IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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still so funny to me that i think i am the ONLY person who never wanted twins. sure im excited about it now (kinda, on some days when im not freaking out about how on earth im going to do this). but... just ironic

I think I would feel that way too if I was planning on being a single mom. But that's what family is for. That plus the financial burden of buying two of everything but then again I know I want two children and I will have to drop another $10K for a second IVF so two for the price of one now would be nice. I think you will do great. You are a wealth of knowledge to all of us.
Hi Everyone!

Almost- I’m so sorry about the delay! I understand the feeling of defeat. I now it’s hard, but have hope!

Haj- I love the new pic! Super cute!

Stinas- Yay, 12 eggs is great!

Never- I hope the cramping gets better!

Michelle- Sounds lie your stimming is going as it should!

Ash- I’m sorry you are having such a hard time with all this. Hopefully this IUI wors and you don’t have to move to IVF!

Teapot- Fingers Crossed for good fertilization!!

Drs- How are you feeling these days? Your little ones being good to you so far? I agree, twins would scare me as well (especially doing this on my own), but I’m ready for anything at this point. :o)

Jenn- Love hearing about the BFP’s!!

Az- How are things going with you?

Swepa- Fingers crossed for good news from your Beta!

Ksluice- How are you doing?

MrsC- You enjoying your time with your Hubby home?

I know I have missed people and I’m sorry about that. I am thinking of everyone often!

AFM, I am just waiting these days. I have had wonderfully fun conversations with both ,y mother and my brother about her they are worried that I am getting depressed and what they think I can do to help with that. I don’t know how to explain to them that yes I am depressed (to an extent). I am terrified that the one thing I have always wanted (to be a mom) is not going to happen and it is out of my control. Doesn’t mean I am giving up hope, or going to quit trying it just scares me. I’m trying to be positive but every time an IUI or IVF fails it just brings up those fears.
Ash - I know you are at your end with IUI. I think if it does not work again, you deserve that purse you were looking at not too long ago....lol...:flower:

teapot - Yay for 10 eggs!!! I am also doing ICSI....i feel like we have a better chance with it. Dont let DH be upset about it....at least he has swimmers that can come out normal lol Got to laugh about things sometimes. Cant wait to hear how they are doing! We can be IVF buddies! We are on the same cycle :happydance:

Jen - Thats soooooo excitinggggg!!!! :happydance:

drsquid - You can do it. I hear if you have twins as your first kids, you kind of dont know the difference. People think its hard with one, but you really dont know what its like with one, so two will be your "normal".

BabyOnMyOwn - :hugs:
hi all, trying to catch up!!

Michelle: on day 5, I had 10s and 8s, I think 13 is great!!

Haj: That is a wonderful picture, and I am so happy you had a great scan! Congrats mama!!!! :happydance:

Almost: I'm sorry they found a polyp, but it is so good to find it now rather than later. It would be terrible to find something like this out at transfer. I am so confident that once its taken care of you're going to have much better luck and lots of good news!!:thumbup:

Phantom: Its very awesome what you are doing!! Can't wait to hear how things unfold.

Swepa: :hugs: my dear. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Stinas: YAY 12 EGGS!! and yay for an easy retrieval! I'm going to channel you on Wednesday, but I can't wait to hear the fert report! :dust:

Never: I'm glad your doc was reassuring! Come on Thursday!

Ash: sorry to hear your feeling down, but understandably so...but maybe you'll have some kind of contrarian rxn and end up with a BFP? That is what I am pulling for :hugs:

Tea: YAY for 8 mature eggs, and glad you're feeling pretty good after your retrieval. Like everyone says, ICSI is good. Fxed for your fert report tomorrow :dust:

Jenn: so exciting!! I can't believe its still 9 days til your beta. The nice thing is that they aren't instantly 1 or 3 years old!

BOMO: :hugs: the fears are a big deal in this process. and they come up when you expect them and when you don't. I think you're doing great, and you have a plan in place. this is the time when you get to feel however you need to and process. giving yourself time to be down/disappointed is better than forcing yourself to be falsely chipper. there is no way you'll know how to make all the decisions you have to during this process unless you give yourself that. you're doing great, babe. :hugs:

AFM: I had a bit of a roller coaster today with concerns about me being a little too responsive to the stims, but the upshot is i am triggering tonight at 9:30. Two hours from the shot and I am :wacko:
Stinas and Teapot, congrats on the great ERs!! Sounds like you'll both have some great embryos in the next couple of days.

Swepa, I don't know what to say other than I'm really pulling for you and I hope things work out :hugs:

Ksluice, good luck with the trigger!! I'm sure it will go fine. Things really seem to start moving quickly once you start stimming, huh?

Almost, I'm sorry to hear about the delay. I had a polyp removed during my lap/hysteroscopy and had no real problems. I spotted for a few days and that was it.

Baby, I totally know how you feel about feeling really down. It's just frustrating how difficult this can be when we're trying so hard - all we hear about are all the unplanned pregnancies in this country and we can't knock ourselves up on purpose! I really thought that being a single mom would be such a challenge, but it never occurred to me I would have such a hard time becoming a mom in the first place! My sister tells me I should just go get drunk and find a willing guy, but I've told her I don't think that would work for me as I'm starting to feel like I have some real fertility problems.

AFM, nothing to report. Just doing my PIO and estrace in preparation for Wednesday's FET. I'm nervous that none of my frosties will survive the thaw and I'm feeling rather pessimistic about the whole thing - blah.
Ksluice- Thank you. . . it's so nice to have this outlet. I try to keep my emotions under check for the most part, but it is hard to be upbeat all the time. Good luck with your trigger and egg retrieval. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

Az- I fully agree, I thought actually being a single mom would be the hard part. Never in a million years did I think it would be this hard to get to that point. I have such a hard time when people tell me to "relax" they know it will happen. Are you back in school yet? How will that work with your FET?
almostthere - I'm so sorry, try to think positive, they found it out before starting ivf and it can be fixed. Do you know when they can remove it?

Swepakepa3 - hoping the latest digi is wrong and your beta result brings positive news.

Stinas - so glad the ER went well, 12 is a great number. Do you get an update tomorrow? Re: the pad comment, so funny, my clinic is exactly the same - they don't even have a sticky part on them :/

ashknowsbest - I have all my fingers crossed that this iui will work for you. Big :hugs:, insurance companies are such a pain!

teapot - glad the ER went well. 8 mature is a good number to work with, ICSI will give you a good chance at lots of fertilized eggies :) Good luck for tomorrow!

ksluice - yay for triggering! Good luck for you ER!!

AFM - had my appt yesterday and all the tests (sperm TUNEL test, pelvic mri, endo biopsy, miscarriage bloodwork) came back ok. My FS feels that my previous 2 losses came down to embryo quality. So the good news is I am starting another cycle as soon as I get AF with the addition of human growth hormone, which is supposed to help with embryo quality, has anyone taken this before? I am due to ovulate any day now so I should be able to start my next cycle towards the end of August :) Really hoping the HGH works!
OkiDoki ... onto the next round for us. :witch: flew in yesterday, right on time to celebrate my birthday with me... :lol: so I have my U/S on the 17th to see how we are doing ovulation-wise. Based on my history, I should ovulate within a couple of days of that - so looks like thawing the next round will be penultimate week of August.
I think that this time, if all survive the freezing and thaw process, that we will just have all three transferred...

Wishing you all a great week. Sorry that I haven't caught up on everyone this time.

Ttb - you should look into 3mg of melatonin daily to help with egg quality.

Bubu - I haven't been on here for a while, sorry to hear the last cycle didn't work. :dust: for this cycle.

Drsquid- I've heard the same thing. It will be your normal. :) you'll do great when they arrive!

Afm- 10dp4dt and hpt BFN. Today is 11dp4dt and beta testing is at 7am. I had my cry yesterday so it won't be a shocker today when I get my results at work.
Oh, Angels :hugs: You know, blood tests show you a result more accurately than HPT - as it takes longer to show in the urine. If you had a 4dt, you might well need longer to see it on the HPT, but might get your :bfp: from the blood test. FX'd for you Honey!

And thank you :) :hug:
Hi girls,

Hope everyone is well this morning. Bit achey today after EC yest, but I'm at work, so it's manageble.

DrSq - try not to worry, as Stinas said - two will be your normal! You'll be great! x

Ksluice - hope youe trigger went well & good luck for EC tomorrow

Jenn - 8 days to beta! the time is creeping by - not long now. x

Bubu - fair play to you for being so pragmatic. Onwards & upwards is the best way to be!

AFM, got our fert report this morning. 4 have fertilised. Feel a bit like I've failed a school test - is that weird?
Embryologist said out of the 10, 8 were mature. 2 didn't react at all the the ICSI, 2 fertilized but were abnormal, so we are left with 4.

ET is provisionally booked for Thu morning (please God they survive). If we get to Thu 8.30am & all are looking good, they may decide to take them to blast (scary).

It's one hurdle after another isn't it!

4 is OK :) It only takes one :hugs:
And don't feel like you have failed anything, Sweetie! You did well with the stimming - it is tough on our bodies, you know! Those four will be growing away nicely and if they are doing well on Thursday (day four then, isn't it?), then another day won't harm them - in fact, it might even up your chances for nice healthy blasts that are ready to hatch and implant better. Fingers crossed for you, Honey.

Never forget ... it only takes 1 :) :dust:
Oh GL teapot-very excited, keep positive, 4 is still great!!!

and no idea when I am to have my polyp removed, but I did stop taking my bcp last night-and I actually did a opk-nearly pos at cd9 WHAT?! so confused lol....but hoping to have a natural cycle this month unwasted by 5 days of pills....also still no call back from FS so I took it upon myself to stop the pill last night.,..
Never - Glad the RE put you at ease about the bleeding and cramping! And yay for your scan on Thursday...that is when I have my next one too :) I am starting to have that full feeling now and getting a little uncomfortable. They had me add the cetrotide injection daily, which stops ovulation, so now I am up to 4 injections a day :wacko:

Teapot - Remember, it only takes 1 egg :hugs:

Stinas - YAY for all those eggies!!!! How are you feeling today?

Angel - :hugs:

TTB - glad you get to start again soon! What is the name of the human growth hormone that you will be on?? With my first failed cycle, the doctor really thought it was my egg quality as well and they just increased my meds for this cycle and I seem to be responding better.

ksluice - Thanks; I feel better knowing that my 13 is a good number and the rest being 10 and just a little under! YAY for triggering :) How exciting; when do you go in for your ET?

Az - That is great you are doing the FET; only a week left! I am sure they will thaw and everything will work out for you :)

One & Jchic - How are you doing?

Jenn - Yay for your continued BFP!!! I have a 3 year old son and it is exhausting keeping up with him at times, especially when going through IVF. I do think it is different when they are your own and soon you will know that feeling :)

Drsquid - When we went for our consult for our first round and the mention of twins just freaked out my DH. I was a little unsure too as I really didn't want twins since I have a 3 year old, but after my first cycle failed and going through this again, I will be very HAPPY to have twins :winkwink: I will take whatever is in the plan for me as long as this cycle is successful!!! I am sure once you have your twins, you will realize it isn't that hard having 2 :)

I have about 15 follicles now and I go back Thursday for my next scan and bloodwork. I am having that full feeling and heavy now and so tired! So for the girls that went through stimming, what did you do in regards to exercising? I asked the nurse and she said I could continue, which I did last cycle, but I am trying to make some changes with this one. I normally go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but I don't want to risk twisting or doing anything to ruin my chances with this cycle! I have read that some clinics recommend stopping at 5 days of stimming and some say you can keep working out, but just not lifting anything over 15 pounds?
Michelle, I'm doing ok, I started my stims last night, and they reduced my morning lurpron. I am so scared for my 1st sono, really hope I have a much better result than last time.

As far as working out, my dr said nothing that makes you jump for fear that your ovaries are swollen and they can twist, so lifiting probably couldnt hurt. I know that drsquid worked out throughout her stimming period.

I will do personals as soon as I catch up. One day I'm not on, there is so much activity.
Oh GL teapot-very excited, keep positive, 4 is still great!!!

and no idea when I am to have my polyp removed, but I did stop taking my bcp last night-and I actually did a opk-nearly pos at cd9 WHAT?! so confused lol....but hoping to have a natural cycle this month unwasted by 5 days of pills....also still no call back from FS so I took it upon myself to stop the pill last night.,..

Good luck with everything, I know from experience as well that insurance companies are in big PITA!!
Hello ladies this is going to be the longest reply ever.... This thread moves so quickly its so hard for me to try to catch up. I'm actually at work and found some time to finally post on here again. I gave up home-internet service to be able to afford Ivf along with getting my nails done.LOL. But I've been following along on my Phone and im always thinking of you ladies.:flower:

So here it goes:

Almost-sorry insurance is being a pain. Keep hopes up doll

Teapot-GL on EC

Stinas-you are hilarious. Wishing you tons of luck on ER

Oneof14-GL on scan

Haj-Cute pix

MrsC- twins wow congrats

Drsquid-two for one. You will do great

Never-Gl on scan tomorrow

Jenn-yay for PUPO

Bubu-sending you GL for FET#2

TTB-hoping new cycle with HGH works for you

Swepa-Hope you are doing ok

Azlissie-Good luck on FET

Angel-Prayin for you

Ash-Hope this one works for u

Michelle- How are you doing with stims?

To Mobaby, Phantom, Ksluice, Jchic and anyone else i missed I hope everyone is doing ok. :wave:

AFM, waiting on AF for a baseline sono. She was due yesterday and still no signs of her.

Take care ladies!!!!
One - did they increase your dosage? I know that seems to have helped so far this cycle for me. And thanks; I will probably keep working out as I feel up for it, just taking it down a notch :)

hiccups - Hi! Today is day 6 of stimming for me and I am already at the point of wanting to be done :) I am tired, bloated and feeling heavy and full :wacko: Hope AF shows for you soon; nothing worse then waiting for her and she doesn't show when she you want her too!
One - did they increase your dosage? I know that seems to have helped so far this cycle for me. And thanks; I will probably keep working out as I feel up for it, just taking it down a notch :)

hiccups - Hi! Today is day 6 of stimming for me and I am already at the point of wanting to be done :) I am tired, bloated and feeling heavy and full :wacko: Hope AF shows for you soon; nothing worse then waiting for her and she doesn't show when she you want her too!

Since last cycle? I believe to start off they did. Last cycle my follie sizes were all over the place. I just hope this cycle w/the lupron & BCP Im not surpressed too much!! There is always something to worry about. ](*,)
Good morning beautiful women :flower:

AZlisse: hang in there. Try to stay positive :hugs:

Bubu: I am so sorry, but your spirit is contagious. Way to stay strong :hugs:

TTB: happy to hear all your tests came back ok. :thumbup:

Angels: Praying for your BFP :hugs:

Almost: hang in there. At least it seems like you have a good plan for everything. One day at a time.

Teapot: Like they all say "it only takes one" :hugs:

Michelle: My medications are 200mg Follistim- 1ml Menopur then I will move on to Ganirelix. Of course Doxycycline and Prednisone and PIO and Crinone down the road. Are you on any of these?

Hiccups: :hi:

Oneof14: Yay for stims! What protocol are you on?

Everyone: Good morning and God bless! :kiss:

As for me: Bleeding and cramping came to a grinding hault last night! Thak you Jesus :happydance: Now I just feel super sleepy. Which is fine by me! We have our next scan Thursday morning. Praying for good news. Beings how Friday he only saw maybe 7-8 follicles. Which is crazy because throughout my IUI's I had that many on each side! Could it have been the bcp??? :shrug:

Praying for us all!
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