IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi ladies! Joining in as I just found out today we are approved to move to IVF. I'm guessing it will be sometime this summer.

Hang in the Haj. Have you called your insurance company? They can give you the exact denial reason over the phone. What insurance company is it if I may ask? Mine gave us no problems at all but it could be because of age and my response to the meds. I'll be praying that they do the appeal swiftly for you.
Haj, I'm sorry your insurance company is being a pain. I hope things get figured out quickly for you!

Welcome Noasaint! It's nice to see a fellow Florida girl in here! :)
So I just got a call from the RE that the insurance company denied IVF.:cry: I feel like crawling into a hole right now. My anxiety just like sky rocketed and i feel like i cant breathe. She said my doctor is going to put in a call to the medical director to see if he can change his mind but I feel like i lost all of my hope just now. I just spoke with my Mom and she told me well have faith he can change the medical directors mind and I hope he does but I just feel so defeated right now. i feel like i had hope for this and it just got shot down. now it feels like im setting myself up if i try to have hope that he can change his mind.

haj I'm so sorry to hear this. :hugs: Make me sad for you but please don't give up hope. The clinic should fight for you and get your insurance to help you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Please keep us posted.

s08~ That is great news! How long does the BC usually last for? Do you go a whole pack or do they make people stop at a certain point? I'm so glad you RE was honest about traveling. I think if traveling for IVF I would do it closer to home like you are considering. We are not far from each other! It's nice to know someone in this tread is from the same area (kinda). With the place you are considering only being 3 hours away would you guys drive and stay up there or still fly? I think it's worth a call to the other clinic and seeing how much it would cost and how they would work with you on all the appointment and communication through the process. I look forward to hearing what you decide and what the other place says if you guys decide to do that.

Yah for living in the northwest! I bet you are looking forward to the rain stopping as much as I am! To answer your question, I will take BC a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 5 (or was it 7?). It will be based on our schedule and the clinic's schedule for retrieval/transfer. I just got off the phone with the Vancouver clinic, so this could all change if we do a last-minute switch to that clinic. I really wish I would have started looking into Vancouver earlier, so I wouldn't feel so rushed. It might mean sitting out another month...we'll see.

Haj, sorry about the insurance issue. I loath dealing with insurance companies! Keep us posted.

Yes this rain is driving me crazy! One minute it's nice and sunny out then the next it is black outside and pouring down rain. Thats the northwest I guess. Thanks for the info on the BC. Try not to feel rushed about the IVF and all the timing. You want this to be as relaxing as possible so the added stress won't help. I think you have a pretty good plan going. Maybe just keep in contact with this other clinic over the next couple weeks.

Hi ladies! Joining in as I just found out today we are approved to move to IVF. I'm guessing it will be sometime this summer.

Hang in the Haj. Have you called your insurance company? They can give you the exact denial reason over the phone. What insurance company is it if I may ask? Mine gave us no problems at all but it could be because of age and my response to the meds. I'll be praying that they do the appeal swiftly for you.

Welcome :hi: I hope the next couple months bring a lot of BFP's!

Well ladies I'm having kind of a down day. I don't really know how to explain it. Maybe it's DH being away, or the thought of things not falling into place. I have this horrible fear that finances just will not work out and we will have to pass on the whole IVF. It scares me and makes me so sad. It all just came over me today and I don't know how to get out of this funk I'm in. Just one of those days where I feel like crying I guess. :cry: Tomorrow will be a better day... it has to be.
Hello, I thought I would update - my dh and it's DNA tests came back, all normal so that is great news! But news that made me cry is I have raised levels of an antibody that causes clotting and means babies can get starved of oxygen and food from my placenta. :(. The dr said I would be on daily injections when pregnant and will send me for further tests to see what implications it has on day to day life..... Strangely the only thing I get is cold feet and hands, besides that I'm very healthy, so hoping nothing else is wrong!

Anyway hope everyone has a good easter - we are going away for a week, so I can forget all things medical for a while :)
Hey ladies, the reason we got denied is because my husband has a varicoele and they want him to try surgery first. But our doctor says its so small that surgery will make no difference. I have GHI. So as of yesterday the nurse at my RE's said the doctor was supposed to be putting in a call to the medical director, in hopes of reasoning with him. So right now I'm just waiting to hear back. I'm going to wait till Monday or Tuesday to call them. I'll be lucky if I make it till Monday. Hopefully they'll call me before then with some good news.
mrsc: finances will fall into place:) i felt just like you with ivf #1 but somehow through the grace of God we have finances for #3 . i understand about funk days. its getting better for me but still have no interest in sex life or doing a lot of things. ithink mentally ivf is soo terribly draining so its hard to put on a happy face all the time. feel better. dh being away has to be tough.
hi ladies :)
I had my bloods done last week for IVF im hoping to go ahead with it in August after my summer holiday :happydance:
So I called the RE with some stupid question (that I'm pretty sure I alreayd asked the other dya lol) because I'm a nutcase:blush: and wanted to see if they knew anything yet. I asked if my husband should make his appt for the sperm analysis/sperm freezing...(what ever they're doing) because his schedule is crazy and we could cancel it if need be but they said no dont make it yet, because he was still waiting to talk to the medical director:dohh: i just want some answers!!!
Welcome Noasaint! It's nice to see a fellow Florida girl in here! :)

Well thanks!!! I'm in Central FL. Hoping to not have endure a summer being pregnant in our heat!

Haj your insurance is GHI? I definitely say fight it with the medical director.
Hello, I thought I would update - my dh and it's DNA tests came back, all normal so that is great news! But news that made me cry is I have raised levels of an antibody that causes clotting and means babies can get starved of oxygen and food from my placenta. :(. The dr said I would be on daily injections when pregnant and will send me for further tests to see what implications it has on day to day life..... Strangely the only thing I get is cold feet and hands, besides that I'm very healthy, so hoping nothing else is wrong!

Anyway hope everyone has a good easter - we are going away for a week, so I can forget all things medical for a while :)

I'm glad you DH's tests came back ok. Sorry to hear about your test. I hope they can help you and work something out. Fx everything else goes well.

mrsc: finances will fall into place:) i felt just like you with ivf #1 but somehow through the grace of God we have finances for #3 . i understand about funk days. its getting better for me but still have no interest in sex life or doing a lot of things. ithink mentally ivf is soo terribly draining so its hard to put on a happy face all the time. feel better. dh being away has to be tough.

Thank you MoBaby, it's so hard to get out of this funk. It's like everything depends on money and sometimes it makes me angry and other times it makes me sad. No one in real life understands and that just makes it worse. Last night I just wanted to express how I was feeling to someone (anyone) but no one gets it except you girls. With that I had to share how I was feeling on here and it did help a little bit. I hope that something will change for you so that you are no longer stuck in the funk as well. You are right... this is all so draining and hard to handle sometimes. Putting on that happy face that everyone expects is not the easiest thing to do and to be honest sometimes I just don't want to wear that happy face. I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes though. :dohh: Thank you for your words and I hope you feel better soon as well.

hi ladies :)
I had my bloods done last week for IVF im hoping to go ahead with it in August after my summer holiday :happydance:

Welcome :hi: August will be here in no time!

So I called the RE with some stupid question (that I'm pretty sure I alreayd asked the other dya lol) because I'm a nutcase:blush: and wanted to see if they knew anything yet. I asked if my husband should make his appt for the sperm analysis/sperm freezing...(what ever they're doing) because his schedule is crazy and we could cancel it if need be but they said no dont make it yet, because he was still waiting to talk to the medical director:dohh: i just want some answers!!!

haj I'm in the kids the same situation!! Dh has a urology appointment set for 4/26 and I don't now if we should keep it or not. Ugh... not knowing what is going on is driving me crazy. We can ride the crazy train together on this one. Maybe you could make the appointment and then just see where things go. Sometimes it takes a while to get in and I would hate to see you guys waiting on that one appointment once you get everything approved. The urologist DH has to see is set out 6 weeks so that worked out great for us because that meant he would go in a few days after he gets home. Can you call and see how far out the appointment bookings are just to find out?
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

So I have a problem... When I went for my pap yesterday and asked my nurse practitioner which re in town she would recommend. She firmly said "Neither". She gave me the name of a different re in the next town over. I checked his record and his 2009 rates (latest online) and they are a bit lower than the Dr. who I have an apt with in may. But my NP had nothing good to say about that Dr. at all. I know the rates are a bit lower, but they are also 3 years old. I'm wondering if I should make an apt with the new Dr. and cancel the other. What would you lovely ladies do?
Lucie what does your doc know about the re's in town? I think I might take her word for it and look into the other one. Maybe she has seen ladies from all of the clinics and has seen better outcomes with the one she suggested. Is it a far drive to this other one? Not that it would probably matter much. I would really look in to it.

Sorry if anything is spelled wrong. On my phone at work since there is nothing to do here. (yawn)
Hi All! I hope you had a wonderful Easter :)

Mrs - how are you? I know what you mean, its so difficult for people to understand how taxing this process is, especially the financial burden of it! I know everything will work out for you! xx

Haj - any word on if the medical director spoke to your insurance?

Lucie - hmmm, I find that alot of peoples interactions with one doctor may not be what you experience. I say go with your gut!

Mobaby, liz, missy - how are you all?
Welcome Noasaint! It's nice to see a fellow Florida girl in here! :)

Well thanks!!! I'm in Central FL. Hoping to not have endure a summer being pregnant in our heat!

Haj your insurance is GHI? I definitely say fight it with the medical director.

Yup, I have GHI. Does anyone else??? Yeah thats what my doctor is planning on doing.

Hello, I thought I would update - my dh and it's DNA tests came back, all normal so that is great news! But news that made me cry is I have raised levels of an antibody that causes clotting and means babies can get starved of oxygen and food from my placenta. :(. The dr said I would be on daily injections when pregnant and will send me for further tests to see what implications it has on day to day life..... Strangely the only thing I get is cold feet and hands, besides that I'm very healthy, so hoping nothing else is wrong!

Anyway hope everyone has a good easter - we are going away for a week, so I can forget all things medical for a while :)

I'm glad you DH's tests came back ok. Sorry to hear about your test. I hope they can help you and work something out. Fx everything else goes well.

mrsc: finances will fall into place:) i felt just like you with ivf #1 but somehow through the grace of God we have finances for #3 . i understand about funk days. its getting better for me but still have no interest in sex life or doing a lot of things. ithink mentally ivf is soo terribly draining so its hard to put on a happy face all the time. feel better. dh being away has to be tough.

Thank you MoBaby, it's so hard to get out of this funk. It's like everything depends on money and sometimes it makes me angry and other times it makes me sad. No one in real life understands and that just makes it worse. Last night I just wanted to express how I was feeling to someone (anyone) but no one gets it except you girls. With that I had to share how I was feeling on here and it did help a little bit. I hope that something will change for you so that you are no longer stuck in the funk as well. You are right... this is all so draining and hard to handle sometimes. Putting on that happy face that everyone expects is not the easiest thing to do and to be honest sometimes I just don't want to wear that happy face. I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes though. :dohh: Thank you for your words and I hope you feel better soon as well.

hi ladies :)
I had my bloods done last week for IVF im hoping to go ahead with it in August after my summer holiday :happydance:

Welcome :hi: August will be here in no time!

So I called the RE with some stupid question (that I'm pretty sure I alreayd asked the other dya lol) because I'm a nutcase:blush: and wanted to see if they knew anything yet. I asked if my husband should make his appt for the sperm analysis/sperm freezing...(what ever they're doing) because his schedule is crazy and we could cancel it if need be but they said no dont make it yet, because he was still waiting to talk to the medical director:dohh: i just want some answers!!!

haj I'm in the kids the same situation!! Dh has a urology appointment set for 4/26 and I don't now if we should keep it or not. Ugh... not knowing what is going on is driving me crazy. We can ride the crazy train together on this one. Maybe you could make the appointment and then just see where things go. Sometimes it takes a while to get in and I would hate to see you guys waiting on that one appointment once you get everything approved. The urologist DH has to see is set out 6 weeks so that worked out great for us because that meant he would go in a few days after he gets home. Can you call and see how far out the appointment bookings are just to find out?

The urologist is normally able to get you in pretty fast so I dont want to make any appts for any of that in case the RE was able to talk some sense into the medical director.

Hi All! I hope you had a wonderful Easter :)

Mrs - how are you? I know what you mean, its so difficult for people to understand how taxing this process is, especially the financial burden of it! I know everything will work out for you! xx

Haj - any word on if the medical director spoke to your insurance?

Lucie - hmmm, I find that alot of peoples interactions with one doctor may not be what you experience. I say go with your gut!

Mobaby, liz, missy - how are you all?

Nope nothing yet. I'm (im)patiently waiting. The RE was supposed to be talking to the medical director since Thursday. I know at some point on Friday he still hadn't gotten through to him. I'm going to try to hold off till tomorrow to give them a call. I'm hoping they'll call me before hand
Hey Ladies hope you are all had a great Easter. Just saying HI. No updates here just getting nervous about our taping for the talk show tomorrow. Now they have my husband on stage too. He's was not to happy about it at first but he's OK now
Hey ladies I'm good. Still waiting on af... Day 52 after d/c... Calling on Wednesday if no af by then for intervention. Friday is 8 wks so I want to call Wednesday so I can start meds on the weekend if he wants me to start anything. Otherwise no update. Everything depends on AF which is frustrating!
Hey ladies I'm good. Still waiting on af... Day 52 after d/c... Calling on Wednesday if no af by then for intervention. Friday is 8 wks so I want to call Wednesday so I can start meds on the weekend if he wants me to start anything. Otherwise no update. Everything depends on AF which is frustrating!

How frustrating! Did the dr say they could intervene? I just had my d&c on Friday; I am still in some pain from it, but slowly recovering. Thank goodness for pain pills!!!
Hello, I thought I would update - my dh and it's DNA tests came back, all normal so that is great news! But news that made me cry is I have raised levels of an antibody that causes clotting and means babies can get starved of oxygen and food from my placenta. :(. The dr said I would be on daily injections when pregnant and will send me for further tests to see what implications it has on day to day life..... Strangely the only thing I get is cold feet and hands, besides that I'm very healthy, so hoping nothing else is wrong!

Anyway hope everyone has a good easter - we are going away for a week, so I can forget all things medical for a while :)

Hi hun, they think I have clotting issues too, and believe this to be the cause of my miscarriages, as there is no other medical reason. I just wanted to let you know that I have been put on the daily injections for this pregnancy and they are fine hun, a bit stingy but ok. I think after IVF we become a dab hand at injecting!. I have to stay on them till 14 weeks and continue with other meds to full term. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and that they're not all that bad.

Thinking of you ladies :hugs:
Hey ladies, so I caved and called the RE's office. They still havent heard anything. I completely didnt stress about it all weekend because i knew even if i tried to call they were closed and i wouldnt get an answer...monday rolls around and the anxiety and all that fun stuff shoots back up. I'm just really not good at the waiting game and sadly thats all TTC is.:dohh: Anyways, I just hope the come back with some sort of answer soon. its maddening to me that in a month theres a real chance that i can be pregnant, yet that can all change with a phone call :wacko:
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