IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Haj, At least your RE's office is nice and understanding. I agree, you have a great shot, especially when the doctor is so adamant about IVF . Insurance companies piss me off, because its like, you PAY for the freaking coverage, and right when you need it, they act like assholes. I am confident it will work out for you, I truly am. Try to distract yourself (I know, I know, how could you possibly). Are you going to follow up with Rochelle tomorrow?
I haven't been on this thread for a while but lovely to check back with everyone. Welcome to all the new ladies, hopefully we will all have some wonderfully happy journeys to share together!

I have been going to acupuncture weekly and I think it is really helping. After having 6 cycles of comic my lining was really thin and my periods were getting shorter and shorter but this last period was back to being pretty decent. Going to keep going next month as I don't think it could do me any harm!

Got an apt with my specialist on April 30th with my medication due to start after my May period.

Hope everyone out there is ok and that everyone has a smooth cycle! Bit nervous as this will be my first IVF cycle!

Hey ladies I'm good. Still waiting on af... Day 52 after d/c... Calling on Wednesday if no af by then for intervention. Friday is 8 wks so I want to call Wednesday so I can start meds on the weekend if he wants me to start anything. Otherwise no update. Everything depends on AF which is frustrating!

How frustrating! Did the dr say they could intervene? I just had my d&c on Friday; I am still in some pain from it, but slowly recovering. Thank goodness for pain pills!!!

they can rx provera to try and kick start it. i was 100% normal before with perfect 28 day cycles and i coud predict them based on pre af symptoms.

im sorry for your loss :( i had pain for no lie 4 wks post which isnt normal but dr said everything was fine. i wonder if this has anything to do with delayed af? im calling tomorrow not wednesday ive decided. ive waited long enough and im truly frustrated! when will you retry?

Sounds like me...28 day cycle and was normal! I am a bit worried, even though its five days post-op, I am hurting. I am taking pain meds and dr said some people have a harder recovery. I am so tired all the time too. They are doing chromosome testing and based on that I may have to have some more tests ran. I want to start another cycle as soon as possible, but know that depends on when af comes too.

Hopefully the dr can get you regulated again!! Fingers crossed for you!!
Haj - I hope you get your insurance dilema worked out! Hopefully you hear good news and can continue on with IVF!

Welcome tiffttc and alscreetch! I recently joined this group as I had a failed ivf in march. I had my d&c last friday and now waiting to heal so I can start another cycle around july.
HAJ I agree with Jchic appeal the denial hopefully they will change their mind. It's great that you have a great RE that will help you battle them. Good Luck.

Sekky good luck!! Here's hoping this time you will get your BFP.

Mobaby good luck with your appointment tomorrow, I really hope you get some answers.

Welcome Tiffttc and Alscreetch :hi: This is a great form. It really helps to type what you are feeling and have people understand. I've been reading a bunch of different blogs and they really help.

Hope everyone is doing well. Time is flying by and May is fast approaching. I'm super excited to hear about all of the ladies progress that are finally starting IVF. Best wishes to all.
Hey ladies,

Sorry it's been a few days. Things around here have been a little crazy. Nothing with IVF just life. All is well though.

BlueStorm~ I hope the taping went well today. I will hop over to your journal as soon as I'm finished here and see if you have any updates about it. I'm glad DH became ok with going.

haj~ I'm sorry the insurance is still being a pain in the ass. I know how all that goes and it's horrible. I'm sure the letter was just the icing on the cake. I'm so happy that you have an RE who is helping you and fighting for you. Fingers crossed!

Jenn~ Sorry about your kitty. :( I hope things are looking better and she is doing well now. As for the casino and the woman smoking and drinking. :growlmad: That makes me angry!! If only she knew what some women have to go through to get pregnant and that far along!
Congrats on being married!! :happydance:

s08~ It's almost BC time!! I hope you are doing well and I'm sure you are getting excited. Who would have thought that starting BC could mean so much when trying for a baby. I agree that traveling isn't worth the stress. Being in your own home during the process and being able to have the comfort in your bed is important. Thats what I thought about when we talked about traveling.

sekky~ I hope the insemination goes well and you end up with a BFP at the end! You will not even have to think about IVF anymore.

MoBaby~ I hope the appointment goes as well as it can tomorrow. AF is being very stubborn for you and I would be so frustrated if I were you. I really hope they can give you some answers tomorrow. Are they still talking about ways to make AF show?

tiffttc~ Welcome :hi: Sounds like you will be getting started very soon! I can't wait to hear how things go for you.

alscreetch~ Welcome :hi: I'm glad you have decide to post. It can be scary but I promise all the ladies in here are great and very supportive. I look forward to hearing how your u/s goes next week. Fingers crossed everything looks great and you will start Lupron the next day.

jchic~ How are you doing? I hope the 2ww is treating you well. What is your test date?

everhopeful~ I'm glad you are still here and updating. The 30th will be here in no time. I think we are all at least a little nervous and that is completely normal!

JDH~ How are you doing? I know you got your BFP but I just wanted to check in with you.

Lucie~ Did you decide on where you will go for a new consult? I hope you are doing ok hun.

MJ and l8bloomer~ The dates for your appointments are approaching! Please let us know how everything goes.

I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well and finding things to keep yourself busy during all this waiting.

AFM~ Just been busy with work and things like that. I reported a few days ago that I asked the new clinic if I need to still have an SIS since I just had an HSG in December. Well that Friday I called the old clinic and asked the records department to fax over my HSG results to the new clinic because apparently they forgot to send that one over. The guy said he would do it right away. Well I called Monday to make sure they got it and of course they didn't. :growlmad: I had a feeling, it's part of the reason I left there. They are just to busy doing what they want and don't have a care about anyone as a person. So today I requested them again... lets see if they finally make it over to the new place. Also I kinda needs some opinions. We still are unsure if finances are going to come together but DH has a urology appointment on the 26th. Thats $340.00 and I don't know if we should keep it or push it back a little bit. Insurance doesn't cover it just like everything else so thats where I'm stuck at. What would you ladies do??

:hugs: To all of you. A :flower: for being so supportive and strong during this whole thing.
Thanks for thinking of me MrsC. Dh and I have decided to keep the apt with the other re in our town. All the bad things I have heard have all been second hand info. So now just wishing May 8 h would hurry up and get here! I'm anxious to hear what he has to say.

Hope you ladies are doing well!
hey ladies thank you so much for your support.:flower: I never heard back from the doctor yesterday so I just gave them a call and Rochelle had answered and I said I just wanted to see if you heard anything back yesterday (I guarentee this woman is ready to kill me) and she was like when I was leaving at like 5 to 5 yesterday I gave them a call saying I had never heard back from them and she said they said the medical director asked for my doctors cell phone number so they gave it to him. So shes like hold on let me ask the doctor if he called and she put me on hold and came back and was like nope he never called him. So pretty much I'm waiting on this dumb medical director to call my doctor back and make a decision. I can only assume he has no idea how people (especially women) feel when they are in this kind of limbo:dohh:
He absolutely has NO idea how women feel. WHAT an ass! I hope he calls asap!
He absolutely has NO idea how women feel. WHAT an ass! I hope he calls asap!

Me too. DH and I live in an apt complex and last night we found out the couple across the hall from us is pregnant...i smiled and congratulated them, then I went into our apt and cried my eyes out. I really dont want to me bitter and feel sad everytime i hear or see someone is pregnant but I just feel so stressed that I'm either never going to have a baby or its going to take us forever:cry:
haj you will have a baby!! It's going to work out for you, I truly believe that. :hugs:
So it appears I have ovulated already so they said if no af in 2 weeks to let them know. So no meds for af now. So now I have to wait. Oh and the nurse was like your doing ivf in July right? I said no I thought June and she informed me they take June off so I can't start bcp until june now! Now I'm just upset now because that's 4 more weeks plus of waiting. I wanted the cycle to be before my birthday in July but I guess not :(
I agree that the whole system is really screwed up. Too many men rule when it comes to sensitive woman issues. While yes we are all emotional creatures, but these asses don't understand point...blank... They do not feel the undeniable need to become a mother (at least for some of us) and the lenghts that we would go through. I feel our sense of emotional baggage is treated and abused by the insurance & medical industry simply because they can. I am sorry Haj, but trust and believe don't give up.

Sorry for my tangent, just in that kind of a mood today! I received my Follistim today, and just paid for it, so I am feeling financially raped! All out of pocket here, no insurance coverage :(
That's the same as me :( all ou of pocket! I pay how much for health insurance and can't even use it. It's not like I chose to do ivf.
I'm in the same boat ladies. It's horrible that we pay for health insurance but can't even use it foe what we need. Ugh... it just pisses me off. :growlmad: Ok sorry, thats my rant for the day.

MoBaby~ I'm glad you are ovulating. Now just the wait for af. I know it's not going to be easy but at least you know your body is working with you a little bit. Sorry to hear they are making you wait an extra month though. :hugs:
My heart breaks for all of the ladies that insurance won't cover it for. Its not like we want plastic surgery...we want babies and I thinkg everyone (almost everyone) deserves the chance!!!
I agree MrsC & Mobaby! Pisses me off too, it's a legitimate rant ;) For most of us IVF isn't a choice. I don't have tubes, it is not "humanly" possible (godly yes) for me to conceive naturally.

Mobaby- Ovulation is good, AF will be here soon :) I know how you feel about planning cycles around birthdays. If you start BCP in June you can still be preggers in July. Which would be the best birthday gift ever!!! (optimistic for JULY BFP) Mine is in June, and doing ET in May. Everything will work out!!

Haj- Don't feel bad for having coverage. I think we would agree that we are happy for the women that do have coverage, and just wish that IVF and like ART procedures wouldn't be so politically challenged in other states! But look at what your going through, they still find loopholes... I hope your RE wins your case... I love it when the underdog prevails!! :)
Hey everyone!! thanks everyone for welcoming.......iam sorry to hear that some of your insurance companies are acting so cruel with ye i live in ireland so we are covered under the HSE so our ivf/icsi #1 is going to cost us 3100 euro and that inculdes all the nessicary tests that will be accosiated with it.......i thought that was expensive until i heard some of your prices WOW it is expensive........has anyone been to an introduction day about ivf?? mine is 22nd may and iam just wondering what was it like?? i dont really know waht to expect iam a bit scared and nervous!!!
Welcom tiffttc & alscreetch

Jenn - Congrats on getting hitched. I really hope your cat is doing better

Haj - This is awful what this medical directore is putting you thru. Just keep on top of them so they can keep on top of him. At least your RE is fighting for you.

Sekky - Good luck with this cycle I hope this is it for you and no IVF

MoBaby- Sorry that you have to wait another month. I know how hard it can be when you are all set for one date and then it gets changed.

Mrs C - Sorry that your old clinic is still screwing you up. I hope they get those papers faxed and you don't have to havet the SIS

Lucie - I think you made a good decision.

AFM - I had my taping yesterday on The Revolution. It was really great. I was super nervous but once I meet everyone and they were so nice I felt much better. I have to say Dr. Jen was really nice and she is really passionate about getting infertility awareness out there (we spoke off camera about it a lot) Tim Gunn is the nicest person I ever meet. We spoke after the tapping and he wished us so much luck and had so many nice things to say. Some of it was a little scripted and they made me pretend I didn't know about certian stuff that I already knew about. My DH lied and said his sperm were ok, b\c he was embarrassed, but that's ok :winkwink: So it is going to air the week of the 22nd which is national infertility week. I don't know the exact date yet but will let you all know when I find out. It was fun getting hair and makeup done and all. We also saw Ty Pennington and he was super nice too. For some reason I expected everyone to be snobby.

Hope everyone else is doing well today :flower:
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