IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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NikkiFrank - Good luck tomorrow!!

Andrea - Don't beat yourself up for doing what you thought was the best option for you and DH. I would suggest taking it easy; I know easier said then done. :hugs:

I decided to make a consult appt for acupuncture! I have read so many of your ladies having it done, so I figured, why not try that with this cycle!? It looks like my insurance covers it too :) They are verifying my benefits, but I made the consult appt for Monday!! I will try anything at this point that will help and will probably also continue with it for my migraines. Counting down for my morning appt; so excited to get my baseline done!!

Right behind you doll! :happydance:
Thanks ladies I don't really know how big 19-20 mm is....but I'm guessing the size of a grape or so? I might be wrong....but it is mostly on the side where there were 5 the other side is sore just not as bad. I've tried not to take anything but I may just have to take some Tylenol my right side is just ACHING...it hurts to even do so much as pee :( then hardly nothing comes out.....I pray this doesn't last too long. I just want the best for this whole situation I've gotten myself into...I don't feel guilty really just blessed that God gave me so many mature follicles :) I'm scared but excited but then again feel it probably is going to be a failure in the end....if not I'll have myself a HUGE surprise!

I am praying for all of us ladies on here to get our dreams come true :) God bless an I'll check in tomorrow an see how everyones cycles are going and for those who got their :bfp: CONGRATULATIONS :) so happy for you all! I can't imagine how over the moon you ladies are right now!!
Andrea I would assume you're in for some crazy O pains. I would get strong O pains when on just clomid making 1 or 2 extra eggs. I'd say get busy with DH as much as you can tolerate, every sperm up there will help. I hope it works out for you.
Hey ladies, had my saline ultrasound today. Was very quick and doctor said everything looks perfect he said! I thanked him for fixing my uterus :) he said everything is set to go!! Only 26 more bcps left but who's counting!! :)

Betty: congrats!! Happy and healthy 9 months :)

Congrats!! Good Luck!

Swepa, how are you computing when AF was due? If your ER was 7/21 I would think you had until 8/4 before she would show? Maybe I'm missing something tho? Fxed, in any case :)

I am just going by my normal 28 day cycle and when it would have been due it I hadn't done IVF at all... Beta is scheduled for 8/6. The ER/ET was completed pretty late in my cycle

Bcp on 7/3, lupron 7/20, stims 7/22, trigger 7/31 (6-8 good follies), egg retrieval tomorrow 8/2...

Good luck everyone!

Best of luck!
ugh-so got a call from my nurse practictioner from the FS office and turns out my cycle might already be cancelled..and I just took by first BCP!!!! Turns out, the FS financial aid office just got notice that I need to have a uterine cavity evaluation to confirm to my insurance that my body can undergo ivf without complications =( I am keeping my FX that all goes well, will continue to take bcps, and hope that I can get in to have this test done either tomorrow or Friday, if not Monday the latest...I am already due to start lupron August 13th so I need my insurance to approve this all ASAP!!! =/ Kind of a bummer to my day but trying to stay hopeful...

ksluice-sounds like things are moving along for you, very exciting!
Bcp on 7/3, lupron 7/20, stims 7/22, trigger 7/31 (6-8 good follies), egg retrieval tomorrow 8/2...

Good luck everyone!

Good Luck tomorrow Nikki!!!

Everyone I have MAJOR "ovulation" pain I'm assuming...is it normal to have it so bad since I have 8 mature follicles this time an I didn't get a trigger since I was told to cancel this one since I had so many :( but me and DH didn't listen of course.....but I didn't do my trigger shot on my own we just did a natural cycle .......well I guess my question is :

The more mature follicles that would rupture......would that cause more pain than the usual 1 or 2 that I have? I'm DYING over here an I don't wanna call the doc since I totally didn't take the birth control like I should have an went against his advice....I duno what to do I feel like a moron right about now :(

Andrea hopefully it passes in another day, don't feel stupid I would have done the same thing. I hope you do get your BFP.
oh yay good luck nikki!!!

and andrea-sorry that you are going through this pain and uncertainty...if you think you should call then call!! trust your gut feeling on this one!
andrea: Sorry you are having so much pain! I wonder if the cyst you had ruptured with ovulation? I dont think you did anything wrong by not taking the bcp... make sure you are drinking gatorade and protein just in case of OHSS. IF the pain isnt going away by am tomorrow I would call the doctor just to let them know... They shouldnt yell at you.. Im sure you are not the first or the last to do this :) Hope you feel better girl!
Thanks ladies!!

FX for you Nikki and almost I am praying your cycle goes on and that the insurance quickly gets it approved etc :) PRAYERS TO AND FOR ALL OF US LADIES :) lots of love XOXOXOXOXO hope everyone has a lovely evening :) My pains are a LITTLE better...had a huge one at dinner that worried me but its way better now thank God above :)
Hi girls, sorry I haven't posted for a while, I wanted to keep a low profile until my scan - which was yesterday. The news is: ONE gorgeous baby with a lovely heartbeat on board, due 16th march! My husband and I are beyond delighted!

I guess the high HCG was just a really sticky embryo :)

Congrats on the one LO. With your high beta I thought there would have been two in there.

betty- yay. always fun. i took a peek the other night but.. tomorrow ill get a tech to take a pic for me to update =)

I see that you figured it out. Beautiful! :winkwink:

Hi everyone. I'm going to say sorry now for not doing personal comments. Its been a long, difficult day. After getting the results of the Beta I called to make an appointment with my RE. She had a cancellation today so I met with her.

She said while it didn't end in a pregnancy she was happy with what this cycle showed. She was pleased with my follicle production and that they retrieved 5 eggs. My eggs had a few issues but they fertilized ok and started progressing. She was ready to have me start right away as af showed up yesterday. Unfortunately when we looked at the calendar that wouldn't work for me. It would have put my er and et the first week back at school. There is no way I can leave my second graders with a sub the first week back at school. Plus its not exactly a stressfree time of the year for me. So, we are going to wait a month. She wants to change the protocal this next time. Instead of micro dose lupron this next time we will try the antagonist protocol. She also wants to do assisted hatching the next time.

Sigh, I think thats all I have to report right now.

congrats Betty, I'm really happy for you!

I don't remember who asked, but for me with this failed cycle, AF showed up right on time.

I'm so glad you have a plan. That sucks the work gets in the way of starting right now but it won't be long until you can start again. Sounds like you have a really good and understanding FS.

Afm: AF was due on Sunday..... Not here yet, I had a long stimming cycle. Trying not to get me hopes up.... We shall see.... I just may POAS this morning.... I did 2 days ago and nothing.... My ER was 7/21 and ET 7/24 so it's still early


So I have my appt for tomorrow morning at 7:30am. I used to be able to make an appt for anytime up until 9:30am and since I start work at 7, that worked great to go in later. WELL, I was told yesterday that they changed their policy and that they are only allowed to give you the first available appt they have at the time you call....SAY WHAT :dohh: What an inconvience that is!!! Now I had to tell my boss I will be having all these dr appts and have to bring a laptop with and check emails :growlmad: Sorry for the rant, but this is so frustrating. Anyhow, if all looks good tomorrow I will start stimming tomorrow night!

What kind of place does that?!? How strange. I;m glad you were able to work something out but they should really think about their patients when it comes to that kind of thing.

Hey ladies, had my saline ultrasound today. Was very quick and doctor said everything looks perfect he said! I thanked him for fixing my uterus :) he said everything is set to go!! Only 26 more bcps left but who's counting!! :)

Betty: congrats!! Happy and healthy 9 months :)

Yay for everything looking good! Not much longer! :happydance:

AFM: I'm on day 5 of stims today. Had my 1st scan this am and things look good. Just waiting on my estradiol level to see if they're going to make any adjustments. We have a next scan scheduled for Saturday.

Sounds great! Good luck on Saturday.

Bcp on 7/3, lupron 7/20, stims 7/22, trigger 7/31 (6-8 good follies), egg retrieval tomorrow 8/2...

Good luck everyone!

Thank you for the update! Good luck tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes!

Everyone I have MAJOR "ovulation" pain I'm assuming...is it normal to have it so bad since I have 8 mature follicles this time an I didn't get a trigger since I was told to cancel this one since I had so many :( but me and DH didn't listen of course.....but I didn't do my trigger shot on my own we just did a natural cycle .......well I guess my question is :

The more mature follicles that would rupture......would that cause more pain than the usual 1 or 2 that I have? I'm DYING over here an I don't wanna call the doc since I totally didn't take the birth control like I should have an went against his advice....I duno what to do I feel like a moron right about now :(

I hope the pain has calmed down a bit for you. Ovulation pains can hurt pretty bad sometimes. Maybe just get some rest and try to relax a little bit... well besides bd to catch those eggies. :winkwink:

I decided to make a consult appt for acupuncture! I have read so many of your ladies having it done, so I figured, why not try that with this cycle!? It looks like my insurance covers it too :) They are verifying my benefits, but I made the consult appt for Monday!! I will try anything at this point that will help and will probably also continue with it for my migraines. Counting down for my morning appt; so excited to get my baseline done!!

I really enjoyed it when I was going. If it didn't help it sure did relax me which might have helped as well.

ugh-so got a call from my nurse practictioner from the FS office and turns out my cycle might already be cancelled..and I just took by first BCP!!!! Turns out, the FS financial aid office just got notice that I need to have a uterine cavity evaluation to confirm to my insurance that my body can undergo ivf without complications =( I am keeping my FX that all goes well, will continue to take bcps, and hope that I can get in to have this test done either tomorrow or Friday, if not Monday the latest...I am already due to start lupron August 13th so I need my insurance to approve this all ASAP!!! =/ Kind of a bummer to my day but trying to stay hopeful...

ksluice-sounds like things are moving along for you, very exciting!

Fx they can get you in for this test so that you can still start. Thats so frustrating when things get messed up along the way. Everything will work out though and you will get to do IVF.

Bubu~ In case I don't have a chance to get on tomorrow I wanted to wish you luck on Friday. My fingers are crossed tightly for you.

Iris_eyes~ Good luck tomorrow!

AFM~ My husband comes home tomorrow after being away for 2 months. Please excuse me if I'm not on tomorrow. I will probably fall behind quite a bit but I will do my best to catch up when I return. :flower:
Nice sizes! How long do you think you will stim for?

not really sure. they estimate 10 days average, so next weds is the tentative ER. i had a tentative friday scan on the books, but the dr. switched it to saturday this am...no idea what that means. if we stick to the 10 day schedule, then trigger would be monday...maybe they're thinking it makes sense to set up a saturday/monday schedule assuming that monday they can decide if i should trigger? idk :shrug:

Soo close.... wishing you lots of luck
Enjoy your reunion with your DH, MrsC! Is your scan this Friday? I can't wait to hear about it!
Bcp on 7/3, lupron 7/20, stims 7/22, trigger 7/31 (6-8 good follies), egg retrieval tomorrow 8/2...

Good luck everyone!

Hi Nickki, I'm in Texas too and will be starting IVF journey pretty soon. Do i mind if I ask you where in Texas are u doing Ivf? Good luck on ER tomorrow
Enjoy your reunion with your DH, MrsC! Is your scan this Friday? I can't wait to hear about it!

Thank you! It is on Friday. I'm very excited. I'll let you guys know as soon as I get home.
Jc - omg yes!!! I remember you too! Crazy what a year does. Good luck to you too!!! I am doing good...almost done stimming. How are you?

Michelle - that sucks but at least you are able to bring your laptop to keep in touch with work. I hope you get to start stimming.

Mobaby - great news!!

Ksluice - hi! My scan looked good! They put me on menopur only now and estimated er is Sunday or Monday. How did yours go?

Almostthere - yay!!! Im sure all the testing will go smoothly. I hope it goes fast and you don't have to cancel.

Nikkifrank - good luck Tom!!!

Mrsc - enjoy this time with DH!!!! :hugs:

As for me....scan went well today. They put me on menopur and ganirellix only now. I have to go in daily now...not excited about that, but whatever. Lol. Doc said I should be ready Sunday or Monday for er. I'm nervous and excited.
I'm scared of the progesterone shots....do they really hurt?
Thanks so much MrsC!! Have a lovely reunion with DH and ... GL for your scan :hugs:
Thank you so much for all your well wishes, I really appreciate it. It's been so nice to be able to share part of this difficult journey with you.

I wish you all the very best of luck as you move forward with your baby plans and look forward to seeing BFPs from all of you very soon. xx
Swepakepa - you're nearly there! :dust:

Michelle - that is a very strange appointment policy to have! I'm sure lots of people end up with times they don't want! Maybe you could get the numbers of all the girls in the waiting room and ye could ring eachother up and swap appointment times!!:haha:

Mobaby - delighted your u/s went well! Onwards to September!!:D

Ksluice - your scan results sound great!:happydance:

Almost - ugh, so sorry you've had this setback :hugs: Were you able to get an appointment for this week? Is it back to the FS again or can you ge it done somewhere more local? I really feel for you ladies who have to travel long distances for all this... I'm crossing my fingers that everything works out for you and you can join myself and Mobaby for EC in Sept!:D

DrS - great photos!!

Nikki - good luck with your EC! Looking forward to your update!

Andrea - hope you're feeling a bit better today :hugs: I get bad ov pains every month (usually worse than my af ones) so I can definitely imagine that the pain would be quite bad when you've more than one mature follie in there. Rest up as much as you can and take paracetemol or something if you need to :hugs: (and if it's really unbearable ring the dr, better safe than sorry...)

MrsC - have fun with dh! You must be so thrilled to have him home! Not the scan together on Fri!

Haj - good luck with your apt today!

Afm, had my second acu apt yesterday. He asked me to bring both my and dh's results for everything and I think he was quite shocked by the SA. Felt a bit disheartened coming away from it to tell ye the truth. Also I'm not finding it as relaxing as I thought. If anything it's making me more wound up and I'm spending the rest of the day thinking about ivf stuff and wondering if it's going to work whereas for the rest of the week I'm quite good at distracting myself and putting it out of my mind. Does that make sense?:shrug: I get my fix on here in the morning and that has to do me for the day then!:haha: Also, I kinda wish he'd just stick the needles in me and be done but every session seems to be preceded by what feels like a half hour counselling session about how things are going, how I'm feeling etc. He's very nice but I've just never been too comfortable with talking about personal stuff like that except with my close friends (except on here of course!:rofl:) Does anyone else have that experience of acu or is it just me?!:wacko: Ok, mini-rant over now!
michelle01 & MrsC - yes I'll be doing a fresh cycle. Unfortunately I didn't get any frosties my first 2 cycles.

haj - that would've so scary for you, got my fingers crossed that everyone is fine!

Welcome hiccups, hopefully you get lucky on your first cycle :)

Bomo - I'm so sorry! Glad you got some answers so quickly, the next month will go so quickly and you will be cycling before you know it

almostthere - I completely understand you moving to ivf, when you know there is an issue it makes sense to fix it! I haven't told my family or friends either, not even sure if we will when we get our positive. That is why this forum is so great, having people in the same situation to talk to! Fingers crossed your insurance is sorted and you can keep going with the cycle

Betty Boof - huge congrats!

nikkifrank - good luck for you ER!

Has anyone been taking Royal Jelly? I started at the beginning of July and my last time i ovulated I had very strong ovulation pains, just wondering if that has happened to anyone else taking Royal Jelly?
Hi ladies!

Mrs C - good luck on your scan! Cant wait for the update!
Stina - I am good!!! Just started estrogen priming on Monday and I expect AF to be here on Monday or Sunday, so then I will start with my stims on CD3. Cant wait, just a few more days!
Ksluice - how are you today?
Michelle - will you be able to start stimming?
One - how are you holding up?
Haj - good luck today!
Almost - good luck with the IVF, its the best move I think!
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