like your little embies are doing great!

Ksluice, I'm sure your ovaries are getting ready to kick it into high gear! When's your first scan?

After my ET I think they let me lay on the table for about 5 minutes and then I was out of there! Someone told me one time that the transfer is like blowing sand onto peanut butter - those embies stick to the lining and aren't just floating around.

I'm not sure yet if we'll transfer all three - I guess it will partly depend on if they all survive the thaw. I'm not even sure what day they were frozen because I was so shocked when the nurse told me I had frosties, so I don't know anything about their quality when they were frozen.

For any ladies who've had failed cycles, did your first AF drag on forever and ever? I've been bleeding a week and a half with no end in sight - it's seriously getting old. Maybe now that I've started the estrace it will be over soon. It just sucks because it's a constant reminder that round 1 didn't work!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! Don't know if any of you are into dance movies but I saw Step Up Revolution this evening and thought it was really good!
Thanks bubu!

Jenn, we transferred two. The RE didn't want us to transfer any because they are known for high FET rates and she said it would give us 10% more chance of success. Honestly we took our chances with the best one we had and the "4th best one" (day 4) instead of risking losing the good one through thawing.

Good luck to you!!!
Drsquid, yeah it felt horrible to be given 5 minutes to decide which to transfer and having no idea what grade each embryo really is. I just broke into tears yesterday. The transfer date was also our 5th year wedding anniversary. So for the RE to also tell us she Wanted us to do a FET instead was annoying. To do the transfer on our anniversary is so special to me and I don't have ohss to cancel this transfer either... plus I already paid for acupuncture and had my pretransfer session that morning and the acupuncturist was waiting in the office to do my post session. We had everything lined up, but then we got all the selection confusion to throw us off. :-/ oh well.

Overall I had a really good anniversary day with hubby and family. :)
Gettingbroody I did get my results it went from 128 at 12dpo to 263 at 14dpo :)

Jenn sounds like you made a good decision, they sound like strong embies. I hope they continue to impress.

Ksluice yay for getting into it!

DrS are you a scan tech? that you have access to u/s machine?

Hi to everyone else, I'm beat after a day spent across the border in the states. Scan monday so trying to keep busy till then, very excited to see my tulip.
Az - sorry af is dragging on, that doesnt sound like much fun :hugs:

Jenn - actually the meds are the one area where we will be able to get financial help. We just need to pay the first €130 for any prescription meds per month and the government pays for the rest :thumbup: They don't give any other help to couples going through ivf etc and neither do any of the insurance companies so it's great not to have to worry about the cost of the meds...:D That's wonderful that your embies are still doing so well! Good luck at your transfer tomor!

Angels - congrats on being PUPO!! That's very strange that you had to pick the embies yourself! I'm glad you were able to put them back on a day that is special to you. Especially when you were all set up with acu etc. Had they given you any idea that they wanted to do a FET before then or did they just spring it on you? When is your OTD? Do you think you will test before then? :dust:

Ksluice - your comment about your follies waking up has me picturing them yawning, stretching and rubbing their sleepy little eyes!!:haha:

Kelly - great beta, yay!! :happydance:

:hi: to everyone else! Hope you are all doing well whatever part of this process you are in!!
Broody: the RE mentioned it to my husband when I was still out after ER. He told her no there was no way that I would not go for that. So we were surprise she was still pushing that.

Otd is 8/7. I plan on testing day 7 or 8. Is that too soon for a day 4 transfer?

Thanks ladies!
I didn't like how they give you the option before its about to be transfer, regarding how many to actually transfer. My DH and I has decided on 1 and then i kind of felt pressured into transfering 2. I felt like my DH and I weren't really able to discuss our options. Oh well We decide to go with the the 2 anyways (well i did) and now my DH is very nervous about the idea of having two children......

This TWW is killing me.. All I want to do is test, test, test, but i know its too soon.... AWWWW..... 1 week down (just about) and 1 week to go

Good luck everyone who are having things done this week!! This thread is very hard to keep up with. :hugs: :dust:
Kslucie: I stressed over the injections too, Menopur and Bravelle. Every time I mixed them I would lose some. I now know that is normal and it all worked out. So don't worry your follicles will do just fine!! :hugs: Congrats on starting stimms!!

Azlissie: That's odd that they froze embryo's without telling you. I'm not sure where you are from but here they only freeze them if they are excellent quality. So let's hope these frosties are perfect. When will you find out more?

Angel: I guess that makes sense as most clinics only freeze embryos that are excellent quality but I still haven't heard of a clinic pushing for a FET rather then a fresh cycle. I think you made the right choice.

GettingBroody: That is fantastic that your government supports fertility drugs. Here there is no support and only certain insurance companies cover meds only. None of the large common ones cover the drugs you have a better chance with smaller companies. I really hate the fact that infertility isn't recognized as a medical problem that should be covered! :growlmad:

Swepakepa: I'm sure things will work out, you gotta remember that the goal of each clinic is to get a BFP with a singleton. If they pushed for two it's probably because they feel that is your best option for getting one. I believe with a double transfer your chances of twins is about 20-25%. I know it sounds high but that still means that 75-80% chance of not being twins. In any case you guys will learn to deal. :hugs:

AFM: Transfer tomorrow morning, super excited!! :happydance: Planning on transferring the best two, although I know they will try and strong arm me into 1. I'm leaving there with two even if I have to turn all diva on them. :haha: My money, my body, my decision!!!
Jenn :wave: I don't know if that is why we can start again so quickly. I asked the doctor and he said, since I wasn't stimming again, due to FET, that it was no problem to go again next cycle. If it were the whole stimming, then I would have had to wait...

Hi ladies!!! I am officially on the IVF train.....so now I feel I can post in here.
I started on wed with Gonal F 3 vials but now im down to two....I forget all the proper unit terms....but its not the pen. Anyways...I go in tom for a scan and the usual bloodwork.

Little about me..
Apparently I have mild PCOS...OBGYN didnt say it, but the IVF doc noticed it....and DH has Azoospermia. We have been TTC for almost 2yrs now. Found out about the Azoospermia in late Feb early March. Doc found a cyst in his prostate and thought that could be the blockage, so we went on and got a TESE 2 weeks ago. Doc then found it to be a reproductive issue as well as the blockage. He found only 2 sperm, but sent the rest of the tissue to the lab, which found 2 vials worth of sperm. Apparently you only need one vial per IVF cycle. We found out we had the 2 vials the day after the surgery, so you can only imagine how crazy I was going that day thinking we have nothing. Horrible day that was. I know 2 vials isnt much, but its a lot to me. The urologist wants DH to go through 3 months of clomid and then do another TESE, but we find it pointless since we have enough, plus DH refuses to go through all that pain again, just to maybe find more.
So pretty much IVF with ICSI is our only shot of having a biological child.
Anyways...thats my story.
I will ask tom when my approx ER will be. Tonight will be my 5th night of injections.
I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to getting to know you all!!!
stinas- 3 vials of gonal? gonal comes in 450 and 1050 units... you sure you dont mean menopur?

kelly- nope. im a radiologist, not a tech.

afm- not much going on. stopped working out cause of the small bleed (not sure it has any effect but..) feeling like a slug. did 2 nights of 12.5 hr shifts, 2 to go..
Hi ladies!!! I am officially on the IVF train.....so now I feel I can post in here.
I started on wed with Gonal F 3 vials but now im down to two....I forget all the proper unit terms....but its not the pen. Anyways...I go in tom for a scan and the usual bloodwork.

Little about me..
Apparently I have mild PCOS...OBGYN didnt say it, but the IVF doc noticed it....and DH has Azoospermia. We have been TTC for almost 2yrs now. Found out about the Azoospermia in late Feb early March. Doc found a cyst in his prostate and thought that could be the blockage, so we went on and got a TESE 2 weeks ago. Doc then found it to be a reproductive issue as well as the blockage. He found only 2 sperm, but sent the rest of the tissue to the lab, which found 2 vials worth of sperm. Apparently you only need one vial per IVF cycle. We found out we had the 2 vials the day after the surgery, so you can only imagine how crazy I was going that day thinking we have nothing. Horrible day that was. I know 2 vials isnt much, but its a lot to me. The urologist wants DH to go through 3 months of clomid and then do another TESE, but we find it pointless since we have enough, plus DH refuses to go through all that pain again, just to maybe find more.
So pretty much IVF with ICSI is our only shot of having a biological child.
Anyways...thats my story.
I will ask tom when my approx ER will be. Tonight will be my 5th night of injections.
I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to getting to know you all!!!

:howdy: Stinas welcome to our group. Congrats on getting started with IVF. That's great that they got two vials, sounds like this is meant to be. I have never heard of chlomid for men, what's that supposed to do for him? Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, hope you have lots of growing follicles.
Drsquid - Nope, its 75IU per vial. Im taking two now. The menopur I have is 75 IU also, but I was told not to take that yet. The menopur and the gonal are in the same looking bottle and say the same IU.
Jenn - Thank you!!! I think the clomid for men is the same for women? I have no clue, but apparently it can stimulate production. I dont know, but to me it seems like everyone is out for money....already they are trying to charge us more for his TESE surgery since they were in there "longer than they thought"...it went from approx 6k to 16k. Insurance is not paying for anything, so I refuse to go through it again.
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this thread, but I'm starting shots on Tuesday (I think!) and would love support!

I have been through 2 IUI cycles and 2 IVF cycles. The last was in November last year. My husbands sperm hasn't been great, and we're both 38, so there are the age concerns as well. Our RE told us that DH needed to quit smoking and lighten up on the booze and that I needed to lose weight. Well, I took off 40 lbs in 4 months (and have maintained the lost for 4 months and counting--I'm truly blessed to have stumbled upon a program that changed my life!!), and hubby quit smoking 4 months ago and has been without alcohol for over a month. His numbers are better and our ER is beyond thrilled about the changes we've made to make this happen.

We are starting our next IVF cycle now...I'm on the pill and we'll follow up with gonal-F and...another one that escapes me now...low doses, very aggressive. At any rate...I'm going in for my baseline tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to sharing and hearing others' stories. I know what a great support these boards are. So, thanks for being here as I re-start my journey!

:wave: all! hope everyone is enjoying the olympics!

sorry for not doing personals, but I'm just feeling stressed b/c i'm now officially started, and those shots were harder than the lupron. i got all worried i was doing it wrong so now I'm just trying to chill. in any case...stims are on board now for about 90 mins...time to wake up follies.

Yay for getting started! I'm sure it can be stressful but try to think of the outcome.

AFM: Transfer tomorrow morning, super excited!! :happydance: Planning on transferring the best two, although I know they will try and strong arm me into 1. I'm leaving there with two even if I have to turn all diva on them. :haha: My money, my body, my decision!!!

Good luck tomorrow morning! I look forward to hearing how it goes.

Hi ladies!!! I am officially on the IVF train.....so now I feel I can post in here.
I started on wed with Gonal F 3 vials but now im down to two....I forget all the proper unit terms....but its not the pen. Anyways...I go in tom for a scan and the usual bloodwork.

Little about me..
Apparently I have mild PCOS...OBGYN didnt say it, but the IVF doc noticed it....and DH has Azoospermia. We have been TTC for almost 2yrs now. Found out about the Azoospermia in late Feb early March. Doc found a cyst in his prostate and thought that could be the blockage, so we went on and got a TESE 2 weeks ago. Doc then found it to be a reproductive issue as well as the blockage. He found only 2 sperm, but sent the rest of the tissue to the lab, which found 2 vials worth of sperm. Apparently you only need one vial per IVF cycle. We found out we had the 2 vials the day after the surgery, so you can only imagine how crazy I was going that day thinking we have nothing. Horrible day that was. I know 2 vials isnt much, but its a lot to me. The urologist wants DH to go through 3 months of clomid and then do another TESE, but we find it pointless since we have enough, plus DH refuses to go through all that pain again, just to maybe find more.
So pretty much IVF with ICSI is our only shot of having a biological child.
Anyways...thats my story.
I will ask tom when my approx ER will be. Tonight will be my 5th night of injections.
I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to getting to know you all!!!

Welcome! :hi: I was wondering if you were going to join in over here from the other thread. Thats great that you have 2 vials. I don't blame your DH for not wanting to go through all that again. I take it they didn't put him to sleep for it?

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this thread, but I'm starting shots on Tuesday (I think!) and would love support!

I have been through 2 IUI cycles and 2 IVF cycles. The last was in November last year. My husbands sperm hasn't been great, and we're both 38, so there are the age concerns as well. Our RE told us that DH needed to quit smoking and lighten up on the booze and that I needed to lose weight. Well, I took off 40 lbs in 4 months (and have maintained the lost for 4 months and counting--I'm truly blessed to have stumbled upon a program that changed my life!!), and hubby quit smoking 4 months ago and has been without alcohol for over a month. His numbers are better and our ER is beyond thrilled about the changes we've made to make this happen.

We are starting our next IVF cycle now...I'm on the pill and we'll follow up with gonal-F and...another one that escapes me now...low doses, very aggressive. At any rate...I'm going in for my baseline tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to sharing and hearing others' stories. I know what a great support these boards are. So, thanks for being here as I re-start my journey!


Welcome! :hi: Great job on getting things in order for the IVF. Losing 40 pounds can't be easy. All the hard work will pay off in the end.

AFM~ Not much really going on. Just hanging out and waiting for my scan on Friday with the RE.
Yeah gonal f can come in separate 75 iu vials rather a pen. I wish I had this option as I dont like having to keep everything in the fridge. Glad you are getting started stinas!
Jenn - Thank you!!! I think the clomid for men is the same for women? I have no clue, but apparently it can stimulate production. I dont know, but to me it seems like everyone is out for money....already they are trying to charge us more for his TESE surgery since they were in there "longer than they thought"...it went from approx 6k to 16k. Insurance is not paying for anything, so I refuse to go through it again.

Wowza!! I had no idea it was that expensive, that on top of the cost of IVF I don't know how people can afford it. I really hope you don't ever have to go through that again.
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this thread, but I'm starting shots on Tuesday (I think!) and would love support!

I have been through 2 IUI cycles and 2 IVF cycles. The last was in November last year. My husbands sperm hasn't been great, and we're both 38, so there are the age concerns as well. Our RE told us that DH needed to quit smoking and lighten up on the booze and that I needed to lose weight. Well, I took off 40 lbs in 4 months (and have maintained the lost for 4 months and counting--I'm truly blessed to have stumbled upon a program that changed my life!!), and hubby quit smoking 4 months ago and has been without alcohol for over a month. His numbers are better and our ER is beyond thrilled about the changes we've made to make this happen.

We are starting our next IVF cycle now...I'm on the pill and we'll follow up with gonal-F and...another one that escapes me now...low doses, very aggressive. At any rate...I'm going in for my baseline tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to sharing and hearing others' stories. I know what a great support these boards are. So, thanks for being here as I re-start my journey!


Welcome 4ever :hi: Congrats on all that you have accomplished in the last 4 months. Great that you are getting started again. We're similar in age so I totally know how you feel. Fingers crossed that you get your BFP this time, third time is a charm, right.
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