IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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so sorry swepa :hugs: to you!'

i paid at my down reg scan.
I'm having a very negative attitude about the IUI and already pretty much consider myself out because I'm just so sick of being positive and then being so let down. As OH and I were leaving for the IUI this morning I said to him, lets go waste our time and he was like dont' say that but it's how I feel. Just need to get through until October and then I can move onto IVF. If it works great and if not I won't be disappointed because I'm not hopeful.

:hugs: I'm sorry you are feeling this way. My fingers are crossed for an IUI bfp for you.

I had my egg collection this morning. Got 10 eggs, 8 were mature. Have had to do a last minute switch to ICSI which I'm a bit worried about. :shrug:

They weren't happy with DH's sample (he has never had any issues before), they called him back to do a 2nd one & still not good enough for IVF, so they said ICSI was the only way to go.

Hoping & praying for a good fert report in the morning [-o<

Feel ok after it, a bit achey, the odd twinge, but no bleeding, just very light spotting thankfully. Off for an early night now - work tomorrow/no rest for the wicked!

Take care ladies. xx :hugs: :flower:

Yay for 8 mature! I'm glad that you are feeling ok. I now see that 4 fertilized. That is still a good number. Don't give up on the ones you have. They will grow strong for you. Good luck on Thursday!

MrsC- You enjoying your time with your Hubby home?

AFM, I am just waiting these days. I have had wonderfully fun conversations with both ,y mother and my brother about her they are worried that I am getting depressed and what they think I can do to help with that. I don’t know how to explain to them that yes I am depressed (to an extent). I am terrified that the one thing I have always wanted (to be a mom) is not going to happen and it is out of my control. Doesn’t mean I am giving up hope, or going to quit trying it just scares me. I’m trying to be positive but every time an IUI or IVF fails it just brings up those fears.

It is so nice to have him home (which is why I'm falling so far behind here). He leaves in 9 days so that sucks but we are trying to make the best of it.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling a little. I know this journey can be so tough and others just don't understand. You have every right to be sad. We all understand it.

AFM: I had a bit of a roller coaster today with concerns about me being a little too responsive to the stims, but the upshot is i am triggering tonight at 9:30. Two hours from the shot and I am :wacko:

Yay for trigger!! I assume you will be having ER tomorrow so good luck!

OkiDoki ... onto the next round for us. :witch: flew in yesterday, right on time to celebrate my birthday with me... :lol: so I have my U/S on the 17th to see how we are doing ovulation-wise. Based on my history, I should ovulate within a couple of days of that - so looks like thawing the next round will be penultimate week of August.
I think that this time, if all survive the freezing and thaw process, that we will just have all three transferred...

Wishing you all a great week. Sorry that I haven't caught up on everyone this time.


:hugs: I'm sorry.

Afm- 10dp4dt and hpt BFN. Today is 11dp4dt and beta testing is at 7am. I had my cry yesterday so it won't be a shocker today when I get my results at work.

I hope the beta shows something that the tests aren't. Good luck!

I have about 15 follicles now and I go back Thursday for my next scan and bloodwork. I am having that full feeling and heavy now and so tired! So for the girls that went through stimming, what did you do in regards to exercising? I asked the nurse and she said I could continue, which I did last cycle, but I am trying to make some changes with this one. I normally go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but I don't want to risk twisting or doing anything to ruin my chances with this cycle! I have read that some clinics recommend stopping at 5 days of stimming and some say you can keep working out, but just not lifting anything over 15 pounds?

Good luck on Thursday!

As for me: Bleeding and cramping came to a grinding hault last night! Thak you Jesus :happydance: Now I just feel super sleepy. Which is fine by me! We have our next scan Thursday morning. Praying for good news. Beings how Friday he only saw maybe 7-8 follicles. Which is crazy because throughout my IUI's I had that many on each side! Could it have been the bcp??? :shrug:

Praying for us all!

I'm glad the bleeding and cramping has stopped. Thursday is a busy day! Good luck to you!

Hello Ladies,
I have been MIA for a few days since I started stims. So much is going on here...
Congrats to all the new girls who got their BFP.
MrsC - Yay for twins!!

AFM, today is day 8 of stims and I had an ultrasound. The doctor said things looked fine and he is anticipating ER on 8/13. The largest was around 13 mm today and others at 10, 11 or 12. Does this seem normal? How many days of stims was everyone else on before ER?

I am just nervous about the whole process and would appreciate some input from girls who have been through ER.

Thank you! Fx for Monday!

GL wantbabysoon!

AFM GOOD NEWS, FINALLY GOOD NEWS! =) I got insurance approval already, sooo fast-it only took ONE DAY after my SIS!! =)

Anywho, still unsure if I can continue this ivf cycle due to the possibility I made need a HSG to rid of my polyp....I left yet another voicemail to my FS nursing staff and asked my financial lady to email the nurses...I did not take BCP last night, do you think if I skip tonight and just take two tomorrow that it will be fine? I know it is fine in regular pregnancy prevention to do that...but this is to regulate my cycle...I doubt my FS will call me back today, so just thinking of not taking my pill tonight and waiting to hear back tomorrow....hmmmm

:happydance: That is wonderful news! I agree with drs and what she said about moving forward.

1st beta results are in........... 6......... :(, not looking good at all, repeat beta scheduled for tomorrow morning.... Won't have results until tomorrow eveninh

:hugs: I'm so sorry :(

I got an update today....so yesterday we collected 12 eggs....10 mature and as of today 3 fertilized. Im a little sad about it, but still happy we got something. I didnt put my hopes up high anyways, but was hoping for more I guess...DH is a little sad, but more good news is that we still have some frozen sperm left! Doc also said the embryologist said that it looks like a couple should fertilize soon. So as of now, we are doing day 5 transfer....nurse said sat, but doc left dh a message saying sunday.....so I will call tom to confirm which day is correct. Now we just need to figure out exactly how many we are going to transfer. We are leaning more towards two, but still not sure yet. They say because im young and healthy, we have a good chance, but im still scared.

3 is still good. The process you and dh have been down has been a tough one. Don't let the 3 get you down. Those 3 (maybe more) will turn into you LO's! Fx for your ET!!

I have a question for you self pay ladies. After baseline sono, when did you have to pay up? Where you expected to pay in advance? Or pay as you go?
On my initial visit I was given a package with estimated cost and it's broken down like this:
Physician fees-4500
IVF Fee-3300
Anesthesia Fee-500
Meds-2500 to 5000

Husband and I just want a better idea of by when we need the $$. We might have to put meds cost on credit card :(

If things had worked out financially for us we would have had to have everything paid before ER. It was a pay as you go thing BUT they required a deposit of $11,500 before the meds were ordered. Needless to say they made everything so confusing with the money part.
BOMO: I know how you feel I've been there. I was too job focused and was single until I was 31. I've always know I was meant to be a mom and I seriously thought about doing IVF with donor sperm. I ended up meeting my husband and two years later we started TTC that was three years ago. And I have been depressed many times over this whole situation but what always got me through is that I truely believe that I am meant to be a mom and that it will happen. I believe this will work out for you and you need to be positive. :hugs:

Ksluice: Yeah for triggering!! :happydance: Good Luck with your ER, I hope you get lots of eggies!

Azlissie: This is all meant to be lots of clinics have a higher success rate with FETs. Good Luck!

TTB: It sounds like you docs are doing all the right stuff and it's great that you will be able to get started soon. :happydance:

Bubu: Yeah that you are getting started again too! :happydance: I hope all your embryos do survive the thaw.

Angels: Sorry to hear this, this IVF stuff is so hard. :cry:

Teapot: I was in your same boat with one less and all three made it to day 5. On day three they were all the same cells and rating and by day 5 one was lagging. I went with the two good ones and the last one stopped progressing. I honestly feel that bringing them to day 5 although scary it helped determine the strong ones and resulted in our BFP. I hope you have similar results. Good Luck.

Michelle: I felt bloated too towards the end but the good news was that it went away a few days after ER. I think I'd take it easy on the gym since your ovaries are probably double or triple in size. But I commend you on your dedication 5-6 days is fantastic! Good Luck at your scan

Angie: I'm glad to hear your feeling better. Good luck at your scan.

Wantbaby: I was on stims for 11 days and your sizes sound inline with most others. The ER for me wasn't that bad, it hurt as the needle went into each ovary but other then that nothing. I only felt discomfort for 2-3 days after. Good luck with your ER.

Drsquid: Are you scooping your litter box? I heard you shouldn't do it if preggo. I know in some cases there is no option. I have my mother doing mine because my DH is an ass and he won't do it. LOL! I have 5 pets and every time I change my bed someone pukes on it. :dohh:

Almost: Yeah for getting your insurance apporved. :happydance: I hope you can get started soon.

Swepakepa: :hugs: Sorry. :cry:

Stinas: Three was my lucky number. I hope it is yours too!
jenn- im single so... eh the risk is toxo but.. my cats are indoor cats. if they have toxo, ive long since been exposed. if they dont... then no biggie. mostly im just lazy. i have super crazy easy to scoop box but never remember to bring up bags... i feel bad for my cats cause it is always bad... i have this one btw. https://www.omegapaw.com/products/roll-clean-litter-box.html
thanks everyone......

Good luck everyone.... hard to keep up with this thread....
hiccups - We paid the day we started our meds....but their rule was that you need to pay in full BEFORE retrieval. Those prices sound a lot better than mine lol

drsquid - I know its crazy. Im sure you will figure it all out when they come. Things seem to fall in place when you least expect it. There is nothing wrong with a nanny...you need to pay the bills right? Got to do what you got to do!

Jenn - I really hope so!! Thanks!
Thanks ladies for all the positive thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately all the ladies that my RE did the transfer for had a negative result today :(

We have three frosties. We don't get to meet RE till aug 17th. They want me on bcps with expected transfer in early October. They said they can't fit me into the september transfer because i would not have had enough time to rest my ovaries... Hubby wants to try one embie at a time...we'll see what the doctor says.

:dust: to all
Thanks ladies for all the positive thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately all the ladies that my RE did the transfer for had a negative result today :(

We have three frosties. We don't get to meet RE till aug 17th. They want me on bcps with expected transfer in early October. They said they can't fit me into the september transfer because i would not have had enough time to rest my ovaries... Hubby wants to try one embie at a time...we'll see what the doctor says.

:dust: to all

I'm so sorry :hugs: I hope that the FET works when you are ready.
angels2012 - thanks I will definitely look into the melatonin! I'm so sorry that this cycle didn't work for you big :hugs:

teapot & Stinas - sorry your didn't have as many fertilized as you wanted, 3 & 4 are still good so don't give up hope!

michelle01 - he didn't mention the name. Are you on HGH? I don't have a problem with making enough eggs, in fact my first cycle he thought I had too many, it's the quality that is the probem. My second cycle he actually lowered my fsh dose trying to get fewer but better quality eggs, it worked butnought ell enough :( Re: exercising, I stopped after a few days of stimming, I was just so bloated (and tired) I couldn't handle doing any. The bloating continued until I got my period so it wasn't until then that I started exercising again.

almostthere - so happy that you got approval, you must be beyond excited!

Swepakepa3 - gosh I am sorry sorry for your low beta! I have gone through that twice and would not wish that on anyone else! Big :hugs:
Hiya, heres my update:
Our 1st IVF/ICSI cycle with low AMH / high FSH and poor sperm
ICSI short protocol, no downregging
Gonal f 300iu for cd2-12.
Two follicles in left ovary (20 & 21mm 5 Aug) none in right.
One egg retrieved 7 Aug.
Embryo 8 Aug.
Hoping for ET 9 Aug (my birthday!)

Good luck ladies & lots of :dust:
Welcome threebirds :howdy: Fingers crossed for a nice development and transfer on your birthday :)

So sorry Swepa, hope you are ok :hugs::hugs:

Angels 2012 :hugs: for you too, the time til your FET won't be long going. x

Hello threebirds :wave: I might be having ET tomorrow too.

Bubu - notice your little smiley is 'sad'. Sending hugs to you from the UK. x

Stina - hope your three and my four little dudes are keeping cosy & growing their little socks off :oneofeach::oneofeach:

...feeling VERY bloated & nauseous last night & today. Trying to drink lots, but just doesn't feel like there's any room for a drink to go in! I'm at work & when customers are fussing over nothing I want to SCREAM at them DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M DOING THIS WEEK!! GET A GRIP!

Lols - rant over! I love having you guys on here! xxxx
Ahhh - thanks teapot! I guess I need to make him hopeful again :)

I actually was incredibly bloated and swollen after ER until about a day or so after transfer. In fact, the day of the ER was the least sore, somehow... Sitting was really uncomfortable and drinking loads didn't help much ... But it does go away :) :hugs:

Angels2012: sorry it didn't work :( fet soon!
TTB - No I am not on the HGH, was just curious what it was. I am done working out for now, I am so bloated and feel so heavy. I am a little worried as in the past 3 days I have gained 2.5 pounds now. I weighed myself this morning. I feel like a fat cow :haha:

Swepakepa3 - I am so sorry :hugs:

Almost - That is great news on the insurance!

Teapot and Threebirds - Good luck with your ET.

Angels - I am so sorry :hugs:

Jenn - Thanks; I go everyday during lunch and then once on the weekend, usually. I feel like something is missing if I don't workout and now that I have to stop cause I just cannot do it, I feel so lost today :wacko: I was hurting after I worked out yesterday and its just not worth it to me; I only have a few more days left of stimming anyhow.
Well, thanks to a legal snag, I'm definately out for a transfer this month, and now we're looking at more the middle of september, not the beginning. Bummer!

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you with ET soon!
phantom-sorry about the delay-but it sounds like a very short one, so keep positive!!
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